Minutes of the Meeting of Milton Parish Council
       held on Monday 4 December 2000 at 7.30pm in the Community Centre

Present:   RLE Waters (chair)   EH Baker   JE Coston   R Day   M Ellwood
           B Jefferson   DJ Lee   IF May   PK Oldham   GM Richardson
           TJ Siggs   HM Smith   RT Summerfield   LC Twinn
           The clerk  SJ Daniels              
           three member of the public [part]

       1   Apologies for absence   RJ Farrington

566/00 2   Welcome to new councillors and signing of declaration of
(511/00)   acceptance of office Elizabeth Baker and Tim Siggs were welcomed to
           the Council and signed the declaration of acceptance of office.

567/00 3   Minutes
           The Minutes of the meeting of 6 November 2000 were approved and
           signed as a true record.

       4   Clerk's Report (inc matters arising)
568/00     Regional Planning Guidance had been published [on www.go-east.gov.uk
(292/00)   shortly].
569/00     River Cam - graffiti
(512/00)   The Highways Agency had estimated a cost of £39400 to remove the
           graffiti from the bridge. The clerk would ask the university
           authorities to meet the cost.
           No response as yet from the Conservators.

570/00     Land Purchase
(513/00)   MPC now owned "County Council" verge off Coles Road opposite war
           memorial. Solicitor was chasing Few & Kester and County Council to
           complete purchase of remainder of verge and land off Ely Road

571/00     Old Walls
(514/00)   Conservation Manager SCDC was investigating

572/00     Multi-use Court
(516/00)   Simon Gale [phone] reported that he did not want arbitration -
           "costly for MPC and too much hassle for him". He was going to ask
           the company that RJF discussed this with to give him a quote to do
           the remedial works.

573/00     Village Map
(524/00)   Mr Sylvester was investigating.

574/00     Cemetery
(528/00)   The graves had been repaired at a cost of £20.
           Quotation for tree surgery £480 received [see min 473/00]. The clerk
           had accepted the quotation [standing order 74 (c) (i)].  Donation of
           £240 already received from Milton Charities.

575/00     Impact Software
(550/00)   PKO had looked at the accounts software. He and the clerk agreed
           not to purchase and to continue with Quicken.

576/00     Consultations
(553/00)   Mr Barnish Chief Executive County Council appreciated Council's
           difficulties in responding within a month but the County Council
           also worked within prescribed time limits imposed by government.
           He would prefer to receive even a partial response rather than none.

577/00     Teenage Play Area
           Lappsett were on site.  Work would start the next day.

578/00     Bus Shelter Landbeach Road
           A panel of the toughened glass had been kicked in. Replacement 
           ordered at £50 + VAT.

579/00     A10/Butt Lane Junction
           Council supported the Highways Agency proposal to impose a 40mph
           speed limit for the A10 by pass from the A14 interchange to the
           Landbeach Road junction as part of the traffic lights scheme at the
           Butt Lane junction.

580/00     Bowls Club Loan
           £500 received from bowls club leaving a balance of £500.

       5   Planning

581/00     Noted that the Planning Officers were looking into the blue
           portakabin and advertisement at Kurser Cars [Bene't Garage]

582/00     Permission S/1498/00 - the clerk would investigate exact wording of
(486/00)   planning permission [to be discussed at planning meeting December].

583/00     S/1968/00 BYW Ltd - land adjacent unit 270 Science Park - erection
(540/00)   of office/research and development building together with car
           parking, cycle and refuse stores.  Noted that Planning Officers were
           recommending approval subject to a reduction in the footprint and
           car parking in accordance with policy guidelines and the re-planning
           of the site's frontage.

           Decisions Received

584/00     Mr & Mrs J Clark New Close Farm Butt Lane - conversion and change of
(450/00)   use of 2 barns to Class B1 & B8 use - approved. Access road to be
           minimum width of 6 metres for a distance of 15 metres from the
           existing carriageway.
           Any gates to be set back 15 metres. Permanent space on site to be
           reserved for turning, parking, loading and unloading. Access to be
           laid out to satisfaction of LPA. All external joinery to be painted
           black or as agreed with LPA.

585/00     J Zamirski 30 The Oaks - extension - approved.
586/00     Mr & Mrs Pearson 50 Butt lane - extension - approved.
587/00     KP Stocker 5 Cambridge Road - vehicular access - approved.

           New Applications

588/00     S/2042/00 Cambridge Silicon Radio Unit 28 Science Park - 3 
           portakabin office units - refuse [delegated].
           Comments: This would appear to be a large development on an open
           grassed area. The application stated "temporary" but not for how
           long. There was no covering letter explaining the need and time
           scale. The development would be an eyesore, particularly the
           portakabin at the side of the existing building.
           Concerned about lack of parking for the extra staff employed to
           work in these buildings.
           Another example of the original concept of the Science Park being
           eroded by the encroachment of buildings in green areas.
           Noted by SCDC that a covering letter was not sent to MPC. Planning
           Officers were recommending approval for 9 months.

589/00     S/2097/00 Cambridge Drug Discovery Ltd - land between Units 2 & 10
           Science Park - 2 temporary buildings for 18 months for scientific
           write up/meeting room/kitchenette/storage - refuse.
           Comments: Concerned about the traffic issues and parking as the
           problem of car parking existed on this site already. The current
           car park was invariably full. Another example of the original
           concept of the Science Park being eroded by the encroachment of
           buildings in green areas.

590/00     S/2100/00 P Mannu 4 Coulson Close - garage extension - approve.

591/00     S/2125/00 Mr & Mrs Robinson 56 Butt Lane - two storey front
           extension - refuse.
           Comments: Concerned about the size of the proposed extension on
           this site and support the comments of the neighbour at number
           58 Butt Lane.

592/00     S/2166/00 Mr & Mrs F Butterfill 21 Butt Lane - single storey rear
           extension - no recommendation.

       6   Maintenance

593/00     The minutes of the Maintenance Committee meeting of 21 November
           were received.

           Quotation PC2236
(555/00)   a) The maintenance committee proposed removing the Russian Vine as
              it was strangling the pyracantha. The clerk had not yet obtained
              another quotation.
           c) RLEW put the case for removing completely the brambles by the
              Post Office. After discussion Council confirmed the committee's
           d) HMS explained that it was difficult to litter pick at The
              Sycamores car park amongst the wild roses.
              It was AGREED therefore with one vote against to accept the
              quotation of £90 to grub out the roses.

(558/00)   Footpaths
           a) Northern Circular Route - Mr Joyce, County Council had identified
              land owners adjacent to northern boundary [County Council]. He
              intended to send Council a map.
           b) Proposed Bund Footpath - The clerk had sent out letters to
              residents adjacent to the bund about proposed path along the top.
              Letters of objection had been received.
           AGREED at 8.27pm to suspend standing orders to allow residents to
                  voice their concerns.  The meeting resumed at 8.33pm.
           The chairman promised that the maintenance committee would review
           this matter and that the residents would be kept informed.

(558/00)   Haling Way
           Mr Joyce [phone call] believed that he could get part funding for
           the haling way and hoped to persuade the Conservators to part fund

       7   Youth
594/00     The minutes of the Youth Building Steering Group meeting of 22
           November were received.

(562/00)   a) Matters arising
              Letter - Adrian Williams Assistant Director intended to arrange a
              meeting with "all relevant parties" to discuss the Drop-in. RLEW,
              DJL, HMS and JEC would represent Council.
              RTS expressed concern that one statement in the letter sent to 
              the Chief Executive seemed to be unsubstantiated.

              If IVC Patch [or even another Patch] could not run the Drop-in
              then MPC Youth Committee would consider organising it with the
              help of Cambridge Association of Youth Clubs.

(563/00)      Finances - AGREED that HMS should look after finances and hand
              over cash to the clerk at the appropriate time.

           b) Gate
              A quotation of £925 for a gate at The Sycamores car park to
              prevent "undesirable" cars from entering during youth evenings
              was received.
              AGREED to consider instead a chain and padlock. MCC to be

595/00 8   Millennium Committee Report
           JEC pointed out the Millennium Committee was set up to consider
           allocatingngrants towards millennium events/projects.

           AGREED to award a grant of up to £2500 towards 1000 mugs for
                  children of the parish aged 16 and under on 31 December 2000.
                  [Any remaining mugs would be sold].
                  13 votes in favour 1 abstention.
           John Holder had agreed to design the artwork based on the drawings
           done for the dovecote village sign idea of the 1980's.

           Year Book 2000
           BJ was investigating prices for printing a book of the photographs
           taken throughout 2000. It was hoped to sell the book and recoup
           some [possibly all] of the costs. Council supported the project in
           principle and would consider a grant/loan towards it.
           The committee would put a firm proposal with costings to the January

596/00 9   Cycle Scheme - Report
           An informal site meeting to look at problems associated with the
           new scheme had taken place. RLEW, JEC and RTS then met with
           J Richards, A Voyias [WS Atkins] and the foreman of Ringway
           [contractors].  Most of the problems had been noted by J Richards
           and would be rectified.
           The clerk would ask J Richards to consider:

           - A mandatory bus stop by the Apostolic Church [going towards
             Cambridge] in order to prevent cars parking. Reason: parked cars
             made it difficult for cyclists to access the cycle path at this
             point as intended.
           - A mandatory  bus stop on the opposite side to prevent parking and
             moved to a point opposite the bus stop near the church.  Reason:
             the present arrangement caused confusion for people wishing to
             park in the lay-by. This proposal made the parking position in
             the lay-by clear.
           - 30 minutes waiting limit on both sides of the road outside the
             shops in High Street.
           - Signs on the pavement and cycle path at the blind corner of Fen
             Road and High Street for pedestrians and cyclists.
           - Putting down a surface on the cycle path north of North Lodge in
             Ely Road the same standard as the remainder of the cycle path.
           - Better reinstatement of the road surface after the removal of the
             lighting/bollards in Cambridge Road.

597/00  10 A14 Multi Modal Study Strategies
           JEC having queried why the exhibition had not been staged at Milton
           received a reply from Caroline Bowdler of Go-East [Government Office
           for East of England] that she "would be happy to come to Milton to
           talk about the study one day or evening" and bring a set of plans
           and that the deadline for comments had been extended to 19 January.
           AGREED to raise the following issues with Go-East:
           - Lack of publicity for public exhibitions as CHUMMS leaflets were
             not distributed with free newspapers.
           - Why exhibition was not staged at Milton especially as the
             proposals would have a big impact on Milton.
           - Lack of information to the Parish Council - an information pack
             for each councillor needed.
           - An extraordinary Council meeting arranged for 15 January to
             discuss the four strategies. Representative[s] of Go-East/Mouchel

           RLEW thanked JEC for her efforts.

           In view of Strategy 3 - Northern by pass - the purchase of the land
           off Ely Road would be reviewed at January meeting.

598/00 11  Northern Fringe - Council's Response
(546/00)   Proposals for the Northern Fringe and A14 were linked.  It was
           AGREED therefore to respond to SCDC that:
            None of the options for the Northern Fringe should be considered
            until the result of the A14 Multi-Modal Study is known and that,
            since the traffic problems already are immense, the A14 strategy
            should be implemented before any development of the Northern
            Fringe takes place.

599/00 12  MCC
           It was understood that WREN were willing to pay the £10,000 grant
           for the play equipment and £1,143 for work on the path from the
           Community Centre to the Country Park to the Parish Council.
           AGREED to increase the MCC grant by £11,143, as soon as guarantees
           in writing were received from WREN that the money would be paid to
           Council; and that MPC would pay the bills for this work.

600/00 13  Bills for Payment and Money Received
           CONFIRMED payment of cheques 1940, 1942/3 and 1945/6
           AGREED to pay cheques 1941, 1944 and 1947 to 1971 [1 abstention].

601/00 14  Crime Update
           Crime figures for November were circulated.

602/00 15  County Councillor's Report
           A10 - a meeting with Waterbeach, Landbeach and the County Council
           had been arranged to obtain information from Officers and to agree
           a strategy for improvements to the A10.
           Bus Service - A Performance Review Panel was to look at the bus
           Cycle Lane to Ely - The Research Park at Waterbeach were employing
           their own consultants to look at a cycle lane scheme to Cambridge.
           Cycle Bridge over A14 - funding for the bridge had been approved.
           Development at Waterbeach - a group to oppose the development at the
           barracks had been set up at Waterbeach.  The government had asked
           the Environment Agency to report on all flooding/drainage issues
           including this area.
           Landfill - JEC was chairman of the Donarbon Liaison Group and had
           also agreed to be part of the Milton Landfill Liaison Group.
           Noted that PKO and RTS had not been invited to a meeting concerning
           the Donarbon Section 106 Agreement.

603/00 16  District Councillor's Report
(552/00)   Pi Access - RTS had not been able to persuade the Trees Officer
           and Conservation Manager to agree to a beech hedge in front of the
           leylandii. RTS had therefore asked that the scheme be implemented
           as per the planning conditions.
(552/00)   Electoral Review - Other  villages were also not happy for Milton
           to be linked with them.  RTS would keep Council informed.

604/00 17  Correspondence
             ACRE   - Notice of AGM
             Mouchel  - CHUMMS Number 4 [see agenda 10]
             County Council - Budget & Service Issues 2001/02
             Rowing Trust  - Bulletin
             Fire Authority - Annual Report
             CALC   - Bulletin & Training
             South Cambs Primary Care Group -  Bulletin

       18  Dates of next meetings 
             Planning              18 December
             Council               8 January
             Extraordinary Council 15 January

The meeting ended at 10.50pm.