Minutes of the Meeting of Milton Parish Council
       held on Monday 6 March 2000 at 7pm in the Community Centre

Present:   RJ Farrington (chair)   JE Coston   R Day   M Ellwood   A Lakhani
           DJ Lee [from 119/00]   IF May   PK Oldham   P Mynott   GM Richardson
           HM Smith   RT Summerfield   LC Twinn
           The clerk SJ Daniels
           Two members of the public (part)

       1   Apologies for absence RLE Waters   DJ Lee [for lateness]

100/00 2   Resignation of JM Palmer - Casual Vacancy
           A letter of resignation was received from JM Palmer. The vacancy
           had been advertised. If no request for an election was received by
           8 March Councilcould then co-opt.

101/00 3   Minutes
           Minute 70/00 was amended to read  "in principle subject to a
           business plan." The minutes of 7 February were then approved and
           signed as a true record.

       4   Clerk's Report (inc matters arising)
102/00     MCC Lease
(467/98)   The solicitor had been in regular correspondence recently about the
           completion of the lease - in response to questions raised by the
           Land Registry. The clerk had queried whether fees would be charged
           for this extra work. The Land Registry required £160 to complete
           the land registration. AGREED to pay (cheque 1750).

103/00 A10 Butt Lane Junction
(12/00)    Copy letters from Highways Agency [and Impington Parish Council]
           received. Council's comments requested. Highways Committee to
           JEC was arranging a meeting with the Highways Agency to discuss
           the A10.

104/00     Cycle Scheme
(52/00)    RTS reported that three objections had been received, one of which
           was from Stagecoach. J Richards was due to discuss with Stagecoach.
           The decision whether to proceed would now be taken at the Area
           Joint Committee Meeting of 31 May.

105/00     Free Resource
(71/00)    The auditor confirmed by telephone (09/02/00) his agreement that
           youth workers could be paid under Section 19 Local Government
           (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1976.

       5   Planning
106/00     Minutes
           The minutes of the meeting of 21 February 2000 were received and

           Matters Arising
107/00     S/1359/96 Pi Research - New Access - amended alignment of hedge
(357/99)   approved by SCDC.

108/00     City Council - applications for major retail development in
(358/99)   central Cambridge - amendments.

109/00     S/0240/00 Car Park at Rectory - noted that the conservation officer,
(91/00)    planning officer and a church representative had met and discussed
           MPC's comments.
           As a result a revised application would be submitted.

           Decisions Received  - none

           New Applications
110/00     S/0948/97 Symbionics Ltd - Erection of Class B1(B) buildings for
(391/97)   research and parking r/o Jeffrey's Building St John's Innovation
           Park - amendments - for information only.

111/00     S/2166/89 Bridehall Developments Plc - Scientific Research
(352/98)   Buildings (class B1) phase 4 Science Park (min 391/89 also refers)
           - amendments. No recommendations.

112/00     S/0085/99 The College of West Anglia - erection of agricultural and
(341/99)   agricultural machinery buildings, parking and tractor driving
           practice area off Ely Road - minor amendments - for information

           Other planning business
113/00     Blackwell's Caravan Site - new buildings at this site were queried.
           The clerk and RTS would follow up.

114/00 6   Youth Provision
           The minutes of the Youth Committee meeting of 14 February 2000 and
           of the Youth Building Steering Group of 28 February 2000 were
(94/00)    The clerk would soon submit a planning application.

115/00 7   Cemetery
           The minutes of the Cemetery Committee of 1 March 2000 were received.
           Having reflected on the minutes PKO could not see the need for a 3
           metre wide path, that was essentially a pedestrian access. He had
           also measured the width between graves in the "old" part of the
           cemetery and felt that it would be difficult to fit in a 3 metre
           wide path.
           It was AGREED to amend the decision made in minute 447/99 and ask
           Cambridge Paviors to quote for 1.8 metre wide path.
           AGREED also not to ask for a complete  exclusion of cars as
           vehicular access may be needed by the disabled. This motion was
           carried by 9 votes in favour with 3 abstentions.
           The clerk would submit this to the Church Council. Delegated powers
           were given to the clerk and PKO to take appropriate action following
           the Church Council meeting of 7 March.

116/00 8   MCC Update
           After the recent break-in an alarm system was being installed in the

117/00 9   Sheltered Housing Update
           CHS had organised a guided tour for the prospective residents.
           AGREED that the chairmen of SCDC, CHS and MPC be invited to perform
           the opening ceremony and that the oldest resident be involved also.

118/00 10  Abolition of Parish Councils
           A letter was received from J Paice MP asking for comments about the
           possible abolition of Parish Councils.  It was AGREED that as this
           was a political matter to thank him for his letter and reply that
           "the contents are noted".

119/00 11  Bills for Payment and Money Received
           Payment of cheque 1736 was confirmed.
           Cheque 1729 PK Oldham - trees.  PKO thanked RD and RLEW for helping
           plant 150 whips on bund.
           Cheque 1742 Herald Contract Services for hedge work on The Rowans
           requested by clerk.  Concern was raised as to whether this should
           this be part of "General Maintenance".
           Cheque 1750 already agreed [min 101/00].
           AGREED to authorise payment of cheques 1726 to 1749 excluding 1736
           PKO abstained

120/00 12  Millennium Report
           A millennium ball was being organised by the Milton School
           Association. Costs of hiring a marquee had escalated and a request
           for funding from the millennium fund was put to Council. The ball
           was unlikely to proceed without funding.
           Concerns were expressed about spending public money on an event
           that was making a profit for another organisation.
           The motion was proposed and seconded that Council should give every
           encouragement to the MSA Committee to organise a ball for 250 people
           [which would make a profit together with bar takings] and would
           undertake to underwrite any loss made.
           An amendment (1) was proposed and seconded to donate £1000 to the
           An amendment (2) was proposed and seconded to make no decision at
           this time [in order to give Council time to consider].

           Amendment 2 was lost  - 2 votes in favour, 8 against and 1
           Amendment 1 was lost - 5 votes in favour, 6 against and 1
           The substantive motion that "Council should give every encouragement
           to the MSA Committee to organise a ball for 250 people and would
           undertake to underwrite any loss made"
           was then AGREED - 10 votes in favour, 2 abstentions.

           It was AGREED to underwrite the loss up to a limit of £3000 -
           4 votes in favour, 9 abstentions.

           Council hoped that the event would proceed and that the MSA were
           able to make some money for school equipment.

121/00 13  Crime Update
           Crime figures had been circulated.

122/00 14  County Councillor's Report
(59/00)    Land Purchase
           AGREED under the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960 to
           exclude members of the public because of the confidential nature of
           the business.
           Public meeting closed at 9.15pm and reopened at 9.16pm.

           Double yellow lines were being proposed at the Regional College.

(86/00)    Decision on the application by Donarbon had been deferred until

           Cycle bridge meeting set for 7 March. It was expected that
           consultation documents would be ready for the beginning of April.

123/00 15  District Councillor's Report
           Nothing further to report.

124/00 16  Correspondence
           CALC - Bulletins inc "Training Morning"
           MAGPAS - request for donation. AGREED not to make a donation.
           Cambs County Council
               - budget 2000/01
               - Local Councils Liaison Committee - Minutes

17         Dates of next meetings:
            Planning 20 March
            Council 3 April

           AGREED to put on agenda for May proposal to start meetings at 7.30pm.

 The meeting ended at 9.20pm.