Minutes of the Meeting of Milton Parish Council
           held on Monday 6 January 2003 at 7.30pm in the Community Centre

Present:   PK Oldham (chair)   HM Smith   JE Coston (1/03 to 26/03)   R Day
           M Ellwood   RJ Farrington   B Jefferson   DJ Lee   CJ Lock   IF May
           TJ Siggs   RT Summerfield   RLE Waters
           The clerk  SJ Daniels  and 2 members of the public (1 part of
           the meeting)

       1   Apologies for absence   - EH Baker  LC Twinn

1/03   2   Declaration of Interest

           There were no declaration of interests.

2/03   3   Minutes

           The minutes of  the  meeting  of  2  December  2002  were
           confirmed and signed as a true record.

       4   Clerk's Report

3/03       Waste Local Plan
(340/02)   The Inspector's report was now available for public inspection. The
           County and Peterborough City Councils would consider their responses
           to the report. MPC would be informed of further stages towards
           adoption of the Plan.

4/03       Standing Orders
(442/02)   A date for a meeting of the committee to be arranged
           (see min 312/02).

5/03       Jubilee Oak
(488/02)   Louise Tiplady currently working and living in Herefordshire had
           submitted a design and costing for a Portland stone with hand cut
           lettering. Suggested lettering:

           II 2002.

           AGREED to commission Louise to proceed with the work at a
           cost of £400.

           (RTS abstained from voting - neighbour of Tiplady family).

           Noted that there was a typing error in minute 488/02 - it was
           agreed to purchase the holm oak at a cost of £290 (min 410/02
           refers) NOT £190.

           Charities had contributed £250 towards tree and plinth. The
           clerk would send a letter of thanks.
           Action:  the clerk

6/03       Landbeach Road
(496/02)   Formal notice of the application for stopping-up had been received.

           The County Council had put in the extra bollards (unfortunately
           not all in the right place!).   Rob Chapman had agreed to
           complete the work with a landscaped bund.

           Milton Charities had donated £200 towards the gate.

7/03       A10 Speed Limit
(496/02)   Noted that Impington Parish Council supported a reduced speed limit.

       5   Planning


8/03       Trinity College - land at southern  boundary of Science Park
(397/02)   adjacent  to disused railway line to St Ives -  against refusal
           to remove condition 3 of planning permission S/1536/98/F which
           requires details of a pedestrian/cycle gate in the fence opposite
           Garry Drive.

9/03       Mr J Crickmore - land at The Stables  Chesterton Fen Road - against
(419/02)   the serving of an enforcement notice for siting a twin-unit mobile
           home or chalet and ancillary building works for residential
           occupation. The appeal is on the  grounds that the planning
           permission should be granted and that the time given to comply
           with the notice was too short.

           Decisions Received

10/03      Amedis Pharmaceuticals Ltd  Unit 162  Science Park - alterations 
(304/02)   to buildings including 8 roof mounted flues and erection of
           external store - amendments - approved.

11/03      Mr & Mrs J Tillisch 28 Fen Road - alterations - approved.
(447/02)   Various conditions designed to:
            - ensure compliance with the approved plans and proper control
              of works
            - protect the fabric and features of this listed building
            - ensure fenestration appropriate to this listed building
            - secure an acceptable form of development.

           Details of measures for bat mitigation and conservation to be
           approved by LPA.

12/03      S Prior  38 Butt  Lane - conservatory (retrospective application)
(448/02)   - approved.
13/03      The Home Office  Unit 270-289 Science Park - air conditioning unit
(450/02)   - approved.

14/03      Tesco Store Cambridge Road - car park zone signs - approved.

15/03      Dr DJ Cole  60 The Rowans - outbuilding - approved. Use of the
(482/02)   building to be confined to domestic purposes and not for business
           or trade.

16/03      Mr & Mrs Price Silver Acre High Street - extensions - approved.
(483/02)   Cills of the high level first floor windows of bedrooms 5 and 6 to
           be no less than 1.7m above floor level. Details of external
           materials for walls and roof and landscaping scheme to be approved.

17/03      W Connor  Chesterton Fen Road - mobile home and one tourer for gypsy
(505/02)   accommodation - refused. Notice superseding that minuted in 505/02.
           Conditions appear to be exactly the same.

18/03      Mr & Mrs Henderson 28 The Rowans - extension - refused. Contrary to
(510/02)   Structure Plan Policy SP12/10 and Local Plan No. 2 Proposed
           Modifications 2002 Policy HG17. The proposed extension would
           significantly alter the proportions and character of Number 28 -
           the length and bulk of the first floor extension dominating  the
           front of the building. It would have a material negative effect
           on the visual amenity of the street scene.

           First floor windows would overlook short rear garden  of number 26
           thus harming amenity of the occupants of that property.

           A first floor would block what little light the rear garden
           of Number 30 receives materially reducing the amenities of the
           residents of that property.

           New Applications

19/03      Camstead Ltd - 7 houses at Shirley Close - amendment to road layout -
(508/02)   for information only.
           HMS spoke at the SCDC Planning meeting. The application was approved.
           A condition to ensure contractors' vehicles were parked on site
           during construction was imposed.

20/03      S2309/02 L Anderson - land at Chesterton Fen Road - mobile home
           and toilet/day room - no recommendation.  Support SCDC's Policy for
           Chesterton Fen.

           S/2310/02  WT Wong 61 Cambridge Road - ancillary store to shop
           (retrospective application) - no recommendation.

21/03      S/2103/01 Lancashire Industrial and Commercial Services Ltd  - 
(367/02)   Penfold Farm  Ely Road - change of use to golf  practice centre
           including club house, par 3 golf course, shop/office, car park,
           access and bridle path/pedestrian link to rowing lake and park
           -amendments to pro's shop building, car park landscaping and
           biodiversity/landscaping drawing.

           No recommendation. Comments:

           "We are concerned that the bridle path could in the future
           become a vehicular access for the rowing lake - which would be
           contrary to assurances that this would not happen.

           The main access to the rowing lake was always going to be from
           Car Dyke Waterbeach. We are concerned that the main focus has
           moved towards Milton.

           With such a substantial development the Parish Council would
           expect some 'planning gain' for the village as we have an
           obligation to provide sports pitches suitable for youngsters.

           We have been given to understand that the large  building is
           part of the Rowing Lake scheme. This was not clear to us when
           we discussed the original application."

22/03      S/2431/02 Mr & Mrs Heald 5 Garner Close - first floor
           side extension. No recommendation.

23/03      S/2439/02 Silver Fern Trust - Silver Fern Concrete Milton
           Trading Estate - portable building for classroom/mess and
           toilets. Approve. Recommended that the permission be for a
           (renewable) limited period of time.

24/03  6   Youth Minutes

           The minutes of the Youth Committee Meeting of 18 December 02 were

25/03  7   Splitting the Parish

(503/02)   PKO had circulated a discussion document part of which stated:

           "In April 2002 the Boundary Commission published its report on
           electoral arrangements for South Cambridgeshire. As part of
           that review they looked at Milton and  Milton Detached. They
           commented on it thus in paragraph 151:

           While we acknowledge that the most appropriate solution to this
           anomaly [of Milton Detached] would either be the inclusion of
           the Milton detached area within Cambridge City or a parish
           review in order to create a separate Parish Meeting for the
           detached area, neither of these outcomes are possible within the
           remit of [this document].

           If council is agreeable then my understanding is that our first port
           of call is the district council, who are responsible for these
           matters, so we should write to them, pointing out what the Boundary
           Commission said, and asking for the parish to be split."

           RD pointed out instances where Chesterton Fen residents did make use
           of facilities and consulted councillors.

           AGREED to inform SCDC that MPC was mindful to pursue the principle
                  of splitting the parish and to ask for their views.

           There were 11 votes in favour 1 against and 1 abstention.

26/03  8   County Councillor's report
(519/02)   A10 Meeting - arranged for 10 February at Waterbeach pavilion
           7.30pm with Landbeach and Waterbeach Parish Councils.

(496/02)   Cycle Bridge - should hear within next few days which company had
           won the contract.  The A14 would be closed for a weekend in
           September for the bridge to be erected.

           Waterbeach Station Car Park - the car park flooded on 4 January
           for the third time in two years.

(519/02)   Waterbeach Library - the closure issue to be discussed by County
           cabinet on 7 January.

27/03  9   Minibus
(515/02)   RLEW reported on his discussions with ACRE, the issues raised by
           them and his proposed answers to these queries.
           AGREED that he should proceed with the application as per
                  minute 515/02.
           Action: RLEW (with Minibus Steering Group)

28/03  10  MCC Update

           Refurbishment/improvements - residents' views were being
           sought on the web and through the Village View.  The community
           centre improvements and the Sycamores pavilion extensions would
           be treated as two separate projects.

           a) Community Centre -  to be funded through a loan from the PWLB
              after October 2005 (the date at which the present loan agreement
              finishes) as this would benefit the whole population. The clerk
              to find out latest regulations concerning borrowing.
              Action: the clerk

           b) Sycamores Pavilion - to be funded through grants eg lottery as
              this would  benefit  sections of the village (football, cricket,
              youth) not the whole population. This project would start 
              pre 2005.

           Colts Football - IFM reported that three of the colts teams were
           planning to play at Landbeach. In total there were now 11 teams,
           including three girls' teams. Land availability for colts football
           to be discussed at February meeting.

29/03  11  Christmas 2003 - offer of tree
(466/02)   In principle Council welcomed the offer of a Christmas tree. The
           area near the Landbeach Road bus stop was suggested as a
           possible site. Pond Green was considered unsuitable because of
           the possibility of vandalism. The clerk would find out details
           from Mr Chapman and also ask for a quotation for supplying
           This tree would be in addition to the present arrangements.
           Thanks to RJF for organising the 2002 lights.
           Action:  the clerk

30/03  12  Milton School - report by DJL
           DJL announced that he would be standing down as Parish Councillor
           in May and as Council's representative on the Milton school
           governors.   He reported on the recent Ofsted inspection of the
           school and the continuing high standards set.
           The clerk would send Council's congratulations to Mr Gillmore,
           the head teacher.
           Action:  the clerk

31/03  13  Bills for Payment and Money Received
           CONFIRMED Payment of cheques 2440 - 2448
           AGREED    Payment of cheques 2449 - 2465

           Noted that Milton Charities had contributed £100 towards the trees
           at the cemetery.

32/03  14  Crime Update
           Crime figures were not to hand.
           Community Safety Conference to be held at  Marshall's Airport
           on 11 February.

33/03  15  District Councillor's report
(493/02)   RTS was not able to attend the Area joint Committee meeting
           on 9 December. The committee would not support the reduction in
           the speed limit on the A10 as reported in minute 493/02.

34/03  16  Correspondence
           County Council - Budget 2003-04
                          - Comprehensive Performance Assessment
           CALC           - Bulletin
           Fire Authority - Annual report 2001/02
           Care Network   - Bulletin/news
           NSPCC          - Request for contribution towards local services

       17  Dates of next meetings
             Play     -  8 January
             Planning - 20 January 7pm
             Finance  - 20 January
             Youth    - 27 January
             Council  -  3 February

           The meeting ended at 9.55pm.