Minutes of the Meeting of Milton Parish Council
           held on Monday 7 October 2002 at 7.30pm in the Community Centre

Present:   PK Oldham (chair)   HM Smith   EH Baker   JE Coston   R Day
           M Ellwood   RJ Farrington   B Jefferson   CJ Lock   IF May   TJ Siggs
           RT Summerfield   LC Twinn   RLE Waters
           The clerk SJ Daniels
       1   Apologies for absence   -  DJ Lee

412/02 2   Declaration of Interest
           HMS declared an interest for item 12.

413/02 3   Minutes
           The minutes of the meeting of 2 September 2002 were confirmed and
           signed as a true record.

       4   Clerk's Report  
414/02     Memorial Green
(153/02)   PKO had met with Mr Holder.  Council confirmed its agreement to a
           land swap (see minute 50/02) provided that Mr Holder met all costs
           and provided the law allowed a land swap.  

415/02     Bus Reliability Meeting
(345/02)   PKO and LCT had been unable to attend the meeting. Subsidised bus
           routes were discussed at that meeting. 

416/02     Kings Hedges Drive
           Noted that a Prohibition of Waiting Order to extend the length of
           prohibition of waiting at Kings Hedges Drive had been advertised.

417/02     Christmas Arrangements 
           R Chapman Rectory Farm had offered to supply and put up a Christmas
           tree if a suitable site could be found for it. To be discussed at
           planning/next meeting. In the meantime RJF would investigate the
           situation regarding the existing arrangements.
           Action:  RJF 

       5   Planning  
418/02     The minutes of the Planning Committee meeting of 16 September 02
           were received.

419/02     Appeal - by J Crickmore The Stables Chesterton Fen Road against
(383/02)   refusal of planning permission for siting of temporary chalet
420/02     S/1452/02 Mrs J Wilson - use of land at Chesterton Fen Road for
(364/02)   34 pitch travellers caravan park. Planning Committee meeting of
           2 October refused permission.
421/02     S/1719/02 Mr & Mrs AE Dewey 51 Old School Lane - extensions. Two
(390/02)   letters of objection from neighbours had been received.

           Decisions Received

422/02     Appeal - Ms E Calladine & Mr M Saunders  14 Sunningdale Park Fen Road
(229/02)   Chesterton. Ground (b) "breach of planning alleged by the enforcement
           notice has not occurred...as the structure is not a dwelling but a
           dayroom/utility room" - allowed.
           Ground (a) - appeal site lies within Green Belt; is it an appropriate
           form of development in the Green Belt? - allowed.
           Planning Permission was therefore granted on condition that the
           building is occupied for domestic purposes only and only by the
           appellants and their direct descendants. When the premises are no
           longer occupied by any of these persons the use hereby permitted
           shall cease and the building demolished.

423/02     Trinity College (CSP) Ltd with Aula Ltd Unit 428 Phase 6 Science Park
(329/02)   - erection of building for research and development with associated
           offices together with stores building and covered cycle rack -
           Details of materials for external walls and roofs, hard surfaced
           areas including roads, driveways and car parking areas, surface water
           drainage, covered cycle racks, Green Commuter Plan and landscaping
           scheme to be approved by LPA.

424/02     Trinity College Unit 315 Science Park - 2 roof mounted flues and
(365/02)   cycle shelter - approved.

425/02     Cambridge Regional College - portable classroom building - approved
(368/02)   until 31 December 2002. 

426/02     A West 73 Coles Road - extension - refused.  
(384/02)   Close proximity to number 71 and overbearing - contrary to Local
           Deposit Plan Policy HG17.  
           Narrow width of garage not practical for parking.  Not enough parking
           spaces for a 4 bedroom house and contrary to Local Deposit Plan car
           parking standards in Appendix 7/1.
           Cramped form of development and out of character in the street scene.
           Contrary to Cambs Structure Plan 1995 Policy SP12/10 and Local
           Deposit Plan Policy HG17.

           New Applications

427/02     S/1813/02 Mr & Mrs R Andrews 10 The Oaks - conservatory - no

428/02     S/18/14/02 Polight Technologies Ltd Unit 291 Science park - chiller
           enclosure - no recommendation.

429/02     S/1827 /02 The College of West Anglia Ely Road - extension to pole
           barn - approve.

430/02     S/1837/02 W O'Connor - land at Chesterton Fen Road - mobile home for
           gypsy accommodation - refuse. Contrary to South Cambs District
           Policies in the emerging Local Plan.

431/02     C/11/17/72/11 JR Crack 2 Kens Way - reduction of horse chestnut - no

432/02 6   Highways
           The minutes of the Highways Committee meeting of 16 September were

(394/02)   Drainage - PKO would discuss with the owners of Milton House the
           potential flooding problems caused by the drain under Fen Road
           (min 47/02 refers).

(397/02)   Disused Part of Landbeach Road - AWA needed access and offered to
           pay half the costs of erecting a gate (min 410/02 also refers).
           There had been a delay in implementing the downgrading to a
           bridleway. The clerk would write to the Chief Executive of the
           County Council asking for a speedy resolution.
           Action:  the clerk

433/02 7   Community Care
           The minutes of the CCWG  meeting of 19 September were received.
           Warden's Contract - AGREED to accept recommendation in minute 400/02.

(402/02)   Funding - applications for funding from SCDC were being considered
           during October. The County Council would consider applications for
           grant aid from organisations "in need".

(403/02)   SCCCN - The clerk reported that the South Cambs Community Care
           Network was a registered charity funded by Social Services, Trusts
           and donations.

434/02 8   Maintenance
           The minutes of the Maintenance Committee meeting of 23 September
           were received. 

(408/02)   Village Cleaning - The clerk had agreed with RCT Adams a total of
           8 hours per week.    

(409/02)   Grass Cutting Contract - AGREED to send the letter to Herald Contract
           Action:  the clerk
           The chairman stated that this was the first step towards terminating
           the contract. 

(410/02)   Trees - PKO had met with Burleigh Contractors and hoped to be able
           to present quotations to the next meeting.

           Jubilee Oak - an inscribed portland stone would cost between £300
           and £400. Cost of installing the stone and the tree were not yet
           known. The clerk would ask Milton Charities for a donation towards
           the project.
           Action:  the clerk

(411/02)   Daffodils - AGREED to spend approximately £50 on the purchase of
           daffodils. PKO would talk to Pi about planting along Ely Road.
           Action: RLEW and PKO
435/02 9   Proposal to split parish into two parts
           The Boundary Committee's report April 2002 page 46 para 151 states:
           "While we acknowledge that the most appropriate solution to this
            anomaly would be either the inclusion of the Milton detached area
            within Cambridge City or a parish review in order to create a
            separate Parish Meeting for the detached area, neither of these
            outcomes are possible within the remit of this PER."
            (Periodic Electoral Review)

           As a result the following issues were raised:
           - Should Chesterton Fen become a separate parish administered by a
             Parish Meeting?
           - The Boundary Commission review (5-10 years?) may recommend
             boundary changes.
           - While Chesterton Fen remains part of Milton should MPC do more for
             the residents - eg PC surgery, consultation? JEC was arranging a
             meeting for 30 October (min 275/02).  These issues could be raised
             at that meeting with the Travellers' Liaison Officer. 
436/02 10  Cycle Bridge
           The County Council were not involved in the contract negotiations.  
           The successful company should be known in December/January.

437/02 11  MCC Update
           AGM was held on 2 October. MCC intended putting down a rubberised
           surface at the toddlers' play area and swings at Coles Road at a
           cost of approximately £8000. MCC hoped that Council would be able
           to make a contribution towards the cost - to be discussed at November

           RTS pointed out that without the efforts of the Parish Councillors MCC
           would be in difficulties. 

           The Charity Commissioners  had not allowed MCC to make a minor change
           to the constitution to meet one of the Lottery objections. An
           application for funds towards a minibus was being sent off again.
           A recent ACRE meeting attended by HMS and PKO had confirmed that the
           Vital Villages Fund had money for such projects - applications must
           be made, however, by Parish Councils.

438/02 12  Bills for Payment and Money Received 
           CONFIRMED payment of cheques 2392 to 2395
           AGREED to authorise payment of cheques 2396 to 2407 (1 abstention).

439/02 13  Crime Update 
           Crime figures showed another increase. RLEW would draft a letter to
           be sent to Inspector Howell expressing concern about the level of
           increase and the action that the police were taking to combat the
           crime rate.
           Action: RLEW

           Council's views on policing priorities were being sought - to be
           discussed at November meeting. Noted that funding was available
           through the South Cambs Community Safety Partnership.
           Local Consultation meeting scheduled for 29 October.

440/02 14  County Councillor's report
           Development Proposals Examination in Public - JEC was co-operating
           with Landbeach and Waterbeach to prepare a statement for the
           Examination in Public.
           Mobile Library - the library was now visiting twice each alternate
           Wednesday (instead of three times) but for a few minutes extra. JEC
           was pressing for a better service.
           Denny End Junction Waterbeach - the bollard light had been repaired.
           Sewage Works Meeting - a meeting was scheduled for 10 October
           at 2.30pm.
           Landfill Liaison - a meeting would take place soon.
           Butt Lane/A10 Traffic Lights - a resident of Landbeach had
           complained that the lights were dangerous for cyclists.
           High Street - JEC had received a complaint about the poor
           visibility near the pedestrian crossing caused by parked vans/lorries.
           Waste - JEC would find out the situation regarding the transfer of
           waste from Milton Landfill to Donarbon's site at Landbeach as this
           was creating a litter problem along Butt Lane and the A10.

441/02 15  District Councillor's report
           Refuse Collection - Milton would not miss a collection at Christmas.
           RTS was "working" on Easter also. Money from the recycling scheme
           would be received soon.

442/02 16  Correspondence  
           WD Booth   - re Bradwell's Court draft planning and design brief
           CPRE    - re airport proposals at Alconbury
           Cambs County Council  - Cambs Local Transport Plan - Progress Report
           Local Heritage Initiative  - re LHI website
           CALC    - Special Bulletin - notice of AGM
           Cambs County Council - Government Funding of Local Authority Services 
           ACRE    - Notice of AGM
           SCDC    - Housing Strategy Document 2003/05
           Countryside Agency  - re green open spaces
           Commission for Racial Equality - A Guide for Public Authorities
           cb4law (solicitors)  - Transfer of licence Lion & lamb
           South Cambs NHS Trust - Primary Care Trust Bulletin
           Anonymous   - Chesterton Fen 
           Information Commissioner - Freedom of Information Act 2000.  
           PKO would incorporate FoI Act into the Standing orders booklet
           for the ad hoc committee to discuss.
       17  Dates of next meetings 
           Planning   - 28 October 7pm
           Finance   - 28 October 8pm
           Council   - 4 November

The meeting ended at 9.50pm.