Minutes of the Meeting of Milton Parish Council held on Monday 7 April 2003 at 7.30pm in the Community Centre Present: HM Smith (chair) EH Baker JE Coston R Day M Ellwood RJ Farrington B Jefferson DJ Lee CJ Lock IF May TJ Siggs RT Summerfield LC Twinn RLE Waters The clerk SJ Daniels and one member of the public (part) 139/03 1 Apologies for absence - PK Oldham. HMS thanked DJ Lee and TJ Siggs for their hard work as councillors (DJL from May 1991 and TJS from Dec 2000). 140/03 2 Declarations of Interest There were no declarations of interest. 141/03 3 Minutes The minutes of the meeting of 3 March 2003 were confirmed and signed as a true record. 4 Clerk's Report 142/03 Milton Detached (69/03) Noted that SCDC Electoral Arrangements Committee had agreed to review the suggestion to create a separate parish for Chesterton Fen. 143/03 A14 Slip Road (89/03) Atkins could find no visible evidence of water running across the road. They would clear the gullies and jet through the entire drainage system. 144/03 Christmas Lights (107/03) The clerk had asked Brian Langley from Waterbeach to quote for laying on electricity from the telephone box at Pond Green (as he did at Waterbeach Green). He was not allowed to take electricity from a street light. 145/03 Street Lighting The Rowans A resident had requested a street light on The Rowans foot/cycle path. The County Council could not afford to put up a street light - cost £800. JEC to pursue. Action: JEC 146/03 5 Litter Rota (138/03) SCD would try to cover Fen Road within their normal litter work. The clerk would ask for more details about the suggestion by R Carter SCDC that MPC may "be interested in SCDC funding part of this (litter picker) person to carry out litter picking to verges? The idea is to fund a week or so at critical times throughout the year to supplement the current service." Action: the clerk 147/03 6 Planning The Minutes of the Planning Committee Meeting of 17 March were received. 148/03 Appeal - by Trinity College (S/1231/02) - southern boundary of (8/03) Science Park - against refusal to remove condition 3 of planning permission S/1536/98 which required details of pedestrian/cycle gate - allowed. 149/03 Napp Pharmaceuticals - noted that Napp intended to apply for temporary permission for a new sports and social club the structure being from the Terrapin range. Decisions Received 150/03 Silver Fern Trust Milton Trading Estate - portable building for (23/03) classroom/mess and toilets - approved till 30 June 2008. 151/03 Mr & Mrs Whybrow 5 Old School Lane - extension - approved. (97/03) 152/03 Mr & Mrs Liptrot 18 Fen Road - conservatory - approved. (98/03) External materials to be identical to existing. 153/03 Mr & Mrs Heybrook 27 Froment Way - conservatory - approved. (99/03) 154/03 St John's College adjacent Dirac House Innovation Centre - cycle (100/03) store - approved. 155/03 Mr R Cox 169 The Rowans - conversion of garage into bedroom - (115/03) approved. Enlarged driveway/parking area to be completed prior to occupation of bedroom. 156/03 Mr & Mrs Henderson Half Acre Cambridge Road - extensions - approved. (119/03) New Applications 157/03 S/0571/03 Mr & Mrs M Bamforth 9 David Bull Way - two storey extension - refuse. Support the concerns of the neighbours at 9 Humphries Way about loss of light - proposed extension to be too close to that property - over-development. 158/03 S/0616/03 Mr & Mrs Henderson 28 The Rowans - second storey extension above study and single storey extension at the rear - no recommendation. Unable to make any comment about the single storey rear extension because of the lack of information on the plans. 159/03 S/0641/03 Mr & Mrs Heald 5 Garner Close - first floor side extension - no recommendation. 160/03 S/0704/03 Mr W O'Connor 99 Pony Field Chesterton Fen Road - siting of one mobile home and one touring caravan for single family occupation and grazing - no recommendation. Support SCDC's Policies for Chesterton Fen. 161/03 S/00685/03/CW Donarbon Ltd Ely Road Waterbeach - erection of a building for reception of material for composting - delegated. Action: RTS 162/03 Renewable Energy and The Planning System - noted that GO-East were holding a series of seminars from April to June. 163/03 7 Maintenance The minutes of the Maintenance Committee meeting of 17 March were received. The clerk would remind Herald Contract Services of areas missed during the first cut. Action: the clerk 164/03 8 Minibus (122/03) Grant Application - MPC had been awarded a grant of £10,000 to be paid in two stages £9,000 in year one and £1,000 in year two. The committee had met with the Countryside Agency to discuss the grant conditions. Official launch to be at Village Fayre. Committee Terms of Reference - the committee would comprise six members three being councillors. The clerk would investigate the possibility of a second "minibus" bank account. The committee would report to Council quarterly. A set up loan from Council would probably be necessary. Action: the clerk 165/03 9 Committees - Revised List for Approval The ad hoc committee would meet to clarify suggested amendments: - non members of the council can be co-opted - a minimum of two councillors to serve on any committee - there must be quorum of councillors if a committee is voting to spend money. 166/03 10 Standing Orders - Amendment re Quorum of Committees (128/03) AGREED that Standing Order 48 should read: "Except where ordered by the Council in the case of a committee, or by the Council or by the appropriate committee in the case of a sub-committee, the quorum of a committee or sub-committee shall be one-third of its members, with a minimum of three members." There were concerns that the minimum number of councillors should be specified for spending committees. Action (for items 9 & 10 above): ad hoc committee PKO, (HMS), JEC, RTS, RLEW 167/03 11 Health & Safety Policy The Health & Safety Policy prepared by PKO was APPROVED with the following amendment: The Policy to apply to "councillors and volunteers" as well as to "employees". 168/03 12 Report of Tesco Meeting (138/03) A report of the recent meeting between the manager of Tesco and HMS and RJF was circulated. There were concerns about trees adjacent the Tesco wall, trolleys in the village, the broken fence at the rear of the store, litter in the immediate environment, the potential dangers caused by queuing vehicles near the petrol station and the inadequate turning area for buses. The clerk would write to Tesco Head Office. Action: the clerk SCDC had cleaned out the 13th Public Drain at the rear of Tesco. 169/03 13 Appointment of School Governor AGREED to recommend that DJL remain as Council's representative on Milton School Governing Body. 170/03 14 Annual Parish Meeting The format as in previous years. Mowlem had agreed to do a presentation about the foot/cycle bridge. RLEW would give a report about the community minibus. RD reported that Ann Moore secretary to the Charities (also for some years secretary to MCC) had recently died. 171/03 15 MCC Update The MCC committee had agreed new charges as from 1 April. Thanks from the committee for the MPC grant of £22,000. Vandalism at the skate park could invalidate the public liability insurance. The tennis courts had recently been resurfaced. Community Centre and pavilion alterations were progressing slowly. Village Fayre on 13 July. 172/03 16 Bills for Payment and Money Received CONFIRMED payment of cheques 2504 to 2512 AGREED to authorise payment of cheques 2514 to 2539 (excluding 2513, 2517 and 2523). Noted that MPC was seeking renewal of permission for youth building (ch 2539). 173/03 17 Crime Update Crime figures were circulated. RLEW expressed disappointment that the figures did not reflect the position accurately. He intended to retire as Police Liaison Officer. JEC volunteered to act as Liaison Officer. 174/03 18 County Councillor's report Industrial Estate Cambridge Road - there had been no skips at the entrance for two weeks. (128/03) Chemical Alert Science Park - the Fire Service had not compiled a report. HMS and RTS had attended a meeting with the Fire Officer. JEC was scheduled to attend a debriefing on 8 April. Actual divisions of responsibility for overseeing such incidents were unclear - EHO of SCDC or Emergency Planning Officer CCC. County Council Division Review - noted that a review of the County Council wards was being undertaken. Sewage Meeting - a meeting had taken place. AWA were promising improvements by September. 175/03 19 District Councillor's report (101/03) Lion & Lamb Entertainments' Licence - the Lion & Lamb were applying for an annual licence. In the meantime RTS had been consulted about two casual sessions in April (not enough time for MPC meeting). Wheeled Bin Service - details of wheeled bin service (including frequently asked questions) were circulated. 20 Correspondence CALC - Bulletin Defra - Quality Council Initiative Cambs County Council - Local Transport Plan 2003-2011 - consultation SCDC - South Cambs Economic Development Strategy Cambs County Council - Cambs Local Access Forum British Legion - Poppy Appeal Historical Resource & Cultural Centre - Project Update 21 Dates of next meetings APM (& planning if necessary) - 28 April 8pm Annual Parish Council Meeting - 12 May (also Landbeach APM) The meeting ended at 10.15pm.