Minutes of the Meeting of Milton Parish Council held on Monday 5 March 2001 at 7.30pm in the Community Centre Present: RLE Waters (chair) RJ Farrington EH Baker JE Coston (from 159/01) R Day M Ellwood B Jefferson IF May GM Richardson PK Oldham TJ Siggs HM Smith RT Summerfield LC Twinn The clerk SJ Daniels Two members of public (part) 1 Apologies for absence DJ Lee (Apologies for lateness JEC - attending Landbeach PC). 138/01 2 Minutes The Minutes of the meeting of 5 February 2001 were approved and signed as a true record. 3 Clerk's Report (inc matters arising) 139/01 Verge at Coles Road (opposite war memorial) (570/00) The solicitor was still pursuing Few & Kester. 140/01 South Cambs Local Plan - Northern Fringe* (598/00) SCDC Planning Committee were proposing changes to the Northern Fringe and Affordable Housing Policies. Almost 50% of the 1157 responses during the consultation period were concerned with traffic issues. AGREED to repeat comment that the infrastructure should be put into place before any development (Policy CNF 5). 141/01 Footpath Route (8/01) RLEW would negotiate with Gonville and Caius at the appropriate time. Patrick Joyce would investigate the land owned by the County Council. He also promised action on the haling way. 142/01 Open Space The Rowans/Cambridge Road (82/01) Beazer had asked Council to make an offer for the land. The clerk would find out what restrictions if any were imposed by the planning consent (in 1988). 143/01 Multi-use Court (83/01) RJF agreed Cambridge Courts' revised specification. RJF intended to supervise the work. 144/01 Teenage Play Area (84/01) The equipment has been inspected. Depth of bark was inadequate. The clerk would release the cheque as soon this was rectified. The amount that the pole "wobbled" would be queried. 145/01 Cycle Scheme (85/01) High St/Fen Road junction would be resurfaced this year. Ed Thornton would fill in any areas he considered a danger. As a result of the walk 33 items of concern were noted. A report would be sent to J Richards. RLEW apologised for being unable to attend the walk. Noted that brick plinths outside shops in High Street were trip hazards and that car park at Symbian Ely Road had no barrier (travellers had camped here previously). The clerk would contact relevant owners. 146/01 Land Purchase (87/01) Purchase of land adjacent Ely Road was expected to take place on 6 March. A transfer of £39875.10 would be necessary on that day. 147/01 Structure Plan Review Questionnaire (88/01) Copy of working party's responses was received. All questions had been agreed except 3(a) concerning "encouraging rural jobs". AGREED by 10 votes to 3 the following answer to 3(a) "The Structure Plan should promote some new jobs in a wide variety of villages to provide work locally." AGREED To send the completed questionnaire as Council's response. 148/01 High Street Drainage (89/01) Ed Thornton reported that EEB had severed the pipe in High Street and that he was investigating. 149/01 Horse Chestnut Coles Road (90/01) The Trees Officer had recommended crown thinning and some minimal end weight reduction in the upper crown. The clerk had passed this on to Shire Homes (SCDC). 150/01 Village Sign (91/01) RLEW was hoping to ask the advice of the artist in readiness for next meeting. 151/01 CALC Training (92/01) The training session was booked for Monday 30 April at the Community Centre from 7-10pm. Numbers attending to be decided. 152/01 Consultations Policy (96/01) Copy of Histon and Impington's Standing Committee's terms of reference were received and noted. AGREED To appoint ad hoc working parties to discuss responses to consultations as and when necessary as per minute 340/00. 153/01 SCDC - New Council Constitution (97/01) ME reported on the discussions to date. RD, ME and TJS were given authority to respond to SCDC after the consultation forum of 12 March. 154/01 Steps on Bund (103/01) Two quotations were received. AGREED to accept P Ferguson's quotation of £470 - one abstention. 155/01 Milton Website (119/01) PKO would report on progress at next meeting. 156/01 DETR Model Code of Conduct Consultation Paper Copy received. It was decided to make no comments. 157/01 Dial-a-Ride Noted that Dial-a-Ride proposed to increase costs from £20 to £30 per session. 158/01 Cemetery Pollution and Bin Pollution in the ditch adjacent the cemetery had been reported to the clerk. The Environment Agency traced the source: clay being pumped off a site during the very wet weather This had now been stopped. Herald had been asked to empty the bin. 4 Planning 159/01 The minutes of the Planning Committee meeting of 19 February were (129/01) received. Tesco - RLEW would ask Tesco about removal of cycle racks. Negotiations about The Sycamores car park were taking place. 160/01 Decisions Received (59/01) Mr Ellington & Miss Collier 51 Butt Lane - single storey extensions at either end of property and minor internal alterations within garage area - approved. Details of treatment of all site boundaries to be approved by LPA. 161/01 J Zamirski 30 The Oaks -internal garage conversion change of parking (109/01) arrangement(removal of condition 1 of pp S/0416/93 to allow conversion of garage to dining room) - approved. The two parking spaces to be laid out within one month. New Applications 162/01 S/1570/00 Milton Landfill - variation of conditions 3 & 19 of planning permission (106/01) S/0289/91 - supplement to Environmental Statement. AGREED to emphasise the points contained in letter dated 5 September 00: - Limited recreation use of phase 1 should be made available for local residents. - Permissive/public rights of way should be provided in the long term. - A strategy for local access to the site should be developed. - The problems of odours and flies should be addressed. JEC would investigate who monitors compliance of existing conditions. Noted that the Planning Officer's recommendation was to "raise objections to the extended period but perhaps a six year period would be acceptable". 163/01 S/2166/00 Mr & Mrs F Butterfill 21 Butt Lane - single storey rear (59/01) extension - amended roofline - no recommendation. 164/01 S/0008/01 SSL International Unit 205 Science Park - single storey (60/01) rest room and storage buildings to replace 3 temporary cabins Noted that the Planning Officer was recommending approval. 165/01 S/0256/01 F Smith Darrens Farm Lomas Chesterton Fen Road - use of rear of land as transit caravan site - approve - 7 votes in favour 3 against and 4 abstentions. The chairman queried whether the Planning Director should be invited to a meeting to explain how South Cambs' plan for Chesterton Fen was working. 166/01 S/0301/01/RM Trinity College (CSP) Ltd & Aula Ltd - Unit 406 Science Park - building for research/development with supporting offices - no recommendation. 167/01 S/0316/01 Camstead Ltd - land at Fen Farm Fen Road - erection of 8 dwellings with access, parking - refuse: - Gross over-development of the site. - The layout would intrude on the privacy of existing households. Three storey houses (9m to the ridge) would overshadow neighbouring properties (loss of light?) and would have an overbearing outlook for them. - The loss of 5/6 parking spaces in Shirley Close. - The development would create a possible traffic hazard. - Out of keeping with the neighbourhood. - Query sufficient parking for 4 bedroom houses and their visitors. - Milton is in need of affordable housing not 4 bedroom houses. 168/01 5 Millennium Committee Working Party Report (117/01) Book Project - The final quotation amounted to £9093 for 2000 paperback and 300 hard back copies. To date £2000 had been pledged. HMS had approached the Arts Officer of SCDC who had encouraged MCWP to apply for a "Community Arts" grant. This would be discussed at General Purposes Committee on 22 March. As conflicting advice had been received it was AGREED To seek the auditor's advice concerning S137 of the 1972 LG Act and also the Local Government (Records) Act 1962. The clerk advised that in his opinion that Council could spend money on the book using powers in the LGA 1962. The clerk would write thanking G Taylor solicitor to the County Council for his help. An email from a resident objecting to the amount of money being spent on the book was received. The chairman would reply. JEC intended to raise as much voluntary subscriptions as possible. 169/01 6 To Consider : (118/01) a) a loan to the scouts for a minibus b) a grant - to uniformed organisations, in particular the scouts. RJF declared an interest and took no part in the discussion. RLEW supported the view put forward (by email) by DJL that this should have been discussed first by the youth committee as part of its overall remit for the youth of the village. a) Loan - Noted that a loan towards a minibus (or marquee) could be financed only through S137. The Road Transport Act 1985 allowed Council to finance a community minibus. A working party was formed to look at all of the issues concerning a community minibus and to report back to the April meeting. b) Grant - it was AGREED to take no further action as it would set a precedent. There were 12 votes in favour with 2 abstentions. 170/01 7 MCC Update Noted that the football pitches were rolled recently at a cost of £60 + VAT - MCC bill. 171/01 8 Bills for Payment and Money Received CONFIRMED the payment of cheques 2013, 2016/7 and 2020 (already paid) AGREED to authorise payment of cheques 2018/9 and 2021 to 2035 (2 abstentions). Note that cheque 2007 (min 121/01) had been cancelled and re-issued as cheque 2015. 172/01 9 Crime Update Crime figures were circulated. 173/01 10 County Councillor's report JEC was setting up a group (to replace the A10 group) to deal with issues common to the local villages - such as the A10, A14, landfill sites and the Waterbeach development. Volunteers were needed - to meet 2/3 times per year. 174/01 11 District Councillor's report Nothing to report. 175/01 12 Correspondence Cambs County Council - Draft Bus Strategy. PKO to circulate - responses to be made by 6 April. Cambs County Council - Budget Facts Card. Cambs County Council - Microfilming Parish Records. Parish records at Shire Hall were being microfilmed and stored at Salt Lake City. Opportunities Without Limits - Grant appeal. In accordance with Council policy it was agreed not to make a donation. South Cambs Primary Care Group - Bulletins. CALC - Bulletin. Friends of War Memorials - Newsletter. Manager Barnabas Court - request for representative to attend a forum to discuss the needs of older people in Milton. IFM would attend. 13 Dates of next meetings Planning 19 March Youth 26 March Council 2 April The meeting ended at 10.45pm.