Minutes of the Meeting of Milton Parish Council
       held on Monday 3 July 2000 at 7.30pm in the Community Centre

Present:   RLE Waters (chair)   RJ Farrington   R Day   M Ellwood   B Jefferson
           DJ Lee   IF May   PK Oldham   GM Richardson   RT Summerfield
           LC Twinn   The clerk SJ Daniels
           Two members of the public (part)

       The chairman reported the death of Stan Poulter, Parish Councillor from
       1976-1985.  A card was signed,  to be sent to the family.

       1   Apologies for absence JE Coston  A Lakhani

302/00 2   Minutes
           After the inclusion of "contractor's and Council's public liability"
           in minute 268/00 the Minutes of the meeting of 5 June 2000 were
           approved and signed as a true record.

       3   Clerk's Report  (inc matters arising)
303/00     Bus Shelter
(181/00)   New shelter had been installed. Letter of thanks received from
           resident. The clerk would apply for County Council grant.
           AGREED to ban fly posting on glass/perspex shelters.

304/00     Allotments Pump
(230/00)   Pump had been re-installed. Although Herald had put in a new washer
           at the request of the clerk the pump was still not working properly.
           Allotments committee to meet Herald on site.

305/00     Grass Cutting
(268/00)   Response from CALC received.  Cornhill (phone 29/06/00) advised
           that it was the contractor's responsibility under his public
           liability insurance to take precautions against accidents but
           Council must write asking him to take all reasonable precautions.
           If an accident happened, MPC as ultimate employer and owner of the
           land could still be held responsible but would be covered by
           Cornhill if Council had written and done everything that could
           reasonably be done.  They advised that if he took no notice of
           the concerns then Council should look for another contractor. The
           clerk reported that Herald would advise his employees of Council's
           concerns (letter dated 8 June).
           AGREED to ask Herald not to use one of his employees in Milton for
                  the remainder of the year, because of concerns about the
                  speed he drives his machine.
           Noted that a resident had offered to cut the grass free of charge
           by the war memorial.
           AGREED not to accept offer because of insurance implications.

306/00     Cambridge Road (Crane) Industrial Estate
(269/00)   Although Cecil Instruments preferred a new road name.  Council
           agreed all the units should be numbered sequentially as per minute
           5/00 (as at Norman Industrial Estate) and that SCDC be asked to
           resolve the matter.

307/00     Cemetery Seat and Path
(272/00)   The family of the late Mr Page were pleased with the type of seat
           AGREED to use the seat already purchased.

           Cambridge Paviors hoped to lay the path at the end of August.
           Noted that Wren had rejected the application for a grant towards
           the path.

308/00     River Cam
(274/00)   a) River Cam Natural Park (RCNP) Committee were looking at ways of
              safeguarding the riverscape.
           b) The university authorities and Highways Agency were taking the
              issue of graffiti seriously. The gun shed had already been
              painted dark green to comply with planning permission.

309/00     Polling - Chesterton Fen
(276/00)   Confirmation of minute 276/00 received in writing.

310/00     Waste Plan
(293/00)   Consultation period was extended to mid September. Four copies of
           plan would be distributed. The clerk would make Horningsea and Fen
           Ditton Parish Councils aware of the change of status of the sewage
           works which could lead to a pyrolysis plant being built there.

311/00     Verge - Norman Industrial Estate
(299/00)   Letters had been sent.  PC Shulver had spoken to those parking on
           verge who had been unaware that they were causing a problem. The
           vehicles had been removed.

312/00     Bus Timetable
(299/00)   Noted that bus operators were required to give six weeks notice of
           changes. The county council had been able to notify all councils
           within four days.
           Council supported two suggestions arising from the public meeting:
           - A (return) circular bus route through Horningsea to the Science
           - A local consultation group.
           1 to ask the County Council, as the authority responsible for
             ensuring satisfactory bus services, what measures were being
             taken to improve the level of service
           2 to support the proposed Cambridge to Ely service 9A for a trial

313/00     Land - Milton Fen
(299/00)   The land in Fen Road was not available for sale. Cheffins were
           aware of Council's interest.

314/00     Trees - Humphries Way
           During the recent spell of vandalism the three lime trees planted on
           Humphries Way open space had been destroyed.
           AGREED not to replant near the junction of Humphries and Froment Way
                  (may encourage children to play football close to the road).

       4   Planning

           Decisions Received
315/00     Bride Hall Developments Ltd  - land at St John's Innovation Park -
(140/00)   car parking and landscaping - approved (oa S/1819/98 refers)
316/00     Elgood & Sons Ltd - Waggon & Horses - extension - approved.
(215/00)   Existing bottle store freezer to be demolished; extension to be used
           as a bottle store/freezer/utility area only.
317/00     Mr & Mrs Hider 16 Fen Road - conservatory and addition of pitched
(217/00)   roof to flat roof extension - approved.
318/00     Mr & Mrs TA Briggs 80 The Rowans - conservatory - approved.
319/00     Milton Parish Council - six x 6 metre high light columns - The
(244/00)   Sycamores Recreation Ground - approved. Flood-lighting to be
           directed away from A10 trunk road.
320/00     Mr & Mrs Hastings 23 Old School Lane - conservatory and
(245/00)   repositioning of garage - approved.
321/00     Mr & Mrs Maclennan 39 Butt Lane - extension - refused.
(246/00)   Height, depth and proximity to No. 41 would result in overbearing
           and oppressive outlook from No. 41; unacceptable loss of light;
           contrary to policy HG17(2) in Deposit Local Plan 1999 - would
           seriously harm the amenities of the neighbouring property.
322/00     Napp Pharmaceutical Holdings Ltd unit 191 Science Park - gardeners 
(262/00)   store/workshop building - approved.
323/00     Mr & Mrs Selwyn-Smith 6 Butt Lane - extensions - approved.
324/00     P Garrod 13 Bene't Close - extension and garage - approved.
325/00     The College of West Anglia - chemical store and toilet block -
(285/00)   approved until 30 June 2005.
326/00     RP Kent 15 Landbeach Road - addition of pitched roof to flat roof
(289/00)   extension - approved.

           New Applications
327/00     S/0862/00 Tesco Stores Ltd - extensions to store including
(264/00)   alterations to provide new main entrance together with revised
           storage/loading facilities.
           Relocation of recycling centre and bus stop. Noted that Planning
           Officer was recommending delegated approval subject to travel to
           work plan together with revisions to satisfy MPC. Meeting with
           Tesco and Planning Officer to be arranged.

328/00     S/0897/00 The College of West Anglia - relocation of dog grooming
(286/00)   parlour. Noted that Planning Officer was recommending temporary

329/00     S/0898/00 The College of West Anglia - extension to provide
(287/00)   veterinary surgery. Noted that Planning Officer was recommending

330/00     S/0907/00 PI Research Milton Hall - siting of two portakabins for
(288/00)   office/laboratory use. Noted that Planning Officer was recommending
           temporary approval.

331/00     S/1075/00 Mr & Mrs Maltby 27 Bene't Close - single storey rear
           extension - no recommendation.

332/00     S/1090/00 Perkin Elmer Life Sciences unit 204 Science Park -
           provision of 6 car parking spaces - refuse.  Although the car
           parking spaces were being laid in a type of "grasscrete" Council
           still believed that this was another example of the original concept
           of the Science Park being eroded by the encroachment of tarmac in
           green areas.

333/00     S/1153/00 Cambridge Regional College - sign above sports centre
           reception - no recommendation.

       5   Youth
334/00     a) The minutes of the meeting of YBSG of 13 June were received.
           b) A business plan produced by J Sandford had been circulated.

              Noted that a steel building had been installed at The Sycamores
              Recreation Ground at a cost of £1260 + VAT (delivery and
              installation costs only). It was envisaged that the building
              would be included in the lease for MCC to manage and that the
              staff of MCC would control bookings other than the youth work.
              MPC would be responsible for providing the youth services which
              would run for 40 weeks per year. Holiday use to be negotiated.
              Noted that the plan possibly did not make enough provision for
              equipment after the first year.
              It was hoped to set up a Youth Council to take ownership of the

              AGREED to accept the business plan and to allow the Youth
                     Committee to spend up to £20,000 as detailed in the
                     plan (min 70/00 refers).

              Thanks to the committee, to L Sandford for supervising
              installation, Sue Lester of CAYC for all her hard work with the
              youngsters and especially J Sandford for producing the plan.

              Draft of "Notes to Bidders" for running the  youth work was
              circulated. An advert had been placed in Cambridge News.

335/00     c) AGREED to ask the bus to provide during the summer holidays

              1) a week's activities at £150 (from "Youth" budget) and
              2) youth workers to help with setting up the building. Youth
                 Committee to have delegated powers to pay for workers within
                 youth budget.

336/00     d) AGREED Not to renew contract with the bus from September. Extra
                     bus sessions for remainder of Summer Term approved.

337/00 6   Policy for Affordable Housing - deferred until September.

338/00 7   MCC Update
           Noted that the tennis club were interested in having a building -
           to be discussed by MCC.
           BMX track to be left till after summer to decide the line of the
           Noted that the Land Registry had completed dealing with the
           registration of the MCC lease.

339/00 8   Resolution to Approve Accounts 1999/2000
           AGREED to approve the accounts for 1999/2000.
           These were signed by RLEW, RTS and the clerk.

340/00 9   Responding to strategic issues
           AGREED that after consultation with the chairman and all councillors
                  a minimum of three members should study, discuss (via e-mail
                  possibly) and produce a summary of responses to important
                  issues such as the Local Plan in readiness for the next
                  Council meeting.

           RLEW, PKO, HMS and RTS would comment on Waste Plan for September.

341/00 10  Land Purchase
(295/00)   Noted that the purchase of the land opposite the war memorial was
           proceeding. Taylor Vinters were acting on Council's behalf.

342/00 11  Sheltered Housing Update
           AGREED to send strong letters of complaint to SCDC, CHS and Parrotts
                  (builders) about state of "reinstated" land and lack of

343/00 12  Bills for Payment and Money Received
           AGREED to confirm payment of cheques 1823/4 and
                  to authorise payment of cheques 1825 to 1845.

344/00 13  Crime Update
           i)  CCTV - the chairman and the clerk had attended a CCTV 
               demonstration at King's Lynn.
           ii) Tesco - head office had contacted RLEW to discuss crime
               prevention at the Milton store.
           Noted that there had been a spate of car crimes at the Country Park.

       14  County Councillor's report - absent.

       15  District Councillor's report - nothing to report.

345/00 16  Correspondence
           Campaign for warm homes bill,  CHUMMS newsletter ,  CALC Bulletin
           Cambs County Council - Notice of trial holes on old A10 [10-17/07/00]
           Cambs County Council - Local Councils Liaison Committee Minutes
           South Cambs new radio station -  The Eagle
           Edge Ellison Solicitors - Notice of transfer of Justices' Licence
           Noted that there had been complaints about noise and disturbance
           from early morning delivery lorries.
           Cambs County Council  - Network Management Plan & Road Safety Plan

346/00  17  Dates of next meetings 

           17 July - Youth   
           July/August (to be arranged) -  YBSG
           24 July 7pm  - Finance
           24 July 8pm - Planning 
           4 September - Council
           10 September - Maintenance (Village walk 9am)

The meeting ended at 10.00pm.