Minutes of an Open Meeting held on Monday 3 September 01 (prior to the
       Milton Parish Council Meeting) at 7.30m in the Community Centre

Present:   RLE Waters (chair)   the Parish Council
           Inspector David Howell   Superintendent David Harvey
           Fransesca Morris  (Police Community Safety Officer)
           Tara Edwards   Cheryl Arnold (both SCDC)
           Approx 50 members of the public
           The clerk SJ Daniels

415/01     Crime and Vandalism
           RLEW welcomed all to the meeting which had been called in response
           to the level of recent vandalism, anti-social behaviour and arson
           throughout the village.

           The main issues raised by the audience were:-

       1.  The Youth Centre was attracting noisy and unruly teenagers (not
           necessarily members of the youth centre), resulting in:-
           (a) Loud music from car stereos.
           (b) Cars/motor bikes using car-park as a race track.
           (c) Litter and bottles/cans left lying around.  Bottles being
               smashed in car-park, recreation ground and play areas.
           (d) Verbal abuse to residents.
           (e) Fires being lit in bins and other areas.
           (f) Fire at 11am in a house at 14 The Sycamores.
           (g) Various acts of criminal damage to property near Sycamores Rec.
           (h) Alcohol being purchased from Tesco and Dillons by or on behalf
               of under-age persons in bulk, as well as matches and lighter
               fuel in quantities.
           (i) Damage being caused to cricket nets, cricket square and football

       2.  The point was also made by the chairman and other residents that
           there were similar incidents at the five play areas in the village
           and at the other recreation ground at Coles Road.

       3.  Suggestions from the floor with regard to the future of the Youth
           Centre were:-
           (a) There could be a gate/barrier at the car-park entrance when
               the Youth Club is meeting and during night time to prevent
               motor vehicles using the car-park as a  race track.
           (b) CCTV could be used to monitor the car-park and buildings.
           (c) Security patrols could be employed to supervise the Recreation
               Ground especially on Youth Club nights.
           (d) The Youth Centre/MPC could employ an outreach worker to
               liaise/work with young people outside of the Youth Club.
           (e) There could be regular police attendance in the area.
           (f) Another site could be found for the Youth Centre away from
               residential property.
           (g) The public could give more information to the police.

       4.  The question was raised that if a gate were installed would local
           residents agree to be the key holder and ensure it was shut at
           night and opened in the morning.
           Both policeman pointed  out the actions that they were taking to
           write to parents and, more significantly, Supt Harvey stressed the
           need for the village to name the troublemakers. The names of the
           people causing this trouble were known to the community. He
           pledged more police activity if their names were given to the
           The meeting ended at 8.30pm.

Minutes of the Meeting of Milton Parish Council held on Monday 3 September at 8.35pm in the Community Centre Present: RLE Waters (chair) RJ Farrington EH Baker R Day JE Coston M Ellwood B Jefferson DJ Lee IF May PK Oldham TJ Siggs HM Smith RT Summerfield LC Twinn The clerk SJ Daniels 1 Apologies for absence - none 416/01 2 Resignation of Grace Richardson and co-option of new councillor G Richardson had resigned. RLEW had written thanking her for her work as a councillor. As three residents had expressed an interest in joining the Council it was AGREED to ask them to attend the October meeting to make a short presentation. 417/01 3 Minutes The Minutes of the meeting of 2 July 01 were confirmed and signed as a true record. 4 Clerk's Report (inc matters arising) 418/01 Bus Service (602/00) Noted that a review of service 9A Milton to Ely was being conducted. JEC had invited Inglis Lyon of stagecoach to a meeting or 'surgery' to discuss. 419/01 South Cambs Local Plan - Northern Fringe (140/01) SCDC's response to Council's representation had been received. Policy CNF05 now stated " Planning permission will not be granted for development on sites CNF West or CNF East until secure arrangements are in place for the timed provision, enhancement or improvement of infrastructure which is required to implement development of the type specified for the respective areas in Policies CNF02 and CNF03. Funding mechanisms will be prepared which will: i) equitably share any known infrastructure costs between development sites, to the extent that this is shown to be appropriate and necessary; and ii) to co-ordinate the provision of the necessary infrastructure for each site." 420/01 Cambridge Sub-Region - SCDC's Strategy (147/01) SCDC's response to the Structure Plan Issues had been received. Noted that it "is entirely consistent with the principles established in the Regional Planning Guidance." The County Council expected to move to a preferred New Settlement site by the end of this year. Local Parish Councils in each locality were being asked to make a joint presentation to SCDC members towards the end of September. PKO expressed concern about the lack of response time allowed. The Stop Abington New Town group had asked for Council's support in their campaign. It was felt to be inappropriate to support this campaign in view of the local concerns. Waterbeach Settlement - PKO felt that Council should consider the effect that this proposal would have on Milton. Possible benefits from a settlement at Waterbeach: - Improved public transport and - a second shopping centre. AGREED broadly to support Waterbeach Parish Council's objections as detailed in a motion passed 2 January 01 (by WPC) and to allow M Williamson of Waterbeach PC to make a joint presentation to SCDC. In addition MPC would emphasise the traffic implications for Milton and the A10/A14 if a settlement were to be built at Waterbeach. 421/01 Haling Way (199/01) Noted that Fen Road to Baits Bite Lock had been resurfaced. Thanks to P Joyce of the County Council. 422/01 Open Space Cambridge Road/The Rowans (246/01) Persimmon Homes had agreed to transfer the open space and did not require a clause transferring the land back to them should planning consent ever be obtained. Persimmon's legal fees were £235. AGREED to authorise chairman and one other to sign the transfer. A name for the area would be chosen at October meeting. 423/01 Landfill Lease (362/01) Landfill lease received. 424/01 A14 CHUMMS (364/01) The Preferred Plan had been received. 425/01 Village Sign (365/01) The chairman had given L Sandford a gift from 'chairman's allowance' for his help in restoring the village sign. The clerk would also write to thank E Easy for his help. 426/01 Community Minibus (366/01) A meeting was scheduled for mid September. 427/01 Maintenance/Grass Cutting: (367/01) Contract - an advert had been placed in the Cambridge News and the tender pack finalised. 428/01 Highways Matters: (to be discussed at Highways meeting - 17 September) (384/01) Travellers and stopping up Landbeach Road Cycle bridge planting Bid for minor improvements Lorries Country Park road Cycle lane scheme A10/Butt Lane Traffic Lights (390/01 refers) 429/01 Primary Care Group Consultation documents received about the establishment of Primary Care Trusts in Southern Cambs and the Dissolution of Lifespan Healthcare NHS Trust. Any comments to be made at October meeting. 430/01 Remembrance Day As 11 November falls on a Sunday it was proposed that the church and village remembrance come together this year. Revd Ian Cowley had suggested that the church congregation walk to the memorial for a short service at 10.45 - possibly a hymn, prayer and few words followed by laying of wreath at 11.00. Some members felt uncomfortable about "religion" (and one denomination only) being part of a civic ceremony. AGREED that RLEW would discuss with Revd Cowley. It was suggested that the Last Post be played. 431/01 SCDC Offices Council objected to the proposal that SCDC relocate to Cambourne. The clerk would inform SCDC. 432/01 Office Furniture AGREED that the clerk could spend up to £450 maximum on ergonomic furniture. 5 Planning 433/01 The minutes of the planning committee meeting of 16 July 01 were (402/01) received. Application by Lifespan - a copy letter from Dr Hunt to Lifespan was received and noted. RTS reported that the application for a portable building on the Doctors' car park had been granted for one year. Decisions Received 434/01 Camstead Ltd - 8 houses at Fen Farm - refused. Extremely cramped (319/01) form of development out of keeping with the character of the adjacent housing. Therefore contrary to Policies SP 12/10 of the Structure Plan (1995), Policy H15 of the Approved South Cambs Local Plan 1993 and Policies SE7 and HG16 of the Deposit Draft Local Plan (1999). Houses on plots 6 and 7 would appear prominent and oppressive when viewed from the adjacent properties to the south. 435/01 Quattrocento Ltd - The Innovation Centre Unit 140 Science Park - (320/01) extensions, refuse/cycle store and additional parking - minor amendments - approved. 436/01 C Threadgold 2 Peter Goodin Close - amendments to extension and (379/01) double garage - approved. 437/01 Worldpay Units 270-289 Science Park - sign - approved. (381/01) 438/01 Cadence Building A1309 - sign - approved. (383/01) 439/01 East Anglia's Children's Hospice - addition of three dormer (403/01) windows - approved. 440/01 Mr & Mrs Lewis 16 Sutton Close - conservatory - approved. (404/01) 441/01 RG Cave 63 Cambridge Road - (revised plans to show chimney and (405/01) elevations to plot 2) - approved. Details of materials to be used for external walls and roofs and finished floor levels of buildings to be approved by LPA. Restrictions on times of use of power machinery during construction and type of windows, doors or openings on south side of plot 2. 442/01 AJ Ellington 51 Butt Lane - extension - approved. External materials (406/01) to be identical to those used for existing building. New Applications 443/01 S/1557/01/RM Trinity College (CSP) Ltd and Aula Ltd - unit 436 Phase 6 Science Park - research and development building - no recommendation. Comments: Concerns that there should be adequate parking both for the employees and visitors; that there should be sympathetic landscaping around the building and that the building itself should fit in aesthetically with its surrounds. Did this application take into account the preferred option by the CHUMMS report for the widening of the A14? 444/01 S/1575/01 Cambridge Newspapers Ltd Winship Road - installation of waste paper compactor skip hardstanding and alterations to emergency access road - refuse. Comments: Concerns about the extra noise and dust that a compactor could make especially in its proposed position close to Barnabas Court Sheltered Housing Scheme. 445/01 S/1601/01 K Ball 7 Ballard Close - extension (amended design) - no (57/01) recommendation. SCDC to be reminded that the neighbours should have been 'carded' as this amendment appeared to be for a larger extension. 446/01 6 Finance - The minutes of the Finance Committee meeting of 16 July 01 were received. 447/01 7 Youth - The minutes of the MYCMG meeting of 6 July 01 were received. Noted that the Milton Youth Club would charge no admission fee. The summer holiday sessions were successful at a cost of approximately £270 (within budget). A Macpherson and J Hutchinson were willing to continue to help. More volunteer workers were needed. It had not been possible to link up with a Ridley Hall student. Details of the South Cambs Youth Participation Scheme (SCYPP) received. HMS to arrange for a presentation to be made to Council at its November meeting. After discussing the open meeting (min 414/01) Council AGREED the following timetable: (a) Clerk and chairman to send letter to residents who attended the meeting to inform them of Council's proposed actions and to put a factual article in the next edition of the Village View. (b) MYCMG (14/09/01) and MPC Youth Committee (24/09/01) to meet in September to produce report for MPC as to way forward for the Youth Centre, bearing in mind the business plan. MCC to discuss at its meeting of 31 October. Council to make decisions at its November meeting. Proposals to be considered: (a) MCC to take action to assess the implications of installing and managing the use of a gate/barrier. (c) MPC to obtain quotes for CCTV at both Recreation Grounds. (d) MPC and Police to meet Tescos and Dillons to discuss the problem of sale of alcohol to teenagers. (Note: Inspector Howell and the chairman of MPC are meeting the manager of Tesco on Wednesday 12 September at 2pm). (e) MPC to explore the use of a security firm to patrol the area. 448/01 8 Salary Scales as from 01/04/01 A 3.5% pay settlement had been agreed by the National Joint Council for Local Government Services. AGREED to implement the following scales (backdated to 01/04/01) - 1 abstention Litter picker Spinal Column Point 4 increased from £4.62 to £4.82 per hour. Mobile warden SCP 11 increased from £5.93 to £6.14 per hour. Clerk SCP 21 increased from £7.70 to £7.97 per hour. 449/01 9 Play Equipment ME had accepted Playdale's quotation of £313 for repairs and replacements to suspension bridge at The Rowans. His action was confirmed. ME reported weeds and litter in The Rowans play area. Clerk to pursue. (337/01) Basketball Goal - ME would recommend to the Play Committee that the basketball goal be moved from Froment way to Coles Road. (338/01) Humphries Way - he would propose also not to plant a hedge around this open space as he believed it would be a hazard. 450/01 10 Tree Warden's report & Quotation for tree work It was reported that generally trees in the village were in a good state. Recommended actions at Humphries Way/Landbeach Road, bund and Hawthorn Hedge were deferred to maintenance committee; at cemetery to cemetery committee. AGREED to ask Herald to prune at the northern end of the bund and to reduce height of trees on The Oaks as per original quotation (min 556/00); and to accept quotation of £320 + VAT to cut back overgrown trees/shrubs on the bund adjacent The Sycamores - 1 against. 451/01 11 Millennium Book Report (385/01) The book would be ready to go to the printers on Monday 10 September. The exact number of hard back copies to be printed had not yet been decided. Sponsorship to date was approximately £4000 and advance sales £700. The result of a grant application to the Local Heritage Initiative would be known shortly. MPC would be required to put in approximately £500. BJ gave a summary of the proposed book voucher/collection scheme. 452/01 12 MCC Update Joint meeting set for 31 October. MCC AGM 21 November at 7.30pm. 453/01 13 Bills for Payment and Money Received Noted that cheque 2148 transferred £30 from Lloyds to HSBC Moneymaster account; an invoice for £39.48 was received from Ridgeons for a bollard (in High street near village sign) - thus reducing credit balance in Council's account with Ridgeons; final repayment of £500 loan from bowls club received. CONFIRMED Cheques 2124 to 2149 (already paid) AGREED to authorise payment of cheques 2150 to 2164 - 2 abstentions. 454/01 14 Crime Update Crime figures had been circulated. Interest in the Local Police Consultation Group meetings was waning. A new idea was planned for the next meeting - to be held at Tesco Bar Hill. 455/01 15 County Councillor's report - nothing to report. 456/01 16 District Councillor's report (390/01) Electoral Review (see also min 310/01) - Waterbeach and Landbeach supported the proposal that they and Milton form a new ward. Their main priority was to keep the two "Beaches" together. (603/00) Pi Research - Pi had agreed to plant hedging along the Ely Road frontage. Unsung Heroes - nominations for SCDC Unsung Hero Awards were requested. 457/01 17 Correspondence Aspire - re charity catalogues initiative CALC - Bulletin, notice of AGM Cambs ACRE - Newsletter C Arnold SCDC - Community Development and Criteria for Community Development Grants Gallagher Estates - Proposals for Cambridge Area Metro & New Settlement. AGREED to ask to be kept informed.. Resident of The Rowans - re Tesco shrub/bushes pruning 18 Dates of Meetings Dates of next meetings MYCMG 14 September 8.00pm Planning 17 September 7.00pm Highways 17 September 7.45pm Maintenance 24 September 7.00pm Youth 24 September 8.00pm Council 1 October 7.30pm The meeting ended at 11.15pm.