Minutes of the Meeting of Milton Parish Council
       held on Monday 4 June 2001 at 7.30pm in the Community Centre

Present:   RLE Waters (chair)   RJ Farrington   EH Baker   R Day   M Ellwood
           B Jefferson   IF May   PK Oldham   GM Richardson   TJ Siggs
           HM Smith   LC Twinn
           The clerk SJ Daniels

       1   Apologies for absence   JE Coston   DJ Lee   RT Summerfield

299/01 2   Minutes
           The Minutes of the meeting of 14 May 01were confirmed and signed
           as a true record.

       3   Clerk's Report  (inc matters arising)
300/01     Cycle Scheme
(249/01)   Noted that a resident of Knights Way had fallen in the ruts in the
           verge adjacent Knights Way and broke a bone in her hand. J Richards
           was aware of the incident and had spoken with the resident.

301/01     Allotments
(250/01)   The colts football teams were hoping that improvements could be
           made to the pitches at Coles Road. Part of the allotments site could
           possibly be used as a training pitch for mini football.

302/01     Village Sign/Map
(251/01)   RLEW and L Sandford had arranged to view the final proof of the
           sign. A Sylvester had completed repairs to the map - total cost

303/01     SCDC - New Council Constitution
(253/01)   AGREED to nominate PKO for the parish councillor role on the
           standards committee. (JEC had agreed to stand aside).

304/01     A10/Butt Lane Traffic Lights
(255/01)   There had been no reply from the County Council.

305/01     Community Minibus
(256/01)   30 questionnaires had been sent out and 26 replies received, 23 of
           which expressed a keen interest. A meeting therefore with D Carford
           of ACRE was arranged for 22 June.

306/01     Youth
(258/01)   HMS attended a youth shelters workshop.  She felt that MCC ORG
           should be thinking about providing a shelter near the basketball
           A highly qualified  senior youth worker, Patrick Scales, had been
           appointed to replace P Toates.  He would be working for 3 hours per
           session each drop-in session running from 7pm to 9.30pm.
           There had been a break-in at the youth centre. The microwave and
           kettle were stolen. In view of the insurance excess the youth
           committee probably would not claim.
           The youth committee were due to meet on 11 June and would discuss
           security and also summer holiday activities.

307/01     Maintenance
(259/01)   SCDC had misunderstood the instructions to clear the skip by Tesco
           but had now cleaned the skip and area at a cost of £60. It was
           AGREED to monitor this area and tidy up as and when necessary.
           Grass cutting working party met on 4 June to fine tune tender pack.

308/01     Landfill Site
(269/01)   The clerk was contacting the Environment Agency, CCC officers,
           Development Control Committee and EHO  to report smells at the
           Landfill site.
           It was AGREED to continue with this method of reporting until the
           next meeting which Lewis Herbert and David Atkinson of the County
           Council were hoping to attend.
           JEC would arrange a meeting with Histon/Impington and Landbeach
           Parish Councils. RLEW, JEC, PKO and RTS invited to represent Milton
           Parish Council.
           The District Audit would pursue the matter of the lease if the Chief
           Executive's response proved to be unsatisfactory. MPC would need to
           scrutinise County Council accounts at the appropriate time.
           Discussion about participating in the Local Liaison Forum Milton
           Landfill Site to be deferred until July meeting.

309/01     County Council Elections
(283/01)   Letters received from  J Paice and J Hockney. Mr Hockney
           "regretted ..causing [Milton Parish] Council any distress" and had
           unreservedly offered his apologies to Councillor Jane Coston.
           AGREED that the issue now be closed.

310/01     Local Government Electoral Review
(290/01)   Letter from Local Government Commission received.
           AGREED to make no recommendations at this stage.

311/01     Flooding Workshop
           BJ reported on a flooding workshop that he attended. Topics covered
           at the workshop:
           - Historical background - last 300 years.
           - Environment Agency's role and responsibilities.
           - Development Control - planning guidance on development and flood
           - Development Implications - Kathy Baldwin of the County Planning
             Division backed the use of ex-military sites for development even
             in flood risk areas. The question was asked "Would flood risk
             areas be used if there were pressures to meet housing targets
             even if the EA had raised serious objections?" K Baldwin answered
             yes - the developers to provide protection.
           - Emergency Arrangements.
           Thanks to BJ.

312/01     Highways Committee
           A meeting was needed to discuss:
           Railings at school entrance Butt Lane (letter received); Pinch
           Point Ely Road (minor improvements); Footpath link from Landbeach
           Road to cemetery; Speed humps Humphries Way (letter received).

       4   Planning
           Decisions Received
313/01     A Sabnani Kurser Cars  -  portable building at Bene't Garage -
(226/01)   refused  Prominent and intrusive feature in street scene.
           Incongruent appearance adversely affects street scene and the
           amenity of 63 Cambridge Road.
           Contrary to Policy SP12/10 of the Structure Plan 1995.
           Building reduces available car parking and vehicle manoeuvring
           space on garage forecourt and adversely affects amenity of the
           occupiers of adjacent properties by virtue of increased noise
           and general disturbance. Contrary to Policy SH9 of South Cambs
           Deposit Local Plan 1999.
           Building to be removed within two months to allow alternative
           accommodation to be created in main garage.
314/01     A Sabnani Kurser Cars - withdrawal of application for sign
315/01     M Young 26 The Rowans - garage - refused.  A vehicular access would
(223/01)   result in  vehicles either reversing out and facing on-coming
           traffic or reversing across both carriageways. This would have an
           adverse effect on the safety and free flow of traffic of The Rowans.
316/01     Mr D Hathiramani and Ms J Thulborn 301 The Rowans - single storey
(275/01)   extension to the rear - approved.

           New Applications
317/01     S/1135/99 Thomas Smith Developments Ltd - 2 bungalows off Faulkner
(608/00)   Close addition of roof lights for fire escape - for information
318/01     S/0009/01 Trinity College (CSP) Ltd & Aula Ltd - Units 418 & 428
(61/01)    Phase 6 Science Park - minor amendments - for information.
319/01     S/0316/01 Camstead Ltd - land at Fen Farm Fen Road - erection of 8
(167/01)   dwellings with access, parking - amendments reduction in height of
           plots 6 and 7.
           Refuse - comments as in minute 167/01.
320/01     S/0145/01 Quattrocento Unit 140 Science Park - extensions,
(274/01)   refuse/cycle store and additional parking - amended landscaping
           scheme - for information.
321/01     S/0881/01 Plastic Logic Ltd Units 34/35 Science Park - 2 chimney
           stacks condensing units liquid nitrogen storage cage and roof
           mounted chiller units - no recommendation.
322/01     S/0889/01 Virata Unit 230 Science Park - signs - no recommendation.
323/01     S/0903/01 Cherry Close (Milton) Freehold Ltd - replacement garage
           block Cherry Close - no recommendation.
324/01     S/0927/01 Mr & Mrs A Onyett 10 Pryor Close - two storey side
           extension and new garage and store to replace existing - no
           RD expressed an interest and left the meeting. There were concerns
           about the loss of light and amenity to the neighbour at number
           11 Pryor Close and the proximity of the proposed building to the
           horse chestnut tree.
325/01     S/0980/01 J Upton The Old Coal Yard Chesterton Fen Road - change of
           use to storage of skips - no recommendation.
326/01     S/1019/01 Mr & Mrs N Gooden 4 Ballard Close - extension - deferred
           till planning meeting of 18 June.

327/01 5   Finance
           The minutes of the Finance Meeting 18 May 01 were received.
           AGREED to approve the accounts for 2000/01 as recommended.

328/01 6   Millennium Book Report
(285/01)   The working party had agreed and confirmed all the tasks to be
           completed. Publication was expected to be at the beginning o

329/01 7   MCC Update
           Two new members of staff had started work - N Sloman, the
           accountant/book keeper and C Nunn, Projects Manager.
           RJF and RLEW were reviewing all the job descriptions.

330/01 8   Bills for Payment and Money Received
           Cheques 2091 to 2094 (already paid) were confirmed.
           AGREED to authorise payment of cheques 2095 to 2103 (2 abstentions).
           Noted that the bus shelter had been sited in High Street
           (cheque 2102).

331/01 9   Crime Update
           Crime statistics for the year to date were received and noted.

332/01 10  County Councillor's report
           The county councillor's report was given in her absence.
           Responses to Council's comments on the Waste Local Plan
           (min 454/00) had been received. The clerk would inform the County
           Council that MPC's responses, if any, would be made after the
           meeting of 2 July.

333/01 11  District Councillor's report - none

334/01 12  Correspondence
           Rowing Trust    -  Bulletin
           South Cambs Primary Care Group - Bulletin

       13  Dates of next meetings
           Play - 11 June 7pm
           Youth -  11 June 8pm
           Planning - 18 June
           Council - 2 July 7pm
           Highways - To be arranged

The meeting ended at 9.15pm.