Minutes of the Meeting of Milton Parish Council
           held on Monday 3 December 01 at 7.00pm in the Community Centre

Present:   RLE Waters (chair)   RJ Farrington   EH Baker   R Day
           JE Coston (at Landbeach PC from min 617/01 to 635/01)   M Ellwood
           B Jefferson   DJ Lee   CJ Lock   IF May   PK Oldham   TJ Siggs
           HM Smith   RT Summerfield   LC Twinn
           The clerk  SJ Daniels
           K D'Arcy Youth Co-ordinator IVC (item 1)
           S Lester Development worker CAYC (item 1)
           3 members of the public (part)

613/01 1   SCYPP
           K D'Arcy and S Lester attended to explain about the South Cambs Youth
           Participation Project. The Project aimed to bring the young and the
           rest of the community together and to involve the young in decision
           The Youth Committee would meet to discuss the implications.
           Links with IVC Cottenham VC and Milton School were important.
           Noted that there were problems at the youth centre. KD would take on
           responsibility to inform the police when necessary. The youth leaders
           should meet together to agree strategies to deal with anti-social

       2   Apologies for absence  -   none

614/01 3   Minutes
           The minutes of the meeting of 5 November 01 were approved and signed
           as a true record.

       4   Highways
615/01     The minutes of the meeting of 19 November were received.
(598/01)   Science Park Access - the designers of the access would ensure that
           adequate provision would be made for cyclists. Criticism of the works
           undertaken was premature - a number of construction points for the
           access road and cycle-way were in the process of being completed.
           Cycle Scheme - a report detailing outstanding items had been
           circulated. It was
           AGREED to ask J Richards to take immediate remedial action and to
           ask for a reply within two weeks.

(566/01)   Access Country Park Road - Standing Orders were suspended to allow
           Mr Chamberlain of Cecil Instruments to explain the problems caused
           by the overnight parking of lorries. His company would like to see
           No Waiting restrictions from the Country Park entrance to the
           junction adjacent Cecil Instruments.

           It was proposed and seconded that Council ask for No Waiting from the
           Country Park to the junction.

           An amendment was carried by 11 votes in favour 1 against and 3

           to ask the County Council to consider double yellow lines for the
           whole (adopted part of) the industrial estate.

           This proposal was then put as the substantive motion and carried by
           13 votes in favour, 1 against and 1 abstention.

       5   Clerk's Report  (inc matters arising)
616/01     Community Minibus
(561/01)   The application for a grant was almost completed. Cost of the
           minibus would be approximately £40,000 of which £30,000 would be 
           grant funded.
           RLEW proposed that MPC put £6,000 (£4,000 as capital and £2,000 as
           revenue) of its Millennium money towards this project. It was hoped
           that the remaining money could be obtained from SCDC and The County
           A management team was in place - all officers having been elected.
           MCC would be owners of the minibus.
           Noted that Council had set aside up to £2,500 millennium money
           towards "Millennium Mugs" (min 595/00) and £500 as a condition of
           the LHIF grant towards the Millennium Book (min 451/01). The LHIF
           grant was the first part of an ongoing grant of up to £25,000 that
           was available towards a continuation of the book project - such as
           the formation of a History Society. (Noted that for every successful
           grant application from LHIF Council would be expected to contribute
           some money).
           It was suggested that "Jubilee Mugs" could be commissioned and that
           Council could use  "profit" from the book, the balance of £1245.14
           millennium money and the rate precept to purchase these mugs in 2002.
           AGREED to rescind minute 595/00 - 14 votes in favour 1 abstention.

           AGREED by all
            to make a contribution of £6,000 (£4,000 capital £2,000
            revenue) towards the minibus project.

617/01     Remembrance Day
(563/01)   There was a good attendance at the ceremony.

618/01     CALC
(565/01)   Police workshop 27 November cancelled - lack of interest.  BJ
           reported a meeting held on 1 December about flooding. The flooding
           of 21 October in the county was caused by rivers 28% and streams/
           ditches/culverts 72%.
           BJ would represent Council at a flood seminar to be held on
           14 December organised by SCDC (min 594/01).
           In response to a request from a resident the clerk would ask the
           Environment Agency and SCDC to investigate the high water level of
           the ditch that runs under Old School Lane towards Fen Road
           (min 593/01).

619/01     Local Government Act 2000 - Quality Councils
(565/01)   Copy of NALC Guide to the National Training Strategy for Town and
           Parish Councils, Code of Conduct and information from Standards
           Board for England were received.
           EHB PKO and RLEW would meet to assess implications for Council.

620/01     Sewage Works
(569/01)   A visit had not yet been arranged.

621/01     Play Equipment
(586/01)   The concrete had been removed from under the basketball at Froment
           Way and from play bark. The fence at The Rowans play area had been
           vandalised so badly that the remainder of the fence had been removed.

622/01     Waste Local Plan
(587/01)   Outstanding representations would be considered at Public Inquiry
           probably in Summer 2002.

623/01     Daffodils
(593/01)   Thanks to JEC, John and Daniel Coston, RD, ME, PKO and RLEW for
           planting daffodil bulbs.

624/01     Drainage Recreation Grounds
           AGREED to pay two bills for drainage work and restoration of football
           pitch total £1010 + VAT at the recreation grounds from balance of AWA
           compensation received in 1998 (see min 555/98).
           13 votes in favour 1 abstention.

625/01     Christmas Arrangements
           The lights were scheduled to be put up on 15 December.

626/01     Environmental Health Service
           A new service had been started by SCDC - a 365 days per year
           24 hours per day complaints service for tasks deemed to be
           Environmental Health emergencies.

       6   Planning
627/01     The minutes of the planning committee meeting of 19 November 01 were
(582/01)   received.
           Synetix - external plant and flues Unit 28 Science Park - noted
           that the Planning Officers were recommending approval subject to
           comments from EHO.
           RTS had asked for landscaping.

           Decisions Received
628/01     S & C Miller 137 Cambridge Road - use of showroom for sale of ceramic
(467/01)   tiles - approved.  Premises not to be used other than for the sale of
           ceramic tiles and associated products.  Permanent space to be
           reserved on site for turning, parking loading and unloading.

           New Applications
629/01     S/2176/01 RD Clark 210 Chesterton Fen Road - change of use - siting
           of 2 caravans - refuse.  Various Policies in Local and Green Belt
           Plans refer.

       7   Maintenance
630/01     The minutes of the Maintenance Committee meeting of 19 November 01
           were received.

(608/01)   Quotation for removing Russian Vine
           AGREED to accept quotation of £632.50 provided Mr Newitt agrees in
             writing to continue to remove Russian Vine throughout until it is

(609/01)   Grass Cutting & General Maintenance Contract 2002-2005
           AGREED to accept Committee's recommendation that Council accept
           Herald Contract Services' quotation provide that Mr Newitt puts in
           writing his agreement to pick up the grass at war memorial green at
           no extra cost and to send an itemised invoice each month.
           13 votes in favour 1 abstention.
           (Note:  the revised total figure for the contract was £18985).

631/01 8   To consider swap of open space land
(588/01)   Council wished to ascertain first whether the law would allow a
           land swap - legal costs to be met by the resident.

632/01 9   Millennium Book Report
(589/01)   Approximately 1500 books had been distributed and 100 hardbacks
           sold. Last date for collection of free copy 12 December. Many
           positive comments had been received about the book.

633/01 10  MCC Update
           AGM had been held.
           AGREED to pay for tree work at Coles Road Recreation Ground boundary
              with Recreation Close - as this problem was passed on to MCC by
              MPC at the time that the lease was negotiated.
           11 votes in favour 3 abstentions.

634/01 11  Bills for Payment and Money Received
           AGREED to authorise payment of cheques 2213 To 2234.
           Noted that cheque 2231 referred to two visits by Fuller to repair
           High Street bus shelter lighting. After the first repair the lights
           were vandalised.
           Cheque 2220 CALC £15 replaced returned cheque 2200 - as Police
           Workshop evening had been cancelled (see min 618/01).
           £5316 LHIF grant for book received.

635/01 12  Crime Update
           Crime figures were received. There had been recent problems at MYC.
           As a result numbers attending had dropped. Noted that the police
           were to meet with the youth leaders.

636/01 13  County Councillor's report
           Travellers Chesterton Fen - JEC suggested that the Travellers'
           Liaison Officer attend a Council meeting.
(558/01)   Waterbeach Development - County Council cabinet meeting set for 11
           December and full meeting 18 December, at which JEC was allowed to
           talk for 5 minutes.
           Cycle Bridge - meeting scheduled for 4 December.

637/01 14  District Councillor's report
(456/01)   Electoral Review - The Local Government Commission were
           recommending that Milton and Horningsea form one district ward
           represented by two councillors and that Milton Detached be known
           as South Ward. The district councillor for Fen Ditton and Wilbraham
           would have Milton South Ward in his/her ward.
           At Parish Council level 14 councillors would represent Milton and one
           councillor would represent South Ward.

638/01 15  Correspondence
            Scope   - request for support
            Victim Support  - request for support
            Fire Authority  -  Annual Report 2000/01
            ACRE   - Bulletins

      16   Dates of next meetings
            South Cambs Issues Ad Hoc - 12 December
            MYCMG    - 14 December
            Planning - 17 December
            Youth    - 17 December
            Council  -  7 January

The meeting ended at 10.00pm.