Minutes of the Meeting of Milton Parish Council held on Monday 3 February 2003 at 7.30pm in the Community Centre Present: PK Oldham (chair) HM Smith EH Baker JE Coston M Ellwood RJ Farrington B Jefferson CJ Lock TJ Siggs RT Summerfield LC Twinn RLE Waters The clerk SJ Daniels 1 Apologies for absence - R Day DJ Lee IF May 65/03 2 Declaration of Interest There was no declaration of interests. 66/03 3 Minutes The minutes of the meeting of 6 January 2003 were confirmed and signed as a true record. 4 Clerk's Report 67/03 Waste (as reported by JEC) (440/02) Viridor transport waste on Saturday and Sunday afternoons. All loads are netted. Recently the Districts have had "catch-ups" on Saturday afternoons and also use the A10. According to Ed Bastow (Waste Recycling Group) the only materials transferred to Donarbon "are green waste from the HWRC and possibly some waste at weekends. This is nothing to do with Waste Recycling Group". 68/03 Seat(s) Fen Road (516/02) The Conservators were happy for Council to put a seat near the river provided that it did not cause inconvenience to the river crew and that responsibility for maintenance did not fall upon them. They would like to see a litter bin nearby as "where a seat is placed near the river litter almost certainly follows it". Weekly clearance of the bin to be arranged by MPC. The clerk reported that a resident was interested in sponsoring a seat. 69/03 Milton Detached (25/03) Noted that Chris Taylor Head of Legal Services SCDC was copying Council's letter to the Chairman of the Electoral Arrangements Committee. The first decision would be to carry out a formal review - consultations would be slightly more complicated than usual as Chesterton Fen was on the edge of Cambridge City. 70/03 Milton School (30/03) A copy of the recent Ofsted report was received from Milton School. 5 Planning 71/03 The minutes of the Planning Meeting of 20 January 2003 were received. 72/03 Rowing Lake - Environmental Impact Assessment - As almost 10 years had elapsed since the Environmental Impact Assessment was carried out the SCDC were asking the Rowing Trust to submit a new one. 73/03 Napp - Napp intended to submit an application for an extension to their warehouse facility. Michael Healey and a colleague would attend the next Planning Committee meeting on 17 February. Appeal 74/03 Mr & Mrs AE Dewey 49 Old School Lane - against refusal of planning (356/02) permission by SCDC for extensions. 75/03 Mr & Mrs A Race 7 Coulson Close - single storey rear and side (474/02) extension - appeal allowed. Decisions Received 76/03 Mr & Mrs K Dean land adjacent 21 Goding Way - dwelling - approved. (511/02) Details of reserved matters to be submitted and approved (siting and design, means of access and landscaping). Materials and floor levels to be approved. Space for turning and parking to be provided. Details of treatment of site boundaries to be approved. Dwelling to be single storey. No power machinery to be used during construction before 08.00 nor after 18.00 weekdays 13.00 Saturdays. 77/03 Plastic Logic Ltd Units 32-35 Science Park - 3 roof mounted flues (513/02) and associated duct work staircase and safety rails and chiller/ plant enclosure - approved. New Applications 78/03 Mr J Holder Queen Anne Lodge Fen Road - demolition of existing garage and shed (Conservation Area). Council supported removal of garage. 79/03 6 Play The minutes of the Play Committee of 8 January 03 were received. Noted that Recreational Supply Services Ltd were quoting £480 per quarterly visit to inspect the play areas. Volunteers had dug over the bark at Humphries and Froment Way play areas. ME reported that Bannold would supply 50m3 of play bark at £29.75 per cu metre and 15m3 at £35 per cu metre. AGREED to ask Herald Contract Services for a quote to supply and spread bark on three sites (Rowans, Hawthorn Hedge and Humphries Way). 80/03 7 Quotations for Fencing Rowans Play Area (41/03) In March 2002 Council had agreed not to erect a fence at The Rowans play area (min 122/02). It was now felt that a fence was needed to keep out dogs. Quotations of £2390 for a metal fence and £752.92 for 21metres of palisade fencing to match the existing were received. AGREED to have the fence repaired as per Wayman Fencing Services quotation of £752.92. Action: the clerk 81/03 8 Finance - The minutes of the Finance Committee Meeting of 20 January 03 were received. Noted that : (52/03) Libel and Slander - the cover of £250,000 was set by NALC. Cornhill would only consider an increase if Council put a request in writing. They would then take it up with their brokers who would consult with NALC. Personal Liability/Accident - all co-opted members and volunteers were covered if working at Council's request and under Council's control. They (and councillors) were not covered to use power tools unless the tools belonged to Council. A spreadsheet showing revised forecasts was received viz: Expenditure £91,017 Income £10,810 £80,207 Less: youth underspent 2002/03 £3,700 commuted (Rowans play) £3,000 commuted £3,000 £9,700 Total required for 2003/04 £70,507 (55/03) RJF noted that there was no allowance in the budget for the minibus and that Council had agreed to pledge £6,000 in minute 616/01 (December 01) amended in minute 102/02 (March 02) To be discussed at March meeting. (57/03) AGREED to accept recommendation that Council precept for £71,000. 82/03 9 Youth - The minutes of the Youth Committee Meeting of 27 January 03 were received. AGREED a) to buy a table football at £475 inc VAT (by all) b) to pay £669.70 towards the skate park (to be taken form youth budget) - 10 votes in favour 2 abstentions. 83/03 10 Community Care - The Minutes of the Community Care Working Group of 27 January were received. AGREED to appoint Tracey Ebbon as the Community Care Warden and to accept the recommendations in minute 59/03. [Noted that the deputy warden actually does exactly the same work as the warden when on duty - is in fact a relief warden]. 84/03 11 Proposal from Working Group for (4/03) a) Revised Standing Orders b) Equality Policy c) Freedom of Information Act AGREED 1) to defer to March meeting (10 votes in favour 2 abstentions) 2) that the clerk circulate all members (excluding working party) with the relevant documents (8 votes in favour 3 against and 1 abstention). Action: the clerk 85/03 12 Minibus Update (27/03) Letter received confirming that SCDC would honour the £6,000 agreement. The application had now been sent. (Min 81/03 above and 55/03 also refer). 86/03 13 MCC Update The next meeting was set for 5 March. Colin Nunn was investigating what could be done to the main building. 87/03 14 Bills for Payment and Money Received Noted that Community Care Fees and interest of £92.87 had been received from October to December 2002. £1,000 received from SCDC towards Community Care scheme. CONFIRMED payment of cheques 2466 to 2470 AGREED to authorise payment of cheques 2471 to 2485 (2 abstentions). 88/03 15 Crime Update - Crime Figures not to hand. Inspector Howell had declined RLEW's invitation to attend this meeting. - Local Consultation Group Meeting 18 February - Community Safety Conference. HMS and EHB to attend. 89/03 16 County Councillor's report A10 Meeting - set for Monday 10 February at Waterbeach pavilion 7.30pm. JEC had invited Mark Kemp of CCC. Highway Improvements - JEC had arranged for the plans for an extra lane on Milton Road by the Science Park to go on display at MCC from 17 February 2003. Waterbeach Library - is closing. Regulations would make it difficult for Waterbeach village to run the library. Cycle Bridge - meeting set for Thursday 6 February at 2pm. Mowlem, who had been awarded the contract, would attend. Sewage Liaison - meeting set for Wednesday 5 February. JEC felt that the minutes of these meetings should reflect the number of complaints about unpleasant odours. Landfill Site - water was still running off the site across the A14 slip road. The clerk to write to the Highways Agency. Action: the clerk Parking Cambridge Road - the clerk would write to Betty's Hairdresser pointing out that customers were parking on the cycle lane and ask the County Council to paint a line to delineate the cycle lane. Action: the clerk 90/03 17 District Councillor's report Refuse Collections - The collection for 31 January had been cancelled because of the weather conditions. SCDC were proposing a wheelie bin system - a black bin for ordinary waste and a green one for materials to be composted. The green box recycling scheme would continue. Waste - the inspector for the Waste Local Plan had recommended the retention of a two hectares site in the Northern Fringe for a waste management facility. JEC would find out the current status of the Waste Plan. Action: JEC Bus Service - funding from developers (commercial and housing) was to be used to improve the bus services south of the A14 but not services through Milton. Noted that WD Booth's letter (correspondence) was proposing improvements to Milton's service. Consultation - RTS reported the SCDC position regarding the consultation process in response to a complaint in the Cambridge News from a Milton resident. 91/03 18 Correspondence County Council - Cambridge Core Traffic Scheme: Silver Street - Highways review January 2003 ACRE - Harvest etc South Cambs Primary Care Trust - Bulletin Bond Pearce (Solicitors) - Notice of Licence Transfer Tesco WD Booth - Milton's Bus Service CALC - Bulletin 19 Dates of next meetings Planning - 17 February Council - 3 March The meeting ended at 9.45pm.