Minutes of the Meeting of Milton Parish Council
       held on Monday 3 April 2000 at 7pm in the Community Centre

Present:   RLE Waters (chair)   RJ Farrington   
           JE Coston (from 157/00 - apologies late)
           R Day   M Ellwood   IF May   PK Oldham   GM Richardson   HM Smith
           RT Summerfield   LC Twinn
           The clerk SJ Daniels
           One member of the public (part)

       1   Apologies for absence  A Lakhani  DJ Lee  P Mynott

156/00 2   "Street Cleansing" Contract
           Robin Carter SCDC attended to summarise the standards of litter
           picking expected under the Street Cleansing Contract. Areas were
           graded from a weekly to a six monthly clean. Their Service
           Development Plan was due for review within the next two months.
           Council would discuss at May meeting and send in comments to
           R Carter.
           Thanks to Mr Carter for a helpful presentation.

157/00 3   Milton Detached
           A discussion document written by PKO had been circulated. He was
           concerned that MPC did nothing for Chesterton Fen residents. The
           general view was that Chesterton Fen should eventually become part
           of Cambridge City.
           AGREED to ask SCDC if Chesterton Fen residents could have a polling
                  station in their area;
                  To invite the residents for a nomination to fill the casual
                  vacancy (see next item).

158/00 4   Casual Vacancy - Co-option of new councillor
(100/00)   Confirmation that Council could co-opt had been received.
           AGREED to await response from 157/00 above.

159/00 5   Minutes
           The minutes of the meeting of 6 March 2000 and of confidential
           business were approved and signed as a true record.

       6   Clerk's Report
160/00     Draft Regional Planning Guidance for East Anglia - Secretary of
(552/98)   State's Proposed Changes  - had been received and was being
           circulated. To be discussed at May meeting.

161/00     Photocopier
(4/00)     Dudley would not renew contract on old photocopier if handed over to
           MCC. With MCC Chairman's approval the contract was remaining in
           MPC's name. MPC would continue to pay the invoices and take from
           MCC's grant.
           Action confirmed.

162/00     Crane Industrial Estate
(56/00)    Copy letter from Cecil Instruments to SCDC received.  The clerk to
           discuss estate sign with Cecil Instruments.

163/00     Free Resource
(105/00)   Confirmation in writing received from CALC that the auditor agreed
           with the clerk's interpretation of the 1976 Act.

164/00     Cemetery Path
(115/00)   A path had been laid in the "old" part of the cemetery many years
           ago and was still firm under the grass. The Church Council had
           therefore voted not to have a path laid. A revised quotation of
           £3186 + VAT for a path 80m long by 1.8m wide in the Parish Council
           part of the cemetery was received. The clerk had accepted the
           quotation, asked the Charities to provide 10% funding and applied
           to WREN for a grant.
           Action confirmed.
(99/00)    Noted that upon reflection the rector had felt the locking of the
           gates to be unnecessary.

165/00     CALC
           Cambridgeshire Association of Local Councils information leaflets

166/00     Conflict of Interest
           AGREED to include a shortened version of an article from Local
                  Council Review in Members' Handbook.

167/00 6   Play
           The minutes of the meeting of 15 March were received and noted.

       7   Planning
168/00     Minutes
           The minutes of the meeting of 20 March were received.

           Matters Arising
169/00     Napp Pharmaceutical Ltd - external air handling units + underground
(541/99)   water tank and 2 flue stacks. Planning Officer had no objections to
           proposed amendments.

170/00     Car Park at Rectory
(109/00)   Noted that the planning officer was recommending approval subject
           to certain amendments.
171/00     Bridehall Developments Plc  - 5 scientific research buildings
(111/00)   (class B1) phase IV Science Park. Planning Officer had no
           objections to proposed amendments.
172/00     Blackwell's Caravan Site - Planning Officer could see nothing amiss
(113/00)   at this site. RTS was awaiting a reply from A Beavan, Travellers'
           Liaison Officer.
173/00     Waterbeach Development - It was considered unnecessary to form a
(130/00)   group of local representatives at this stage to discuss the
           interests of the A10.
174/00     Tree Surgery - Pi Group - Comments sent to Trees Officer: "We wonder
(141/00)   if willow (1) will be unbalanced by this work. We are happy to
           abide by the Trees Officer's decision."

           Decisions Received
175/00     a) FG Seal The Black House Chesterton - bungalow and garage -
(69/00)       approved.
           b) FG Seal The Black House Chesterton - bungalow and garage on land
              adjacent The Black House - approved.
           Conditions: siting, design and appearance of buildings, means of
           access and landscaping; plan to show existing trees to be protected
           to be approved; details of ground floor level and treatment of site
           boundaries to be approved; no development to be beyond the 
           forward-most part of the bungalow closest to the river; Black House
           to be demolished within 28 days of completion of development
           (application a).
176/00     Mr & Mrs Cortis 9 Butcher Close - extension - approved.  Permanent
(89/00)    space to be reserved on site for the parking of 3 cars.

           New Applications
177/00     S/0515/00 Trinity College - extension to car park - unit 23 Science
           Park - refuse.
           Concerned that this was another example of the original concept of
           the Science park being eroded by the encroachment of tarmac in
           green areas.
           The clerk would ask the Planning Director's view of the development
           of the Science Park.
178/00     S/0520/00 T Tyrrell 162 The Rowans - extension - no recommendation.
179/00     S/0559/00 Mr & Mrs P Grieve 22 Sutton Close - conservatory - approve.

       8   Highways
180/00     Minutes
           The minutes of the meeting of 20 March were received and noted.

           Matters Arising
181/00     Bus Shelter
(145/00)   RJF had met with the resident who was happy with the proposed bus
           shelter. The clerk to order. If the existing bus shelter could be
           re-located the clerk would apply to the Charities for a donation.
           JEC would discuss re-location with J Richards.

182/00     A10/Butt Lane Junction
(146/00)   Copy letter from Impington Parish Council and letter  from J Paice
           received and noted.

       9   Youth
183/00     Minutes
           The minutes of the meeting of 27 March were received and noted.

           Matters Arising
184/00     Bus Project
(152/00)   AGREED to accept recommendation to pay Bus Project £500

185/00     Building
(154/00)   Copy of letter sent to neighbouring residents circulated and noted.

186/00     Lighting
(155/00)   AGREED  to use the residue of the courts money (approximately
           £6000) for lighting at The Sycamores Recreation Ground.

187/00 9   Land Purchase
(122/00)   AGREED under the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960 to
           exclude members of the public because of the confidential nature of
           the business.

           The meeting re-opened at 9.30pm with 11 members + the clerk present.

188/00 10  Review of the Bus Pass Scheme
           Deferred until May meeting.

189/00 11  MCC
           i)  Update - nothing to report.
           ii) Joint Meeting 12 April - agreed to include litter on the agenda.

190/00 12  Annual Parish Meeting
           Wednesday 26 April - format as in 1999; councillors to introduce
           themselves at the beginning of the meeting

191/00 13  Sheltered Housing Update
(143/00)   Social Services had agreed to pay the rent of £827 for the first
           year for the Day Centre in Barnabas Court. S Ward was negotiating
           the provision of the footpath. It was confirmed that Council would
           not pay anything towards the path as agreed with Parrott at the
           start of the development.

192/00 14  Bills for Payment and Money Received
           Confirmed payment of cheques 1751 and 1752
           AGREED to authorise payment of cheques 1753 to 1774 excluding 1755
           (Cambridge Courts - site visit necessary). RLEW abstained from
           Confirmation of equipment for youth club to be sought before
           authorising payment of cheque 1775.

           The clerk would find out if there were any outstanding legal fees.

193/00 15  Litter Collection Session
           To be discussed at Joint Meeting (see above)

194/00 16  Crime Update
           Police Consultation Group meeting on Wednesday 5 April.
           Crime figures showed a big increase. The recent Neighbourhood Watch
           meeting was reasonably well attended.  There were 21 Neighbourhood
           Watch schemes in the village of which 10 were active.

195/00 17  County Councillor's Report
           Cycle bridge consultation meeting set for Tuesday 4 April.

       18  District Councillor's Report
           Nothing further to report.

196/00 19  Correspondence
            South Cambs Primary Care Group - Bulletin
            J Reynolds Police Authority - Budget 2000/01
            Mouchel Consulting Ltd  - Chumms Issue 1 
              (Cambridge to Huntingdon Multi Modal Study)

       20  Dates of next meetings:
            Joint MCC  12 April 7.30pm
            Finance    April (date to be arranged)
            APM        Wednesday 26 April  8pm
                       (Planning at 7.15pm if necessary)
            Council    8 May (Annual Parish Council Meeting)