Minutes of the Meeting of Milton Parish Council
       held on Monday 5 November 01 at 7.30pm in the Community Centre

Present:   RLE Waters (chair)   RJ Farrington   R Day   JE Coston   M Ellwood
           B Jefferson   CJ Lock   IF May   PK Oldham   TJ Siggs   HM Smith
           RT Summerfield
           The clerk SJ Daniels

It was reported that Cyril Moule Parish Councillor in the early 1960's had
died. The clerk would send a letter of condolence to Mrs Moule.

555/01 1   Apologies for absence  -   EH Baker    DJ Lee   LC Twinn

556/01 2   Minutes
           The minutes of the meeting of 1 October 01 were approved and signed
           as a true record.

       3   Clerk's Report  (inc matters arising)
557/01     Land at Coles Road
(198/01)   Land Certificate for two pieces of land eastern side of Coles Road
           opposite war memorial showing Milton Parish Council as registered
           proprietor received.

558/01     Waterbeach Settlement
(491/01)   M Williamson gave an excellent presentation to the County Council
           on 19 October. JEC was preparing a presentation to make to the County

559/01     Haling Way
(492/01)   Noted that Alan Wingfield engineer for Cam Conservators was
           arranging to have shrubs cut back at Baits Bite Lock - short term.
           In the long term he intended new planting as part of their
           tercentenary celebrations and would let Council know what planting
           would take place.
           Clerk to arrange clearing up of the debris left behind by the recent
           floods between Fen Road and Baits Bite Lock.

560/01     Open Space
(493/01)   AGREED to call the area Edmund Green.
           Noted that the open space on The Elms/Oaks had no name.

561/01     Community Minibus
(494/01)   The management committee were meeting on 13 November to complete
           the application.

562/01     Primary Care Group
(495/01)   According to South Cambs Primary Care Group  "irrespective of the
           ultimate outcome of PCT configuration patient referral patterns will
           not change...  Patients will therefore not be expected to travel
           increased distances for their care."
           The Cambridge Health Authority Board were recommending that South
           Cambs Primary Care Group (PGC) move to Primary care Trust (PCT)
           status in 2002 and that Fenland PCT and East Cambs PCG should form
           a single PCT from April 2002.

563/01     Remembrance Day
(496/01)   AGREED using the powers under Section 137 of the LGA 1972
           to pay British Legion £20 for the wreath

564/01     Office Furniture
(497/01)   New furniture had been installed.

565/01     CALC
(500/01)   CJL attended a training session on 27 October.
           RLEW and BJF hoped to attend police workshop on 27 November.
           Copy of NALC National Training Strategy update received.

566/01     Highways
(510/01)   Cycle Scheme - J Richards felt that most of the issues had been
           resolved. WS Atkins were looking at the drainage issues. Noted
           that 2 High Street had experienced flooding during the recent
           severe weather. The County Council were aware of this problem.
           The clerk to ask J Richards again to deal with the serious drainage
           problems caused by the cycle scheme.
(511/01)   Butt Lane/High Street Junction - Council supported the County
           Council application for double yellow lines.
           AGREED to ask that the lines be extended westward by approximately 20
(513/01)   Access Country Park Road - Council supported the County Council
           application for double yellow lines.
           Noted that Mr Menzies wished to talk to Highways Committee about Bus
           Priority Measures - meeting scheduled for Monday 19 November.

567/01     Bins
(517/01)   Glasdon manufactured metal bins - the same style as present
           plastic bins. MCC had authorised the expenditure of 6 bins for the
           recreation grounds. 1 bin was needed for Froment Way.
           AGREED to purchase 7 bins provided that the cost did not exceed £220
                  per bin. (Cost of MCC bins to be taken from grant).

           A request for a dog bin on the green space at The Elms/Oaks had been
           received - Maintenance Committee to discuss.

568/01     Relocating SCDC Offices
(527/01)   Results of the recent Parish Council consultation received and

569/01     Smells Sewage Works
           It was understood that AWA had pinpointed the causes of the recent
           smells: The way that they were dealing with the sludge and trade
           waste getting into the system from a different part of the area.
           It was agreed to accept AWA's invitation to visit the sewage works.
           Copy letter from D Booth received. Clerk to respond that Council
           had been very active in pursuing both AWA and the EHO to resolve
           the problem.

570/01     Budget 2002/03
           County Consultation - AGREED not to make a corporate response.
           Individuals to make their own responses.
           Parish Council - Committee chairmen to let clerk know what their
           expenditure requirements, if any, would be for 2002/03. Note that
           2002 would be Jubilee Year.

571/01     Trolleys Tesco
           A resident of The Sycamores was concerned about the number of
           trolleys left at The Sycamores. He had spoken Mark Walker manager
           of Tesco about £1 deposit system or a barrier to prevent trolleys
           being taken off the site.
           AGREED to ask Tesco to consider installing a surface at the covered
           walkway that would physically prevent trolleys being removed
           provided that wheelchair and pushchair access is not impeded.

       4   Planning
572/01     The minutes of the planning committee meeting of 15 October 01were

573/01     Landscaping Ely Road -J Hellingsworth would advise Pi Research of
(540/01)   Council's comments. He was not able to enforce that the hedge be
           kept to a height 1.5 metres.

           Decisions Received
574/01     Mr & Mrs F Smith Darrens Farm Lomas Chesterton Fen Road - gypsy
(165/01)   sites - approved. Applications had changed -  S/1954/00 to 7 pitches
           (from 6) and S/056/01 to 9 pitches and not a transit site - no

575/01     Trinity College (CSP) Ltd with Aula Ltd - Unit 436 Phase 6 Science
(443/01)   Park - siting design and means of access for a Research and
           Development building - approved. Details of materials to be used
           for the external wall and roof to be approved. Store area and
           parking adjacent south eastern boundary to be sited to protect and
           retain existing trees and hedges on this boundary. The Highways
           Agency had no objections as "there would appear to be enough room
           within the present highway boundary for another lane if ever
576/01     Cambridge Newspapers Ltd - installation of waste paper compactor,
(444/01)   skip, hard standing and alterations to emergency access road -
           Removal of substantial planting on northern boundary would result
           in loss of visual amenity to the area.
577/01     C Lee land adjacent 2 Grange Park Chesterton Fen Road - use of land
(462/01)   for storage of skips - refused. Within the Cambridge Green Belt and
           Area of Best Landscape. Contrary to various Policies of Structure
           Plan, Local Plans and Green Belt Local Plan.
578/01     Trinity College (CSP) Ltd and Aula Ltd Unit 410 Phase 6 Science
(466/01)   Park - building for research/development with supporting offices
           (application for approval of reserved matters following granting of
           outline permission) - approved. Details of materials to be used for
           the external walls and roof to be approved. Area marked "Store"
           excluded from this consent.
579/01     Mr & Mrs Smith 31 Humphries Way - kitchen extension & extension of
(468/01)   garage with additional bedroom over - extend/alter existing
           bathroom - approved. Permanent space to be reserved on site for
580/01     Mr N Fleming 16 Willow Crescent - two storey and single storey side
(504/01)   extension -  approved. Permanent space to be reserved on site for
           parking of 3 cars.

           New Applications
581/01     S/1941/01 Ntl - Milton transmitting Station Eastern Electricity
           Substation off Ely Road - erection of antennae, equipment and
           associated development - no recommendation (delegated). JEC was
           concerned about possible radiation.
582/01     S/1960/01 Synetix - Building 28 Science Park - new entrance canopy
           and external plant - refuse for the following reasons:
           - The unsightliness of the flue stacks
           - The impact of the building on the residents of Lovell Road/
             Garry Drive and the general environmental impact.
           Concerned about the emissions from the flues.

583/01     RTS gave advance notice of an application for change of use to a golf
           practice centre at Penfold Farm.

       5   Finance
584/01     The minutes of the Finance Committee meeting of 15 October were
(534/01)   Bank Account - the clerk was in the process of closing the current
           account and opening a Treasurers Account. Noted that Barclays could
           not match the 25 free cheques per month.

       6   Cemetery
585/01     The minutes of the Cemetery Committee meeting of 15 October 01 were

(545/01)   AGREED to accept quotation for tree work £740.
           The clerk would ask Charities for a donation towards the cost.

(546/01)   The daffodils had been planted.

       7   Play
586/01     The minutes of the Play Committee meeting of 17 October 01 were
(552/01)   Play Equipment Froment Way
           AGREED to have concrete removed from under site of robin and
           basketball goal for safety reasons; and to purchase a spring
           elephant from Wicksteed at £639 + £147 installation (9 in favour
           3 abstentions).

(554/01)   Skatepark
           MCC had agreed a site near the basketball court subject to the
           football and cricket clubs' agreement. ME would meet with the
           clubs' representatives.

587/01 8   Waste Local Plan
(454/00)   AGREED to repeat the comments made previously the about the AWA
           site as the Waste Plan (WLP) had expanded the site towards
           Chesterton Sidings and residents of Chesterton Fen.
           Council would need to consider whether to incur costs on presenting
           its case at a Public Inquiry should a Public Inquiry be held.

588/01 9   Request to purchase piece of open space land
           A resident had asked whether Council would let him have a small
           piece of open space land to tidy up his boundary.
           Council recognised the illogical boundary and was not adverse to a
           land exchange if this was allowed by the Open Spaces Act.
           AGREED to ask if the resident would be prepared to pay Council's
           costs to find out the legal position.

589/01 10  Millennium Book Report
           About 500 books had already been distributed. Volunteers to deliver
           were needed.
           RLEW thanked those involved in the project for an excellent
           An article in the Village View would point out that the project
           was not being financed by taxpayers' money.

590/01 11  MCC Update
           Joint Meeting - RLEW and RJF had agreed not to hold a joint meeting
           as it would merely duplicate the MCC meeting due to be held the same
           The intention was for Council members to attend, make their views
           known but not vote.
           Anti-social behaviour - vandalism and graffiti - was causing a
           problem especially at The Sycamores Recreation Ground.
           MCC had agreed to spend up to £2000 to limit access to the car
           park as per the Youth Committee recommendation (minute 486/01)
           CCTV to be discussed at the MCC AGM.
           Security of Community Centre - keeping the building secure was a

591/01 12  Bills for Payment and Money Received
           Noted that K D'Arcy cheque 2177 for blinds at MYC (minute 524/01) had
           returned the cheque as she did not want payment.
           CONFIRMED payment of cheques 2188 and 2189
           AUTHORISED payment of cheques 2190 to 2211 (1 abstention).

592/01 13  Crime Update
           Crime figures not to hand.
           The Police Authority were preparing the Local Policing Plan for
           AGREED to send following comments to Police Authority as Council's
           - Provide more visible policing by having more Community Beat
             Officers with extra time to patrol their areas and liaise with
           - Give greater support to Neighbourhood Watch Schemes.
           - Improve the communication system between the public and the police.
           - Support driver education especially on the A14.  More patrolling
             of the A14 needed.
           - Target more effectively vehicle crime.

593/01 14  County Councillor's report
           Daffodils - volunteers wanted to help plant on weekend
           17/18 November.
           Flooding - Waterbeach had had its worst flooding since 1947. Parts of
           Chesterton Fen were still under water. Ditches in the village should
           be maintained - by whom?

594/01 15  District Councillor's report
           Flooding - SCDC had organised a flood seminar for 14 December. All
           relevant agencies and statutory authorities were being invited.
           Local Plan No 3 - Council had until 7 January to comment on the
           Issues Report. RLEW JEC RD BJ PKO and RTS to make recommendations
           to Council.
           Chesterton Fen Road - a resident had asked for CCTV cameras to be
           installed to combat a crime wave. Noted that the City Police patrol
           this area.

595/01 16  Correspondence
             ACRE    - Re Funding for villages roadshow
             Cambs County Council  - Re Trumpington Park & Ride
             County Archaeology Office - CAO Newsletter
             Warm Homes Bill  - request for support

       17  Dates of next meetings
             Highways    19 November 7pm
             Planning    19 November 7.45pm
             Maintenance 19 November 8.15pm
             Council     3 December

The meeting ended at 10.25pm.