Minutes of the Meeting of Milton Parish Council
           held on Monday 3 March 2003 at 7.30pm in the Community Centre

Present:   PK Oldham (chair)   HM Smith   JE Coston   R Day   M Ellwood
           RJ Farrington   CJ Lock   IF May   TJ Siggs   RT Summerfield
           LC Twinn   RLE Waters
           The clerk  SJ Daniels  and one member of the public (part)
       1   Apologies for absence   -   EH Baker     B Jefferson     DJ Lee    

103/03 2   Declarations of Interest
           There were no declarations of interest.

104/03 3   Minutes
           The minutes of the meeting of 3 February 2003 were confirmed and
           signed as a true record.

       4   Clerk's Report  
105/03     Jubilee Memorial
(5/03)     A resident had pointed out that "HRH Queen Elizabeth." should read
           "HM". The stonemason had been informed.

106/03     Landbeach Road - Bridleway Status
(6/03)     Bridleway status was confirmed on 26 February at Magistrates Court.
           County Council's costs to follow. The clerk had thanked R Chapman
           for providing the earth banking.

107/03     Christmas Lights 
(29/03)    Quotation to lay on power at Landbeach Road  -  from 24seven -
           £945 + VAT. The clerk to pursue other options. Action: the clerk

108/03     Seats Fen Road
(68/03)    Two residents had offered to sponsor seats. 

           AGREED to purchase two seats to be sited on the verge in Fen Road
           (just beyond Bankers Ditch) and at the junction of Fen Road and the
           towpath - the costs to be met by the two residents. Council would
           review whether to install a litter bin as requested by the Cam

109/03 5   Land Swap Memorial Green
(465/02)   AGREED to the land swap as proposed in Taylor Vinters' letter dated
           20 February - 10 votes in favour 1 abstention.

       6   Planning
110/03     The Minutes of the Planning Committee Meeting of 17 February were

(46/03)    Waste Recycling Group - retention of inert waste recycling facility
           - application to be discussed on 24 March. 

(101/03)   Public Entertainments Licence 
           The EHO had visited the Lion and Lamb.  Noted that the Lion and
           Lamb did not have a current licence and would be applying for one.

           Decisions Received
111/03     Chirotech Technology Ltd Unit 101 Science Park satellite dish
(451/02)   - approved. 

112/03     L Anderson - mobile home and toilet/Day room at Chesterton Fen Road
(20/03)    - approved. 
           Site to be used as caravan site for persons of nomadic habit of
           life. Consent for one mobile home, one touring van and one dayroom
           only. Details of foul sewage disposal to be approved. Use of septic
           tank for drainage excluded from this consent. 

           New Applications
113/03     S/1696/01/RM  Trinity College (CSP) Ltd with Aula Ltd  Unit 410
(85/02)    Science Park - building for research and development with
           associated offices - minor revisions to the elevations - for
           information only.

114/03     Trinity College  Unit 315 Science Park - 2 roof mounted flues and
(424/02)   cycle shelter - reposition of flue - for information only. 

115/03     S/2243/02 R Cox 169 The Rowans - conversion of garage into bedroom
(512/02)   - revised parking arrangements - for information only.

116/03     S/0205/03 J Holder Queen Anne Lodge Fen Road - garage/workshop -

117/03     S/0256/03 Stonegate Farmers Ltd Mereway Farm Milton Road Impington
           - change of use of 4 poultry buildings to storage and distribution
           (Class B8) and removal of agricultural occupancy conditions
           (condition 3 of pp C/73/1150/O and condition 2 off pp C/73/1515/D)
           on existing farm bungalow - refuse.  
           "Milton Parish Council objects most strongly to the proposed change
            of use on the following grounds:
            - The junction of the Mere Way and Butt Lane is on a slight bend
              and is therefore a traffic danger when large lorries enter and
              exit the site
            - Butt Lane is a narrow country road and is not wide enough to
              accommodate large lorries safely
            - School children regularly cycle on this road to Impington
              Village College. We are very concerned about the dangers to
              these cyclists
            - Potential damage to this unkerbed road
            - We are disappointed to see such a large site being considered
              for industrial use although we appreciate that the Local Plan
              allows for change of  use from agricultural premises to
              industrial. We believe that this site is far too large to be
              considered under this Policy
            - We are told that there are 4 HGV and 12 car movements per week
              at present. What are the projected figures?"

118/03     S/0296/03 Napp Pharmaceutical Holdings Ltd  Science Park -
           variation of condition 1 of pp S/1022/99/O to allow a further
           period of 3 years for the submission of reserved matters (see
           also 92/03) - approve.
119/03     S/0323/03 Mr & Mrs Henderson Half Acre Cambridge Road - single
           storey rear dormer extension to create bathroom - no recommendation.

120/03     S/0336/03 Mr & Mrs Butterfill 21 Butt Lane - extension to loft and
           first floor rear extension - refuse third storey extension:
           - Loss of privacy to neighbouring property
           - Out of keeping with the area
           - Overdevelopment
           - Lack of car parking spaces

121/03 7   Audit 2002
           The completed auditor's certificate was received.

122/03 8   Minibus 
(85/03)    Arrangements for initial funding
           The Countryside Agency required evidence as to how a shortfall over
           the first two years would be dealt with. PKO, RJF, RTS and RLEW had
           met and recommended that MPC meet this shortfall.

           AGREED that any shortfall over the first two years would be met
           by MPC.

           RLEW to notify The Countryside Agency.   Action:  RLEW

           Noted that the following declared an interest for this item:
           JEC, RJF, IFM, HMS, RTS, LCT and RLEW.

123/03 9   Appointment of Community Care Relief Warden
(83/03)    RD and ME had interviewed the only applicant, Claire Gawthrop and
           recommended that Council appoint Miss Gawthrop.  AGREED 

           Both the warden and relief warden were in the process of filling in
           the necessary forms for the Criminal Records Bureau. 

124/03 10  Proposal from Working Group for
(84/03)    a)  Revised Standing Orders
           b) Equality Policy
           c) Freedom of Information Act

           AGREED to adopt the above as amended. Fees for copying A4 sheets
           for residents to be 10 pence per sheet
125/03 11  MCC Update
           Full meeting set for Wednesday 6 March. There had been break-ins at
           the youth centre. A television and tuck were stolen. The school had
           offered a replacement television.  
           Feedback about future works was on hold as Colin Nunn was unwell.
126/03 12  Bills for Payment and Money Received 
           CONFIRMED  payment of cheques 2487 - 2489
           AGREED  payment of cheques 2491 (2490 void) - 2503 

           Cheque 2492 Herald Contract Services - Maintenance Committee to
           meet to review performance.
127/03 13  Crime Update
           Figures not yet available. The clerk would write to Inspector
           Howell expressing concern that accurate figures were not available
           prior to the meeting.

128/03 14  County Councillor's report
           A10 - a useful meeting had taken place. The "A10" group has asked
           to be recognised as a body to be consulted on various issues
           appertaining to the A10.
           Police and County Councillor's Surgery - to be held 10 April at
           MCC car park 2.30pm.
           Skips Cambridge Road (entrance to Industrial Estate) - JEC had
           challenged the person who was leaving skips at this site and in
           addition had contacted the Travellers' Liaison Officer and the
           Transport Department.  
(90/03)    Waste Local Plan - JEC had been unable to find any answers from
           David Atkinson, County Council Officer.
(102/03)   Chemical Spillage Science Park - RTS to ask for information from
           the EHO. The clerk would ask the Chief Fire Officer for his report.
           Action: RTS and the clerk
           Sewage Liasion - the EHO had suggested that MPC could provide a
           person to take the minutes. RTS to discuss with J Wilson, EHO.

129/03 15  District Councillor's report
           Council Tax - the SCDC element would remain at £70 for the second
           Bins - SCDC did not intend to collect plastics because of excessive
           costs to the Council and the environment. Low weight and high
           volume would make it expensive to transport by lorry to north of
130/03 16  Correspondence  
            DEFRA    - Licensing Bill
            South Cambs Primary Care Trust - Bulletin
            Macmillan cancer relief  - Sponsored Riverside Walk
            Cambs County Council  - Historical Resource and Cultural Centre
            BT Ross & Co   - Jolly Brewers Transfer of Licence
            SCDC    - Ethical Standards Training Roadshows
            Cambs County Council  - Northern and Western Corridor Area 
                   Transport Plans (consultation documents)
            WD Booth   - Bus Service

       17  Dates of next meetings 
            Planning  - 17 March
            Council   -  7 April
            Maintenance - tba

The meeting ended at 9.40pm.