Minutes of the Meeting of Milton Parish Council
           held on Monday 2 September 2002 at 7.30pm in the Community Centre

Present:   PK Oldham (chair)   HM Smith   EH Baker   JE Coston   R Day   M Ellwood
           RJ Farrington   B Jefferson   CJ Lock   IF May   TJ Siggs   RT Summerfield
           LC Twinn   RLE Waters
           The clerk SJ Daniels and 2 members of the public (part)

       1   Apologies for absence   -  DJ Lee

338/02 2   Declaration of Interest
           PKO reminded members of the need to declare any interests under the Code
           of Conduct.

339/02 3   Minutes
           The minutes of the meeting of 1 July 2002 were confirmed and signed as
           a true record.

       4   Clerk's Report  
           Waste Local Plan
340/02     PKO and JEC spoke at the recent Inquiry.  
341/02     Queen's Golden Jubilee Awards
(297/02)   RTS awarded PKO a certificate on behalf of SCDC.

342/02     Landbeach Road 
(298/02)   The downgrading to a bridleway was being progressed.

343/02     Speed Limit Extension
(312/02)   Noted that the County Council intended extending the speed limit to a point
           beyond the Farm College field entrance and that the order had been

344/02     Ditch Cambridge Road
(314/02)   SCDC had completed the work on the ditch. That part by the doctors' surgery
           would take about 2 days at a cost of approximately £500. It would
           necessitate removal of tree branches.
           A working party would meet to clear out this part of the ditch. 

345/02     Bus Reliability
           PKO, JEC and LCT hoped to attend a public meeting  at  Shire Hall in
           Cambridge at 7.30 pm on Monday 9th September.

       5   Planning  
           Decisions Received
346/02     R Upton et al Grange Park Gypsy Site (16 pitches) Chesterton Fen Road -
(451/00)   approved.
           Permission for a 16 gypsy caravan site only. The site shall be used for
           persons of a nomadic habit of life only, whatever their race or origin
           (but not including organised groups of travelling showmen or persons
           engaged in travelling circuses). A scheme for the installation of 16
           sealed cesspools to be approved by SCDC.

347/02     Quattrocento Ltd  The Innovation Centre  Unit 140  Science Park - 
(320/01)   extensions, refuse/cycle store and additional parking - minor amendments
           to car parking/landscaping - approved.

348/02     C Lee - site at Cave Industrial Estate Chesterton Fen Road - change of use 
(605/01)   of land for storage of skips/bins and lorries - approved. (Amended plans
           also received showing details of French drain). This permission to relate
           solely for the use of parking of skip lorries and empty skips. French
           drain, holding pond and pump to be installed within one calendar month
           and thereafter maintained. No waste material to be stored on site or
           within skips. Yard not to be used before 07.30 or after 21.00 Monday -
           Friday (after 13.00 Saturdays, Sundays and Bank Holidays).  

349/02     EP and J Clark - land at Chesterton Fen Road - use of land as gypsy
(21/02)    caravan site (16 pitches). Refused. Premature in advance of Policy CNF11
           of the Deposit Plan (as amended 2001) being considered through the Local
350/02     TXU Europe  North Lodge  Ely Road - erection of garage/utility, fences
(276/02)   and gates - approved. (Minor amendments also received). External materials
           to be identical to existing.  Landscaping scheme, details  of driveway
           construction, surface materials and tree survey for the sycamore tree
           adjacent the gate to be approved by LPA.
           New pumping chamber adjacent south east boundary specifically excluded from
           the permission. Details of a new location to be approved by LPA prior to
           any development.

351/02     TXU Europe  North Lodge  Ely Road - internal and external  alterations and 
(277/02)   furbishment, installation of DPC and reinstatement of front door, rear
           windows and chimneys. Works to entrance walls and gates - approved. All
           works to be carried out strictly in accordance with the approved plans.
           LPA to meet owner/contractor on site to discuss conditions of the consent
           and the manner of the works. Precise details of windows and doors to be
           approved. Brickwork, bond, joint detail and mortar mix to be approved and
           to match existing.  Conditions relating to internal plaster on walls and
           ceilings, gutters and drainpipes and internal timberwork. No cleaning of
           brickwork to be carried out without approval of LPA.

352/02     Cambridge Regional College - link road incorporating a pick-up/drop-off
(278/02)   point at Kings Hedges Drive - approved. Details of landscaping and
           materials for retaining walls to be approved. Security gate to be installed
           and kept closed other than during times when buses arrive at and depart
           from the site.

353/02     Mr & Mrs W Gunn 199 The Rowans - extension - approved. External materials
(278[b]/02) to be identical to existing building.

354/02     Armedis Pharmaceuticals Ltd and Trinity College - Unit 162 Science Park -
(279/02)   alterations to building including 8 roof mounted flues and erection of
           external store - approved.

355/02     J Termote  9 Butt Lane - variation of condition 1 of pp S/2203/90 to allow 
(305/02)   the conversion of integral garage to additional living accommodation - 

356/02     Mr & Mrs AE Dewey  49 Old School Lane - extensions - refused. The close 
(306/02)   proximity of the proposed extension to number 51A would seriously harm
           the amenities of the occupiers of that property and would also harm
           amenities of the occupiers of number 49 through undue loss of privacy
           caused by overlooking of a first floor window. As such the proposal
           would be contrary to Policy HG17 of the South Cambs Deposit Local Plan
           (as amended 2001).

357/02     Trinity College Science Park - removal of Condition 3 of Planning
(308/02)   Permission S/1536/98 which requires details of pedestrian/cycle gate -
           refused. Access via Garry Drive provides a popular and well used access
           for cyclists. Closure of the gate/access would be contrary to the aims
           of "encouraging the use of cycles as a sustainable method of transport
           and the provision of a safe route for cyclists which minimises conflict
           with other highway users". 
           The proposed alternative route to the north west would involve a
           significant detour for some users and is locked outside the hours of
           06.30 and 19.30.
           Contrary therefore to Policies SP7/7 of the Approved Structure Plan 1995,
           T13 of the Approved South Cambs Local Plan 1993 and TP18 of the Deposit
           Plan (as amended 2001) all of which seek to encourage the provision of
           cycle facilities in the layout of developments.

358/02     Mr & Mrs S Campbell 54 Butt Lane - extension to garage and rear - refused.
(326/02)   The proposal would seriously harm the amenities of the occupiers of 56 Butt
           Lane through being unduly overbearing in terms of its mass when viewed from
           rooms at the rear of that property and from its garden. Contrary to
           Structure Plan Policy SP12/10 and South Cambs Deposit Local Plan 1999
           Policy HG17. 

359/02     Mr & Mrs A Race 7 Coulson Close - single storey side and rear extension -
(327/02)   refused. Siting and height of proposed extension in close proximity and
           extending across the entire northern boundaries of Nos. 217 and 219 and
           mostly along Nos. 215 and 223 The Sycamores would result in an overbearing
           and unacceptable standard of visual amenity from the rear of these
           properties and their garden area contrary to Structure Plan (1995)
           Policy SP12/10 and Local Deposit Plan (amended 2001) Policy HG17 (2 and 5). 

360/02     Cambridge Regional College  Blocks C and E Kings Hedges Road - extensions - 
(328/02)   approved. Use of render on existing brick screen specifically excluded.
           Alternative elevational treatment to be approved by LPA.

           New Applications

361/02     S/0289/94  Mr & Mrs N Fordham 52 Old School Lane -  amendment to extensions.
(133/94)   Late start date (April 02?) of work queried; neighbour's objection to new
           window supported.

362/02     S/1419/02 Trinity College - Unit 181 Science Park - covered cycle rack and
           2 roof mounted flues. No recommendation - emissions from flues queried.

363/02     S/1445/02 Ms L Collison 10 Garner Close - first floor side extension. No
           recommendation - proximity to number 8 queried.

364/02     S/1452/02 Mrs J Wilson - land at Chesterton Fen Road - use of land as
           travellers caravan park (34 pitches).  Refuse - support SCDC overall
           policy for this area. 

365/02     S/1465/02 Trinity College - Unit 315 Science Park - 2 roof mounted flues
           and cycle store.  No recommendation - emissions from flues queried.

366/02     S/1544/02 Mr & Mrs O'Kane 79 Cambridge Road - extension. No recommendation.

367/02     S/2103/01 Lancashire Industrial and Commercial Services Ltd - change of use
(271/02)   to golf practice centre including club house par 3 golf course shop/office
           car park access and bridle path/pedestrian link to rowing lake and park at
           Penfold Farm Ely Road. Refuse - (13 votes in favour 1 against) Comments
           submitted to SCDC:
           - The plans allow for up to 200 car parking spaces.  We would like to hear
             the applicant's projection of traffic movements both in and out of the
             complex during phase 1 and 2. We are especially concerned as to how these
             traffic movements may affect the safety on the highway - both the A10
             Milton Bypass and the Ely Road into Milton.

             It should be noted that traffic entering Milton from the north along the
             slip road usually encounter no cars turning off the A10 towards Milton.   

             A change in the pattern of traffic will necessitate a re-think in the
             minds of drivers and will cause, we believe, a danger. It is our view
             that traffic movements for the proposed site will cause problems. We are
             concerned also that congestion and possible further dangers will be
             caused by traffic turning right off the A10 from the south.

           - The scheme appears to be larger than first envisaged and is not in
             keeping with the rural area.

           - The building is out of keeping with the rural surroundings.

           - Over-development of the site - there are more buildings than are
             necessary for a 9 hole golf course.

           - There are no details of the "Pro's" shop and there seems to be another
             building on the plans - not previously seen.

           - The relationship between this site and the Rowing Lake is rather
             confusing. We find it difficult to make a decision when there is so
             much 'kite flying'.

           - With such a substantial development the Parish Council would expect
             some 'planning gain' for the village as we have an obligation to provide
             sports pitches suitable for youngsters.

368/02     S/1598/02 Cambridge Regional College  Kings Hedges Road portable classroom
           building - no recommendation.

369/02     S/1599/02 St John's College St John's Innovation Park - construction of
           7 new car parking spaces and external works - no recommendation.

370/02 6   Finance

           The minutes of the Finance Committee meeting of 8 July were received and
           the accounts for 2001/02 approved (min 325/02).
(321/02)   Skate Park Grant - SCDC had agreed to make the grant payable to MPC.
(325/02)   Accounts 2001/02 - the accounts were approved.

371/02 7   Youth
           The minutes of the MYCMG  meeting of 30 July were received.
(332/02)   Summer Programme - went quite well an average of 12-16 youngsters attending.
           Autumn Term - sessions as last year (no Ridley Hall student available).
           New Police Check Procedures - to be pursued through IVC. IFM offered to
           help if necessary.
           Age Related Segregation - would take place only if the youth centre could
           open for another evening each week. 
           Attendance - average attendance during Summer Term was 15-20.

372/02 8   Play
           The minutes of the Play Committee meeting of 27 August were received. 
(335/02)   Insurance of Skate Park Half Pipe - would cost £114.45 per year subject to
           annual professional inspection and weekly visual check by MPC. Malicious
           damage excess £150.
           AGREED to confirm with SCDC that MPC would guarantee replacement of 
           the half pipe if damaged.

           Action: HMS

           The clerk would find out cost of insuring half pipe if excess were
           Action: Clerk

373/02 9   Cemetery Fee Letter  
           A letter of complaint about the £15 charge for an inscription added to an
           headstone was received. Council supported the Chairman's comments in his
           letter of reply.

           AGREED to reaffirm Council's agreement with the fees as proposed by the 
           Cemetery Committee January 2001 (min 50/01). 

           Action: Clerk to write to complainant

374/02 10  Review of Grazing Rights land north of allotments
           Prior to selling the land to MPC the County Council had negotiated a fee
           of £150 for grazing rights for two years.

           AGREED to renew the agreement for two years at a fee of £180 (£90 per 
           year). 12 votes in favour 2 abstentions.

           Action: Clerk 

           Noted that the football club had little interest in using the land for a
           football pitch as there were no facilities available.

375/02 11  Report of meeting with Tesco 
           PKO and HMS had met with Tesco. A report had been circulated. Tesco
           intended replacing the wooden fence with a more substantial structure
           at the rear of their property adjacent The Sycamores Recreation Ground.
           MCC/MPC had no need for access to recreation ground after the installation
           of the skate park and therefore did not see the need for a gate in the

           PKO would ask Tesco to inform RTS whenever fly tipping occurs.

376/02 12  MCC Update 
           AGM set for 02 October 02 at 7.30pm.
           The bid for a community minibus was unsuccessful. The application had been
           amended to meet the "lottery" objections and would be sent off again.

377/02 13  Bills for Payment and Money Received 
           CONFIRMED payment of cheques 2361 to 2380
           AGREED to authorise payment of cheques 2381 to 2391 (1 abstention).

378/02 14  Crime Update 
           Crime figures not to hand. It was reported that figures were high.

379/02 15  County Councillor's report
           Sewage Smells - JEC had demanded a meeting with AWA,  EHO's (City and SCDC)
           and other concerned people.  As a result changes at the AWA works had been
           implemented. Monitoring of the smells was in hand. It was hoped that
           representatives of  MPC, Cambridge News, Science Park and others would meet
           again on 10 October at 2.30pm at the sewage works to review progress.

           A10 Roundabout Donarbon - after receiving many complaints about the safety
           at this roundabout JEC had persuaded the Highways Authority (now the
           Country Council) to realign the roundabout. The Highways Agency had
           approved the plans. Donarbon had complied with these and were blameless
           for the problems.

380/02 16  District Councillor's report
           Blackwells Caravan Site - problems at this site had not yet been resolved.  
           Area Joint Committee - traffic orders relating to the A10 bypass
           (to maintain a 60mph speed limit) were on the agenda for the next meeting.

381/02 17  Correspondence  
           CALC   - Bulletin / Notice of AGM.  Noted that Milton website 
                    came fourth in a competition organised by NALC.
           Friends of War Memorials - Information / details of membership
           ACRE   - Parish Plans
           Cambridge City NHS - Safer Homes Project
           One Stop   - Notice of Transfer of Justices Licence
           County Council  - Letter re Air Quality Forecasting System
           County Council  - Cambridge Core Traffic Scheme Stage 3 update
           SCMWG   - Report of meeting of South Cambs Mobile Warden Group
           CCC   - Flooding Seminar 7 September

       18  Dates of next meetings 
           Planning    - 16 September 7.30pm
           Highways    - 16 September 8.00pm
           Maintenance - 23 September 7.30pm
           CCWG        - 19 September 11.00am
           Council     - 7 October 7.30pm
The meeting ended at 9.30pm.