Minutes of the Meeting of Milton Parish Council held on Monday 4 March 2002 at 7.30pm in the Community Centre Present: RLE Waters (chair) RJ Farrington EH Baker JE Coston R Day M Ellwood DJ Lee (to 122/02) IF May TJ Siggs HM Smith RT Summerfield LC Twinn The clerk SJ Daniels A member of the public (part) RLEW reported that he had sent a wreath on behalf of Council following the death of Harold Easy, Parish Councillor from 1970 - 1984. 1 Apologies for absence - B Jefferson CJ Lock PK Oldham 99/02 2 Minutes The minutes of the meeting of 4 February 02 were approved and signed as a true record. 3 Clerk's Report 100/02 Grass Cutting Contract (44/02) Barry Newitt had signed and returned the contract - the final contract price being £18755. The clerk would return two invoices dated March 01 as the work done was covered by the contract. Noted that Pi were waiting for the recently planted hedge to grow before removing the remaining part of fence along Ely Road. 101/02 Highways (45/02) - Parking of Van The Rowans Inspector Howell had confirmed that the van did not contravene any parking regulations nor did it cause an obstruction. - Butt Lane/A10 Traffic Lights The County Council were meeting in early March to finalise implementing the work, which was scheduled to begin in May. It was a difficult site and there had been problems to resolve. The clerk would write expressing concern over the delay. - Cycle Scheme The clerk reported on a walk with Ed Thornton on 13/02/02. Ed Thornton was putting in a bid to resurface High Street/ Cambridge Road. He had since the walk arranged for various drains and gulleys to be jetted out (see min 47/02). P Matthews SCDC had agreed to clear out debris from the bottom of the open ditch in Cambridge Road (in late summer) - a likely reason for flooding outside 2 High Street. J Richards was following up outstanding points. - Pedestrian Crossing near Tesco In response to a request from Barnabas Court residents JEC has asked Philip Sharp at the County Council to look into the possibility of providing a pedestrian crossing in Cambridge Road. The clerk would write to the County Council for suggestions. 102/02 Community Minibus (46/02) RLEW reported that the scheme was likely to receive a revenue grant for three years. AGREED therefore that Council's grant approval of £6000 (min 606/01) be allocated for capital if other revenue funding is forthcoming. 103/02 Local Government Act 2000 (48/02) Details of the New Ethical Framework had been circulated. The Code of Conduct would be discussed at the April meeting. The ad hoc committee would meet to amend Council's Standing Orders to bring them in line with the new Code of Conduct. 104/02 Land at War Memorial Green (50/02) The resident had decided not to pursue the matter. 105/02 Chesterton Fen (52/02) JEC would invite the Travellers' Liaison Officer to speak at the APM in April. 106/02 Bus Shelter Lighting (53/02) RJF and Colin Nunn had repaired the light. 107/02 Public Entertainments Licence The clerk had asked for the same conditions to apply as previously for the public entertainments licence at the Lion & Lamb. 108/02 Travellers - Landbeach Road Travellers had occupied the redundant highway at Landbeach Road for two weeks. Two residents had written requesting that road be stopped up. A member of the public also attended (Standing Orders were suspended to allow him to speak). RJF agreed to talk to David Groom County Council to discuss the possibility of stopping up this road. The clerk would ask Land Registry to search for the name of the owner of the land behind the bus shelter. 109/02 Trees on Bund In response to a request from a resident the clerk had asked Herald Contract Services to cut back trees from the bund which were overhanging a garden at The Sycamores at a cost of £200 (from commuted sums). Authorised by RLEW and HMS (pro PKO). 110/02 Rapid Transport System St Ives to Cambridge A report on a proposed transport system from St Ives to Cambridge had been received. Comments to be made by 29 March. 111/02 Library A resident had written requesting that Council investigate a permanent library in Milton. JEC reported that the library budget for 2001/02 was overspent and that there could be cuts in the service in 2002/03. JEC would investigate whether Tesco or the College of West Anglia had any room for a library. 112/02 Civil Protection/Emergency Planning A questionnaire from CALC was received. The clerk would reply that Council were happy to liaise with the County and District Councils. 113/02 Youth Meeting Noted that some Histon/Impington councillors were scheduled to meet the youth committee on 8 March for advice on setting up a youth centre. 114/02 Election of Chairman RLEW reminded Council that consideration should be given (in advance of the May meeting) to the election of the chairman for 2002/03. 4 Planning 115/02 The minutes of the meeting of 18 February were received 116/02 Appeal by Camstead (503/01) RLEW reported on the appeal which was also attended by ME, RTS and residents of Shirley Close. The result should be known within 4 weeks. The officer representing SCDC had pointed out that if MPC wanted "affordable" housing this comment should have made during the consultation period. Noted that this applied to any future similar application. Decisions Received 117/02 Trinity College (CSP) Ltd with Aula Ltd - Unit 410 Science Park - (578/01) building for research and development with associated offices - amendments approved. 118/02 Iansyst - Rose Cottage Industrial Site Chesterton Fen Road - (647/01) extension link - approved. New Applications 119/02 S/0207/02 Mr P Carey 34 The Oaks - single garage and conversion of (92/02) existing garage to a study/playroom - no recommendation (by Planning Committee). The clerk having received no adverse comments from neighbours had sent the form to SCDC. 120/02 S/0326/02 Mr S Campbell - 54 Butt Lane - two storey side extension - (97/02) no recommendation (by Planning Committee). Noted that there had been no adverse comments from neighbours. 121/02 S/0356/02 Mr & Mrs S & EM Taylor 2 Walnut Close - conservatory - no recommendation. 122/02 5 Play The minutes of the Play Committee Meeting of 18 February were received. (82/02) Fence The Rowans Play Area Quotations were received - £1100 for a wooden fence and ranging from £2270 to £3500 for a metal fence. The following issues were raised: - There was no (road) safety reason for having a fence - a quiet cul-de-sac near the entrance. The play area was designed for young children who would (normally) be accompanied and therefore supervised by parents. - ROSPA recommended a fence for all play areas - to keep out dogs. It would appear that there was not a dog fouling problem at this site. - Fear of litigation was not a good enough reason for installing a fence. - Logically the toddlers play area at Froment Way should also be fenced. AGREED not to have fence installed; to remove the vandalised fence, leave that part of the fence still serviceable and continue to monitor the area. Carried - 8 votes in favour, 2 against and 2 abstentions. (DJL left) 123/02 6 Queen's Jubilee AGREED 1 that MPC would like to commemorate the Queen's Golden Jubilee; 2 to commemorate the Jubilee with a permanent reminder. Carried - 10 votes in favour, 1 abstention. JEC would ask for suggestions in the Village View. 124/02 7 Purchase of Computer (26/02) Quotations were received from World of Computers. As there were unresolved issues EHB and PKO would meet to make firm recommendations to the April meeting. 128/02 8 MCC Update Transfer of youth building to MCC AGREED to transfer the youth building to MCC as from 1 April - the two chairmen to sign the transfer agreement. Village Fayre Noted that volunteers to organise the Village Fayre were needed. Burglary There had been a break-in at the garage - one rotary mower stolen and damage done to the door. 129/02 9 Bills for Payment and Money Received AGREED to authorise payment of cheques 2273 - 2293 - 2 abstentions JEC and RLEW. Note: cheque 2272 to RJ Farrington for Christmas lights (chairman's allowance) omitted from schedule. 130/02 10 Crime Update Crime figures were received and circulated. RLEW would talk to Cambridge News about a misleading recent report putting Milton "top crime spot in the area". The figures used for that repor were out of date and included Chesterton Fen, Science Park and the Regional College. 131/02 11 County Councillor's report Report of meeting with bus company The meeting with the bus company raised various issues. JEC intended to send out a questionnaire to Milton, Landbeach and Waterbeach - the results of the survey to be sent to Stagecoach. Stagecoach would then hold a surgery in each village at the end of April. Drainage Drainage maps for Milton and the area were received. 132/02 12 District Councillor's report Blackwell Travellers' Site RTS reported that were problems at this site. 133/02 13 Correspondence South Cambs Primary Care Group - Newsletter January 2002 ACRE - "Vital Villages" funding seminars Cambridge & County Folk Museum - request for donation/visit 14 Dates of next meetings Youth - 8 March Planning - 18 March Council - 8 April The meeting ended at 10.25pm.