Minutes of the Annual Parish Council Meeting of Milton Parish Council
       held on Monday 14 May 2001 at 7.30pm in the Community Centre

Present:   RLE Waters (chair)   RJ Farrington   EH Baker   JE Coston
           M Ellwood   B Jefferson   DJ Lee   IF May   GM Richardson
           TJ Siggs   HM Smith   RT Summerfield   LC Twinn
           The clerk SJ Daniels

       1   Apologies for absence  R Day PK Oldham

240/01 2   Election of chairman and signing of declaration of acceptance of
           AGREED to suspend Standing Order 14 and elect RLEW as chairman.
           He signed the declaration of acceptance of office. In thanking
           Council for the vote of confidence RLEW indicated that he would
           retire as chairman in 2002.

241/00 3   Election of vice chairman
           AGREED  to suspend Standing Order 14 and elect RJF as vice chairman.
           RLEW thanked RJF for his work as vice chairman.

242/01 4   Committees
           The following committees were confirmed:
           Finance     JEC PKO TJS HMS RTS RLEW
           Planning    JEC RD RJF BJ TJS HMS RTS LCT
           Highways    JEC RD RJF BJ PKO RTS LCT
           Maintenance BJ PKO HMS LCT
           Play        JEC ME HMS P Gaynord L Henderson J Sandford
           Youth       JEC DJL GMR HMS LCT L Henderson S Lester J Sandford

243/01 5   Working Groups
           The following working groups were confirmed:
           Allotments     RD ME  E Spong  WD Booth
           Cemetery       RD ME BJ PKO I Cowley
           Community Care RD ME IFM  L Sandford
           Community Minibus  JEC IFM RJF RLEW  R Pain  T Stubbings
           Millennium Book EHB JEC BJ HMS  S Bennett  J & J Daniels
                           Roy Henderson  M Spooner
           MYCMG                 DJL GMR HMS LCT  L Henderson  T Hough (IVC)
           (Milton Youth Centre  J Sandford + Youth leaders
            Management Group)

244/01 6   Representatives
           The following representatives were confirmed:
           Archaeological Warden  WD Booth
           Charities    RD IFM   P Harrold   BC Waterson
           Child Protection Officer  L Henderson
           Community Transport Trolley Bus JEC  T Stubbings J Uttin
           Country Park    RD (deputy PKO)
           Footpaths Officer   RLEW
           Impact   BJ
           MCC      RLEW
           Police Liaison   RLEW
           Rowing Trust   HMS
           School Governors  DJL
           Tree Warden   PKO (deputy SJ Snaith)
           Under 5's Group   LCT
           Village View   JEC
           (Non-Parish Councillors in italics)

245/01 7   Minutes
           The Minutes of the meeting of 2 April 2001 were confirmed and
           signed as a true record.

       8   Clerk's Report  (inc matters arising)
246/01     Open Space The Rowans/Cambridge Road
(200/01)   Persimmon (Beazer) Homes had offered the land for £1 + their legal
           costs. The clerk had instructed Council's solicitor to proceed with
           the purchase.

247/01     Multi-use Court
(201/01)   Remedial works had been completed.  RJF reported that the work was

248/01     Teenage Play Area
(202/01)   Noted that Council had agreed to pay £1000 (minute 26/00) to WREN
           as third party funding towards the above project. Council had
           therefore contributed £6464 in total ie £5464 (minute 509/00)
           + £1000.

249/01     Cycle Scheme
(203/01)   J Richards confirmed that he was endeavouring to have the
           outstanding items dealt with.

250/01     Allotments
(204/01)   The committee had met on site. There was room for a mini soccer
           pitch only. The football club were due to meet to discuss. E Spong
           was prepared to move his allotments if necessary subject to
           satisfactory compensation for loss of fruit trees and relocation

251/01     Village Sign and Map
(206/01)   Sign - Algar Signcraft were producing the sign.
(524/00)   Map - Mr Sylvester believed that water had got into the map
           through the screw holes. It was
           AGREED to ask Mr Sylvester to make the necessary repairs and
           improvements to ensure a watertight map at a maximum cost of £200;
           and to ask also for a written guarantee.

252/01     CALC Training
(207/01)   The evening was considered useful. 16 members from Horningsea,
           Milton, Teversham and Waterbeach Parish Councils attended.
           RTS reported that Iain Gourlay Chairman of CALC had died suddenly.

253/01     SCDC - New Council Constitution
(208/01)   A copy of the new constitution had been received and circulated.
           JEC expressed an interest in applying for the parish councillor
           role on the Standards Committee.

254/01     A10 De-trunking
(212/01)   Noted that the A10 was now the responsibility of the County

255/01     A10/Butt Lane Traffic Lights
(212/01)   A reply had been promised within a month.

256/01     Community Minibus
(230/01)   A questionnaire had been sent out to 30 groups.  To date 15 groups
           had indicated that they would use the minibus.

257/01     Country Park
(236/01)   SCDC confirmed that the Country Park staff had sprayed vehicle
           wheels and underside on every occasion vehicles had been used
           during the foot and mouth crisis.

258/01     Youth
           It was reported that as she was leaving the area P Toates, leader
           of the drop-in, had resigned as from the end of May. MYCMG minutes
           of 9 May were received. Youth Shelters workshop scheduled for
           17 May at Buckden. HMS to attend.
           The Youth Committee would discuss whether to invite the Bus Project
           for activities during the summer holidays - at a cost of £510.

259/01     Maintenance
           The clerk had asked SCDC to clear skip by Tesco - cost £27 for
           vehicle two operatives and disposal of rubbish. The issues raised
           at APM re wheelie bins and rubbish collections during bank holidays
           were discussed. There was no support for requesting wheelie bins -
           figures have shown that they increase waste by 30%; the bins also
           obstruct pedestrians. It was felt that a suggested "rolling
           programme" collection would be more confusing than the present
           Grass Cutting Working Party had met to look at contract for 2002.
           A recommendation that the brambles by the post office be grubbed
           out and replaced by a shrub/bush more appropriate to the area was
           AGREED - 11 votes in favour 1 against and 1 abstention.

260/01     Summer Fayre - Parish Council Stall
           AGREED to have a stall at the Summer Fayre  - to display the
           Millennium Book.

261/01     Impact
           Meeting scheduled for 2 May did not take place. The clerk would
           write to IVC. It was reported that IVC were appointing a new
           financial manager.

262/01     Land
           Noted that land was for sale north of A14 - 17 hectares (42 acres)
           at £175,000.

263/01     Archaeology
           The clerk would confirm Derek Booth's appointment as Archaeological
           Warden with Dr Tim Reynolds County Archaeological Office. Noted
           that Milton Archaeology Trail (min 444/00) was distributed to
           libraries and various organisations - none to Milton. WDB was
           trying to obtain copies for the village. Elizabeth Stazicker CCC
           (min 518/00) had been unable to help.

       9   Planning
264/01v    Decisions Received
(134/01)   Napp Pharmaceutical Holdings Ltd Unit 191 Science Park - single
           storey portakabins (3) and one steel corrugated building - approved
           till 31 March 2006.
265/01     Trinity  College  (CSP)  Ltd  &  Aula  Ltd  -  Unit  406  Science
(166/01)   Park  -  building for  research/development with supporting offices
           - approved.
266/01     Cambridge Newspapers Ltd Winship Road - renewal of permission
(185/01)   S/0672/96/A for retention of fascia sign to canopy - approved.
267/01     Cambridge Newspapers Ltd Winship Road - renewal of permission
(187/01)   S/0293/96/A for retention of illuminated sign - approved.
268/01     Mr & Mrs Prater 28 Pearson Close - single storey side and rear
(188/01)   extensions - approved.

269/01     Milton Landfill - variation of conditions 3 & 19 of planning
(209/01)   permission S/0289/91 - approved till 31 December 2010. Note that 
           the applicant had withdrawn the proposals to vary the phasing, 
           final landform and after-use under Condition 19. Modification to
           Condition 3 subsequently approved as below:

           "The site to be reinstated to a condition suitable for the
           resumption of agricultural use within 12 months of the cessation
           of landfill operations or by 31 December 2010 whichever is the

           JEC had spoken at great length at the Development Control Committee
           meeting against the proposal. Questions raised by JEC were not
           answered and reasons for the extension not given.
           A Judicial Review was now the only way to try to overturn the
           JEC pointed out that the officers were recommending that a similar
           landfill application at Kennett be turned down for the very reasons
           argued by JEC and MPC for the Milton Site.
           AGREED to write to the Chief Executive of the County Council asking
           for the reasons for the granting of this application and to see a
           copy of the lease for the Landfill Site;
           to ask the auditor to investigate.

           It was suggested that representatives of Histon, Impington and
           Landbeach Parish Councils be invited to meet to discuss whether
           the councils could take any action jointly to try to overturn the

270/01     Mr P Garner - land adjacent 21 Landbeach Road - 2 houses - approved.
(224/01)   Materials for external walls and roofs, floor levels in relation
           to ground levels and landscaping scheme to be approved by LPA. No
           windows or doors to be inserted in north elevation and permanent
           space to be reserved for parking and turning. Visibility splays to
           be provided.

271/01     Mr & Mrs B Pearson 52 Fen Road - removal of Agricultural Occupancy
(225/01)   Condition (225/01) (planning permission S/0097/74) - approved.

           New Applications
272/01     S/0862/00  Tesco Stores Ltd - extensions to store - amendments to
(535/00)   car parking, relocation of recycling store - no recommendation.
273/01     S/0068/01A Tesco Stores Ltd - amendments to sign - no
(63/01)    recommendation.
274/01     S/0145/01 Quattrocento Unit 140 Science Park - extensions,
(222/01)   refuse/cycle store and additional parking - further amendments
           (for information).
           RTS reported that this had been approved subject to landscaping.
275/01     S/0685/01 Mr D Hathiramani and Ms J Thulborn 301 The Rowans - single
           storey extension to the rear - no recommendation.
276/01     S/0739/01 Mr & Mrs Human 5 Mansfield Close - single storey rear
           extensions - no recommendation.
277/01     S/0801/01 Mr & Mrs R Cox 169 The Rowans - first floor extension -
           no recommendation.
278/01     S/0839/01 Mr & Mrs Hanson 18 Humphries Way - first floor side
           extension - no recommendation.
279/01     S/0842/01 Worldpay Units 270-289 Science Park - external air
           conditioning condensing units - no recommendation.
280/01     S/0863/01 Trinity  College 1 Science Park  - replacement dwelling
           - no recommendation.
281/01     S/0866/01 College of West Anglia - erection of small animal unit and
           relocation of portable building for use as office/reception area -
           no recommendation.
282/01     S/0867/01 College of West Anglia  - retention of 2 mobile classroom
           units - no recommendation.

283/01 10  County Councillor's report
           JEC reported that despite the Cambridge News report she was still
           County Councillor for the Waterbeach Ward and a Parish Councillor.
           She found the report distressing and was disappointed that the
           paper chose to print the article without checking its veracity.

           At this point JEC left the meeting.

           RLEW pointed out that MPC did not wish to become involved in
           political campaign issues but a political campaign leaflet
           distributed in Waterbeach and Landbeach for the County Council
           elections contained statements that were damaging to the
           credibility of Milton Parish Council.

           Having discussed the matter at length Council AGREED
           to inform the candidate's agent  in writing that the chairman and
           clerk were taking legal advice to repair, reduce and compensate for
           the damage caused by the defamatory nature of the leaflet.

284/01 11  Minutes of the APM 25 April 2001
           The minutes of the Annual Parish Meeting were received.
           Footpath link from Landbeach Road to be discussed by the Highways

285/01 12  Millennium Book Report
(229/01)   There was slight delay. BJ hoped to agree a definitive schedule
           with the printer soon. £3615 had now been received by sponsors.

286/01 13  MCC Update
           C Nunn had been appointed Projects Manager and N Sloman had been
           appointed book-keeper/accountant.
           There had been some vandalism recently.
           The minutes of the joint meeting of 11 April were received.

287/01 14  Planting of daffodil and other bulbs
           AGREED to purchase same amount of bulbs as previously.
           Maintenance Committee to decide where to plant the bulbs.

288/01 15  Bills for Payment and Money Received
           CONFIRMED payment of cheques 2057 - 2067
           AGREED payment of cheques 2068 - 2090 (1 abstention)
           Noted that as Council's account with Ridgeons was £141 in credit
           (payment for digger hire - youth centre - paid twice) two invoices
           for gloves re litter pick £46.18 and for materials for village sign
           £36.87 had been offset against this amount leaving a credit of

289/01 16  Crime Update
           Crime statistics had been circulated.
           Minutes of the Police Local Consultation Group of 4 April were
           Next meeting set for 27 June.

290/01 17  District Councillor's report
           The Electoral Review Commission insisted that there would be no 
           exception to the rules and that there should be one councillor per
           approximately 1900 electors. A Working Group was reviewing South
           Cambs wards again. It had been suggested that Milton should be
           aligned with Impington and that three councillors be elected for
           the ward.

291/01 18  Correspondence
           Cambs County Council   -   Cambs Community Network
           Cambs County Council   -  Local Agenda 21 in Cambs
           Cambs County Council   -   Surface Dressing Programme 2001
           Cambs County Council  -   Licence to Cultivate Highway outside 25
                     Froment Way
           Cambs County Council   -   Cycle bridge notification of works
           CHUMMS   -   Newsletter
           South Cambs Primary Care Group -  Bulletin
           British Legion   -   80th Anniversary Poppy Appeal
           AGREED not make a donation (as per Council's usual policy).
           ACRE    -   Village of the Year Competition
           Local Government Commission -  Electoral Review
           East Anglian Air Ambulance -   Request for grant
           AGREED not make a donation (as per Council's usual policy)..
           Waste Strategy Co-ordinator -   Rubbish Consultation Programme

       19  Date of next meetings 
           Planning 24 May (8pm)
           Highways  (to be set)
           Finance  18 May
           Council   4 June
           Youth    11 June