Minutes of the Meeting of Milton Parish Council held on Monday 4 November 2002 at 7.30pm in the Community Centre Present: HM Smith (chair) EH Baker JE Coston R Day M Ellwood RJ Farrington B Jefferson DJ Lee CJ Lock IF May TJ Siggs RT Summerfield LC Twinn RLE Waters The clerk SJ Daniels 1 Apologies for absence - PK Oldham 461/02 2 Declaration of Interest BJ declared an interest for item 10, HMS and RLEW for item 12. 462/02 3 Minutes The minutes of the meeting of 7 October 2002 were confirmed and signed as a true record. 4 Clerk's Report 463/02 Insurance Skate Park Half Pipe (372/02) Noted that the cost of insurance remained the same whatever the excess. 464/02 Highways - Minor Improvement Scheme (395/02) As Council was allowed to submit two bids only the clerk had bid for improvements to Butt Lane junction and a pedestrian crossing near Tesco. Landbeach PC had not yet responded. Works in Ely Road were due to begin soon. An up to date plan showing these works had not been received. 465/02 Memorial Green (414/02) Taylor Vinters had written to Mr Holder detailing their charges. 466/02 Christmas Arrangements (417/02) Arrangements as in previous years the lights to be put up on 14 December. The clerk would thank Mr Chapman for his offer. Council to discuss this offer again in January. Action: the clerk 467/02 Drainage Fen Road (432/02) PKO had made the owners of 28 Fen Road aware of the potential problems if their ditch were not cleared out. The clerk to confirm in writing. Action: the clerk 468/02 Grass Cutting Contract (434/02) Herald Contract Services' response was received. It was AGREED not to impose any financial penalties at the present. 469/02 Remembrance Day Ceremony AGREED To donate £25 to the British Legion for the wreath. RLEW would lead the ceremony Mr H Capitain to say the exhortation. 470/02 CALC AGM PKO and the clerk attended the CALC AGM. Affiliation Fees for 2003 to be increased from £432 to £475.20. 471/02 Recycling Credits £789.84 had been received as a result of recycling. 5 Planning South Cambs Local Plan Number 2 472/02 SCDC's response to the inspector's recommendations and proposed modifications had been received. Any comments to be made by 9 December. Regional Planning Guidance - extract of options from SCDC and CCC 473/02 This RPG was designed to take the East of England up to 2021. Noted that the consultation process was under way for both the RPG and the South East Regional Airport Study. Minutes 474/02 The minutes of the Planning Committee meeting of 28 October were received. (359/02) Appeal - Mr & Mrs A Race 7 Coulson Close had appealed against refusal of planning permission. Decisions Received 475/02 Milton Hall Estates Ltd - office extension - refused. Would (388-9/02) dominate the original building and detrimental to character of the listed building - contrary to Local Plan Policies. 476/02 Mr & Mrs Scarborough 5 Coulson Close - extensions - approved. (391/02) 477/02 Mrs J Wilson - use of land at Chesterton Fen Road for 34 pitch (420/02) travellers caravan park - refused. Contrary to Policy SP12/1 of the Structure Plan 1995, Policy H5 of the South Cambs Local Plan 1993 and Policy SE13 of the Local Plan No. 2: Proposed Modifications 2002 - site lies outside village framework and in the countryside where new dwellings will be permitted only if they are essential to local agriculture, horticulture and forestry. Contrary to Green Belt Policies. Contrary to Structure Plan and Local Plan Policies which do not normally allow new development in an Area of Best Landscape. Contrary to Local Plan Policies for the Northern Fringe which seek to preserve the rural character of Chesterton Fen. 478/02 Mr & Mrs AE Dewey 49 Old School Lane - extensions - approved. (421/02) External materials to be identical to those used for existing building. 479/02 Mr & Mrs R Andrews 10 The Oaks - conservatory - approved. (427/02) 480/02 The College of West Anglia Ely Road - extension to pole barn - (429/02) approved. New Applications 481/02 S/2041/02/A Tesco Stores Ltd - car park zone signs - no recommendation. 482/02 S/2065/02 Dr DJ Cole 60 The Rowans - outbuilding - no recommendation. 483/02 S/1875/02 Silver Acre High Street - amendments to windows - refuse - (445/02) comments as before. 484/02 6 Finance The minutes of the Finance Committee meeting of 28 October were received. Salary Scales and Holiday Entitlement (458/02) AGREED to accept recommendations in Min 458/02. Rubberised Surface Toddlers Play Area (Min 459/02) (459/02) Since 1998 the play budget had been underspent by £3200. AGREED To make a donation of £2000 from the budget towards the rubberised surface planned for Coles Road Recreation Ground toddlers play area. This would be the start of the Joint Play Committee's long standing plan over 10 years for refurbishment of all the play equipment in the village. Minibus (Min 460/02) (460/02) RLEW had prepared documents explaining the background and the progress made. There were three options: 1. Milton Parish Council obtain a Vital Villages Grant to help towards purchasing a minibus. Note: Grant = £10,000, £12,000 already pledged by SCDC and MPC leaving a shortfall of £13,000. 2. MPC purchase a community bus - the scouts to manage. (Costs as above). A verbal assurance of three years' revenue support had been given by the Countryside Agency. Insurance costs would be about £2,000 per year. 3. MPC make a loan and/or a grant to the scouts to purchase their own minibus. Insurance costs for the scouts would be approximately £400. [IFM declared an interest as his sons were in the scouts/cubs]. AGREED To defer any decision till the December meeting to allow the scouts to re-submit a firm proposal with costings. IFM would discuss with SCDC whether the £6,000 grant would still be available for a scout (youth) minibus. Action: IFM The minibus steering group and the scouts would meet to advise on the amount of service to the community that could be provided in return for a Parish Council contribution. 485/02 7 Report of Travellers Meeting of 30 October The meeting had been informative. Any changes in Council Policy to be discussed at December meeting. Thanks to EHB for writing the minutes and JEC for organising the meeting. 486/02 8 Quotation for Gate at Landbeach Road (432/02) JEC, RLEW and the clerk had met with Sam Clift, Stuart Mallott and Michael Oakman of the County Council. MO had agreed to put up bollards along the northern end of the disused part of Landbeach Road. SC hoped to take the request for bridleway status to the magistrates court by February. MPC could put up a gate immediately. A quotation from Mowell for a gate was received. It was proposed that Council obtain a second quote - this motion was not carried - 3 votes in favour, 9 against and 2 abstentions. AGREED to accept the quotation from Mowell of £975 + VAT (11 votes in favour 3 against). The clerk would ask AWA and the College of West Anglia for help towards the funding. Action: the clerk 487/02 8 Youth Report HMS' report had been circulated. The following points were noted: - Numbers of youngsters attending MYC from outside Milton had gone down. - Need to attract more youngsters - Programme of activities would help. - A total of 150 had signed registration forms (approx 50 from outside village). - A lot of money was being spent on a few. As much money was not being spent on scouts, colts football and cricket. - The need to organise the youth club into two age groups. At present it was catering for 11-18 year olds. - A lottery grant towards a pavilion extension would probably fail on the youth club figures. It would be necessary to show the use by all youngsters including the sports clubs. To be discussed at Joint Meeting with MCC. Quotation for Notice Board AGREED To purchase a notice board for the Tesco walkway and to seek a contribution from Tesco. Action: HMS and the clerk 488/02 10 Quotation for Tree Work including Jubilee Oak AGREED - To accept the quotation of £190 + VAT by Town and Country Tree Surgery Company (T&C) for a Holm Oak to be planted at Memorial Green. (min refers). - To allow PKO and RD to spend up to £190 on replacement trees at the cemetery. - To accept the quotation of £1780 + VAT by T&C for various tree work at The Sycamores (rec and bund), Hawthorn Hedge, The Rowans and Edmund Green. (2 abstentions) - To ask T&C to cut back the hawthorn hedge at by 128 and 130 The Rowans in accordance with the wishes of the residents 489/02 11 MCC Update It was AGREED to hold a Joint Meeting on 13 November at 7.30pm. Suggested Agenda: Youth Facilities - Sycamores Pavilion Extension MCC Extension and Cladding Skate Park Repairs to Sycamores Recreation Ground. 490/02 12 Bills for Payment and Money Received CONFIRMED payment of cheques 2408 to 2410 and cheque 2421 AGREED payment of cheques 2412 (2411 void) to 2424 (exc 2421) (2 abstentions) 491/02 13 Crime Update Policing Priorities - Council's priorities were: - Improved communication with the public. - More policemen on the beat. Crime Issues - Inspector Howell pointed out that he had increased the number of patrols, including foot patrols since April. The clerk would clarify the actual increase in patrols that had taken place. 492/02 14 County Councillor's report (440/02) Denny End Bollard - minute 440/02 was incorrect. The County Council had promised that a new lit bollard would be installed. Sewage - a disappointing meeting had taken place. The results of the recent monitoring were received. The odours had not yet been eliminated. Waterbeach Library - JEC launched the Friends of Waterbeach Library on 2 November. The library would be 80 years old on 11 November. Science Park Slip Road - JEC had met with Mr Frost CCC to discuss the proposed extra lane from the Science Park to the A14 West. Highways - JEC had complained strongly about a whole range of issues in Milton, Landbeach and Waterbeach and had met Mark Kemp CCC to ask for action. It was agreed to invite Mr Kemp to the December meeting at 7pm. Daffodils - RD, ME and RLEW would organise the daffodil planting. 493/02 15 District Councillor's report (283/02) A10 Speed Limit - RTS had persuaded the Area Joint Committee to accept a 40mph limit. The committee has no executive powers however - the decision resting with the County Council. There had been an error in the report submitted by the County Council - the street lights cover the area near the Butt Lane traffic lights only. The amended report would therefore be considered again at the next Area meeting but it would not be possible to enforce the speed limit. Refuse Collection - there would be no break in the service over Easter. Barnabas Court - Cambridge Housing Society had scheduled a meeting with the residents to discuss their concerns about measures in place when the manager is not working 494/02 16 Correspondence Rowing Trust - Bulletin 17 Dates of next meetings Planning - 18 November Youth - tba Council - 2 December Play - 8 January The meeting ended at 10.45pm.