Minutes of the Meeting of Milton Parish Council
       held on Monday 4 September 2000 at 7.00pm in the Community Centre

Present:   RLE Waters (chair)   RJ Farrington   JE Coston   R Day   M Ellwood
           B Jefferson   DJ Lee   IF May   PK Oldham   GM Richardson   HM Smith
           RT Summerfield    LC Twinn
           The clerk SJ Daniels
           Five members of the public (part)

365/00 1   Cambridgeshire & Peterborough Waste Local Plan (Deposit)
           David Atkinson, Sarah Clover and Ann Proctor of the Waste
           Management Team attended.
           The current permission for the landfill site was due to expire in
           2004. An application to extend the life of the landfill site to 2016
           had been made [see below min 403/00].

           Currently 70% of waste went into landfill sites. Within 15 years as
           a result of National and European legislation 70% of household waste
           would be recovered/recycled through planning policies and new waste
           management facilities. 13 preferred sites had been identified across
           the county in the Waste Plan to manage this process. Milton Landfill
           had not been identified as a preferred site though the Anglian Water
           site at Cowley Road had.

           The planning application for Milton Landfill sought to amend two
           1. Extension of the site to 2016
           2. Variation of final restoration plan to include more tree
              planting, water areas, wild flower meadows and public access.

           Landfill would continue to be a major force for another five years.
           Changes in the management of waste would happen towards the middle
           and end of the Plan period.
           If the Milton site closed in 2004 Donarbon would cater for the
           landfill. The time scale for restoration to recreation/amenity and
           public access at Milton was not stated in the application.
           Waste Recycling Group Plc had purchased the site in 1997 on a long
           term lease from the County Council.
           A pyrolysis unit at the AWA site was a possibility.

           Thanks to the team for attending.

           Planning Application
366/00     S/1498/00 R Mendham 11 Willow Crescent - garage.
(364/00)   This application was taken early. Standing Orders were suspended
           to allow the applicant and neighbours to speak.
           Upon resumption of the meeting concern was expressed that the
           applicant had been informed by SCDC officer [in error] that
           planning permission was not needed. As a result the garage was
           almost finished.
           AGREED by all to make no recommendation with the comment that "this
           Council would like to express its dissatisfaction at the way South
           Cambs District Council's Officers have handled this matter in giving
           inconsistent advice to the applicant".

367/00 2   Apologies for absence - noted that P Mynott had resigned. As
           "Casual Vacancy" was not on the agenda it was agreed to advertise
           in the Village View with a view to co-opt.

368/00 3   Minutes
           The Minutes of the meeting of 3 July 2000 were approved and signed
           as a true record.

       4   Clerk's Report  (inc matters arising)
369/00     Kings Hedges Drive - Prohibition of Waiting Order
(148/00)   The above order was due to come into operation on 31 July.

370/00     Cycle Lanes
(225/00)   Cambridge Road, High Street and Ely Road  Mandatory With-Flow Cycle
           Lane Order 2000 had been advertised.
           Order to prohibit driving and proposed road humps adjacent to
           proposed cycle bridge had been advertised.

371/00     Multi-use Court
(271/00)   Cambridge Courts suggested that MPC complete the work and take it
           off their bill. RJF felt it was inappropriate to do so. RLEW and RJF
           were trying to arrange a site meeting with Mr Gale of Cambridge

372/00     Bus Shelter
(303/00)   £1000 received from County Council.

373/00     Allotments Pump
(304/00)   Negotiations were continuing.

374/00     Cemetery Seat
(307/00)   The seat had been installed.

375/00     Verge - Norman Industrial Estate
(311/00)   Ed Thornton felt it advisable to wait until the completion of the
           cycle/foot bridge before deciding whether bollards are needed.

376/00     Bus Service
(312/00)   Noted that the Cambridge / Milton service was being maintained at
           same level as in the past and that an experimental service to Ely
           through Landbeach and Waterbeach had been put on at the request of
           local residents.

377/00     Land at Milton Fen
(313/00)   Noted that the land was now being offered at £30,000.

378/00     Land Purchase Coles Road
(341/00)   This was going ahead.
           SCDC had agreed to offer their part of verge at £1, with a covenant
           restricting use to public open space amenity land.  MPC to pay
           SCDC's legal costs - c £300.

379/00     Old Walls
(364/00)   MPC would need to ask  SCDC Conservation Officer to preserve old
           walls. RD would draw up a list of old walls/buildings.

380/00     Rowing Trust
           Bulletin was enclosed and noted.

381/00     Boundary Walk
           Thanks to RLEW for organising walk. A group of 12 took part. The
           clerk would thank the County Council for the work done on Mere Way
           and ask about progress on restoration of surface of haling way
           between Fen Road and Baits Bite Lock.
           Concern about Chesterton Fen Road becoming a "no-go" area was
           expressed following an incident when the group was challenged by
           youngsters. The clerk would inform Police, County and South Cambs
           District Councils. AGREED 6 in favour, 2 against and 5 abstentions.
           RLEW intended exploring the possibility of a permissive footpath
           linking Mere Way to the river.

382/00     Trading Consents
           Complaints about the flower seller and kebab man in Cambridge Road
           had been received.
           Note the legal position:
           That part of the road where the flower seller operates is a consent
           street. He has applied for and has received consent to trade there.
           MPC has never objected.
           The kebab man operates on public highway land (not a consent street
           here). He has applied for and received permission from the County
           Council. The County would consider witholding permission ONLY if
           MPC objects. MPC has never objected.
           AGREED to inform complainants that MPC had no objections and had
                  consistently not objected to either trader.

383/00     Local Policy Course
           Congratulations to clerk for passing the Local Policy Course.

384/00     Trees - adjacent St John's Innovation Park
           Noted that approximately 50% of the leylandii were to be removed.
           Replacement planting would take place. In the short term the area
           would look bare - in the long term should be more pleasing (trees

385/00     Remembrance Day
           The wreath laying ceremony would take place on 11 November at 11am.
           AGREED to pay British Legion £20 for the wreath.

       5   Planning
386/00     The minutes of the planning committee meeting of 24 July 00 were

           Decisions Received
387/00     Donarbon Ltd - Recycling Centre off Ely Road Waterbeach - approved
(211/00)   subject to issue of conditions and legal agreement [to be issued in
           due course].
388/00     Mr & Mrs Pearson 5 houses and garages Fen Farm Fen Road - noted that
(260/00)   Planning Officers were recommending approval. SCDC Planning
           Committee had visited the site to look at the possibility of an
           access from Fen Road.
389/00     Cambridge Regional College - use of part of overflow car park as
(263/00)   overnight coach park - approved. Coaches not to be parked between
           05.00 and 21.00 hours. Details of external lighting, screening and
           fencing to be approved by Local Planning Authority.
390/00     Mr & Mrs Maltby 27 Bene't Close - extension - approved.
391/00     Perkin Elmer Life Sciences Unit 204 Science Park - 6 car parking
(332/00)   spaces approved. Details of excavation and surface materials of car
           park to be approved. Trees to be protected by fencing during works.
392/00     Cambridge Regional College - display of a sign - approved.
393/00     PG Shenton Maple Veterinary Surgery 26 Cambridge Road  -
(360/00)   amendments - approved.
394/00     P Garner  -  house on land adjacent 21 Landbeach Road  -
(361/00)   approved. Details of materials for external walls and roofs and
           finished floor levels to be approved. No further windows, doors or
           openings to be inserted in north elevation without permission of
           Local Planning Authority. Visibility splays and space for parking
           and turning on site to be provided.
395/00     Mr & Mrs R Skinner 3 Bulteel Close - extension - approved.
396/00     College of West Anglia - relocation of 5 mobile classrooms -
(363/00)   approved till 31 July 2001.

           New Applications
397/00     S/1799/97 Cambridge Housing Society Sheltered Housing - amendment -
(206/00)   secondarykitchen area - for information.
398/00     S/1773/99 Mr JF Lindsay - house and garage adjacent 17 High Street -
(276/00)   amendment to garage - no recommendation.
399/00     S/0240/00 All Saints' Church car park - amendment - approve.
400/00     S/1373/00 iansyst Ltd building 1 Rose Cottage Chesterton Fen Road -
           insertion of windows - approve.
401/00     S/1374/00 iansyst Ltd building 2 Rose Cottage Chesterton Fen Road -
           insertion of windows - approve.
402/00     S/1465/00 Mr & Mrs Maclennan 39 Butt Lane - extension - no
           The above applications dealt with under delegated powers.

403/00     S/1500/00 Mr & Mrs Mynott 15 Pearson Close - first floor extension
           and stairs - no recommendation.
404/00     S/1570/00 Waste Recycling Group Plc - variation of conditions 3 and
           19 of planning permisssion S/0289/91 to allow continued infilling
           for further 12 years (to 31 December 2016) to amend the approved
           phasing and final restoration schemes.
           AGREED by all to object because of the odours and flies that
           residents have had to endure for many years.
           Should the application be approved Council asked that:
            Queuing facilities for vehicles off the road should be provided to
            alleviate the traffic problems in Butt Lane.
            Specific time scales should be put in place immediately detailing
            when the sites are going to be available for public use.
            Public access and rights of way should be made available, the first
            by the year 2002 and the remainder by the end of the present expiry
            of planning consent ie  year 2004.
            The restoration should be phased so that members of the public can
            enjoy the amenity as soon as possible and certainly no later than
            A right of way access should be made at the southern end of Mere
            Way through the belt of trees parallel to the A14 and exiting on
            to the A10.
            No further clay should be taken off site owing to mud on the road
            and increased traffic movements.
            Trees should not be planted on the top of the mounds as these would
            spoil the views towards Ely enjoyed at present.

405/00     S/1612/00 C Threadgold 2 Peter Goodin Close - extension and double
           garage - no recommendation.

406/00 6   Finance
           The minutes of the Finance Committee meeting of 24 July were
           AGREED to approve resolution in minute 359/00 concerning
           employees' salaries.

407/00 7   Youth
(334/00)   Report on youth building  - there had been delays in the programme.
           It was expected that the building would be ready for use after half
           term. About £4200 had already been spent on refurbishing the
           building out of a projected £9000.
           As a result the bus would continue for 6 weeks till half term at a
           cost of £300. Likewise the youth club would continue in the annexe.
           As no tenders had been received to manage the facilities the youth
           committee were considering other options. IVC had offered two nights
           per week for a youth club but youth workers were in short supply.

           Bus Project report - a positive report had been received and

408/00 8   Teenage Play Equipment
(155/00)   Approximately £11,000 had been raised.  HMS hoped to raise remaining
           £6,300 required through SCDC "Village Facilities Grant" and balance
           of £20,000 youth budget.

409/00 9   Policy for Affordable Housing
(337/00)   Copies of SCDC Affordable Housing Policy would be circulated.

410/00 10  MCC Update
           Joint meeting set for Wednesday 11 October 7.30pm.
           New Year's Eve event - noted that clubs were being invited to
           organise a function.
           AGM - date not yet arranged.
           Manager - was unwell.

411/00 11  Sheltered Housing Update
           The footpath had been completed.  Thanks to SCDC for their support.

412/00 12  Tree Warden's Report
           The tree warden's report had been circulated.  Noted that trees had
           been vandalised on Humphries Way open space.

413/00 13  Bills for Payment and Money Received (see schedule)
           AGREED to pay cheque 1846 -  £1480.50 for installation of youth
           building as soon as roof repairs were completed;
           to confirm payment of cheques 1847 to 1867
           to authorise payment of cheques 1868 to 1887  [one abstention].

           Noted that £260 had been received from  Milton Charities towards
           community bus.

414/00 14  Crime Update
           Criminal damage - there had been a trail of damage during August.
           The wooden seat on Hawthorn Hedge had been destroyed. Having 
           submitted an insurance claim the clerk would order a metal
           Noted that crime levels were now as high as in 1996.
           Tesco meeting report - RLEW had met with representatives of SCDC,
           Country Park, Tesco and the police to discuss a partnership
           approach to crime reduction/prevention.
           Neighbourhood Watch - RLEW would put an article in the Village View
           to try to encourage more schemes.
           Meeting with Michelle Vogels SCDC - RLEW reported that there may be
           grants available for projects such as the teenage play equipment.

415/00 15  County Councillor's report
           Recycling - a bus could visit in Spring 2001 for a "green waste 
           day" - free of charge or expenses to be met jointly with County
           Council - details later.
           Minibus - should Milton have its own minibus?  [The car scheme was
           now almost non-existent].
           Bus Service - feedback on the use of this service was expected.
           Cycle Bridge - no objections had been received to the first set of
           Orders published.  The probable colour of the bridge would be navy
           and silver.
           Youngsters had been seen running across the A14 near the old A10.
           JEC was trying to determine ownership of the fences along side
           the A14.

416/00 16  District Councillor's report
           Dillons - a dispute had arisen about noise and disturbance between
           Dillons and the flat above.
(359/00)   Pi Research - Thanks to Pi for the new entrance off Ely Road. In
           the opinion of the SCDC trees officer MPC should discuss with Pi
           removing lower foliage to open up the view of the hall. The clerk
           would ask if Pi intended taking down the fence also.
           Northern Fringe - The City, South Cambridgeshire Joint Strategic
           Forum were looking at new strategies for the Northern Fringe. MPC
           would be consulted.
           Waterbeach Development - this was unlikely to happen before 2014-16.
           Bus Pass Scheme - as from April 2001 bus passes would be free of
           charge [government initiative]. SCDC would take over the
           responsibility for and bear the costs of the scheme.
           Chesterton Fen - Grange Park caravan site will become official.
           Other caravan sites remaining on the railway side of the road would
           be allowed.
           Electoral Review - the SCDC plan was to link Milton with Horningsea
           and to give this new ward two district councillors.
           AGREED to respond to SCDC that it was more appropriate
           geographically and logistically that Milton should
           link with Landbeach and Waterbeach with Horningsea.
(306/00)   Cambridge (Crane) Road Industrial Estate - the chairman SCDC and
           RTS had had a successful meeting with Cecil Instruments. SCDC
           would not insist on all units having numbers. A road sign Cambridge
           Road 133 Upwards would be installed. There were no objections to
           the site being named for example Parkway Business Park. Cecil would
           co-ordinate a sign board for the business park. A major problem was
           overnight lorry parking and the resultant mess. Double yellow lines
           had been requested.
(327/00)   Tesco - report of site meeting - the planning officer, RTS and
           RLEW had met with Tesco. It had been agreed that a visibility splay
           be provided at the foot/cycle entrance. A pedestrian access at the
           main entrance would be investigated. Tesco were costing a new car
           parking layout and access that would provide extra car parking
           spaces. A traffic consultant would also look at the problem of cars
           being held up in the village by vehicles exiting Tesco at the

417/00  17 Correspondence
           Cambs County Council 
           - Highways Network Management Plan and Road Safety Plan for 2000
           - Local Councils Liaison Committee Minutes
           - Consultations by County Council
           - Cambridge Core Traffic Scheme: Monitoring Results

           CALC - Bulletin, notice of meetings and election of
                  representatives to Environment & Transport Area
                  Joint Committee and document about "Best Value"
           SCDC - Recreation and Leisure Grants
(275/00)   Mouchel - CHUMMS  (Cambridge to Huntingdon Multi-Modal Study) notes
                   of meeting held in May
           Hewitson Becke & Shaw - Justices' On Licence Science Park
           South Cambs Primary Care Group - Newsletters

       18  Dates of next meetings Planning 21 June
           Youth Building Steering Group 5 September
           Maintenance Village walk 10 September 9am [meet at sign]
           Planning  18 September
           Youth     25 September
           [subsequently changed to 27 Sept - clerk]
           Council       2 October

The meeting ended at 11.05pm.