Minutes of the Meeting of Milton Parish Council held on Monday 6 November 2000 at 7.30pm in the Community Centre Present: RLE Waters (chair) RJ Farrington R Day M Ellwood B Jefferson IF May [from 516 /00] PK Oldham GM Richardson HM Smith RT Summerfield LC Twinn The clerk SJ Daniels one member of the public [part] 1 Apologies for absence JE Coston DJ Lee 510/00 2 Minutes - Minute 450/00 was amended to include number of votes cast: "10 votes in favour and 2 abstentions". The Minutes of the meeting of 2 October 2000 were then approved and signed as a true record. Noted that cheque 1892 - £61.53 appeared on the bank statement as £61.93. As the bank charged £5.00 to "pull out" a cheque it was agreed to write off the 40 pence. 511/00 3 Casual Vacancies Noted that Anil Lakhani had resigned because of pressure of work. AGREED to co-opt Liz Baker and Tim Siggs to fill the two vacancies. 4 Clerk's Report (inc matters arising) 512/00 River Cam - graffiti (308/00) Noted that there had been no more graffiti after the May bumps but that which was already there had not been removed. AGREED to contact the Highways Agency and Cam Conservators again. 513/00 Land Purchase Coles Road (378/00) The purchase had not yet been completed. The solicitors were now dealing with the SCDC verges also. 514/00 Old Walls (379/00) RD had identified the following: WALLS - All Saints Church opposite entrance; between West Lodge and North Lodge; Willow Close - Gunnell Close; old school Fen Road; between 28-30 Fen Road c1890; between 30-32 Fen Road c1800; OTHER ITEMS - village pump between 13-15 Cambridge Road c1935; gate at entrance to North Lodge; 2 block houses/pill boxes haling way Milton/Waterbeach boundary c1940. Wall beside Essex House was also included. AGREED to ask Conservation Manager's advice about possible listing. The clerk would ask T Nicholls to paint the pump with Hammerite. 515/00 Chesterton Fen Road (381/00) There had been no similar incidents reported to the police. As youngsters had caused damage to business properties the police had increased uniform patrols. Inspector Ford was confident that the incident was a "one off". 516/00 Multi-use Court (439/00) RJF stressed the importance of Cambridge Courts putting right the problem themselves. If Council tried to rectify the faults then Cambridge Courts could be exonerated from liability. Council had three options: 1. Go to arbitration as per contract. 2. Spend approximately £1000 and resurface one third of the court. 3. Spend £2-2500 and resurface whole court properly. AGREED to confirm with S Gale of Cambridge Courts that Council was considering going to arbitration as per the contract. The clerk would contact RIBA to ascertain the procedure for arbitration. 517/00 Haling Way (441/00) RLEW had received no reply to his letters to the residents of the cottages at Baits Bite Lock. He would report back at the next meeting. 518/00 Milton Archaeology Trail (444/00) Elizabeth Stazicker County Council had agreed to let Council have some copies of the Milton Archaeology Trail. 519/00 Development at Waterbeach (459/00) Invitation was received from Mr L Martin to send representatives to consultation meetings. AGREED not to send a representative. 520/00 Highway Matters (465/00) The following matters were in hand: - Bus shelter - The contractors for the cycle lane were laying the tarmac base for the shelter in front of 3 Cambridge Road. It was AGREED to accept Queensbury's quotation of £674.20 for replacement polycarbonate and erecting of shelter. - Lay by - drainage problem has been rectified; - Cycle lane Bene't Garage - County Council had installed bollards; - There was no need for a priority sign near Apostolic Church; - Norman Industrial Estate - Atkins were looking at this. - The drains in the High Street had been causing problems again. Ed Thornton arranged for them to be "jetted" on 31 October. It would appear that the drains are on an antiquated soakaway system and cannot cope with excessive rainfall. It would be too expensive to put in a new system. He would do his best to improve the drainage. The clerk would point out that the drain in front of the White Horse was also blocked. - Noted that the A10/Butt Lane traffic lights were due to be installed by 31 March 01. 521/00 Maintenance [Agenda 9 refers] (477/00) Outstanding items - these had been dealt with by Herald. Village Sign - According to J Waterson who painted the sign it needed an extra coat of clear exterior varnish but he was unable to do the work. AGREED to take down the sign at Christmas and arrange repairs. RJF expressed concern that the sign was repainted only 12 months previously. Quotations - had been received [to be discussed by Maintenance Committee on 21 November 00]. Footpath - the clerk had met with Patrick Joyce access development officer of the County Council. Grant aid towards a footpath would be available only if the footpath were designated a Public Right of Way. AGREED to explain to the residents living nearby that Council were considering planning to alter the line of the footpath along the bund from Landbeach Road to a point approximately 350 metres south. This was carried by 8 votes in favour 1 against and 2 abstentions. In view of the wider implications it was decided not send this letter until the maintenance committee and the footpaths officer had met with Mr Joyce to discuss fully. Coulson Close / Graffiti - Ed Thornton was dealing with these items. He had flailed the trees/shrubs. 522/00 Report on Landfill Meeting JEC, PKO, HMS, LCT and the clerk met the manager of Waste Recycling, Ed Bastow. PKO reported that: - Access to the reclaimed land would take a minimum of 5-10 years; - A stacking lane on site for queuing vehicles was being investigated; - A permissive bridleway had been completed through the trees adjacent to the Mere Way; - Ed Bastow had not been aware of complaints about smells; - Ed Bastow wanted to set up a liaison group with the Parish Council. AGREED to inform County Council that MPC's concerns about the recent planning application [min 404/00] remained the same. 523/00 Impact An annual general meeting of Impact has been arranged for 5 December. BJ agreed to attend. 524/00 Village Map Noted that water had got into map. The clerk would contact Tony Sylvester. 525/00 Christmas Arrangements Lights to be put up 9 December; to come down 6 January. RJF to arrange. 526/00 Budget 2001/02 Items for expenditure need to be given to Finance Committee by mid January. 527/00 Fallen Tree B Newitt Herald Contract Services reported that a willow tree at Hawthorn Hedge had snapped in the wind of 30 October and was being supported by an elder tree. As it was a danger to the public the clerk had instructed him to cut down the tree and remove it. Cost £36 + VAT. 528/00 Cemetery Two graves had sunk in (31 October). The clerk had asked B Warner undertaker to arrange for these to be repaired as a matter of urgency. 529/00 Walking/Cycling Strategy County Council questionnaire about a proposed walking/cycling strategy received. RLEW RJF PKO and HMS were given the authority to reply. 530/00 Community Care The warden had been [unexpectedly] in hospital. The clerk had sent flowers from Council [chairman's allowance]. 531/00 Remembrance Day Reminder of short ceremony at war memorial on 11 November at 11am. 532/00 5 Planning The minutes of the Planning Committee meeting of 23 October 00 were received. (486/00) Permission S/1498/00 - noted that the bollards had not been installed.The clerk would contact SCDC. Decisions Received 533/00 M Hanson 24 High Street - extensions - refused. Would adversely (426/00) affect Grade II listed building The White Horse. Contrary to Policy SP12/10 of Structure Plan 1995 "does not incorporate high standard of design and does not relate well to surroundings;" and SP12/11 "..requires setting of historically important buildings to be conserved." 534/00 Mr & Mrs Sievewright 3 Coles Road - extension and garage - approved. (449/00) 535/00 Tesco Stores Cambridge Road - extensions to store including alterations to provide (488/00) new main entrance together with revised storage/loading facilities and relocation of recycling centre and bus stop - approved. Noted that the MPC's comments had been passed on to Tesco by LPA for consideration. 536/00 Mrs C Shoesmith & Mr FJ Confrey 7 Cambridge Road - vehicular access (492/00) - approved. New Applications 537/00 S/1135/99 Thomas-Smith Dev Ltd - land off Faulkner Close - (393/99) 2 bungalows - amended elevations - for information only. 538/00 S/1953/00 Mrs L Gaskin - land at Lomas farm Chesterton Fen Road - gypsy site 3 pitches [retrospective application] - no recommendation. 8 votes in favour 1 against and 2 abstentions. 539/00 S/1954/00 F Smith 3 Darrens Farm Lomas Chesterton Fen Road - gypsy site 6 pitches [retrospective application] - no recommendation. 8 votes in favour 1 against and 2 abstentions. Noted that the above two applications would be allowed under the new SCDC Policy [reported min 416/00]. 540/00 S/1968/00 BYW Ltd - land adjacent unit 270 Science Park - erection of office/research and development building together with car parking, cycle and refuse stores - no recommendation. S/2003/00 KP Stocker 5 Cambridge Road - vehicular access - approve [delegated min 433/00]. 541/00 6 Youth The minutes of the Youth Committee meetings 11 October and 1 November were received. There had been an extra bus session on 30 October at £50. The youth club on 2 November did not open as a youth leader was unwell. As a result there had been some vandalism at the Community Centre. Tony Hough would inform HMS in future of any cancellation of the youth club. The bus project report showed that attendance had been good. No tenders for the drop-in had been received. A letter was being drafted to be sent to J Buchanan Shire Hall. As from 13 November the new Monday youth club would open in the new building. The Thursday club would also transfer to the new building. L Henderson and HMS would prepare food for the opening - expenses to be taken from youth budget. The committee hoped to form a youth council. 542/00 7 Highways The minutes of the Highways Committee meeting of 11 October were received. 543/00 8 Cemetery The minutes of the Cemetery Committee meeting of 16 October were received. A quotation for tree work was expected - copy to be sent to Charities for request for funding. 544/00 9 Maintenance The minutes of the Maintenance Committee meeting of 16 October were received. 545/00 10 Finanace The minutes of the Finance Committee meeting of 30 October were received. 546/00 11 Northern Fringe RLEW and PKO had attended a Northern Fringe Workshop. Consultation meetings had been arranged for 20 and 21 November at the Community Centre. Council would need to give a firm view of the preferred options at the December meeting. 547/00 12 land Purchase A detailed report from D Ward had been received. As a result it was AGREED to purchase land off Ely Road at £40,000 548/00 13 Policy for Affordable Housing (455/00) AGREED to support SCDC's Policy for affordable housing. Carried by 8 votes with 3 abstentions. 549/00 14 MCC Update Accounts to 31 March 2000 received - would be presented to AGM on 8 November. At least four members were not standing for re-election including [from end of financial year] the treasurer. Joint Meeting Minutes received. 550/00 15 Bills for Payment and Money Received CONFIRMED payment of cheques 1914 to 1917 AGREED to pay cheques 1918 to 1939. (500/00) AGREED to pay £195 + VAT for accounts software subject to satisfactory trial period. 551/00 16 Crime Update Marshall Community Safety Action Day 18 November. RLEW had responded to the Policing Priorities 2001/02. Thanks to RLEW. Local Consultation Group Meeting 15 November. Crime figures were circulated. 17 County Councillor's report No report. 552/00 18 District Councillor's report (460/00) Pi Access - Planning Officer was willing to write to Pi asking that the full planning conditions be implemented. He was consulting with the Trees Officer and Conservation Manager. RTS suggested that the leylandii hedge be left and that a beech hedge be planted in front. (460/00) Electoral Review - a working party was recommending that Milton be included with Horningsea, Quy and Fen Ditton. 553/00 19 Correspondence - WRVS - Request for grant AGREED as per normal policy not to make a donation/grant. - ACRE - Community Action Plans Workshop - Best Kept Village result - CPRE - Cambridgeshire Voice Newsletter - County Council - Consultations about: 1. style of local government structure to be adopted by the County Council; 2. government's green paper on the future funding of local authorities. AGREED to complain [again] that Council could not be expected to respond within 28 days. Response to be made individually. - Highways Agency - notice of road works on A14. 20 Dates of next meetings Planning 20 November Maintenance 21 November Council 4 December The meeting ended at 10.00pm.