Minutes of the Meeting of Milton Parish Council
       held on Monday 8 January 2001 at 7.30pm in the Community Centre

Present:   RLE Waters (chair)   RJ Farrington   JE Coston   R Day   M Ellwood
           B Jefferson   IF May   GM Richardson   TJ Siggs   HM Smith
           RT Summerfield   LC Twinn
           The clerk  SJ Daniels

       1   Apologies for absence   DJ Lee   PK Oldham

1/01   2   Minutes
           The Minutes of the meeting of 4 December 2000 were approved and
           signed as a true record.

       3   Clerk's Report (inc matters arising)
2/01       Ditch Wall
(250/99)   RD noticed that the wall by "Banker's Ditch" Fen Road has not been
           repaired. The clerk had asked SCDC to repair it.

3/01       Open Space Cambridge Road/The Rowans
(3/00)     The clerk had written to Beazer Homes [again] asking if Council
           could acquire their land as an amenity for the village

4/01       River Cam - graffiti
(569/00)   The University was unable to accept liability for acts of vandalism
           caused by members of various boat clubs. Legal liability rested with
           the individuals concerned.  The Conservators did not have budget to
           remove graffiti and would take action only if graffiti were on their
           buildings, or if it were offensive.

5/01       Old Walls
(571/00)   Response from Conservation Manager SCDC:
           Walls were not of sufficient quality to merit listing.
           Some sections of wall had been rebuilt, others were so isolated from
           buildings of historic interest that they no longer "group" together.
           Gate at North Lodge was listed as it lies within curtilage of North
           Lodge and Milton Hall [both listed buildings].
           Pill boxes were rarely listed unless within nationally important
           Village pump was incomplete [top missing].

6/01       Multi-use Court
(572/00)   S Gale had obtained a quotation of £2800 + VAT from Webster's
           Civil Engineers to put right the surface.
           AGREED to release 10% plus a further £500 upon satisfactory
           completion of the work by Webster, specification to be agreed by
           RJF. Work to be done March/April.

7/01       Teenage Play Area
(577/00)   Work had finished.  The clerk had asked for minor works and
           reinstatement of ground to be completed.

8/01       Parish Paths
(593/00)   Map showing ownership of land north of village received.  The clerk
           had asked Patrick Joyce to pursue the footpath idea.
           Details of Parish Paths Partnership received.

9/01       Cycle Scheme
(596/00)   Noted that J Richards would prefer to allow things to "settle down"
           for a few months before considering any further modifications.
           AGREED to meet informally on Sunday 25 February at 9.30am at Tesco
                  roundabout to walk the route.

           The clerk would remind J Richards/E Thornton of danger points:
           - Pothole in Cambridge Road
           - Trench at Fen Road/High Street junction (see 13/01 below)
           - Old signs capped off and stumps left
           - Signs at head height for pedestrians.

10/01      A14 Study - Chumms
(597/00)   Caroline Bowdler and John Brown of Go-East had agreed to attend
           meeting on 15 January.
           JEC had arranged a  public meeting and exhibition - at Milton
           School Friday 12 January 7.30pm. Thanks to Village View and other
           volunteers for delivering leaflets.
           AGREED that Go-East representatives should still attend the Parish
           Council meeting of the 15th.

11/01      Land Purchase
(597/00)   AGREED to reaffirm commitment to purchase land off Ely Road.

12/01      MCC Grant
(599/00)   £1143 received from WREN.

13/01      Structure Plan Review
           Confirmation received that four potential new settlement sites were
           being considered as part of the Structure Plan Review:
            Great Abington, Land Settlement area
            Childerley Gate south of Dry Drayton
            Longstanton/Oakington east of the A14
            North of Waterbeach.

           Arrangements for Structure Plan consultation were considered by the
           County Council Environment and Transport Committee and full Council
           on 22 December.
           JEC tabled an amendment at the meeting of 22 December to remove
           Waterbeach from the Structure Plan because much of the land was in
           the floodplain. The County Council agreed to keep Waterbeach in the
           review so that all options could be fully discussed.
           Copy of Waterbeach Parish Council's comments on Structure Plan to be

14/01      High Street
           Ed Thornton intended to resurface High St/Fen Road junction in the
           next financial year.
           He had checked drains near White Horse. The clerk would ask him to
           check them again.

15/01      Horse Chestnut
           A complaint about the horse chestnut tree on recreation ground
           boundary adjacent 7 Recreation Close had been received - copied to
           MCC. Comments from Trees Officer SCDC awaited.

16/01      Bund - North Butt Lane
           An application had been received from a resident adjacent the bund
           to realign his boundary. The clerk had sent a letter explaining that
           Council could not sell Public Open Space.

17/01      County Council Budget 2001/02
           Letter and leaflet explaining County's strategy received together
           with dates of public meetings.

18/01      Village Sign
           RLEW reported that the picture on the south facing side of the
           village sign was breaking up.
           AGREED to ask J Waterson (artist) to view the sign and to advise
           what needs to be done to put it right.

19/01      CALC Training
           AGREED to ask CALC to put on a training session at Milton together 
           with Waterbeach, Landbeach and Horningsea Parish Councils.

      4   Planning
20/01     The minutes of the meeting of 19 December were received and noted.
(615/00)  Children's Hospice - ash tree  -  PKO could find nothing wrong with
          the tree and had sought J Hellingsworth's advice.

          Decisions Received
21/01     Mr & Mrs B Pearson - oa for  five houses at Fen Farm Fen Road -
(388/00)  The following reserved matters to be approved: details of siting of
          buildings, design and external appearance of buildings, means of
          access and landscaping. Maximum of 5 houses allowed. Conditions re
          construction of visibility splays, space for vehicles to enter and
          leave in forward gear, access from existing highway and treatment of
          site boundaries. Details of treatment of site boundaries and
          implementation of programme of archaeological work to be approved.

          RTS reported that the SCDC Planning Committee had supported Council's
          view about the access but neither the Highways Authority nor an
          independent highways consultant raised any objection to an access
          from Shirley Close.

          The applicant would not agree to reconsider the access and the
          planning authority had no planning reasons to refuse the application.

22/01     Cambridge Silicon Radio Unit 28 Science Park - 3 portakabin office
(588/00)  units - approved till 31 August 2001.

23/01     Mr P Mannu 4 Coulson Close - extension - approved

          New Applications
24/01     S/2377/00 Mr Ellington & Miss Collier 51 Butt Lane - single storey
          extensions at either end of property and minor internal alterations
          within garage area. Deferred to Planning 22 January.

25/01 5   Youth
          The minutes of the Youth Committee of 19 December 00 were received
          and noted.
(616/00)  Princes Trust - more information was now available.  HMS to
(616/00)  Equipment - a coffee machine, urn and cups had been acquired.
          Letter of thanks to be sent.
(619/00)  Youth Centre Update - The first session of drop-in was due to take
          place on Tuesday 9 January. Paula Toates would supervise two
          volunteers Noted that in view of the extra responsibility HMS
          intending paying her the Y5 scale - £ 12.52 per hour - for 2.5 hours
          per session.
(620/00)  Committees - the Play Committee would meet after the Wicksteed
          report. The Youth Committee would then recommend that the two
          committees amalgamate. Noted the first meeting of the newly formed
          Milton Youth Centre Management Group was due to take place on
          24 January
(618/00)  Report of meeting with Assistant Director of Education (A Williams)
          and Warden of IVC (J Kearns) - The meeting had been positive. AW
          and JK had accepted the criticisms. JK was visiting the youth club
          that evening. There was a possibility of 3 drop-in sessions as from 

          Noted that HMS and the clerk were meeting the building control
          inspector on 10 January. As the centre was now operating according
          to plan it was agreed to send a letter of thanks to Linda Henderson
          and John and Len Sandford for all their hard work.

25/01 6   Maintenance
          The minutes of the  Maintenance Committee of  meeting of 3 January 01
          were received and noted.
          Noted that the MCC Outdoor Recreation Group were dealing with some
          of the issues.

26/01 7   Millennium Committee Report
(595/00)  CALC advised that the purchase of mugs and payment for the book
          must come out of S137 of the 1972 Local Government Act. The clerk
          estimated that Council had approximately £3800 S137 money left for
          this year and a similar amount for 2001/02.

          1000 books would cost approximately £8700 and 2000 books £9700. The
          committee were looking at the possibility of raising money through
          sponsorship. Noted that a firm of publishers would raise money
          through advertising.
          In view of the limited amount of S137 available the issue of not
          providing mugs was raised.
          It was suggested that the book be published by Milton Parish Council.

27/01 8   MCC Update
          MCC meeting 31 January.
(594/00)  The Outdoor Recreation Group were due to meet on 9 January. The
          issue of the entrance to The Sycamores Recreation Ground would be
          discussed. Lockable bollards were suggested. A resident had contacted
          the clerk with concerns about the use of the car park by vehicles
          "doing hand-brake turns" late at night.

28/01 9   Report of Impact Meeting
          Minutes of the Impact meeting had been circulated. The meeting had
          agreed not to disband Impact and to hold an AGM each year.
          The next AGM was set for 14 March 01.
          AGREED that BJ be Council's representative on Impact.

29/01 10  Bills for Payment and Money Received
          AGREED with 2 abstentions
             To confirm payments of cheques 1971 to 1975
             To authorise payments of cheques 1976 to 1988.

30/01 11  Crime Update
          Figures not to hand.

31/01 12  County Councillor's report
          Waterbeach Station - the railway authorities were liasing with the
          County Council with a view to putting down double yellow lines, a 
          continuous white line to prevent overtaking, better lighting and a
          Village History - JEC wished to put on record her concerns that
          items of village history eg funeral bier, old rectory gate and
          "Milton Village Hall" plates should be preserved. It was suggested
          that there may be enough interest to form a Historical Society
          (article in Village View?).

32/01 13  District Councillor's report
(581/00)  Kurser Cars [Bene't Garage] - the owner of Kurser Cars had been
          asked to submit a planning application.

(598/00)  Northern Fringe - The Strategic Forum met on 20 December and put
          forward the following proposals:
           At the Western end
          - About 900 dwellings
          - Local shopping
          - Primary school
          - Research and development
          - Transport interchange at St Ives railway line
          - Car retail centre

          At the Eastern end (Chesterton sidings)
          - Railway station (multi-modal link)
          - 4 hectares recreation and leisure
          - hotel
          - emergency services
          - B1 employment
          - Relocated businesses
          (Sewage Works)
          - 2000 houses
          - shopping
          - primary school
          - noise buffer A14
          - 120 houses at Park and Ride site Cowley Road
            (should P&R site be moved)
          - reduced treatment sewage works (without Waste Management Site).
            The above proposals would be put forward to the relevant local

          If the Waste management Site were based at the sewage works the
          number of houses proposed would be reduced from 1950 to 1530. The
          alternative site for the Waste Management could be the Landfill Site
          Butt lane. The County Council would have their say on Waste
          Management Facilities.

33/01 14  Correspondence
           Hewitson Becke+Shaw  - Transfer of Licence Science Park
           County Council   - Cambridge Core traffic Scheme
                              Stage Two review
           South Cambs Primary Care Group - Bulletin
           County Council   - Liaison Committee Minutes
           CALC     - Bulletin
           DETR     - Our Countryside: Our future

      15  Dates of next meetings
          Council [extraordinary]  15 January
          Finance     17 January
          Cemetery    to be agreed
          Planning    22 January [8.30pm]
          MYCMG       24 January
          Council      5 February

The meeting ended at 9.30pm.