Minutes of the Meeting of Milton Parish Council
       held on Monday 8 May 2000 at 7pm in the Community Centre

Present:   RLE Waters (chair)   RJ Farrington   JE Coston (from 228/00)
           M Ellwood   A Lakhani   DJ Lee   P Mynott   PK Oldham
           GM Richardson   HM Smith   RT Summerfield   LC Twinn
           The clerk SJ Daniels
           Four members of the public (part)

       1   Apologies for absence  R Day  IF May

219/00 2   Election of chairman and signing of declaration of acceptance of
           AGREED to suspend Standing Order 14 and elect RLEW as chairman.
           He signed the declaration of acceptance of office.

220/00 3   Election of vice chairman
           AGREED to suspend Standing Order 14 and elect RJF as vice chairman.

221/00 4   Casual vacancy - co-option of new member
(158/00)   One letter declining invitation to become a member of the council
           was received.
           The clerk reported that Barry Jefferson from The Sycamores had
           expressed a keen interest in being co-opted.
           It was AGREED to co-opt him on to the council.

222/00 5   The following committees were confirmed:
           Planning     JEC RJF RD HMS RTS LCT
           Finance    JEC PKO HMS RLEW RTS
           Maintenance/Landscaping PM PKO HMS LCT
           Play*    JEC ME HMS
           Cemetery*    RD ME PKO
           Youth*    JEC AL DJL PM GMR HMS
           Youth Building Steering Group*
              (sub-committee of Youth)   DJL GMR HMS
           Sheltered Housing  RD RJF IFM RTS RLEW
           Highways    JEC RD RJF PKO RTS LCT
           Allotments*    RD ME
           Community Care*  RD AL IFM PM
           Millennium*   JEC IFM HMS LCT
           * Includes co-opted members.

223/00  6  The following representatives were confirmed:
           MCC     RLEW
           School Governors DJL
           Charities   RD IFM
           Community Transport JEC
           Footpaths Officer  RLEW
           Country Park   RD (deputy PKO)
           Impact   RLEW
           Police Liaison  RLEW
           Tree Warden  PKO (deputy SJ Snaith)
           Rowing Trust  HMS
           Under 5's Group  LCT
           Millennium    JEC
           Village View  JEC
           Archaeological Warden WD Booth

224/00  7  Minutes
           The Minutes of the meeting of 3 April 2000 were confirmed and
           signed as a true record.

        8  Clerk's Report  (inc matters arising)
225/00     Cycle Scheme
(52/00)    Draft Order for mandatory with-flow cycle lanes had been advertised.
           PKO reported that a resident in High Street was concerned that the
           lane would prevent him parking outside his cottage. The resident
           would be advised to write to J Richards.

226/00     Local Plan
(53/00)    Formal notice of start of Inquiry received.

227/00     Meeting Starting Time
(124/00)   AGREED to amend Standing Order 1(a) and start meetings at 7.30pm
           for a 12 month trial period.
           Carried - 5 votes in favour, 3 against, 3 abstentions.

228/00     Draft Regional Planning Guidance for East Anglia - Secretary of
(160/00)   State's Proposed
           Changes had been circulated. PKO HMS and the clerk attended a
           meeting organised by CALC. A summary of that meeting was circulated.
           AGREED to delegate to PKO HMS and the clerk the task of producing
                  final comments to be sent to Government Office for Eastern
                  England. [To be circulated].
           AGREED to support view that Parish Councils should be allowed free
                  access to Cambs Structure Plan.  Clerk to pursue.

229/00     Bills
(192/00)   Two payments had not yet been authorised:
           Cheque 1755 Cambridge Courts [final payment multi-use court] £1163.64
           An independent report had been prepared to be sent to Cambridge
           Courts about the poor workmanship.

           Cheque 1775 Cambs County Council [equipment for youth club] £62.88
           The equipment had not yet been received. HMS to pursue.

230/00     Allotments Pump
           It had been reported that the new pump was not working properly.
           AGREED to accept Herald's quotation of £180 + VAT to dig out the
                  pump and replace at 12 feet down with new plastic pipe.

231/00     Cemetery
           A request from the family of a person buried in the cemetery to
           erect a wooden seat in his memory was received.
           AGREED that cemetery committee should discuss.

232/00     Land at Landbeach Road 
           Residents had expressed concerns about the overgrown land at
           Landbeach Road.
           AGREED that the clerk write to the owner of the land.

233/00     Youth - Bus Report
           Report from M Croxon circulated.

234/00     Play
           Quotation from Playdale received for new suspension bridge at The
           Rowans open space:
           New bridge  £706
           Repairs to existing  £339
           AGREED to accept quotation for new bridge.

235/00     River Cam Mooring Policy
           AGREED to delegate comments about the joint Cambridge City and SCDC
                  mooring policy to RTS and PM.

236/00     Multi-Modal Study Meeting
           RJF or JEC would attend a meeting on the multi-modal transport
           study being carried out.

237/00     Grass Cutting
           AGREED to send a letter of complaint about present standard of

       9   Planning
238/00     The Minutes of  the meeting of 26 April 2000 were received.

           Decisions Received
239/00     S/2051/99 Trinity College (CSP) Ltd - CCTV system including 21
(24/00)    camera columns Science Park - approved.

           New Applications
240/00     S/0083/99 College of West Anglia - teaching block and parking -
(278/99)   amendments - for information only.

241/00     S/0727/00 15 metres high lattice tower and associated development at
           Cambridge Regional College Kings Hedges Road - approve.

242/00     S/0746/00 Mr & Mrs TA Briggs 80 The Rowans - conservatory - approve.

243/00     S/0749/00  Mr & Mrs B Pearson - oa for 5 houses at Fen Farm Fen
           Refuse: The access/exit off Shirley Close would be totally
           inappropriate as the road was already heavily congested with
           traffic. In addition the residents of Shirley Close used the road
           to park their vehicles as there was not enough off road parking
           available. A new entrance would create a severe traffic hazard.

244/00     S/0750/00 Milton Parish Council - six x 6 metre high light columns
           - The Sycamores Recreation Ground - approve.

245/00     S/0798/00 Mr & Mrs Hastings 23 Old School Lane - conservatory to
           rear of existing property and repositioning of garage.
           Refuse: Repositioning of the garage would make access to the garage
           of number 25 Old School Lane difficult and would restrict parking
           for the neighbouring property.

246/00     S/0801/00 Mr & Mrs  Maclennan 39 Butt Lane - single and double
           storey extension to rear of house.
           Refuse: Concerned about the overbearing mass of the building when
           viewed from number 41 Butt Lane and loss of light to number 41.

247/00 10  Minutes Received:
           Finance  25 April 2000
           APM 26 April 2000
           Joint MCC 12 April 2000.
(155/00)   Noted that the application for a lottery grant towards the teenage
           play area was not successful.
           In response to a query from the Land Registry the clerk and the
           chairman had signed a map showing that MPC did not own a triangle
           of land adjacent to The Sycamores, to the rear of Tesco.

248/00 11  Land Purchase
(187/00)   AGREED under the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960 to
           exclude members of the public because of the confidential nature of
           the business - 9.26pm.

           The meeting re-opened at 9.35pm with 12 members + the clerk present.

249/00 12  Street Cleansing
(156/00)   AGREED to comment to SCDC that the old A10 near the industrial
           estates should be cleaned every two weeks.

250/00 13  Summer Fayre
           AGREED to allow a budget of £50 towards a joint MPC/MCC stall at
           the summer fayre. PKO to co-ordinate.

251/00 14  Review of Bus Pass Scheme
           The cost of bus passes remained at £16.00 [£5.50 concessionary].
           AGREED to continue to reimburse bus passes at £5.50 per pass.
           Bus timetables were due to change - discuss at June meeting.

252/00 15  Sheltered Housing Update - Official Opening
           The scheme manager had moved into her house. Day Centre
           accommodation excellent. N Howlett Cambridge Housing Society was
           negotiating for Housing Minister to perform opening ceremony.
           DJL would find out if the school would like to include a time
           capsule to be buried at the entrance to the building.

253/00 16  Planting of daffodil and other bulbs
           AGREED a £50 budget for bulbs to be bought during the Autumn.

254/00 17  Bills for Payment and Money Received
           CONFIRMED  payments already made - cheques 1776 - 1780.
           AGREED - to authorise payment of cheques 1781 - 1803 [PKO abstained].
                  -  to order 4 copies of Local Council Review for circulation
                     - cheque 1781  [2 abstentions].

255/00 18  Crime Update
           Crime figures had been circulated. Noted that the number of reported
           crimes had gone down.

256/00 19  County Councillor's report
           Meeting about the Donarbon application arranged for 10 May. JEC
           would raise issue of Cambridge to Ely cycle path.
           Cycle Bridge
           Successful cycle bridge meeting held that afternoon. 440 replies
           to the consultation had been received - 8 of them negative.

257/00 20  District Councillor's report
(157/00)   Polling Station
           There were two requirements for a polling station:
           - Secure premises
           - Demand
(172/00)   Blackwells Caravan Site -
           The derelict building would soon be moved.  RTS would check planning

258/00 21  Correspondence
           CALC Bulletin - inc Training Day for New Councillors. The position
           of CALC's funding, as reported by the chairman of CALC in the
           bulletin, was discussed. Council would review in 2001.
           Cambs County Council - Surface dressing proposals 2000/01

           Dates of next meetings
             Planning  22 May
             Council   5 June