Minutes of the Meeting of Milton Parish Council
           held on Monday 1 July 2002 at 7.30pm in the Community Centre

Present:   PK Oldham  (chair)   HM Smith   JE Coston   R Day
           M Ellwood (from min 299/02)   RJ Farrington   DJ Lee   CJ Lock
           IF May   TJ Siggs   RT Summerfield   LC Twinn   RLE Waters
           The clerk SJ Daniels

       1   Apologies for absence   -  EH Baker   B Jefferson

294/02 2   Declaration of Interest
           PKO reminded members of the need to declare any interests under
           the Code of Conduct.

295/02 3   Minutes
           The minutes of the meeting of 10 June 2002 were confirmed and
           signed as a true record.

       4   Clerk's Report    
296/02     Prohibition of Waiting Industrial Estate
(258/02)   No response as yet

297/02     Queen's Jubilee
(260/02)   The clerk would send SCDC location plan for oak tree. Details to be
           discussed by maintenance committee in September.
           Action: clerk

298/02     Landbeach Road 
(275/02)   No response as yet. The clerk would ask Director of Transportation
           to expedite the downgrading to a bridleway. JEC would also pursue.
           Action: clerk and JEC
           Being mindful of the decision reached in minute 257/02 Council 
           AGREED To invite Waterbeach and Landbeach Parish Councils and the 
           Travellers' Liaison Officers to a private meeting first (by the end
           of November) to discuss Government, County and District Policies
           for travellers. 
           Action:  JEC

299/02     Village Fayre 
(261/02)   AGREED to donate two signed copies of the Millennium Book each to a 
           Charity in the village.
           Action:  JEC

       5   Planning

           Decisions Received
300/02     Mr & Mrs A Race 7 Coulson Close - extension - refused.  Loss of
(144/02)   well established and traditional hedgerow which provides effective
           screening and good visual amenity for 7 Coulson Close and five
           neighbouring properties in The Sycamores. Overbearing impact -
           contrary to Structure Plan and Local Deposit Plan Policies.

301/02     Trinity College (CSP) with Aula Ltd Unit 418 Science Park -
(169/02)   building for research and development with associated offices -
           approved. Details to be approved: external materials, surface water
           drainage, materials for hard surfaced areas including roads,
           driveways and car parking areas, landscaping scheme, external
           storage building or cycle store and Green Commuter Plan.

302/02     M Ellwood 52 Fen Road - porch and double garage - approved.
(238/02)   External materials to be identical to those used for existing
           building. Surface Material of driveawy to be permeable.

303/02     Mr Bain 4 Ken's Way - conservatory - approved.

           New Applications
304/02     S/1141/02 Amedis Pharmaceuticals Ltd - Unit 162 Science Park -
(279/02)   alterations to building including 8 roof mounted flues and erection
           of external store. Noted that the Planning Officer was recommending
           approval subject to any conditions recommended by the Environmental
           Health Officer. 
305/02     S/1183/02 Mrs J Termote 9 Butt Lane - variation of condition 1 of
           planning permission S/2203/90 to allow the conversion of integral
           garage to additional living accommodation - no recommendation.
306/02     S/1200/02 Mr & Mrs AE Dewey 49 Old School Lane - extensions -
           refuse. Over-development and very close to neighbours. Support
           neighbours' objections.
307/02     S/1230/02 Mr J Crickmore The Stables Chesterton Fen Road - siting
           of temporary chalet accommodation - refuse. Contrary to South 
           Cambs Policy for eastern side of Chesterton Fen Road.
308/02     S/1231/02 Trinity College - southern boundary of Science Park -
           removal of condition 3 of planning permission S/1536/98 which
           required details of pedestrian/cycle gate - refuse, unless
           applicant can produce strong evidence that cyclists no longer use
           this access.
309/02     C/11/40/72 Mr S Davies 38 High Street - trim back overhanging
           sycamore branches - no comments.

           Noted that Camstead Ltd were considering submitting an application
           for 7 houses on land behind Fen Farm.

310/02 6   Youth
           The minutes of the Youth Committee meeting of 12 June were received
           PKO and HMS to arrange to meet new manager of Tesco about litter,
           graffiti, sale of alcohol to youngsters, pedestrian access, crime
           HMS now had more information available and requested that Council
           support the Summer programme up to £1000 (from budget). 
           AGREED 12 in favour 1 abstention.
           AGREED to pay £522.50 to WREN (11% of grant of £4750)
            - 12 in favour 1 abstention.
           AGREED to support the Skate Park - total cost £24000 + VAT - and
           that Council pay £477.50 from Capital Budget towards scheme 
            - 11 in favour 2 abstentions.

           Action: clerk to submit application to SCDC for funding.

311/02 7   Highways
(283/02)   The County Council proposals for the pinch point at Ely Road just
           north of North Lodge had been received. Council were broadly in
           favour. PKO and RJF were due to meet Mike Davies of the County
           Council on site to discuss.

312/02 8   Race Relations (Amendment) Act 2000
(285/02)   JEC felt that Council should not discuss one item in isolation
           and that Council needed to adopt an overall policy to cover look
           at equal opportunities, disability discrimination etc.
           AGREED that an ad hoc committee meet to produce a draft document
           for discussion together with amendments to the Standing Orders.
           Action:  PKO  JEC  RTS  RLEW

313/02 9   Ditch Cambridge Road
(282/02)   Pat Matthews believed that the amount to be taken out of the
           ditch did not justify his going to the Environment Agency. He
           would remove the "heavy stuff" including cans, bottles etc to
           the landfill site and leave the remainder on the verge but well
           set back. He would need to remove some tree branches to get to
           the site.
           AGREED to accept P Matthews' recommendation.

314/02 10  MCC Update
           The office had been closed for a week because of a bereavement.
           The clerk had sent a card of condolence.

315/02 11  Bills for Payment and Money Received 
           AGREED to authorise payment of cheques 2349 - 2360.

316/02 12  Crime Update 
           There had been 17 crimes in June including two instances of fuel
           lines being cut. Noted that there had been 50 crimes in Waterbeach
           in June including 30 car tyres being slashed.

317/02 13  County Councillor's report
           Cycle Bridge - It was expected that work  would start on the cycle
           bridge in the Autumn.
           Structure Plan - County Councillors would not be allowed to speak
           at the Examination in Public. Waterbeach Parish Council would be
           able to speak. A group of Waterbeach and Landbeach councillors
           were meting with JEC to discuss issues
318/02 14  District Councillor's report
           Rowing Lake - although revised plans had not been received the
           planning officers intended to proceed with consultation in
           Housing Needs Survey - SCDC were conducting a housing needs
           survey and were encouraging residents to take part in personal
           interviews if approached.

319/02 15  Correspondence  
           CALC -  AGM South Cambs Association, Secretary's retirement party 
           Addenbrooke's - Open Day  6 July
           Cambs Fire & Rescue Service - Performance Plan 2002/03
       16  Dates of next meetings 
           Finance  - 8 July
           Planning - July/August tba
           Council  - 2 September  

The meeting ended at 9.30pm.