Minutes of the Meeting of Milton Parish Council held on Monday 5 February 2001 at 7.30pm in the Community Centre Present: RLE Waters (chair) RJ Farrington EH Baker JE Coston (from 113/01 to 120/01) R Day M Ellwood B Jefferson DJ Lee IF May GM Richardson PK Oldham TJ Siggs HM Smith (from 89/01) RT Summerfield The clerk SJ Daniels One member of public (part) 1 Apologies for absence LC Twinn (Apologies from JEC & HMS for not being able to attend whole meeting) 80/01 2 Minutes The Minutes of the meeting of 8 January 2001 were approved and signed as a true record. 3 Clerk's Report (inc matters arising) Ditch Wall 81/01 SCDC's responsibility was for the watercourse only. The clerk was (2/01) investigating whose responsibility was the wall. 82/01 Open Space Cambridge Road/The Rowans (3/01) Beazer Homes were investigating. 83/01 Multi-use Court (6/01) Specification for remedial works was received. RJF required a more detailed specification. 84/01 Teenage Play Area (7/01) Works had been completed. Invoice would be paid following satisfactory post installation inspection from Wicksteed and receipt of grant from Wren. 85/01 Cycle Scheme (9/01) Works as requested in 9/01 were in hand. Trench at Fen Road/High Street junction was responsibility of Ed Thornton and was in urgent need of attention. Noted that J Richards in a letter to a resident concerning a 30 minutes waiting restriction in High Street "would not wish to propose introducing a Traffic Regulation Order unless there was a clear need and something to be gained from doing so". Cycle route walk scheduled for Sunday 25 February 9.30am at Tesco. Apologies from GMR. 86/01 A14 Multi-Modal Study (10/01) Newsletter issue number 5 January 2001 received. 87/01 Land Purchase (11/01) Solicitor confirmed that the land was neither a statutory allotment nor was it held for the purposes of smallholdings under the Agriculture Act 1970. As the land was within Green Belt Council could not obtain planning consent for any kind of development of this land. Solicitor was awaiting copy of Planning Consent 1979. 88/01 Structure Plan Review (13/01) Dates of consultations received and circulated. Consultation period began 3 February until 6 April. Council's comments to be made therefore on Monday 2 April. RLEW, BJ, PKO and RTS nominated to discuss and make recommendations to Council. Waterbeach Development Copy of Michael Williamson's motion to Waterbeach PC January meeting received and noted. 89/01 High Street Drainage (14/01) Noted that drainage consultants had recommended to the County Council laying new pipes to alleviate the problem of flooding near Pondm Green. There had been flooding in Walnut Close following the recent heavy rain. The clerk would contact building control inspector to find out if building regulations were followed when drainage ditch between Faulkner and Walnut Close was filled in. No 2 awarded watercourse Cambridge Road appeared to be blocked where it was piped under the road. SCDC were aware. 90/01 Horse Chestnut - Coles Road (15/01) Comments from Trees Officer SCDC not yet received. 91/01 Village Sign (18/01) Art work and sealing was needed. RLEW was trying to contact the artist for advice. 92/01 CALC Training (19/01) Landbeach, Waterbeach and Horningsea Parish Councils had been asked if they would be interested in a CALC training session at Milton. Minimum numbers ten - cost £10 per delegate + travelling expenses for two organisers. Council gave CALC permission to take details of councillors from website for their database provided information was not released to anyone outside the Association. 93/01 Plane and Horse Chestnut - Milton Hall The Trees Officer had given Pi permission to fell a diseased horse chestnut and to carry out major crown reduction of the oriental plane. 94/01 Bus Service Noted that the 8.03 service to Cambridge was turning off by the allotments and picking up passengers at junction of High Street and Landbeach Road. 95/01 Youth Participation Project The clerk had sent a completed questionnaire to SCDC detailing Council's consultation procedures with and involvement of young people regarding local decisions and issues. Noted that SCDC were "progressing the District Youth Forum Project". 96/01 SCDC Arts Policy Documents and questionnaire received. Council considered whether a permanent committee should be elected to deal with such consultations. The clerk would find out the procedure used by Histon and Impington. 97/01 SCDC - New Council Constitution RD, ME and TJS were elected to discuss and recommend Council's response. To be ratified at meeting held on 5 March. 98/01 Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Joint Waste Management Strategy This project "aims to guide the collection, treatment and disposal of rubbish from householders for the next 20 years". Advance notice of seminars explaining the project was received. More details to follow. 99/01 Pedestrian Crossing - Science Park Copy of advertisement relating to a raised zebra crossing on the northern arm of the Science Park spine road received. 100/01 Jointly Funded Minor Highways Improvements Copy or report to South Cambridgeshire Area Joint Committee received, detailing schemes approved. Council would look at this scheme in 2002/03 possibly to supplement the traffic measures now in place. 101/01 Dog Fouling Milton Hall Letter received from Pi Research about the problem of dogs fouling the grass at the Ely Road entrance in Milton Hall. The clerk would ask the dog warden to advise Pi. 102/01 Highway Matters Request for traffic calming in Humphries Way received. Highways Committee to discuss. 103/01 Maintenance (623/00) The contract with Herald had been agreed. Quotation for steps on bund was received. The clerk and HMS were asked to draw up an exact specification. Herald plus another would be asked to quote as per this specification. - Herald had laid turf in the old goalmouth at Humphries Way open space. As a result HMS had agreed to release payment of £56 + VAT. - AGREED to pay Herald £90 + VAT for grubbing out roses at The Sycamores car park as per quotation dated 8 November 00. - The clerk had informed Herald in writing that he must honour his contract to do 24 cuts of the recreation grounds per year (1 March - 28 February). 4 Planning SCDC circular about planning permission and reserved matters received and circulated to Planning Committee - for discussion at Planning meeting of 19 February. The minutes of the Planning Committee meeting of 22 January were received. Decisions Received 104/01 M Smith 42 Fen Road - extension - approved. (609/00) 105/01 I Benton 28 Coles Road - garage - approved. (612/00) New Applications 106/01 S/1570/00 Milton Landfill - variation of conditions 3 & 19 of planning permission (404/00) S/0289/91 - supplement to Environmental Statement received. 107/01 S/1374/00 Iansyst Ltd build 2 Rose Cottage Chesterton Fen Road - (447/00) amendment - insertion of windows - for information only. 108/01 S/0080/01 Mr & Mrs DL and Mr & Mrs ALD Haird - erection of 2 dwellings and conversion of building to dwelling - land at Half Acre and Orchard End Cambridge Road - refuse. Concerned about over development of the site, especially the proposed building behind the office/workshop. Any development should be single storey to prevent overlooking of adjacent dwellings. 109/01 S/0110/01 J Zamirski 30 The Oaks -internal garage conversion change of parking arrangement (removal of condition 1 of pp S/0416/93 to allow conversion of garage to dining room) - no recommendation. 110/01 S/0145/01 Quattrocentro Ltd The Innovation Centre Unit 140 Science Park - extensions, refuse/cycle shed additional parking and reconfiguration of parking/landscaping of overall site - no recommendation. 111/01 S/0153/01 J Clough 15 Faulkner Close - extension above garage for bedroom - no recommendation. 112/01 C/11/40/72 Mr & Mrs Mitchell 39A High Street - removal of tree in back garden. Noted that this was not in the Conservation Area. SCDC to be informed. 113/01 5 Finance The minutes of the Finance Committee Meeting of 17 January were received. AGREED to accept recommendation that Council precept for £67,000 for 2001/02. It was possible to set a level of £67,000 because the youth budget had underspent by £3,000 during the current year. 114/01 6 Cemetery The minutes of the Cemetery Committee meeting of 22 January were received. AGREED to accept recommendations for increase of 50% in fees. (This was broadly in line with inflation since fees were set in 1991). 115/01 7 Youth Centre The minutes of the MYCMG of 24 January were received. The numbers attending the youth centre were encouraging - an average of 32 each evening. Council's thanks were expressed to the Youth Committee. 116/01 8 Community Care The minutes of the CCWG meeting held on 1 February were received. 9 Millennium Committee Working Party (MCWP) Report 117/01 The report of the meeting held on 24 January was received. EHB (26/01) had agreed to do an enormous amount of work scanning in the pictures,thus saving £1,700. The MCWP had decided that it would be fairer use of taxpayers' money to give a copy of the book to every household. A limited edition of hardback copies could be sold. 2000 copies of the book would cost approximately £8,000 of which the MCWP would ask Council to pay the balance of the "millennium money" (about £7,400). RTS had reservations about such use of council tax money and felt that the money should be used for a permanent memorial. HMS felt it was an appropriate way to mark the millennium as the photographs would be archived. RLEW suggested that this was an opportunity to preserve the history of Milton. TJS agreed that every household should be entitled to a copy but recommended that vouchers for example could be issued to every house so that the books could be collected. Thus the books would be distributed to only those who wanted a copy. After considerable discussion it was AGREED that using its powers under Section 137 of the Local Government Act 1972 as amended by Section 36 Local Government and Housing Act 1989 Council should fund the book to the cost and specification as presented by the Millennium Committee Working Party in its reports dated 15 December and 24 January. This was carried by 9 in favour 1 (RTS) against and 4 abstentions. (RJF and DJL abstained). DJL asked that MCWP consider special editions for the visually impaired for example; also that two hardback copies be signed one for Milton Primary School and one for the Parish Council. The cost of publishing would be spread over two financial years. Expenditure should be offset by income from sponsorship, advertising and sales. The MCWP would endeavour to explore other sources of funding. 118/01 10 Loan Application by scouts RJF declared an interest and took no part in the discussion and vote. It was agreed that he should stay for this item. The 50th Cambridge (Milton and Landbeach) Scout Group had submitted an application for a loan of up to £4,000 towards a minibus. It was agreed that Council should do everything it could to assist the scouts. After much debate about the legal powers under which Council could make such a loan it was AGREED to approve the principle of making a loan to the scouts. The item was deferred until the March meeting so that the clerk could investigate the legalities of making this loan. It was AGREED also to consider making a grant in addition to a loan towards the uniformed organisations, in particular the scouts. This was carried by 7 votes in favour, 3 against and 3 abstentions. 119/01 11 Milton Parish Council Website PKO explained why he wished Council to have its own website and not use that hosted by the County Council (CCC). - The CCC site name was very long. - The CCC would not let PKO put material on to the website himself. They were not always able to put up urgent information at short notice. - The CCC were reducing the facilities offered to MPC. MPC's own website would mean: - Shorter name. - Better hosting. - Better facilities. Using its powers under Section 142 of the LGA 1972 Council AGREED to proceed with its own website at £105 per year. 120/01 12 MCC Update Large expense was expected on the fabric of the Community Centre, the bowls pavilion and the sports pavilion. The tennis club had requested permission to put up a building by the courts. MCC had agreed with conditions. 121/01 13 Bills for Payment and Money Received CONFIRMED payment of cheques 1989 - 1991 AGREED to authorise payment of cheques 1992 - 2012. Cheque 2000 - ESPO - negotiations to return an item were taking place. If successful payment of £30.55 for notice board (youth) was authorised (cheque 2014) and cheque 2000 would be cancelled. Cheque 2007 - Lappsett - would be released after a satisfactory Wicksteed inspection and receipt of £10,000 grant from Wren. 122/01 14 Crime Update Crime figures were circulated. Reported crimes for January were low in number. 123/01 15 County Councillor's report Nothing to report. 124/01 16 District Councillor's report Milton had the cleanest gutters in the district! Lack of communication led to the gutters being cleaned twice in a week. 125/01 17 Correspondence ACRE - Bulletins/newsletter County Archaeology Office - News Bulletin South Cambs Primary Care Group - Bulletin/Public Forum 18 Date of next meetings Planning 19 February Council 5 March Youth to be arranged The meeting ended at 10.30pm.