Minutes of the Meeting of Milton Parish Council held on Monday 2 July 2001 at 7.00m in the Community Centre Present: RLE Waters (chair) RJ Farrington EH Baker R Day JE Coston B Jefferson DJ Lee PK Oldham GM Richardson TJ Siggs HM Smith RT Summerfield LC Twinn The clerk SJ Daniels 2 Milton residents 1 from Impington PC and 2 from Landbeach PC (part) 362/01 1 Waste Management (308/01) David Atkinson, Lewis Herbert and Louise O'Brien from the County Council attended for this item. Three issues were raised: a) Planning Decisions for Milton Landfill b) Waste Local Plan c) Landfill Liaison Forum. a) A number of planning applications had been determined over the years. Waste Recycling Group (WRG) had taken over the site on a long lease. Their recent application was to vary the end date given in the 1991 permission. The Officers' recommendation was to reduce the catchment area for the source of waste and extend the end date. As a result of the Development Control Committee's decision the catchment area was not going to be reduced as at first suggested and waste could still be brought in from anywhere. Noted that the permission for a small test pyrolosis plant was due to expire in the next year. The emerging policies in the Waste Local Plan opposed permanent buildings in the Green Belt. Landfill sites in the Green Belt were not viewed nationally as unacceptable. There would be nothing to prevent an application being submitted before 2010 to extend the life of the site. The land was high grade agricultural land and should be restored to agriculture. DA confirmed that it was the County Council which had opposed the changes to the application which would have re-designated the site to be turned into public open space. Although MPC could negotiate for public access to the site in the form of a footpath, for example, LH reminded DA that WRG had a 99 year lease on the site (about 90 years still remaining). Though the County Council might be sympathetic to MPC's aims a footpath would require negotiation with WRG. The standard of restoration of the first phase was not so good as later restoration. Had the 1989 planning conditions therefore been adhered to? The County Council had negotiated three contracts: Landfill Composting Household Waste. The issue of odour (mostly from the composting operation) gave concern. A new composting contract was being negotiated. The Environment Agency had investigated the complaints and resolved the problem. There had been conflicting advice in the past as to where to report smells. The advice was to contact the Environment Agency. The land form could not be changed without WRG making a successful application. Concern about inconsistency of recommendations between applications was raised. The papers prepared for the Development Control Committee about the Kennett Landfill application listed many points which would have equally applied to the Milton application but were not included as Officer information in the Milton application. b) The Revised Deposit WLP was due to be published in August. LH stated that Anglian Water was opposing the designation of the sewage works as a major waste management site so it was unlikely to remain in the WLP. If that happened then the Plan was likely to recommend an extension to the allocation at Dickerson's. c) The Forum would give the company, CCC, EA, EHO and Parish Councils the opportunity to discuss operations and monitor the environmental impact of the site. Thanks to DA, LH and LO'B for attending. PKO was concerned that the landfill Site Liaison Forum would be of little benefit to the community as it would have no powers. AGREED that Council should have two representatives on the Landfill Site Liaison Forum (10 votes in favour 3 abstentions). RD and HMS agreed to be Council's representatives. JEC would attend as County Councillor. Council had no objection to Mrs D Taylor Coulson Close being co-opted on to the committee. (454/00) Responses from the County Council re the Waste Local Plan were received. AGREED that Council's objections remain for 96/1/WLP1/DEP1/1 (WLP 17) and 96/1WLP1/DEP1/2 (APPEN 6); that objections to 96/1/WLP1/DEP1/3 (WLP 17) had been met in part and hat objections to 96/1/WLP1/DEP1/4 (Policy 4-6-1) had been met in full. 2 Apologies for absence M Ellwood IF May 363/01 3 Minutes The Minutes of the meeting of 4 June 01 were confirmed and signed as a true record. 364/01 4 Clerk's report (34/01) CHUMMS The CHUMMS study had produced its recommendations: - to re-route the A14 three lanes wide south of Fenstanton, Godmanchester, Huntingdon and Brampton; - to widen the A14 to three lanes each way on its existing route westwards past Bar Hill and to three lanes along the Cambridge Northern Bypass as well, as far as the Fen Ditton junction; - to use the old Cambridge - St Ives railway line as a guided bus route, with extensions to Huntingdon and into Cambridge and new roads running parallel to the widened A14 to the west of Girton interchange for local traffic with modifications to junctions 13 and 14 of the M11; - a park and ride site in the Waterbeach area. 365/01 Village Sign (302/01) The clerk had opened an account with SGB Scaffolding so that Len Sandford could arrange means to put up the sign. 366/01 Community Minibus (305/01) The working party had met with D Carford of ACRE and had agreed that the legal owners of the minibus should be the MCC Charity. MCC would apply for 75% of the grant. The remaining 25% (c £9000) would be sought elsewhere eg SCDC, CCC, MPC. It was hoped that the minibus would be purchased by the end of the year. 367/01 Maintenance/Grass Cutting (307/01) The tender document had been circulated and amendments were made. The clerk would circulate the final document before sending out in late August/early September. The new contract to be agreed in November/December. AGREED that Council also advertise in Cambridge News Public Notice Section. Maintenance of Tesco roundabout - the clerk reported that Nigel Godden and Bob Stephens of Milton Windows were keen to sponsor the roundabout. There were concerns that bedding plants would need to be replaced regularly and watered in dry conditions. Low growing variegated heathers/ferns were suggested. AGREED to wait for the completion of the cycle bridge and its associated planting before deciding on a course of action. 5 Planning Decisions Received 368/01 Mr & Mrs Human 5 Mansfield Close - extension - approved. External (276/01) materials to be identical with existing building unless otherwise agreed by LPA. 369/01 Mr & Mrs R Cox 169 The Rowans - extension - refused Overbearing and (277/01) oppressive when viewed from number 167 - contrary to policy HG17 (2) of South Cambs Deposit Local Plan 1999. 370/01 Mr & Mrs Hanson 18 Humphries Way - first floor side extension - (278/01) refused. Overbearing to neighbouring property and therefore contrary to Policy HG17 of the South Cambs Deposit Local Plan 1999. The extension would seriously harm amenities of neighbouring property through loss of light. 371/01 Worldpay Units 270-289 Science Park - external air conditioning (279/01) condensing units - relocation of cycle racks - for information only - approved. 372/01 Trinity College 1 Science Park - replacement dwelling - approved. (280/01) Details of materials for external walls and roofs to be approved. Space for on site parking to be provided. 373/01 College of West Anglia - erection of small animal unit and (281/01) relocation of portable building for use as office/reception area - approved. 374/01 College of West Anglia - retention of 2 mobile classroom units (282/01) - approved. 375/01 A Sabnani Kurser Cars - display of sign - approved. Noted that this (314/01) was approved as an amended application as detailed in Mr Sabnani's letter withdrawing the application, though planning permission was not needed. 376/01 Thomas Smith Developments Ltd - 2 bungalows off Faulkner Close (317/01) addition of roof lights for fire escape - approved. 377/01 Trinity College (CSP) Ltd and Aula Ltd Units 418 and 428 Phase 6 (318/01 Science Park - reserved matters for siting, design and means of access for 2 research and development/office buildings - approved. Details of any power driven plant to be approved by LPA. 378/01 Quattrocentro Innovation Centre Unit 140 Science Park - extensions, (320/01) refuse/cycle store and additional parking - approved. New Applications 379/01 S/1612/00 C Threadgold 2 Peter Goodin Close - amendment - for (482/00) information only. 380/01 S/1019/01 Mr & Mrs N Gooden 4 Ballard Close - extension - no (326/01) recommendation (delegated) 381/01 S/1039/01/A Worldpay Units 270-289 Science Park - illuminated corporate sign - no recommendation (delegated) 382/01 S/1129/01 Lifespan Healthcare NHS Trust - Milton Surgery Coles Road - portable office building. As the purpose of the plans was unclear it was AGREED to delegate to RLEW and RJF to investigate and make comments accordingly having taken into consideration views expressed. 383/01 S/1223/01/A Cadence Design Systems The Cadence Building A1309 junction with A14 - single agency letting board - no recommendation. 384/01 6 Minutes received: a) Play Committee meeting of 11 June b) Youth Committee meeting of 11 June Noted that the Business Plan allocated £1000 for summer activities. MYC would open during the summer holidays at a cost of about £400 (from budget). MYCMG would discuss possible outing to Mepal. Concern was expressed at the amount of money being spent at MYC. IVC had appointed a worker to co-ordinate Duke of Edinburgh Scheme across the Patch (min 344 (d)). c) Highways Committee meeting of 18 June (352-361/01) The County Council would respond to Highway Committee's queries within one month. High Street/Fen Road junction resurfacing was due to start on 9 July. Bridge parapet replacement on A14/A10 interchange would take place between 2 July and 12 August. The Road Safety Officer had advised against railings at the school Butt Lane entrance as children would run around them possibly on to the road and swing on them. 385/01 7 Millennium Book Report End date unchanged. Specimen pages would be on display at Village Fayre. 386/01 8 MCC Update Nothing to report. 387/01 9 Bills for Payment and Money Received Confirmed cheques 2104 and 2113 to 2116 (already paid) AGREED to authorise payment of cheques 2105 to 2112 and 2117 to 2123 (1 abstention). Noted that Copy IT had taken over Dudley's photocopying business. Cleaning bus shelters had increased from £28 to £36 (1 extra shelter). 388/01 10 Crime Update Crime figures for June not available. Julie Gilbert Community Officer for Histon Sector was providing figures for the whole patch. 389/01 11 County Councillor's report A10/A14 Interchange - the bridge parapets were due to be raised. JEC failed to understand the logic in view of the impending cycle bridge and felt that the A10 (Butt Lane) bridge parapets should be raised. Cycle Bridge - there had been delays. Expected start date of building January 2002 completion by December 2002. 390/01 12 District Councillor's report A10/Butt Lane Traffic Lights - these were approved by the Area Joint Committee despite Histon/Impington's concerns about possible increase in rat running. Electoral Review - the SCDC Working Party was recommending that the District ward be the same as the County (Milton, Landbeach, Waterbeach and Chittering) with three councillors. Their alternative recommendation was for Milton to join with Waterbeach and Landbeach and Cottenham to amalgamate. 391/01 13 Correspondence CALC Bulletin (previously circulated) Children's Hospice - re new development Cambs Fire & Rescue Service - Fire Authority Corporate Plan SCDC - Contaminated Land Consultation The clerk to inform SCDC of the possible areas of concern: Middleton's Pit(filled-in pit recreation ground just behind Community Centre), Cambridge News (built on filled-in pit), Science Park (2nd World War army encampment), Bene't Garage, Fen Road Chesterton (car breakers' yards). CCC - Network Management Plan 2001. 14 Dates of next meetings MYCMG 6 July Planning 16 July 7.00pm (Late August to be arranged) Finance 16 July 7.30pm Council 3 September The meeting ended at 10.05pm.