Minutes of the Meeting of Milton Parish Council
       held on Monday 7 February 2000 at 7pm in the Community Centre

Present:   RLE Waters (chair)   RJ Farrington   JE Coston (from 77/00)
           R Day   M Ellwood   DJ Lee   IF May   PK Oldham   GM Richardson
           HM Smith   RT Summerfield   LC Twinn
           The clerk SJ Daniels
           One member of the public

       1   Apologies for absence  A Lakhani   PT Mynott   JM Palmer

51/00  2   Minutes
           The Minutes of the meeting and of the confidential business of
           10 January 2000 were approved and signed as a true record.

       3   Clerk's Report  (inc matters arising)
52/00      Cycle Scheme
(456/99)   Notice of scheme had been recently published.  Letter of support to
           be sent.

53/00      South Cambs Local Plan Inquiry
(576/99)   Public Inquiry set to start on 13 June.  Pre-Inquiry meeting set
           for 29 March.

54/00      Halingway
(581/99)   Noted that the County Council Rights of Way Officer was pursuing
           this. Letter from Clerks to the Conservators received.  
           "Conservators are not responsible for maintenance of tarmac
            surface nor to maintain halingway at any level higher than that
            of a footpath. Nonetheless they have authorised their engineer
            to arrange for some of the worst potholes to be filled with road
            planings as and when they have the opportunity
            Boat owners would not like them to take on further
            responsibilities and thus increase their registration fees even

55/00      Bus Shelter
(601/99)   Quotations from three companies had been received.
           AGREED to purchase "Arun" 3 bay with toughened glass at £2640.
           RJF would consult with parishioner who originally complained about
           the shelter.
           Milton Charities had decided to await hearing from Council further.
           Any decision made would bear in mind that the Charities donated
           generously to the original shelter.
           The clerk would pursue with J Richards the possibility of
           incorporating existing shelter in Cambridge Road, as part of the
           cycle scheme.

56/00      Crane Industrial Estate
(5/00)     AGREED to inform the businesses of Council's decision and to let
           them have results of the survey.

57/00      Waterbeach Development
(6/00)     Noted that Mr Martin would attend March planning meeting.

58/00      Impact
(8/00)     Noted that the accounts were currently being audited.  When this was
           completed MPC would receive up to date copy of the audited accounts.
           At that point a meeting would be called to consider the future of
           the Charity.

59/00      Land Purchase
(13/00)    As the clerk had heard nothing officially from S Conrad JEC would
           pursue the matter.

60/00      A10 - Clearway Orders
           The Highways Agency intended revising the existing 24 hour main
           carriageway clearway orders for the A10 (and A428 & A11).
           Purpose: to prevent vehicles waiting on verge or lay-by for the
           purposes of selling unless the street has been designated a 
           "consent" street by SCDC, thus allowing SCDC more opportunity to
           control the level of trading.

61/00      Clerk's Survey
           As part of his Local Policy Course the clerk had conducted a survey
           on "management and communication". The results of the survey had
           been circulated.

       4   Planning
62/00      Appeal
(207/99)   Mr A Webb Camside Farm Chesterton Fen Road – siting of two mobile
           homes and change of use of land from agriculture and paddock with
           stables to mixed use of agriculture and paddock and general dealer's
           yard. Appeal: dismissed and enforcement notice upheld with
           corrections and variations.
           (Noted that certain aspects of the appeal were allowed).

63/00      Appeal
(593/99)   College of West Anglia - residential development - dismissed.  This
           proposal would introduce an intrusive urban development on the
           eastern side of Landbeach Road and into views of the village from
           the north. This development would significantly harm the character
           and appearance of the area. The proposal was not consistent with
           South Cambs Local Plan Policies which allow exceptions to
           development in the countryside in respect of affordable housing to
           meet identified local needs.

64/00      Footpath Recreation Ground
(594/99)   Noted that the planning officers had been given delegated powers to
           approve subject to receipt of satisfactory revised plan. Noted that
           the plan had been sent.
           According to Mr Walker SCDC the land at the end of Recreation Close
           was the responsibility of the Highways Authority (County Council).
           The clerk would contact the County Council.

65/00      CASPA - Skate Park
(23/00)    This application had been approved.  Council's concerns about
           traffic, opening hours and restriction of use had been taken into

66/00      R & L Cave  Cave Industrial Estate Chesterton Fen Road - warehouse
(502/99)   unit and office - approved.

67/00      S/1820/99 EG & G  Wallac LSR Unit 204 Science Park - car park
(22/00)    extension - approved.

           New Applications
68/00      S/0084/00 Milton Community Centre Coles Road Recreation Ground - 6
           metre high space net climber with single mast - approve.

69/00      S/0163/00/O FG Seal - land adjacent The Black House Chesterton Fen
           Road - bungalow and garage (renewal of time limited permission
           S/0072/97/O) - approve.

69/00      S/0164/00/O FG Seal - The Black House Chesterton Fen Road - bungalow
           and garage (renewal of time limited permission S/0073/97/O) - 

70/00  5   Youth Provision
           The minutes of the Youth Committee meeting of 17 January 2000 were
           Drop-in Proposals  (circulated with agenda)
           DJL reported that the three year development plan dated 1998 was on
           course, although there had been problems with the bus. It was the
           intention of the youth committee to move forward as fast as

           A portakabin sited next to the sports pavilion at The Sycamores
           Recreation Ground was proposed as a drop-in centre.  This building
           would be available for youth club, weekend activities and as a
           meeting place for the youngsters throughout the week.

           Elements of a drop-in that would need to be addressed:
           - Running costs
           - Funding options (eg SCDC, lottery) 
           - MCC's support for its siting on The Sycamores Recreation Ground
           - Management issues.

           The initial proposal was for a temporary building.  If the drop-in
           proved to be successful then in the long term a permanent extension
           could possible be built on to the pavilion.

           AGREED to support the drop-in proposals in principle subject to a
                  business plan from the youth committee.

71/00   6  Finance
           The minutes of the Finance Committee meeting of 31 January 2000 were
           AGREED to accept recommendations regarding:
(44/00)    i)   Insurance - play equipment, metal seats and silver cup to be
                removed from policy. (Noted that the play equipment and seats
                were covered against theft under "all risks" but could not be
                covered against theft only).
(44/00)    ii)  Sick Pay - for mobile warden and litter picker as detailed in
                minute 44/00.
(47/00)    iii) Use of sheltered housing money. There were 9 votes in favour
                with 2 abstentions. Use of some of this money for a community
                bus was discussed. More research and a business plan needed.

(48/00)    Free Resource
           There were two ways of overcoming the problem of exceeding the
           S 137 limit:
           1. Using the powers conferred in the Local Government
              (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1976 Section 19 (3) Council
              could grant aid MCC who would then pay the workers.

           2. Using powers under Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions)
              Act Section 19 (1)  "A local authority may provide ...
              d) premises for the use of clubs or societies having athletic,
                 social or recreational objects;
              e) staff, including instructors, in connection with any such
                 facilities or premises as are mentioned in the preceding
                 paragraphs and in connection with any other recreational
                 facilities provided by the authority;"

           CALC agreed with the interpretation above.  The clerk was awaiting
           confirmation, in writing, from the auditor that Council could pay
           the youth workers under Section 19 (3) (e).

           Linton's drop-in building was given by Ciba Geigy and a £90,000
           lottery grant was received.  A separate committee Linton Action for
           Youth, a Charity, managed the centre and Community Education paid
           the bills.  Linton PC had made two payments in successive years
           under S 137 both payments being well within their limit.

(49/00)    Cemetery Path (see also min 583/99)
           Noted that a cemetery path was the type of project that would
           qualify for a grant from WREN. Application forms had been received.

(50/00)    AGREED to ask SCDC for a Precept of £65,000 for 2000/01 as
           recommended by Finance Committee. [Noted that this included £6,000
           running costs towards the bus for one term and the drop-in centre
           from September].

72/00   7  Appointment of Archaeological Warden
           AGREED to accept WD Booth's offer of being Milton's Archaeological
           Warden. Council looked forward to receiving his reports.

73/00   8  Dog Fouling - Milton Parish Council Policy
           In view of the amount of dog faeces on the recreation grounds and
           certain play areas it was AGREED that the following should become
           Council policy:
           Milton Parish Council will prosecute dog owners if they are found
           to be offending against the Dog Fouling Bye-laws.
           Notices would be delivered to every household in the village. RJF
           offered on behalf of the scouts to deliver the leaflets.
           It was suggested that notices also be displayed on gates to
           Country Park.

74/00   9  MCC Update
           MCC Committee meeting was set for 9 February.  The budget for
           2000/01 had not yet been set.  The roller hockey court was in the
           process of being laid.
           The Community Centre was extremely busy.

75/00  10  Sheltered Housing Update
           The Steering Group had met with the Housing Society. All prospective
           residents should now have received their charges. It would cost the
           day centre £19.70 per session to use the facilities. The day
           centre had applied for grant aid from Social Services.
           Interviews for the scheme manager would take place soon.
           Hand over was set for 17 April and the first residents would move
           in at the beginning of May.
           Ideas for an opening ceremony were being sought - to be discussed
           at March meeting.

76/00  11  Bills for Payment and Money Received
           RLEW and the clerk had met with Mr Newitt and recommended that
           payment of £60 + VAT (final part of contract) and £76.50
           + VAT for extra cuts (invoice 7215) be made - cheque 1723.
           CONFIRMED payment of cheques 1706 to 1709.
           AGREED to authorise payment of cheques 1710 to 1725.

77/00  12  Crime Update inc Police Authority Budget
           Crime figures for January were circulated.
           The Police Authority budget was discussed.  RLEW declared an
           AGREED with one abstention to comment that Council would like to
           see more uniformed officers in the community; and that there was
           insufficient information to make a considered decision about the
           three options put forward by the Police Authority.

78/00  13  County Councillor's Report
           Consultation about the cycle/foot bridge was due to take place in
           All being well work would start on the bridge in the Spring 2001.

79/00  14  District Councillor's Report
           Nothing to report.

80/00  15  Correspondence
           South Cambs Primary Care Group - bulletins
           Cambridge City Primary Care Group - bulletin
           Warm Homes Bill - update

       16  Dates of next meetings:-
           Planning 21 February
           Council 6 March

The meeting ended at 8.55pm.