Minutes of the Meeting of Milton Parish Council
       held on Monday 2 October 2000 at 7.30pm in the Community Centre

Present:   RLE Waters (chair)   RJ Farrington   JE Coston   R Day   M Ellwood
           B Jefferson   IF May   PK Oldham   GM Richardson   HM Smith
           RT Summerfield   LC Twinn
           The clerk SJ Daniels

       1   Apologies for absence

438/00 2   Minutes - The Minutes of the meeting of 4 September 2000 were
           approved after the following amendments:
            381/00 - inclusion of votes cast
            416/00 - inclusion of "SCDC" before "trees officer".

       3   Clerk's report
439/00     Multi-use Court
(371/00)   Meeting still to be arranged.  RLEW to pursue.

440/00     Allotments Pump
(373/00    Noted that an allotment holder had offered to dig out a new site for
           the pump and Herald Contract Services had agreed to accept £90 + VAT
           for work already done  [50% of quotation].
           AGREED by all to pay Herald £90 + VAT.

441/00     Haling way
(381/00)   The County Council had no money available for resurfacing. RLEW
           would pursue and report back to November meeting.

442/00     Trading Consents
(382/00)   Letter from a high Street business received and noted. No further
           action to be taken.

443/00     Maintenance
           Committee had walked the village and identified tasks to be
           completed. Meeting arranged for Monday 16 October at 7.30pm. War
           memorial site to be included on agenda.

444/00     Milton Archaeology Trail
           A copy of Milton Archaeology Trail produced in 1998 by County
           Council and supported by Enventure Southern had been received from
           D Booth, Milton's Archaeology Warden. The clerk would query why
           copies had not been made available to the Parish and the Country

       4   Planning
445/00     The minutes of the planning committee meeting of 18 September 00
           were received.

           Decisions Received
446/00     S/1373/00 iansyst Ltd building 1 Rose Cottage Chesterton Fen Road -
(400/00)   insertion of windows - approved. Adequate ventilation of the first
           floor to be approved by LPA; four first floor windows on north west
           to be permanently fixed and not used for ventilation.
447/00     S/1374/00 iansyst Ltd building 2 Rose Cottage Chesterton Fen Road -
(401/00)   insertion of windows - approved.

           New Applications
448/00     S/1498/00 R Mendham 11 Willow Crescent - garage - amendment to
(425/00)   access ie two bollards 1500mm apart and 300mm high. Committee had
           expressed no objection [through delegated powers]. It was
           understood that permission had been granted.

449/00     S/1712/00 Mr & Mrs Sievewright - noted that a neighbour had
(429/00)   expressed concerns to SCDC about this application.

450/00     S/1766/00 Mr & Mrs J Clark New Close Farm Butt Lane - conversion and
           change of use of two barns to class B1 and B8 use - refuse:
           1 Within Green Belt.
           2 No control of the use of the site now and in future if sold.
           3 No control of what was stored. There were concerns about what
             will be stored and the consequent traffic movements in a narrow
           4 Would set a precedent for other farms in the area.
           10 votes in favour and 2 abstentions.

451/00     S/1802/00 R Upton and others Grange Park Gypsy Site Chesterton Fen
           Road - permanent gypsy site.
           Proposed that Council object on the grounds of:
             Green Belt
             Granting permission might encourage further illegal sites on
             areas not designated for travellers.
           3 votes in favour and 9 against.

           AGREED to make no recommendation - 9 votes in favour and 3 against.

452/00 5   Youth
           The minutes of the Youth Committee meeting of 27 September were
           received. Feedback from village colleges about managing the youth
           centre was less than encouraging. Shire Hall had offered to provide
           three workers. As a result T Hough of IVC was likely to be able to
           manage the centre.

453/00 6   Land Purchase
           AGREED under the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960 to
           exclude members of the public because of the confidential nature of
           the business - 8.40pm.

           The meeting re-opened at 9.00pm with 12 members + the clerk present.

454/00 7   Waste Plan
(365/00)   The ad hoc group had met and proposed comments were circulated.
           AGREED by all  to object to the following:
             Para 4.6 - landfill capacity
             Policy WLP17 - Major Waste Management Facilities
             a] inclusion of Anglian Water Site Cowley Road as Major Waste
                Management Facility
             b] any use of Milton Landfill Site as Major Waste Management
                Facility [not designated as such in WLP].

455/00 8   Policy for Affordable Housing
(409/00)   To be discussed at November meeting.

456/00 9   MCC Update
           AGM set for 8 November.
           The staff were managing well in the absence of the administrator
           who was recovering from her illness.
           Agenda for joint meeting had been set.

457/00 10  Bills for Payment and Money Received
           AGREED to confirm payment of cheques 1890 and 1891 and to pay
           cheques 1892 to 1913 [one abstention].
           Note: Cheque 1870 Minute 413/00 should read £61.53 not £61.16.

458/00 11  Crime Update
           Crime figures were circulated. RLEW had put an article in the
           Village View about the recent vandalism. An Area Crime Prevention
           Panel awareness event was scheduled for 28 October at Tesco. Police
           Local Consultation Group meeting scheduled for 15 November.
           RLEW was completing a survey on the Police Authority's Policy
           Council's suggested priorities were:
             Increase in trust and confidence
             Better communication
             Police on the street
             and [locally] - licensing laws should be monitored at local shops.

459/00 12  County Councillor's report
           Cycle Bridge - The Highways Agency recently promoted the A14 cycle
           bridge at a conference in London as an example of encouraging
           sustainable travel.
           A10 Detrunking - Papers about the A10 detrunking were being
           received. Waterbeach and Landbeach intended meeting to discuss
           the problems on the A10.
           Minor Improvements Funding Scheme [roads] - bids were due to be
           returned by 13 October - delegated to Highways Committee meeting
           set for 11 October after joint meeting with MCC.
           Cycle lanes - lamp posts would be moved from the path. The clerk
           would remind J Richards about the bus shelter to be erected near
           Apostolic Church. JEC queried whether trunking was being laid for
           a possible pelican crossing in the future.
           Development at Waterbeach - L Martin was making a presentation
           about new proposals at Waterbeach barracks on 9 and 10 October at
           Waterbeach school.

460/00 13  District Councillor's report
(416/00)   Pi access - Pi managing director wished to meet the clerk only.
           The clerk would try to arrange a meeting between Pi and RD.
(416/00)   Electoral Review - as the results of the initial review had not
           been satisfactory SCDC intended to start the process again.
           Bus passes - as from 1 October SCDC were issuing 6 monthly bus
           passes only at a cost of £8.
           It was AGREED to reimburse £2.75 per [6 month] pass.

461/00 14  Correspondence
           ACRE - Extraordinary General Meeting
           CALC - AGM and bulletin
           Friends of IVC - Launch 
              - RLEW would inquire about situation regarding Impact
           EHO - Air Quality Review
           Warm Homes Bill - Update
           Owen Williams - Resurfacing slip road by Tesco.

       15  Dates of next meetings

            Highways    11 October
            Maintenance 16 October
            Planning    23 October
            Finance     30 October
            Council      6 November

The meeting ended at 10.00pm.