Minutes of the Meeting of Milton Parish Council
       held on Monday 2 April 2001 at 7.30pm in the Community Centre

Present:   RLE Waters (chair)    RJ Farrington (from 207/01)   EH Baker
           JE Coston (at Landbeach PC from 225 - 235/01)   R Day
           IF May (from 207/01)   GM Richardson   PK Oldham   TJ Siggs
           HM Smith (to 235/01)   RT Summerfield   LC Twinn
           The clerk  SJ Daniels    one member of public (part)

       1   Apologies for absence   M Ellwood   B Jefferson
           DJ Lee (Apologies for lateness RJF & IFM - attending Community
           Transport meeting).

196/01 2   Minutes
           The Minutes of the meeting of 5 March 2001 were approved and signed
           as a true record.

       3   Clerk's Report (inc matters arising)
197/01     Trees at The Oaks
(556/00)   As the tree work (min 121/01 cheque 2006) was unsatisfactory the
           clerk would ask the contractor to reduce the height at no additional

198/01     Verge at Coles Road (opposite war memorial)
(139/01)   The solicitor was still dealing with Few & Kester regarding the

199/01     Haling Way/Pillbox
(141/01)   S Hearle of the Green Belt Project was looking to turn the pillbox
           between Fen Road and Clayhithe  into a bat hibenaculum.
           The clerk would ask P Joyce County Council and S Hearle to
           co-ordinate efforts to improve the surface of the haling way between
           Fen Road and Baits Bite Lock.
           AGREED that Council would be prepared to make a nominal contribution
           to the resurfacing of the haling way as soon as costs are known.

200/01     Open Space The Rowans/Cambridge Road
(142/01)   A (5 year) landscaping condition was imposed on the site in 1988.
           There were no other conditions on the land.  The planning refusal
           in 1991 confirmed that this area was part of the approved
           landscaping plan. As the other open spaces at The Rowans/Sycamores
           etc were handed over to Milton Parish Council together with commuted
           sums for maintenance the clerk would ask if Beazer were prepared to
           hand over the land for a nominal £1 + legal costs.

201/01     Multi-use Court
(143/01)   Cambridge Courts had not yet indicated when work would take place.

202/01     Teenage Play Area
(144/01)   Payment had now been made.  The pole was supposed to move. As the
           pole was not fixed into the ground the tension of the net kept it in
           position. Official opening ceremony set for 11 April.

203/01     Cycle Scheme
(145/01)   J Richards had not replied. A reminder to be sent. The height of 
           the sign in Fen Road had been raised. (RTS had observed workmen
           about to raise the sign on Pond Green and had persuaded them to
           deal with the sign in Fen Road).
           The clerk had reported (again) to Ed Thornton about the dangerous
           state of the Fen Road/High Street junction.

204/01     Land Purchase - Allotments
(146/01)   Council now owned the allotments. Noted that the drain to the south
           west was not part of Milton Parish Council's title. The allotments
           committee + IFM would meet to propose a strategy for this land.
           The clerk reported that he was giving notice to allotment holders
           that he intended sending out bills in October (instead of April) as
           it was easier to clean up allotments in the winter and then to
           re-let. This system would start in 2002.

205/01     Horse Chestnut Coles Road
(149/01)   MCC ORG were now dealing with this as the responsibility was MCC's
           (letter from Shire Homes).

206/01     Village Sign
(150/01)   RLEW had been unable to contact the artist.
           Algar Signcraft had quoted £200 + VAT for supplying two aluminium
           sign faces scanned (and enhanced) from original photographs of the
           sign. It was expected that this would last much longer than the
           painted sign.
           AGREED to accept this quotation.

207/01     CALC Training
(151/01)   AGREED to continue membership of CALC - 11 votes in favour 1
           The clerk would write to Iain Gourlay the chairman of CALC
           explaining that Council considered not renewing the membership in
           view of some of the advice received during the recent year.
           CALC Training set for 30 April.

208/01     SCDC - New Council Constitution
(153/01)   RD, ME and TJS had sent a response on behalf of Council.
           Preferred option was Leader and Cabinet. RTS reported that he was
           one of two independent members proposed for the cabinet.

       4   Landfill Site
209/01     S/1570/00 Milton Landfill - variation of conditions 3 & 19 of
(190/01)   planning permission S/0289/91. At this pointit was AGREED under
           the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960 to exclude
           members of the public as an open meeting would be prejudicial to
           the public interest by reason of the confidential nature of
           the business to be transacted. The meeting was closed to the
           public at 8.15pm.

           JEC and PKO had compiled two letters of objection to the extension
           of the landfill site to 2017 - to be sent the Development Control
           Committee of the County Council; the first letter being a summary
           the second letter giving the full reasons for the objection.
           It was AGREED to send the full letter; minor corrections to be
           agreed by  RLEW, JEC and PKO - 11 votes in favour and 1 abstention.

           JEC was trying to arrange a meeting with Impington and Landbeach
           Parish Councils for Monday 9 April. (Subsequently confirmed - at
           Landbeach Village Hall 7.30pm).

           The meeting reopened at 8.50pm with all present.

210/01     Milton Website
(155/01)   The new website was now operational. Members who had seen the
           Clerk's Report (continued) site were very impressed with it. There
           was some agreement that Council should offer email addresses to
           clubs and organisations in the village.
           Thanks to PKO for setting up the site.

211/01     Concessionary Bus Pass Scheme
           The new free pass would be available from the post office as from
           1 April. The system would involve two cards, one to be renewed
           annually, the other a photocard. RTS reported that the district
           councils were operating the scheme on behalf of the County Council.
           The photocard was a condition imposed by the County Council.

212/01     A10 Detrunking
           Copies of the Detrunking Orders were received. Responsibility of the
           maintenance of the A10 was due to transfer to the County Council on
           1 May 2001.
           The clerk would ask the County Council about progress for installing
           traffic lights at the Butt Lane/A10 junction.

213/01     Unlicensed House to House Collection
           Noted that a clothing collecting "scam" for 3rd World Countries had
           been operating in South Cambs villages.

214/01     Country Park
           SCDC, together with the Friends of Milton Country Park, was planning
           a series of brass band concerts in Milton Country Park during July
           and August this year. Andy O'Hanlon (Arts Officer for SCDC) had
           asked whether the Parish Council would be willing to sponsor such
           an event.
           Noted that there was provision in the SCDC Arts budget for these
           concerts as they benefited the whole district not just Milton.
           AGREED to take no further action.
           TJS to report to A O'Hanlon.

215/01     Open Spaces Society
           In response to an invitation to  becoming a member of the Open Spaces
           Society it was AGREED not to join the Society.

       5   Planning

216/01     The minutes of the Planning Committee meeting of 19 March were

           Decisions Received
217/01     Vodafone Ltd - 3 UNTS antenna, equipment cabinet and meter cabinet,
(127/01)   NTL at Milton Transmitting Station EE Offices Ely Road - approved.
218/01     Symbian Ltd Ely Road - cycle shed - approved.  Details of external
(133/01)   walls and roof to be approved.
219/01     Mr & Mrs Butterfill 21 Butt Lane - amended roofline - approved.

           New Applications
220/01     S/1402/98 Trinity College (CSP) & Aula Ltd - link road between Kings
           Hedges Drive and Science Park - minor adjustments (for information)
221/01     S/1968/00 BYW Ltd Unit 270 Science Park - office/research and
           development building together with car parking, cycle and refuse
           stores - revised landscaping and access arrangements
           (for information only).
222/01     S/0145/01 Quattrocento Unit 140 Science Park - extensions,
           refuse/cycle store and additional parking - amendments
           (for information).
223/01     S/0434/01 Mr M Young 26 The Rowans - garage - no recommendation.
224/01     S/0437/01 Mr P Garner - land adjacent 21 Landbeach Road - 2 houses -
           no recommendation.
225/01     S/0519/01 Mr & Mrs B Pearson 52 Fen Road - removal of Agricultural
           Occupancy Condition (planning permission S/0097/74) - no
226/01     S/0640/01 Kurser Cars 61 Cambridge Road - portakabin (retrospective
(177/01)   As the portakabin was erected without planning permission Council
           had not been able to discuss/advise prior to the building going up.
           Refuse on the following grounds:
           - Size - the building was too large and was in front of the building
             line of neighbouring properties.
           - Colour - considered  to be an eyesore.
           - Need - there was an opportunity to operate from the garage shop
             thus obviating the need for a portakabin.
           - Parking - currently there was conflict between the garage,
             fish & chip shop, Chinese take away and the car sales for car
             parking space, causing car parking on the road. The removal of
             the portakabin would release more parking space on the forecourt.
227/01     S/0641/01/A  Kurser Cars 61 Cambridge Road - signs (retrospective
(177/01)   application) -no recommendation.

228/01 6   Youth

           The minutes of the Youth Committee meeting of 26 March 01 were
           received. A BT telephone line was being installed at the youth
           centre. PKO would investigate the best internet deal.
           The youth committee would consider the options for managing the
           centre from September at its next meeting.

229/01 7   Millennium Committee Report
(168/01)   Book - almost £3000 had been pledged towards the project. SCDC
           had refused Council's request for a grant.
           NALC and the auditor confirmed that "Section 137(4A) 1972 Local
           Government Act allows for the deduction of an aggregate of various
           amounts when calculating whether or not a local authority has
           exceeded the expenditure calculation at 137(4) ie relevant
           population x £3.50. These allowable deductions are contained in
           section 137 (4B)." (Email dated 20 March 01).
           The auditor confirmed also that Council could spend money on the book
           under the 1962 Local Government (Records) Act.  (Letter dated
           13 March 01).

230/01 8   Scouts/Community Minibus Report
(169/01)   The working party had met with David Carford, Community Transport
           Officer ACRE. The structure for managing a scheme was in place and
           premises to garage a minibus were available. D Carford recommended
           that a questionnaire be delivered throughout the village (in Village
           View). His staff would analyse the results. If the responses were
           positive then he would help process an application for funds.
           The working party comprised RLEW, RJF, JEC, IFM, R Pain (Scouts),
           T Stubbings (church).
           Council would be expected to contribute towards the project.

231/01 9   MCC Update
           Joint Meeting 11 April 7.30pm
           Sycamores car park (Tesco min 178/01) - to tarmac the car park to the
           specification as at Tesco store would cost approximately £60,000,
           which was beyond the budget allowed for the manager of the
           rebuilding. RLEW had therefore negotiated a contribution of £7000
           from Tesco with an agreement in writing.
           Staffing - a part-time buildings liaison officer was being
           interviewed on 5 April. MCC had been unable to appoint a volunteer
           treasurer and had therefore advertised for a paid treasurer.

232/01 10  Annual Parish Meeting - 25 April
           It was decided that the format for the APM should remain the same.

233/01 11  Bills for Payment and Money Received
           CONFIRMED  cheques 2036 and 2037 already paid
           AGREED  to authorise payment of cheques 2038 to 2056.

234/01 12  Crime Update
           LCT reported about her experience of a poor initial response by
           the police to a potentially serious incident. Noted that
           communications" was on the agenda for the Local Consultation Group
           meeting set for Wednesday 4 April. PC Shulver to be informed of
           car sales on verge opposite Tesco.

235/01 13  County Councillor's Report
           County Council elections suspended till 7 June.

236/01 14  District Councillor's Report
           The Country Park, having been closed during the foot and mouth
           crisis, was due to re-open on 4 April.
           It was AGREED to write to SCDC commenting that throughout the closure
           period rangers had been observed driving their vehicles in and out
           of the park via the Fen Road entrance without any attempt at
           disinfecting their tyres and thus to query the necessity for
           the closure.  Motion carried 7 votes in favour 4 abstentions.

           Cambridge City Council had appointed consultants to look at the
           A10 north as well as other transport corridors for possible areas
           of housing development.

237/01 15  Correspondence
           South Cambs Primary Care Group - Bulletin
           Hammond Suddards Edge (Solicitor) - Transfer of licence Dillons
           Countryside Agency - 
                Information leaflet Countryside and Rights of Way Act 2000
           Beds & Cambs Rural Support Group  - Leaflets advertising services
           Dept of Trade & Industry   - Re post offices

       16  Dates of next meetings Planning 21 June
           Joint MCC   11 April   7.30pm
           Planning   25 April  7.15pm
           APM        25 April  8.00pm
           Council (APCM) 14 May    7.30pm
           (Allotments  Maintenance  Play - all to be arranged)

The meeting ended at 10.30pm.