Minutes of the Meeting of Milton Parish Council
           held on Monday 2nd June 2003 at 7.30pm in the Community Centre

Present:   PK Oldham (chair)   HM Smith   EH Baker   RH Chapman
           JE Coston (from min 258/03)   IR Cowley   R Day   M Ellwood
           RJ Farrington   B Jefferson   CJ Lock   IF May (from min 249/03)
           RT Summerfield   LC Twinn   RLE Waters
           The clerk  SJ Daniels
232/03 1   Apologies for absence   -   JEC (at Waterbeach Library meeting).    
           There were no declarations of interest.

233/03 2   Minutes - the minutes of the meeting of 12 May 03 were approved and
           signed following the addition of RHC as a representative on the
           Landfill Liaison Committee.

       3   Clerk's Report  
234/03     Highways Committee
(190/03)   A meeting was scheduled for 9 June -  Mark Kemp CCC to attend. 

235/03     Sewage Works
(212/03)   Noted that AWA had installed odour neutralising sprays along the A14
           boundary and were installing odour-scrubbing systems. They were
           "never going to be able to stop odour being emitted from the site.
           That is unfortunately impossible.." (letter dated 22nd  May).
           SCDC were considering prosecution.

236/03     Horse Chestnut Trees Memorial Green
           As four horse chestnut trees in Coles Road, including the big one
           near the war memorial were suffering from bleeding canker (the big
           one in particular being dangerous), Town and Country Tree and
           Surgery Co had taken the trees down at a cost of £220. Council would
           re-plant next Winter. 

237/03     War Memorial
           SCDC had suggested that Council have the memorial cleaned and the
           lettering re-pointed. Louise Tiplady would examine the memorial and
           carry out necessary repairs.
           It was AGREED to take no further action.

       4   Planning 
238/03     Cambridge Rowing Lake - the Rowing Trust were preparing an
           Environmental Statement.   Council's comments:  
           "The plan shows a greater expanse of water (the teaching lake). We
           are concerned about the environmental implications: What will happen
           to the extra spoil excavated?  Will the banks therefore be higher?
           The proposed country park will be smaller as a result.

           We are also concerned about the water level of the lake and the
           effect on existing land drainage schemes and the water table."

239/03     Mr & Mrs Campbell   54 Butt Lane - noted that the Planning Officers
(203/03)   were recommending approval.

240/03     Mr & Mrs Henderson  28 The Rowans - confirmed that the "rear
(158/03)   extension" on the application plans was a mistake by the agent.
           Noted that the application was refused. 
           Contrary to Structure Plan Policy SP12/10  and Local Plan Proposed
           Modifications 2002 Policy HG17.
           The amenities of the occupants of number 30 would be harmed by the
           first floor windows overlooking short rear garden and the first
           floor extension blocking what little light reaches this rear garden.

241/03     Parish Planning Pack - two copies received - to be circulated.
           Action:  the clerk
           This planning guidance for parish councils had been prepared by SCDC.
           PKO and RJF would attend an informal training meeting on Thursday
           10 July at South Cambs Hall 6.30pm to 8.30pm.

242/03     Appeal - by Mr J Crickmore against:
(9/03)     1  an enforcement notice for breach of planning control (siting of
              twin-unit mobile home on land for residential occupation and
              ancillary engineering works) and 
(419/02)   2  refusal to grant planning permission for erection of a mobile
              home to accommodate one gypsy family for 3 years.
           Both appeals dismissed and enforcement notice upheld for 1 above.

           Decisions Received
243/03     Camstead Ltd - 7 houses at land at Shirley Close - approved. Details
(19/03)    to be approved: external materials, surface water drainage, foul
           sewage disposal, finished floor levels in relation to ground levels,
           1.8m high brick boundary walls, area for parking, turning, loading
           and unloading of constructors' vehicles.
           Planting in approved landscaping scheme to be completed in the first
           planting season following completion of development or occupation of
           the buildings whichever is the sooner.
           No demolition of buildings to take place between 1st May and
           31st October (bats roosting site). Details of compensatory habitat
           and roost sites for bats to be approved.
244/03     J Holder Queen Anne Lodge Fen Road - garage/workshop - approved.
(116/03)   Materials for external walls and roof and details of fenestration to
           be approved. All windows and doors to be of timber construction.
           Details of depth and form of construction of garage floor to be

245/03     Mr & Mrs M Bamforth  9 David Bull Way - approved. External materials
(157/03)   to be identical to those used for the existing building.

246/03     Mr & Mrs Heald 5 Garner Close - extension - approved.

           New Applications
247/03     S/2246/02  Plastic Logic Ltd  Units 32-35 Science Park - 3 roof
(77/03)    mounted flues and associated works, staircase and safety rails and
           chiller plant/enclosure - amendments: chimney stacks reduced to one,
           staircase replaced with a Cat ladder, further storage vessel
           screened by timber clad palisade - for information only.

248/03     S/0916/03 to S/938/03 Various applications for siting of gypsy
           caravans at Sandy Park Chesterton Fen Road - refuse -  "Milton
           Parish Council supports SCDC's Policy for Chesterton Fen and
           therefore objects to this application as the land is outside the
           area designated for gypsy caravans.
           We believe that SCDC should encourage the use of land that has
           been designated for gypsy caravans in Chesterton Fen."  

249/03     S/0997/03 Cambridge Regional College - Block A Kings Hedges Road -
           extensions to form store - no recommendation. 

250/03     S/0998/03 Cambridge Regional College  - Kings Hedges Road - all
           weather pitch including 8 x 15 metre high lighting columns - no
           recommendation. The floodlit area could distract drivers on the A14.
           Concerned that the lights would be directed downwards. Concerned
           also about light pollution into the sky.

251/03 5   Finance - the minutes of the Finance meeting of 13 May were received.
           It was AGREED 
           to approve the Accounts for 2002-03

           The Statement of Accounts and Balance Sheet were signed as a
           correct record.

252/03 6   Youth - The minutes of the Youth meeting of 27 May 03 were received.
           IVC had proposed a Wednesday evening session from September to
           encourage  youngsters aged 11-13 to attend the youth centre.  
           Concern was expressed about the low attendance (Mondays on average
           22 Tuesdays 15 and Thursday 20 - 10 to 15 of whom attended
           regularly). HMS would do another analysis of the attendance figures 
           PKO expressed Council's support for the youth committee's priorities
           for the youth centre. 
           It was AGREED
           to approve expenditure for the Summer Programme - £500 to IVC
           programme and £300 for other activities.

253/03 7   Minibus Update
           The minibus was already being fairly well used. Two extra sets of
           keys had been ordered at cost of £70 per set. 
           It was suggested that details about the minibus should be left at
           Post Office and Rectory Farm Shop. Full details to be found on
           website and in latest edition of Village View.
           RJF thanked RLEW for his hard work in chairing the steering group. 

254/03 8   Plans for Edmund Green 
           A resident had submitted in writing a request to purchase Edmund
           Green for development. Council had acquired this land as an open
           space for the benefit of all the residents of Milton.
           It was AGREED
           to decline the offer.

255/03 9   MCC Update 
           The full committee were meeting on 4th June to discuss proposals
           from the buildings committee for cameras within the community
           centre and modifications to the changing rooms/toilets and another
           access from outside the building to the toilets.

256/03 10  Bills for Payment and Money Received
           CONFIRMED  payment of cheques 2562 to 2567
           AUTHORISED  payment of cheques 2568 to 2574
           (cheques 2564 and 2569 cancelled)
257/03 11  District Councillor's report
           Police Consultation event scheduled for Saturday 21st June at
           Horningsea 11.30am to 1.30pm.

258/03 12  County Councillor's report
           JEC had met with the street lighting engineer and was organising
           a meeting with the bus company.
           A copy of the police report for May was received.

       13  Correspondence  
            Atkins   - Roadworks and Traffic Information Leaflet
            ACRE   - Training and Events Progamme
            Cambs & Peterborough Waste Local Plan - Proposed Modifications
            CALC    - Bulletin / Quality Status
            Cambs County Council - Removal of Restricted Roads Status
                 Order A10 & Butt Lane (Order to come into effect on 3 June)
            SCDC   - Design Guide (Consultation document)

       14  Dates of Next Meetings
            Highways   9 June 8pm 
            Planning  23 June
            Council    7 July
The meeting ended at 8.50pm.