Minutes of the Meeting of Milton Parish Council held on Monday 2 December 2002 at 7.00pm in the Community Centre Present: PK Oldham (chair) HM Smith EH Baker JE Coston (at Landbeach PC from 497/02 to 515/02) R Day RJ Farrington B Jefferson IF May TJ Siggs RT Summerfield LC Twinn RLE Waters The clerk SJ Daniels 1 Apologies for absence - M Ellwood DJ Lee CJ Lock 495/02 2 Declaration of Interest LCT declared an interest for item 6. 496/02 3 Highways In attendance Mark Kemp Network Manager South and East Cambridgeshire Michael Oakman Divisional Maintenance Engineer Phil Sharp Traffic Management (speed limits, parking restrictions, signing issues) The County highways departments had been reorganised into South and East Cambs Districts to make it easier for the public to make contact. The following issues in Milton were highlighted: (283/01) Coles Road/Cambridge Road Junction - The drains were now flowing freely (min 201/02 also refers). Reinstatement of double yellow lines had still not been done. PS to follow up. Powered stump at Coles Road - to be followed up. Bollards at High Street/Fen Road Junction - Chris Sproston Lighting Engineer was investigating the 4 unlit bollards and central column light. MK to report back. Butt Lane Junction - bollard unlit. MK to report back. The Area Joint Committee would discuss MPC's scheme (min 395/02) on 9 December. If the scheme is approved the proposed double yellow lines would be unnecessary. (464/02) Ely Road Pinch Point - this was finished. The Orders to extend the 30mph speed limit came into operation on 25 November. PS would check whether the "Give Way" warning sign should be improved. (486/02) Landbeach Road - the bollards were not put where agreed. MO had therefore agreed to put in extra bollards. The gate was now in place. AWA had paid £487.50 towards the gate. Mr Young Deputy Head of Faculty The College of West Anglia had promised to look into Council's request and apologised on behalf of the college for not responding. Ash Tree on verge in front of Farm College - Stuart Mallott would arrange for a tree surgeon to investigate whether this tree is dangerous and should be taken down. A large stem came down across the Farm College hedge recently. Horse Chestnut by Bus Stop High Street - SM would arrange to investigate the safety of this tree also. (296/02) Double Yellow Lines Industrial Estate - CCC were reviewing their HCV policies. PS would arrange a meeting between interested parties. Foot/Cyclepaths Butt Lane to Froment Way - a request to have the trees/shrubs cut back to allow more light on to these paths was received. To cut back the trees - from private gardens - would take 3 men half a day - cost £240 + VAT. AGREED To accept Herald Contract Service's quotation. The clerk would liaise with CCC and local residents. Action: the clerk Pedestrian Crossing High Street - one belisha beacon was out of action - had been reported to Street Lighting Emergencies. MK promised to report back before Christmas. All outstanding items to be completed by 31 March at the latest. Noted: (416/02) Kings Hedges Drive Prohibition of Waiting - this Order came into effect on 25 November. Roadworks - November to April - (received from Atkins): Jan 03 - Dec 03 Footbridge Construction (will cause overnight delays) Mar 03 Milton to Fen Ditton resurfacing (moderate delays) Feb 03 - Aug 03 Girton Interchange carriageway widening (severe delays) (493/02) Speed Limit A10 - South Cambs Environment & Transport Area Joint Committee meeting of 9 December to discuss speed limit on A10 at Butt Lane. A10/A14 Interchange - improvements to the slip roads were in the Medium Term Scheme; also recommendation to turn on the traffic lights full time (for discussion Area Joint meeting 9 December). Cycle Bridge - meeting scheduled for 17 December. A10 resurfacing - the A10 from the Slap Up to Denny End junction was due to be resurfaced in February/March. Flooding High Street - ditch improvements (as reported min 344/02) appeared to have cured the flooding problems at 2 High Street. Thanks to MK, MO and PS for attending. 497/02 4 Minutes The minutes of the meeting of 4 November 2002 were confirmed and signed as a true record. 5 Clerk's Report 498/02 Remembrance Day Ceremony (469/02) Ceremony went well as usual. Thanks to RLEW. Thanks received from British Legion for cheque. 499/02 Recycling Credits (471/02) Allocation of this money to be discussed. 500/02 Willow Trees Walkling Way Mr Clay Shire Homes had agreed to ask John Hellingsworth to investigate the willow trees in Walkling Way (adjacent Thurlton Court). Large branches come down in strong winds recently. Possible danger to pedestrians. 501/02 National Training Strategy Frank Johnston Chief Verifier National Training Strategy is ultimately responsible for ensuring that the standards that have been set for the awarding of the Certificate of Local Council Administration - the 'Competent Clerk' qualification - are maintained. He states (in "The Clerk" magazine November 2002) that "the NTS Steering Group has agreed that holders of the Certificate of Higher Education in Local Policy awarded before July 2004 by the University of Gloucestershire will be exempt from submitting a portfolio of evidence" (essential for a clerk to qualify for the NTS Certificate). 502/02 Declaration of Interest Chris Taylor Monitoring Officer had not responded to the clerk's email message that 5 councillors were also members of MCC and that Council would soon be making decisions on whether to spend substantial amounts of money on the Community Centre and Sycamores pavilion. The following statement made by Paul Hoey Head of Policy and Guidance at the Standards Board of England at the Society of Local Council Clerks' conference (taken from "The Clerk" magazine November 2002) is relevant: He said that there was no need for a declaration of interest to be made in such instances as a councillor also being a member of, say, the local village hall committee. "The member would be on both bodies to represent the parish and he would be expected to be able to put a point of view on behalf of the parish. He would in most instances have no personal and direct interest to declare in regard to the village hall committee and therefore could take part in any discussions and voting." 503/02 6 Travellers - Issues arising from meeting 30 October (485/02) Planning Policy - concerns expressed: ghettoisation caused by large sites and lack of transit sites in the County. The County Council had no obligation to provide transit sites. Council agreed to continue its existing policies of min 275/02 and min 426/99. Splitting the Parish - PKO would circulate papers for next meeting. Other issues arising - none. 7 Planning Decisions Received 504/02 Polight Technologies Ltd Unit 291 Science Park - chiller enclosure (428/02) - approved. 505/02 W Connor Chesterton Fen Road - mobile home and one tourer for (430/02) gypsy accommodation - refused. Conditions as per application reported in minute 477/02. In addition no flood risk assessment was submitted - Planning Policy Guidance No. 25 Paragraph 60 Appendix F refers. Existing flood protection not satisfactory. The proposed development would be at risk of flooding and would increase the risk of flooding to existing property. Therefore contrary to Policies SP8/6 of the Structure Plan and CS8 of the Local Plan No. 2. As use of the land has already started delegated authority to take enforcement action and prosecution if necessary has been agreed. 506/02 Mr & Mrs J Wicks - dwelling on land adjacent 28 Old School Lane - (446/02) refused. A two-bedroomed bungalow with internal garage and first floor accommodation within the roof as shown on the plans would take up most of the site leaving little amenity space. Unacceptable mass and bulk in close proximity to the boundaries of numbers 26 and 28 - overbearing when viewed from the rear of these properties and their garden areas. Contrary therefore to Structure Plan Policy SP12/10 and Local Plan Number 2: Proposed Modifications 2002 Policy HG17. Out of character with the surrounding area thereby having a negative visual impact on the street scene. Contrary therefore to Structure Plan Policy SP12/10, Policy H15 of the Approved Local 1993 and Policy SE4 of the Local Plan No 2: Proposed Modifications 2002. 507/02 Mr & Mrs S Campbell 54 Butt Lane - extension - approved. External (449/02) materials to be identical to those used for existing building. A copy letter of objection from the immediate neighbour was received. There was an objection from another neighbour also. 508/02 Camstead Ltd - 7 houses at Shirley Close. Noted that the Planning (452/02) Officers were recommending approval to SCDC Planning Committee. PKO would try to attend meeting. [NOTE: House Extensions It seems that if the Parish Council has a different view from the Planning Officer then the application will be taken to Committee or Chairman's Delegation depending on the size of the application (eg Silver Acre was decided under Chairman's Delegation). BUT if the objections are from neighbours only and not from the Parish Council then the Planning Officer can decide under delegated powers without referring to Chairman/Committee. The local member can also ask for a site visit and for an application to be referred to Chairman's Delegation or Committee (as in the case with the recent application in Coles Road)]. New Applications 509/02 S/2186/02 Mr & Mrs G Turner - Chesterton Auto Repairs Chesterton Fen Road - erection of 3 buildings for industrial and warehouse uses (Classes B1 (c), B2 and B8) following demolition of existing buildings - no recommendations. 510/02 S/2191/02 Mr & Mrs Henderson 28 The Rowans - extensions - no recommendations. 511/02 S/2235/02/O Mr & Mrs K Dean - land adjacent 21 Goding Way - dwelling - no recommendations. There should be one single storey dwelling only; landscaping was essential; neighbours' comments supported. 512/02 S/2243/02 Mr R Cox 169 The Rowans - conversion of garage into bedroom - no recommendations. 513/02 S/2246/02 Plastic Logic Ltd - Units 32-35 Science Park - 3 roof mounted flues and associated duct work staircase and safety rails and chiller/plant enclosure - no recommendations. 514/02 8 MCC Update and Joint Meeting The minutes of the joint meeting were received. Thanks to PKO for the article in Village View and on web site. 515/02 9 Minibus (484/02) RJF had prepared a report with a request for financial help towards a minibus costing £15,500 + VAT. RJF declared a prejudicial interest and left the meeting. IFM reported that SCDC had given a verbal agreement to hand over £6,000 so long as the minibus was available to "non-uniformed" youth groups. TJS felt that as this matter had been under discussion for almost two years a decision should be made at this meeting. Areas discussed: - The original application was for a loan of £4,000 (towards a second hand scout minibus min 118/01). Concern was expressed that the request now was for a grant of £9,500 out of a total capital cost of £15,500 (for a community minibus). - Grants were available to Parish Councils from the Vital Villages Grant. If successful the Parish Council must retain ownership and management of the minibus. - Would SCDC give £6,000 grant to a Parish Council? (The original grant was made to the minibus "action" group). IFM to ask. - Running costs should be met by the users. - Any MPC grant would be contingent on community use. - The pros and cons of applying yet again for grant aid after the lack of success to date. After much debate it was AGREED that MPC should apply for a Vital Villages Grant of £10,000. The balance to be made up of £6,000 from SCDC; failing that from MPC. Carried 8 votes in favour 3 abstentions. (JEC abstained just having returned from Landbeach PC). Any other options were deferred to the next meeting. RJF returned to the meeting. 516/02 10 Request for seat between Banker's Ditch and the river There had been requests for a seat between the railway crossing and Baits Bite Lock. The clerk would seek the County Council view (for a seat on the verge) and the Conservators' (for a seat on the halingway). It was suggested that Council ask (through the web and Village View) if any resident would like to sponsor a seat. Action: PKO and JEC 517/02 11 Bills for Payment and Money Received CONFIRMED payment of cheque 2425 AGREED payment of cheques 2426 - 2439 Internal Auditor's report - noted that Council had no formal Health & Safety Policy regarding staff. To be discussed by "Standing Orders" committee. Bank Accounts - Lloyds were changing the Premier Account to one with a lower rate of interest. The clerk and RTS had taken the opportunity to open two Scottish Widows accounts - instant withdrawal and a 60-day account both at a higher rate of interest. Members signed a letter to Scottish Widows confirming that Council receives gross rate of interest. The Premier and HSBC accounts therefore would be closed and the money transferred to Scottish Widows. Budget 2003 - a reminder that committees would need to consider their budgets in readiness for the Finance meeting in January. Tesco Vouchers - noted that Tesco had sent £20 worth of vouchers towards the youth notice board. 518/02 12 Crime Update Crime figures not to hand. Inspector Howell's letter dated 28 October states ".between 1 April and 30 September we carried out 143 extra patrols in Milton village .." 519/02 13 County Councillor's report Bus Priority Lane Milton Road - to be discussed at the Area Joint meeting on 9 December. Sewage Meeting - scheduled for 4 December 2.30pm. Waterbeach Library - - Proposed closure - a public meeting was scheduled for 4 December 7.30pm at Waterbeach Primary School. - 80th Birthday Party - was successful. A10 - a meeting was being organised for 10 February for Milton, Landbeach and Waterbeach to discuss issues concerning the A10. 520/02 14 District Councillor's report Barnabas Court - RTS had asked D Ellis, Housing Manager SCDC, to investigate ways of providing relief cover for the scheme manager. 521/02 15 Correspondence County Council - Information about flood awareness ACRE - Cambs Fundraising Conference South Cambs Primary Care Trust - Bulletin CALC - Bulletin East of England Development Agency - Broadband competition 16 Dates of next meetings CCWG - 12 December 11.00am Planning - 16 December Youth - 18 December Council - 6 January Play - 8 January Finance - January (tba) The meeting ended at 9.55pm.