Minutes of the Annual Parish Council Meeting of Milton Parish Council
           held on Monday 13 May 2002 at 7.30pm in the Community Centre

Present:   PK Oldham (chair)   HM Smith   EH Baker   JE Coston   M Ellwood
           RJ Farrington   B Jefferson   CJ Lock   IF May   TJ Siggs
           RT Summerfield   LC Twinn   RLE Waters
           The clerk SJ Daniels and one member of the public
       1   Apologies for absence   R Day   DJ Lee

206/02 2   Election of chairman and signing of declaration of acceptance of
           It was with both sadness and relief that RLEW handed over the reins.
           He had enjoyed over 7 years as chairman and thanked members and the
           clerk for their support.
           AGREED  to elect PKO as chairman.  
           He signed the declaration of acceptance of office.  

           JEC praised RLEW for the calm and sensible manner in which he had
           dealt with some difficult issues and thanked him for all his
           support and hard work as chairman.   [Round of applause] 

207/02 3   Election of vice chairman
           AGREED  to elect HMS as vice chairman.
           PKO thanked RJF for his hard work during the number of years that
           he had acted as vice chairman.

208/02 4   Committees
           The following committees were confirmed: 
           Finance      JEC PKO TJS HMS RTS RLEW
           Planning     JEC RD RJF BJ CJL TJS HMS RTS LCT RLEW
           Highways     JEC RD RJF BJ PKO TJS RTS LCT RLEW
           Maintenance  EHB BJ PKO HMS LCT RLEW
           Play         EHB JEC ME CJL HMS RLEW  K Finney  L Henderson 
           Youth        EHB DJL HMS LCT L Henderson 
209/02 5   Working Groups
           The following working groups were confirmed:
           Allotments            RD ME CJL WD Booth E Spong  
           Cemetery              JEC RD ME BJ PKO I Cowley 
           Community Care        RD ME IFM LCT 
           MYCMG                 EHB DJL HMS LCT  K D'Arcy (IVC) L Henderson  
           (Milton Youth Centre  S Lester + Youth leaders
            Management Group)     

210/02 6   Representatives
           The following representatives were confirmed:
           Archaeological Warden  WD Booth
           Charities      RD IFM   P Harrold   BC Waterson
           Child Protection Officer  L Henderson
           Community Transport:
            Minibus   RLEW
            Trolley Bus   JEC  T Stubbings J Uttin
           Country Park    RD (deputy PKO)
           Footpaths Officer   RLEW 
           Impact    BJ      
           MCC      RLEW 
           Police Liaison   RLEW         
           Press Officer (+ website) PKO
           Rowing Trust   HMS   
           School Governors  DJL
           Tree Warden   PKO (deputy SJ Snaith)
           Under 5's Group   LCT      
           Village View   JEC
           (Non-Parish Councillors in italics)

211/02 7   Declaration of Interest
           PKO reminded members of the need to declare any interests under
           the Code of Conduct.

212/02 8   Minutes
           After an amendment to minute 181/02 the Minutes of the meeting of
           8 April 2002 were confirmed and signed as a true record.

       9   Clerk's Report  (inc matters arising)   
213/02     Cambridge Core Traffic Scheme
(33/01)    AGREED not to make a response as a Council.

214/02     Cambridge Northern Fringe 
(419/01)   PKO reported that plans to develop CNF west would make little
           difference to the traffic levels at the Milton interchange. There
           were no immediate plans to develop CNF east (railway sidings and
           part of sewage works)

215/02     Electoral Review
(11/02)    The Boundary Committee for England had recommended retaining the
           existing Milton ward together with Milton Detached to be served
           by two district councillors; and that Milton Parish Council should
           comprise 15 councillors as at present and should remain unwarded.
           The Parish should be coterminous with the proposed detached
           Milton district ward.

216/02     Waste Local Plan
(149/02)   JEC attended the Pre Inquiry meeting.  Notes of that meeting had
           been received.

217/02     Community Minibus 
(152/02)   The committee were waiting to hear the outcome of the grant

218/02     Play Areas - The Rowans 
(156/02)   Two letters from residents concerned about vandalism at the play
           areas were received.
           The clerk would reply that:
           - Council would look again at the fence at The Rowans play area.
           - The Play Committee in conjunction with the MCC Outside Recreation
             Committee would investigate laying rubber surfaces instead of bark.
           - No Loitering Bye laws would be difficult to enforce.  In the words
             of Charles Arnold-Baker (Local Government Administration)  bye
             laws were "seldom effective and seldom desirable".
           - CCTV might be useful at The Sycamores Recreation Ground but not
             elsewhere. The amount of damage caused did not warrant the
           - The seats in the play areas were well used.
           - The vandalised fences near Froment Way belonged to the
             householders and not the Parish Council. 
           Action: Clerk
219/02     Queen's Jubilee
(157/02)   AGREED to plant a tree at War Memorial Green.
           11 in favour 2 abstentions.
           The Maintenance Committee to make recommendations to Council.

220/02     CALC - Supplementary Bulletin
(159/02)   Supplementary Bulletin received.  Noted that the NALC conference
           was to be held at Preston 14 -16 June.

221/02     Milton School
(160/02)   A letter from Tom Gillmore, head teacher of Milton School was
           received thanking Council for the congratulations on the school's

222/02     North Lodge
(163/02)   Noted that TXU owned the lodge and had instructed Bidwells to
           progress its sale. Bidwells would shortly submit a listed buildings
           application for its refurbishment. Letters and schedule of listed
           buildings in Milton received. The clerk would ask for clarification
           of the listed buildings categories and inquire about the status
           of Ambassador Lodge. 
           Action: Clerk

223/02     Litter
(172/02)   Thanks to the Church youngsters for clearing up litter and graffiti.
           Action: Clerk

224/02     Code of Conduct
(174/02)   CALC had arranged a shared advert in the Cambridge News - cost
           approx. £20.

225/02     Computer
(175/02)   The Parish Council had a new computer - cost £1232 + VAT.  
           AGREED to keep the old computer for use in the Youth centre.

226/02     Noisy Alarm
(181/02)   No response received.
227/02     Consent Street Trading 
(190/02)   AGREED to respond to the SCDC questionnaire thus:
           The Parish Council:
           - did not favour the existing system of designating streets in
             villages at the request of individual Parish Councils.
           - favoured the whole District Council area becoming a designated
             Consent Street area.
           Action: Clerk

228/02     SCDC Housing Strategy
           Comments on SCDC's Housing Strategy would be made at the Planning
           meeting of 27 May.   Copies to EHB JEC CJL IFM TJS and LCT.
           Action: Clerk

      10   Planning
           ME declared an interest and left the meeting for minute 238/02 below.
229/02     Appeal - against enforcement notice by Ms E Callandine and
(29/02)    Mr M Saunders - land at 14 Sunningdale Park Chesterton Fen Road.
           Decisions Received

230/02     Mr S & Mrs EM Taylor 2 Walnut Close -conservatory - approved.

231/02     Mr & Mrs A Hill 28 Bene't Close - approved (to include amendments
(143/02)   revised internal layout and fenestration; increased width of

232/02     P Garrod 13 Bene't Close extension (S/0468/02) - approved.

233/02     T Constantinides 1 Ballard Close - extension - approved. External
(146/02)   materials to be identical to those used for existing building. 

           New Applications

234/02     S/0876/00 P Garrod 13 Bene't Close extension and garage - increase in
(324/00)   eaves to accommodate roller garage door - for information.

235/02     S/0326/02 S Campbell 54 Butt Lane - extension - application
(120/02)   withdrawn.

236/02     S/00461/02/CW Donarbon Ltd - land at Recycling Centre  Ely Road
(142/02)   Waterbeach - variation of Conditions 8,9,21 and 22 to allow the
           delivery of additional waste  materials from Household Waste
           Recycling Centres on Sundays and Bank Holidays - application to
           be considered by Development Control Committee on 20 May.

237/02     S/0676/02 Mr & Mrs BT Robbins 42 Coles Road -  addition of pitched 
(171/02)   tiled roof on front extension - for information.

238/02     S/0831/02 M Ellwood 52 Fen Road - porch and double garage - no
           recommendation (delegated).

239/02     S/0873/02 Mr Bain 4 Ken's Way - conservatory - no recommendation.

240/02 11  Finance 
           - The minutes  of the meeting of  22 April 02 were received.
(190/02)   AGREED  to approve appointment of N Sloman as internal auditor.
           Action: Clerk

241/02 12  Community Care 
           - The minutes of the meeting of 26 April were received.  
(193/02)   IFM endorsed the thanks of the CCWG to L Sandford for his work as
           chairman for a number of years. LS agreed to write an article for
           the Village View to try to encourage other non-councillors to
           become members of the CCWG. 
(197/02)   The application for a grant from SCDC would be considered at a
           future meeting with the Portfolio Holder. 

242/02 13  Highways
           - The minutes of the meeting of 30 April were received.  
           S Mallott would meet the clerk, PKO and RJF on 27 May.

243/02 14  APM
           - The minutes of the APM 29 April 2002 were received.

244/02 15  MCC Update 
           There were ongoing problems of vandalism especially at The
           Sycamores Recreation Ground.
           A working group had been set up to explore ways of extending the
           Sycamores pavilion and such matters as the  financing of the project
           and planning permission.

245/02 16  Bills for Payment and Money Received 
           PKO declared an interest.
           CONFIRMED payment of cheques 2310 to 2321
           AGREED to authorise payment of cheques 2322 to 2334.

246/02 17  Crime Update 
           The number of reported crimes for January to April was high,
           especially at The Sycamores Recreation Ground, Tesco and the
           Country Park.
           Potentially serious and dangerous crimes had recently been
           committed - the cutting of fuel lines on four cars.

247/02 18  County Councillor's report
           There had been a recent cycle bridge meeting. Further delays meant
           that work would start in the Autumn.
           The Environment Agency would attend the Annual Parish Meeting at
           Waterbeach set for 21 May to discuss flooding issues.

248/02 19  District Councillor's report
           Nothing to report.

249/02 20  Correspondence  
           East Anglian Air Ambulance -  Request for grant
           SCDC    -  Think Country Child Workshop 29 May
           SCDC    -  Youth Sports Initiative Grants 2002/03
           Environment Agency  -  October 2001 Flood Event
           Cambs Fire & Rescue Service -  "Your Safety Our Concern" leaflet

       21  Dates of next meetings
           Planning  27 May
           Council  10 June