Minutes of the Meeting of Milton Parish Council
           held on Monday 10 June 2002 at 7.30pm in the Community Centre

Present:   PK Oldham (chair)   HM Smith   EH Baker   JE Coston [from item 6(b)]
           R Day   M Ellwood   RJ Farrington   B Jefferson   DJ Lee   CJ Lock
           IF May   TJ Siggs   RT Summerfield   LC Twinn   RLE Waters
           The clerk SJ Daniels and 7 members of the public (part)

       1   Apologies for absence - none

255/02 2   Declaration of Interest
           PKO reminded members of the need to declare any interests under
           the Code of Conduct.

256/02 3   Minutes
           The minutes of the meeting of 13 May 2002 were confirmed and signed
           as a true record.

       4   Clerk's Report    
257/02     Tesco
           Rats had been seen in the bushes in front of Tesco. The
           Environmental Health Officer had spoken to Tesco who have employed
           a firm to deal with problem but they were unable to find evidence
           of infestation. 
(571/01)   The clerk had asked Tesco again about ways of preventing trolleys
           from being wheeled into the village (as at Bar Hill). Tesco Head
           Office were investigating.

258/02     Prohibition of Waiting Industrial Estate
(615/01)   Noted that the proposal to install double yellow lines at the
           entrance to the Country Park had been put on hold because of
           various objections. Philip Sharp (CCC) was considering advertising
           the proposal formally and allow the Area Joint Committee to decide
           what to do. The clerk would ask for detailed information.
           Action:  Clerk

259/02     Committees etc
(209/02)   IFM was included as a member of the Allotments Working Group.
           Noted that RD and HMS were representatives on the Landfill
           Liaison Group. 
260/02     Waste Local Plan
(216/02)   Details of the Inquiry Programme were received.

261/02     Queen's Jubilee
(219/02)   Noted that SCDC were offering golden sovereigns to present to
           villages that best fit the four categories below:
           - Largest village event in South Cambridgeshire
           - Most inclusive village event
           - Most long-lasting memorial
           - Most original community celebration.
           As Council intended to plant an oak tree it was AGREED 
           to apply to SCDC for consideration in the "most long-lasting 
           memorial to the Golden Jubilee" category.
           Action:  Clerk
262/02     Listed Buildings
(222/02)   Criteria used for selecting buildings for listing  was received.
           Noted that Ambassador Lodge was not listed as it "has been
           substantially altered over the years and has had a series of
           modern extensions" (letter from SCDC).  LCT was not convinced that
           this was the case. Ambassador Lodge however was in the Conservation
           Area and as a result any alterations to the exterior would be
           subject to careful consideration by the Conservation Manager of SCDC.
           It was AGREED  
            to take no further action.

263/02     Code of Conduct/CALC
(224/02)   Advert cost £13.50.  
            to purchase three copies of New Standing Orders Booklet at £19.50.  
           Consultation paper received from DLTR concerning "Local
           investigation and determination of misconduct allegations".

           Noted that Charlotte Rogers-Jones had resigned as County Secretary
           of CALC (leaving the area).
264/02     Noisy Alarm
(226/02)   A contact number was now available in the event of a recurrence of
           the problem.

265/02     SCDC Housing Strategy
(228/02)   No comments were made.

266/02     Public Entertainments Licence - Milton School
           An application to renew the School's Entertainments Licence was
267/02     Village Fayre
            to have a stall at the Village Fayre. Theme: History Society,
            Millennium Books, raising profile of Parish Council.

       5   Planning

268/02     Mr M Young 26 The Rowans - garage - allowed.

269/02     Mr RG Cave 63 Cambridge Road - bungalow on land at rear - allowed.

270/02     Mr S Hanson 18 Humphries Way - first floor side extension - allowed.

           Decisions Received
271/02     Lancashire Industrial and Commercial Services Ltd - Penfold Farm
(602/01)   Ely Road - change of use to golf practice centre including club
           house par 3 golf course shop/office car park access and bridle
           path/pedestrian link to rowing lake and park - approved.  
           Conditions:  the following details to be approved by the LPA:
           - siting of building, external appearance, means of access
           - landscaping scheme
           - surface water drainage, foul sewage disposal, floor levels of
             building(s), foundations, materials for hard surfaced area
             within the site, car parking provision and underground works
             for the provision of services
           - layout scheme of golf course
           - programme of archaeological work
           - ecological survey.
           Various conditions relating to highway safety.
           No more than 450m2 floor-space of the Golf Centre complex to be
           built until completion of Rowing Lake and public access.

272/02     Mr and Mrs JD Challis 57 Coles Road - extension - approved.
(170/02)   Two parking spaces to be maintained.

273/02     P Garrod 13 Bene't Close - increase in garage eaves height
(234/02)   - approved.
274/02     Mr and Mrs BT Robbins 42 Coles Road - extensions - approved. 
(237/02)   External materials  to be identical to those used for existing

           At this point Standing Orders were suspended to allow Sherry Peck
           address the meeting.

275/02 6   Travellers
           a) Sherry Peck (Ormiston Trust) -  Project Co-ordinator Cambridge
              Travellers Initiative

           PKO reminded those present that the parish included both the
           Blackwell's site and Chesterton Fen, allegedly the largest
           community of travellers in Europe. Chesterton Fen represented
           about 5% of the population of the parish and pays about 4% of
           Milton's council tax income.
           As a result the Council had been trying to educate itself about
           travellers. Sherry Peck from Ormiston Trust, a charity with offices
           in the village which was involved with travellers through its
           Cambridgeshire Travellers Initiative volunteered to talk to
           Council about travellers.
           She reported that:
           - Cambridgeshire had the largest number of travellers in the country
           - Travellers were the largest minority group in Cambridgeshire
           - There were many diverse groups - the Romany and Irish groups were
              protected under the Race Relations Act
           - There were few legitimate stopping places in South Cambs
           - There were no transit sites in South Cambs - RTS to clarify
              whether there was any transit provision on the Blackwell's Site
           - 25% of travellers in the country had nowhere to stop.
           Thanks to SP for attending.  Standing Orders were reinstated.

           b) Council's Policy about Travellers

           PKO felt that Council were in danger of being reactive rather than
           pro-active and that Council should consider what its overall policy
           should be. The consensus was that Council could reasonably act only
           in response to the situations as they arise eg Landbeach Road was
           being used regularly by travellers and Council should therefore
           consider blocking off access.
           Members felt that travellers would not move on to areas such as
           Humphries Way open space or Coles Road car park. In the event of
           this happening however Council would need to take any necessary
           action at the time.
           JEC reported that Government Policy in 1994 had directed that
           caravan sites of up to 6 caravans should be tolerated for up to
           28 days if not causing a nuisance.

           Standing Orders were suspended temporarily to allow residents to

           Council AGREED to make the following Policy (14 votes in favour
           1 abstention):

           Milton Parish Council will react to individual problems as they
           occur with regard to travellers and would hope that the County
           and South Cambs District Councils would give firm advice and support.

           It was AGREED also

           To invite the County and District Travellers' Liasion Officers to
           an open meeting to discuss travellers' issues including Government
           Policy and their respective Councils' Policy before deciding to take
           any further action; and to invite Waterbeach and Landbeach Parish
           Action:  JEC and RTS to co-ordinate
(154/02)   c) Options for stopping up the disused part of Landbeach Road 

           The clerk reported on his investigations into the various options.
           If the road were "stopped-up" the land would revert to the land
           owners on either side (College of West Anglia and [it is believed]
           County Council). County Council officers recommended downgrading
           the highway to a bridleway, thus retaining bridleway and footpath
           rights. The access could then be gated. Probable total cost of
           downgrading to a bridleway and erecting barriers would be c £2000.  

           It was AGREED  
            To ask the County Council to downgrade the disused part of
            Landbeach Road to a bridleway.  

           The clerk would ask the Charities for financial support and the
           College of West Anglia for financial support and/or practical help
           in constructing the barriers to prevent unauthorised access.
           Reserves from Commuted Sums could also be used.
           Action:  Clerk

       4   Planning (cont)

           New Applications
276/02     S/1038/02 TXU Europe - erection of garage/utility, fences and gates
           at North Lodge Ely Road - approve.

277/02     S/1039/02/LB TXU Europe - internal and external alterations and
           refurbishment, installation of DPC and reinstatement of front door,
           rear windows and chimneys; works to entrance walls and gates at
           North Lodge Ely Road - approve. Council were pleased that this
           application had been made.

278/02     S/1080/02 Cambridge Regional College - link road incorporating bus
           pick up/drop off point - no recommendation.

           S/1115/02 Mr & Mrs W Gunn 199 The Rowans - extension - no
           recommendation (comments not to be sent off immediately to
           allow neighbour time to comment).

279/02     S/1141/02 Amedis Pharmaceuticals Ltd - Unit 162 Science Park -
           alterations to building including 8 roof mounted flues and erection
           of external store - refuse - concerned about unsightly flues and
           the emissions from them.  
           (7 votes in favour 4 against and 4 abstentions).

280/02 5   Play 

           The minutes of the Play Committee meeting of 29 May were received.
           A response for grant aid from WREN towards the skate park was
           expected on 11 June.

281/02 7   Landfill Liaison Meeting 
           A report of the recent meeting was received.

282/02 8   Ditch Cambridge Road - disposal of sludge at allotments site
(151/02)   It was proposed that 
           Council allow Pat Matthews of SCDC to dump the sludge from the
           ditch at Cambridge Road on the heap of manure at the allotments site.

           The following amendment was AGREED -
           11 votes in favour 2 against and 2 abstentions -  
           "provided that he obtains permission from the Environment Agency
           It was then AGREED by all

            to allow Pat Matthews of SCDC to dump the sludge from the ditch
            at Cambridge Road on the heap of manure at the allotments site,
            provided that he obtains permission from the Environment Agency
           Noted that the Land Drainage Act allows for the sludge to be
           dumped on the verge. 

283/02 9   Highways
           - A report of the meeting with Stuart Mallott was circulated. It
             was anticipated that the various cycle scheme defects would now
             be put right. 
           - Minor Improvements Ely Road (min 151/02) - a request to move the
             30 mph at the Ely Road further north was received. The clerk would
             explain that the County Council would not agree to this - as
             drivers tend to ignore signs that they feel are inappropriate.
           - Proposal to advertise "Removal of Automatic 30mph Speed Limit due
             to Street Lighting Proposed Order" on A10 and part Butt Lane
           It was AGREED  
            to object on the grounds that as there was such a bad accident
            record at the Butt Lane/A10 junction the speed limit from the
            interchange to this junction should be 40 mph (not 60 mph). 
           (10 votes in favour 2 against and 3 abstentions).

           - Noted that work to install traffic lights at the Butt Lane/A10
             junction was due to start in June.

284/02 10  Photocopier
           JEC, RJF, HMS and RLEW declared an interest.
           The clerk reported that Copy IT were refusing to renew the service
           agreement on the 'old' MCC photocopier.  
           It was AGREED  
            that at the time that this machine becomes unusable MPC allows MCC
            to supervise use of the Parish Council photocopier by affiliated
            clubs and collect any receipts and pass on the clerk.
           This agreement to be reviewed.
            Charges to remain at 3p per copy and 5p per individual.

285/02 11  Race Relations Act 2000
           AGREED to discuss the Following Resolution at the July meeting:

           "Milton Parish Council acknowledges the general duty placed upon
            it by the Race Relations (Amendment) Act 2000. The Council will
            continue within its functions and policies to have due regard to
            the need to eliminate discrimination, promote equality of
            opportunity and promote racial equality between people of
            different racial groups."

           HMS reported that there was no 2001 census data available on
           ethnicity and that the 1991 census was not helpful in
           determining ethnicity.

286/02 12  MCC Update
           A small committee comprising RJF, IFM and Julie Gray was
           organising the Summer Fayre.

287/02 13  Bills for Payment and Money Received 
           CONFIRMED  the payment of cheques 2335 to 2339
           AGREED     to authorise payment of cheques 2340 to 2348
           The clerk would remind Herald (ch 2345) that according to the
           contract he should pick up the grass at War Memorial Green.

288/02 14  Crime Update 
           Crime figures were circulated. There had been an increase in
           crime during May.

289/02 15  Detached Youth Workers
           PKO reported that he had met with the two detached youth workers
           who were being funded by the County Council.  

290/02 16  County Councillor's report
           Nothing to report.

291/02 17  District Councillor's report
           Electoral Review - Milton would elect one district councillor in
           2003 for one year. In 2004 the whole of the district council would
           be elected including two councillors for Milton.
           Willow Pollarding - a report from the Conservation Advisory Group
           was passed on to the Trees Officer.
292/02 18  Correspondence  
           South Cambs Community Safety Partnership Strategy
           April 2002 - March 2005
           South Cambs Primary Care Trust - Bulletin1 (first of monthly edition)
       19  Dates of next meetings 
           Youth   - 12 June
           Council   - 1 July 

The meeting ended at 10.25pm.