Minutes of the Meeting of Milton Parish Council
           held on Monday 4 February 2002 at 7.30pm in the Community Centre

Present:   RLE Waters (chair)   RJ Farrington   EH Baker   JE Coston    R Day
           M Ellwood   B Jefferson   CJ Lock   IF May   HM Smith
           RT Summerfield    LC Twinn
           The clerk  SJ Daniels

       1   Apologies for absence - DJ Lee   PK Oldham   TJ Siggs

43/02  2   Minutes

           The minutes of the meeting of 7 January 02 were approved and signed
           as a true record.

       3   Clerk's Report
44/02      Grass Cutting Contract
(630/01)   In agreement with PKO the clerk had accepted the offer by the head
           gardener at Pi Group to maintain the grounds up to the footpath
           along Ely Road. The clerk was negotiating a reduction (of £230) in
           the grass cutting contract price. A copy of the contract would be
           circulated to Council.

45/02      Highways
(4/02)     - Cycle Scheme
              Noted that J Richards was keen to resolve the outstanding issues
              before the County Council formally takes on responsibility for
              maintaining the scheme. JEC would pursue.

(29/02)    - Minor Improvements
              Details of the Area Joint Committee's decisions had been received
              and circulated to the Highways Committee.

           Noted that the County Council Highways Division was being
           restructured. Details to follow.
           JEC was awaiting an answer about the installation of traffic lights
           at Butt Lane/A10 junction.
           A complaint about the parking of a van at The Rowans/Cambridge Road
           junction was received. The clerk would advise Histon Police.

46/02      Community Minibus
(5/02)     The Countryside Agency had turned down the grant application.  A
           meeting with the relevant officer was being arranged.
           SCDC had offered a grant of £6000.

47/02      Drainage
(6/02)     Details of awarded watercourses in Milton had been received.
           With the help of Ted Easy (one time resident of "new" Milton House -
           no 26 Fen Road) the course of the ditch from Old School Lane to
           Fen Road had been identified. The owners of Milton House (no 28)
           would try to clear that part of the ditch in their garden.
           Ed Thornton had not yet sent details of the work done to the drainage
           system in Fen Road.

48/02      Local Government Act 2000
(7/02)     Quality Councils - Consultation paper received from DEFRA.
           The ad hoc committee were awaiting further information about the
           Code of Conduct before making recommendations to the March/April

49/02      Sewage Works
(8/02)     Date for visit agreed as Monday 22 April at  7pm.

50/02      Land at War Memorial Green
(10/02)    After receiving further correspondence Council AGREED
            (10 votes in favour 2 abstentions)
           to an exchange of land in principle as shown on the plan so long as
           there was no cost to Council; the resident to deal with the legal
           The clerk would point out that there might already be solicitor's
           costs to pay.

51/02      Trees by River Cam
(12/02)    RD, HMS the clerk and SJS (deputy tree warden) had met with
           representatives of the Cam Conservators. The Conservators were
           hampered by lack of money and resources. They hoped to let Council
           have their programme of pollarding. At the present rate it would
           take 14 years to complete the work. They were concentrating on the
           trees south of Baits Bite Lock (the most heavily used part of the
           Noted that there was honey fungus in some of the trees and that the
           ditch beside the halingway was left as a habitat for wildlife.

52/02      Chesterton Fen
(13/02)    The resident had not yet contacted JEC to arrange a meeting.
           JEC would invite the Travellers' Liaison Officer to a Council
           meeting to discuss travellers' issues.

53/02      Bus Shelter Lighting
(26/02)    The lighting was tested and working properly after Fuller repaired
           it in November. The company were not prepared to investigate the
           problem free of charge. To come out and inspect again would cost
           2 hours labour + parts - about £70.
           RJF agreed to inspect and report back.

54/02      Computer
(26/02)    Since installation of the printer there had been problems with the
           computer and scanner. World of Computers had (twice) remedied the
           fault. The clerk reported, however, that there was still an
           intermittent fault.
           AGREED that EHB, JEC and PKO would investigate with a view to
           replacing the computer.

55/02      Transfer of Licence - One Stop
           Noted that Sharon Pye was applying for a Justices' Licence to sell
           intoxicating liquor at One Stop.

56/02      County Council Budget
           Notice of consultation meetings had been circulated.

       4   Planning

57/02      CPRE Workshop - CPRE were organising two planning application
           workshops for councillors. It was decided not to apply for
           membership of CPRE.

58/02      Comments on Planning Applications determined by County Council -
           noted that as from 1 January the County Council would consult
           directly with Parish Councils on all applications determined by the
           County Council eg mineral extraction, waste management.

           Decisions Received
59/02      Donarbon Ltd - land off Ely Road Waterbeach - approved (following
(211/00)   completion of legal agreement).

60/02      Trinity College - replacement dwelling at 1 Science Park - addition
(372/01)   of two roof lights - approved.

61/02      F Smith 3 Darrens Farm Lomas Chesterton Fen Road - gypsy caravan site
(574/01)   (7 pitches) (retrospective application) - approved. Use of land to
           be for a 7 pitch gypsy caravan site only, for persons of a nomadic
           way of life (excluding travelling showmen, travelling circuses).
           Landscaping scheme and details of treatment of all site boundaries
           to be approved. Ground levels of the site to be maintained at
           present level unless changes are approved in writing by the Local
           Planning Authority.

62/02      F Smith Darrens Farm Lomas Chesterton Fen Road - use of land as gypsy
(574/01)   caravan site (9 pitches) (retrospective application) - approved.
           Conditions as minute 61/02 above.

63/02      Astex Technology Ltd Unit 128 Science Park - portable office
(604/01)   building - approved until 30 June 2003.

64/02      RD Clark Chesterton Fen Road - siting of two caravans - refused.
(629/01)   Outside any defined village settlement in the open countryside, the
           Cambridge Green Belt and within the Area of Best Landscape. Contrary
           to various Policies in the Green Belt Local Plan (1992), the
           Cambridgeshire Structure Plan (1995), the South Cambridgeshire Local
           Plan (1993) and the Deposit Local Plan (1999).

65/02      Epson (UK) Ltd Unit 9A Science Park - 2 chimney stacks, roof mounted
(645/01)   condensing units, liquid nitrogen storage cage and liquid chilling
           unit - approved. Details of the fencing surrounding the chiller and
           liquid nitrogen store to be approved in writing by the LPA.

66/02      A McDonald 7 Mansfield Close - conservatory - approved.

67/02      Mr & Mrs Aitken 34 Shirley Close - addition of pitched roof to flat
(649/01)   roofed extension and porch - approved. External materials to be
           identical to those used for existing building.

           New Applications

68/02      S/0044/02 Meadow Enterprises Ltd 137 Cambridge Road - change of use
           to light industrial (class B1 (c)) - no recommendation.

69/02      S/0104/02/LB I Jones 32 Fen Road - alterations to rear kitchen
           extension and replacement of conservatory, installation of 2 new
           windows in front dormers and re-render west gable wall - no 

70/02      S/0187/02 Mr & Mrs CR Peters 11 High Street - extensions to house and
           erection of study/store - deferred until Planning meeting of
           18 February.

71/02      J Holder Queen Anne Lodge Fen Road - reduction of crowns of two
           trees - accept Trees Officer's advice.

72/02  5   Finance

           The minutes of the Committee Meeting of 21 January were received.
(32/02)    MCC had agreed to take out a fidelity guarantee.

           It was AGREED to
           accept recommendation  that Council precept for £69,000 for 2002/03.

           (Note:  MCC grant to be £22,000).

73/02  6   MCC Update
           The MCC Finance Committee were recommending that the youth building
           be handed over at no cost to MCC - to be discussed at meeting of
           13 February. A gate and bollards had been erected at The Sycamores
           car park to prevent cars using the car park as a race track.
           MCC intended to ask SCDC to clear up the rubbish from the tree belt
           around The Sycamores recreation ground.
           It was reported that much of the rubbish in the car park came from
           black bags put out during the week by local householders.

74/02  7   Bills for Payment and Money Received
           AGREED to authorise payments of cheque 2259 to 2272 (1 abstention).
           Noted that cheque number 1939 November 2000 (to Hewden Hire) had not
           been presented. Cheque 2260 included replacement for lost cheque -
           number 2189 (RCT Adams).

75/02  8   Crime Update
           Latest figures not available.

76/02  9   County Councillor's report
           New Development - although Oakington/Longstanton had been chosen by
           the County Council as the preferred site for the new development an
           Examination in Public would take place later in the year. The
           prospective developers for Waterbeach intended to make a case for
           In response to a question JEC explained that it was her role to
           protect Waterbeach and that she had not become involved in the
           debate about Fulbourn/Teversham. The chairman pointed out that the
           subject of Fulbourn/Teversham had not been discussed at any time by
           Foot/Cycle Bridge - the start had been delayed till June.  It was
           expected to take a year to complete the bridge.
           Bus Service - the bus company had agreed to meet JEC on 20 February.
           Millennium Book - JEC had received many letters of praise about the
           book including one from Lesley Lock one time chairman of Milton
           Parish Council.

77/02  10  District Councillor's report
           College of West Anglia - as the college had not met the planning
           permission landscaping condition for the new agricultural building
           SCDC intended to serve an enforcement notice.
           Country Park - honey fungus was present in willow trees in five
           areas of the Country Park.  Some of the trees could be felled.
           Tomkins Mead was not affected.

78/02  11  Correspondence
            Notices of fundraising workshops
            South Cambs Crime & Disorder Partnership -
               Strategy Consultation Conference
            South Cambs Primary Car Group - Bulletin
            Henley Oak Ltd - Queen's Jubilee brochure.
              Agreed to discuss Jubilee at March meeting.

       12  Dates of next meetings
            Play     - 18 February 7.00pm
            Planning - 18 February 7.30pm
            Council  -  4 March

The meeting ended at 9.15pm.