Minutes of the Meeting of Milton Parish Council
           held on Monday 8 April 2002 at 7.30pm in the Community Centre

Present:   RLE Waters (chair)   RJ Farrington   EH Baker   JE Coston   R Day
           M Ellwood   B Jefferson   CJ Lock   PK Oldham   HM Smith
           RT Summerfield   LC Twinn
           The clerk  SJ Daniels

           Council stood for a minute's silence in memory of the Queen Mother.

       1   Apologies for absence  -    DJ Lee   IF May   TJ Siggs

148/02 2   Minutes
           The minutes of the meeting of 4 March 02 were approved and signed as
           a true record.

       3   Clerk's Report
149/02     Waste
(622/01)   Waste Local Plan - Public Inquiry to open 16 July.  JEC and/or PKO
           to attend Pre Inquiry Meeting on 22 April.
           Waste Strategy - PKO to attend a Waste Strategy meeting on 10 April -
           items for discussion to include green bin scheme.
           Refuse Collection - RTS was trying to negotiate a change in the
           system of Christmas and Easter refuse collections which leaves
           Milton without a service for two weeks on both occasions.
           Wheelie Bins - Evidence showed that the use of wheelie bins
           increased the amount of waste going into landfill sites - contrary
           to government policy.
           The bins were also more expensive, untidy and difficult for terraced
           houses/flats to store.  SCDC, however, were reviewing the situation.

150/02     Grass Cutting Contract
(100/02)   RLEW and the clerk had authorised Herald Contract Services (HCS)
           to do one cut in March at a cost of £170 + £70 for the recreation
           (The previous contract ended 28 February the present one started
           1 April).
           HCS had cleared the un-let allotments in February.  After much
           debate it was
           AGREED to pay HCS a contribution of £200 + VAT towards this work -
           9 in favour 3 abstentions.
           Noted that these works were extra to the previous contract
           ie removal of wire, fencing, debris to the landfill site but were
           included (and reflected in the contract figures) in the present
           contract. The work should be done in November and April/May
           according to the present contract.
           The clerk would remind HCS that no work should be done extra to the
           contract without written authorisation.
           Noted that HCS had not cut the recreation grounds during the first
           week of April.

151/02     Highways
(45/02)    Ely Road Minor Improvements. - Additional funding had been approved
           for minor highway improvement schemes.  As a result the 'Give Way'
           feature in Ely Road would now be provided.  Highways Committee to
           meet to discuss exact location and design.

(101/02)   Butt Lane/A10 Traffic Lights - these would not be installed until
           the summer.

           County Council Reorganisation - Confirmation received that the
           divisional boundaries for highway maintenance had been reorganised
           as from 1 April to reflect the District Council boundaries. Stuart
           Mallot based at Whittlesford to be the Highway Supervisor.
           The clerk would write thanking Ed Thornton and David Groom for their
           help and support.

           Pedestrian Crossing near Tesco - as there were no personal injury
           accidents involving pedestrians the County Council would not provide
           a crossing.
           Council could apply for funding for a crossing from the Jointly
           Funded Minor Improvements Scheme.  Highways Committee to discuss.

           Ditch Cambridge Road - Pat Matthews SCDC had agreed to clear out the
           ditch in Cambridge Road (near Edmund House). The Land Drainage Act
           states that the sludge should be left within an arm's length of the
           ditch ie on the verge. The clerk had requested that the sludge be
           removed. Removal of the sludge to the landfill site would incur
           charges for SCDC.

           Ditch Butt Lane - loose manhole discovered opposite the school.
           S Mallott notified.

           Bin Landbeach Road - This bin had been repaired.

           Daffodils - volunteers needed to plant next Autumn.

152/02     Community Minibus
(102/02)   The committee had applied to the Lottery Charities Board for
           capital funding.

153/02     Land at War Memorial Green
(104/02)   Noted that the resident was still negotiating and might wish to
           reconsider his decision reported at previous meeting.

154/02     Landbeach Road
(108/02)   It appeared that Bryant/Redrow Homes owned the piece of land behind
           the bus shelter.
           There were three options open to Council:
           1. Put a barrier across the disused road.  This would be illegal and
              if anyone complained the County Council would have to ask for it
              to be removed.
           2. Have a heap of planings put on the disused road.  This would be
           3. Ask for a Stopping Up Order.
           It was felt that Council had an obligation to residents and should
           try to pursue option 3.
           JEC to find out if the County Council had adopted the land as highway
           PKO was concerned that travellers could still access the road via the
           grassed area and in the event of a Stopping Up Order being granted
           would ask for a barrier around the whole area.

155/02     Election of Chairman 2002/03
(114/02)   Reminder that a new chairman would be elected in May.   If
           necessary there would be a secret ballot.  Council were reminded of
           Standing Order 14 - tenure of office.

156/02     Play Areas - The Rowans
(122/02)   The clerk had asked Tom Nicholls to replace broken concrete post
           and repair fence  near Shapers.
           RLEW reported that a resident had requested that Council replace the
           vandalised fence. Having visited the site RTS felt that the decision
           reached in minute 122/02 was correct.

157/02     Queen's Jubilee
(123/02)   A resident had suggested that trees be planted to form an avenue
           in Fen Road beyond the railway  This would not be allowed by
           legislation as trees planted on the narrow verge could cause an
           obstruction especially to agricultural vehicles.

           1 not to purchase special coins through SCDC at 35 pence each;
           2 in the short term to erect a (10 year old) tree with circular
             bench around if a suitable site could be found.  Failing that a
             bench would be erected around an existing tree
                 - 1 abstention;
           3 in the long term to produce an historical account of
             Milton in photographs as a Jubilee project.

158/02     Drainage Ditch
           Pat Matthews was investigating the apparent filling-in of a ditch
           off Fen Road beyond the railway which may be the cause of flooding
           in Fen Road. A complaint was made at the 2001 APM.

159/02     CALC Subscription
           Annual Fee - to be paid in May - £410.40.
           AGREED to subscribe to one copy of Local Council Review at £10.99.
           Council received one free copy of "Clerks & Councils Direct" - extra
           copies could be ordered if necessary.

160/02     Milton Primary School
           The clerk would send congratulations to the school on its recent
           award for achieving outstanding results in the 2001 National Tests.

161/02     Solicitor
           Noted that Chris Evans solicitor at Taylor Vinters was retiring.

       4   Planning
162/02     The minutes of the meeting of 18 March were received.

163/02     Community Planning Pack
           Details of a planning guidance pack for Parish Councils were
           received. The clerk would ask for a copy of all listed buildings
           and tree preservation orders in the village and investigate the
           status of North Lodge.

           Decisions Received
164/02     Biofocus Discovery Ltd Unit 9B Science Park - roof mounted flues -
(539/01)   re-alignment of  plant enclosure - approved.
165/02     Polight Technologies Ltd Unit 291 Science Park - external plant
(93/02)    extract system/flue and cylinder storage - approved.
166/02     Mrs SJ Martin - part change of use from Post Office (Class A1) to
(95/02)    office for Letting
           Agent (Class A2) - approved.  External materials of construction
           for the building works to be identical to those used for existing
           building. No more than 34.5 metres of floor space on the ground
           floor to be used for Class A2.
167/02     C Logan Ambassador Lodge High Street - extension - approved.
(96/02)    Materials for roof  to be approved by LPA.
168/02     P Carey 34 The Oaks - garage - approved.  External materials to be
(119/02)   identical those used for existing building.

           New Applications
169/02     S/0615/02 Trinity College (CSP) with Aula Ltd - Unit 418 Science
           Park - building for research and development with associated offices
           - no recommendation.
170/02     S/0672/02 Mr & Mrs JD Challis 57 Coles Road - 2 storey side
           extension - no recommendation.
171/02     S/0676/02 Mr & Mrs BT Robbins 42 Coles Road - no recommendation -
           (deferred to allow comments from neighbours).

172/02 5   Youth
           The minutes of the Youth Committee Meeting of 8 March and MYCMG
           meeting of 20 March were received.
(134/02)   - A meeting was scheduled for 12 April to discuss the pavilion
           - The Finance Committee would clarify the status of the remaining
             capital money (£2700).
           - Noted that HMS had consulted with the SCDC Sports Development
             Officer about the skate park.
           - Youngsters had raised £134.39 towards the skate park by car

           Youth Project - two groups of young people at All Saints' Church were
           offering to do project work in the community.  Suggested activities -
           removing graffiti from bus shelters, litter picking the recreation
           grounds, painting the gun shed alongside the River Cam.

173/02 6   Staffing
           A letter from the Society of Local Council Clerks reminding Council
           of its responsibilities as the clerk's employer was received and

174/02 7   Ethical Framework - Adoption of New Code of Conduct
(103/02)   RLEW reported on an informative meeting that he and the clerk
           attended - led by Chris Taylor SCDC Legal Officer.
           AGREED to adopt the model Code of Conduct;
                  to appoint the clerk as the proper officer.
                  RLEW and PKO would amend the Members' Handbook to reflect the

175/02 8   Purchase of Computer
(124/02)   The following concerns needed to be addressed:
           - transfer of data to new computer
           - a service agreement
           - the correct specification
           AGREED to allow EHB and PKO a budget of up to £1500 (inclusive of
           VAT) to purchase a computer from World of Computers.

176/02 9   Annual Parish Meeting - Format
           RJF would chair the APM as RLEW would be absent.
           AGREED to invite the Travellers' Liaison Officer to a Council
                  meeting and not to the APM;
                  that the format be the same as in previous years.

177/02 10  MCC Update
           Sycamores Recreation Ground  - RJF had replied to the resident who
           was concerned about the vandalism at The Sycamores - eg broken glass
           in the children's play area.
           Recent damage included fires at the basketball court, in a bin and
           on the verandah of the pavilion and damage to seats. RLEW was
           writing to the police again.

           HMS reported that 80% of the youngsters attending the youth centre
           came from Milton.

           SCDC workers had done an excellent job clearing litter from the
           recreation ground and surrounds.

178/02 11  Rowing Lake
           As the Rowing Trust had not completed the Section 106 Agreements
           drawn up some years ago SCDC intended sending out the plans again for
           It was possible that the County Council cabinet would soon discuss
           the sale of the land to the Rowing Trust. JEC would continue to try
           to ensure that the land be sold at market value and that conditions
           to safeguard local residents are put in place.

179/02 12  Bills for Payment and Money Received
           AGREED to confirm payments of cheques 2294 to 2298
                 to authorise payment of cheques 2299 to 2309.
           Noted that £40,000 had been transferred to the Commuted account
           making a total of £140,000 thus giving a slightly better rate of
           £320 transferred from Cambridge Building Society account to
           The clerk had upgraded Quicken - cheque 2297.

180/02 13  Crime Update
           Crime figures were circulated.  Vehicle crime was the main problem
           at present.

181/02 14  County Councillor's report
           An alarm at RMC Winship Road had caused problems over Easter. The
           clerk would write to RMC asking that a contact name be given to the
           police in case of recurrence.
           JEC hoped to speak at the Structure Plan Inquiry in September.
           The priority at the Country Park access road had been changed.
           Cycle bridge meeting to be held on 12 April.

182/02 15  District Councillor's report
           Bus priority measures were being submitted to the Joint Area
           Committee - the Butt Lane suggestion (min 596/01) was not included.
           SCDC were looking for exceptional sites outside the village
           framework for affordable housing.

183/02 16  Correspondence
           South Cambs Primary Care Group - Bulletin
           DEFRA    - Campaign against illegal poisoning of
                   Wildlife (to be circulated to Allotments Committee)
           Letter from A Michael MP
           Cambs County Council  - Introduction of public speaking at
                   Development Control Committee
           ACRE    - Various including Notice of half yearly
               meeting and Village of the Year Competition
           Village View   - Accounts (for information)

      17  Dates of next meetings
          Sewage Works visit  - 22 April 7pm
          Finance    - 22 April 8.15pm (after AWA)
          Planning    - 22 or 29 April
          Annual Parish Meeting - 29 April 8pm
          Annual Parish Council  - 13 May 7.30pm

The meeting ended at 10.30pm.