Minutes of the Meeting of Milton Parish Council
       held on Monday 10 January 2000 at 7pm in the Community Centre

Present:   RLE Waters (chair)   JE Coston   R Day   M Ellwood   A Lakhani
           IF May   PT Mynott   PK Oldham   GM Richardson   HM Smith
           RT Summerfield   LC Twinn   The clerk SJ Daniels
           Three member of the public (part)

       1   Apologies for absence  RJ Farrington  DJ Lee

1/00   2   Minutes
           The Minutes of the meeting of 6th December 1999 and the Minutes of
           confidential business 1st November and 6th December 1999 were
           approved and signed as a true record.

2/00   3   Casual Vacancy
(578/99)   Philip Mynott was unanimously co-opted to fill the casual vacancy.
           He signed the declaration of acceptance of office.

       4   Clerk's Report  (inc matters arising)
3/00       Open Space The Rowans/Cambridge Road
(241/99)   Noted that the clerk had written again to Beazer to find out if
           they were willing to let MPC have the piece of green space near
           Edmund House.

4/00       Photocopier
(396/99)   AGREED to give the old photocopier to MCC with the proviso that
           clubs and representatives be allowed to use the machine as at
           present. Administration to be taken over by MCC.

5/00       Crane Industrial Estate
(432/99)   Noted that only 3 properties were numbered (133 - 137).
           AGREED that the road sign should read Cambridge Road 133 upwards
           and that the remaining units be given numbers.

6/00       Waterbeach Development
(438/99)   AGREED to invite Mr Martin to March planning meeting.

7/00       Street Cleaning
(561/99)   SCDC had agreed to clean the old A10 (near the industrial estate)
           monthly. The skip had been tidied up. The cycleway near North Lodge
           had also been included as a "leaf hot spot".

8/00       Impact
(579/99)   A letter was due to be sent to Impact.

9/00       Disposal of bins
(580/99)   £50 cheque received from Guilden Morden.  Histon had taken
           remaining bins.

10/00      Play Areas
(582/99)   Play equipment had been repaired.  Wicksteed could guarantee
           repairs within 4 weeks if the equipment is their own.  Otherwise
           they are in the hands of their competitors.

11/00      Community Care
(585/99)   IFM pointed out that the Community Care Working Group had agreed in
           principle to sick pay.
           AGREED that Finance Committee discuss financial implications.

12/00      Butt Lane/A10 Junction
(589/99)   Replies from Highways Agency and James Paice received and 
           circulated. The Highways Agency was confident that the measures
           taken would improve safety at this junction. The construction of 
           a roundabout could take several years.
           AGREED to ask J Paice to pursue.

13/00      Land Purchase
(592/99)   AGREED under the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960 to
           exclude members of the public because of the confidential nature of
           the business.

           The meeting re-opened at 7.38pm with 12 members and the clerk

14/00      Verge - Industrial Estate
(601/99)   Noted that Ed Thornton had agreed to mound verge in next financial

15/00      Minor Highway Improvement Schemes
(615/99)   Confirmation  received from County Council that funds had not been
           allocated to Milton from the jointly funded minor highway
           improvement scheme at a cost of £18,000. Reason: Raised table and
           road narrowing proposed just south of North Lodge as part of
           proposed Milton to A14 cycleway.

16/00      Milton Village Fayre
           Meeting 17 January 7.30pm to discuss Family Disco and Village
           Fayre 8th-9th July. Anyone interested to attend.

       5   Planning
17/00      Appeal - Mrs L Gaskin
(445/99)   Private caravan site for 3 caravans at Lomas Farm Chesterton Fen
           Road - dismissed. Contrary to policies for the Green Belt, for the
           Areas of Best Landscape and for Chesterton Fen.

           Decisions Received
18/00      Bride Hall Development Ltd  St John's Innovation Park - car parking
(544/98)   in association with proposed research development/office building -
           approved. Landscaping details to be approved.
           Noted that one of the conditions obliged Bride Hall to pay £85,000 
           towards the foot/cycle bridge.

19/00      S/2140/98 Trinity College - Science Park - Social, recreational and
(544/99)   conference centre and change of existing conference centre to
           fitness club - adjustments to elevations to allow screened roof
           plant - approved.

20/00      JF Lindsay  reserved matters for siting, design and external
(547/99)   appearance, means of access at land adjacent 17 High Street -
           approved. The building to be constructed of Ibstock Leicester
           Multi Crème Stock Brick.  Details of materials for roof to be
           approved by Local Planning Authority.

21/00      A Kinghan 2 Peter Goodin Close - extensions - approved.

           New Applications
22/00      S/1820/99 EG & G Wallac LSR Unit 204 Science Park - car park
(549/99)   extension. Noted that Planning Officers were recommending approval.

23/00      S/1755/99 CASPA Long Acre Farm Chesterton Fen - alterations and
(546/99)   change of use of agricultural building to form skate park together
           with cafe/recreation area. Amendments - reduction in glazing areas,
           extra parking, retention of hedge.
           Refuse - Comments as follows:
           "Road from the city to the site unsuitable for buses.
           Lack of Parking - many 17 year olds have cars. [Compare Cambridge
           Regional College]. The "drop off and pick up ethos" is in danger of
           being unrealistic and therefore will result in more two-way traffic
           along a narrow road, thus causing difficulties and possible dangers.
           Hours - should the application be granted then a condition
           establishing the hours of opening should be imposed.
           Green Belt - we now understand that a skate park is acceptable in
           the Green Belt.
           Other Uses - should the application be granted then a condition
           restricting the use to a skate park should be imposed."

24/00      S/2051/99 Trinity College (CSP) Ltd - CCTV system including 21
           camera columns Science Park. No recommendations.

25/00  6   Report of the youth committee
           A report from the youth committee was received. Noted that meetings
           had been held with E Holmes, Impington Village College and
           representatives of Cambridge Association of Youth Clubs. Extra
           sessions of the youth club were being held - MPC to pay. Youth
           committee set to meet 17th January.

26/00  7   3rd Party Funding for teenage area
           AGREED to fund up to £1000 to support grant application to WREN
           for up to £10,000.

27/00  8   Millennium Report
           The chairman thanked JEC and her committee for the fireworks
           display held on 31st December.
           JEC reported an attendance of up to 1000 and thanked all the
           AGREED to 
           i.   make a donation of £20 to Milton School in recognition of
                equipment provided (cheque 1704);
           ii.  replace sledgehammer that went missing on the night
                (approx £20);
           iii. pay out of pocket expenses to JEC - cheque 1700.

           Further projects, for example a book of photographs for every day
           of 2000, were planned for which "millennium money" would be needed.

28/00  9   MCC Update
           Nothing to report.

29/00 10   Sheltered Housing Update
           PTM and LCT declared an interest. Noted that prospective residents
           had received information about fixtures and fittings. Meeting not
           yet arranged.

30/00 11   Bills for Payment and Money Received
           CONFIRMED payment of cheques 1688, 1689 current account and
           cheque 55 current account no '2'.
           AGREED to
           i)  authorise payment of cheques 1690 to 1703 (JEC abstained);
           ii) pay £117.50 to Herald Contract Services for felling poplar
               and lowering crowns on two sycamores (two abstentions)
               (cheque 1705).

31/00 12   Crime Update
           There were 5 more crimes in 1999 than in 1998.

32/00 13   County Councillor's Report
           Horse riders - a group had been formed at Waterbeach to look into
           the needs of horse riders.
           Railway station - noted that a member of the public had suggested
           a railway station in Milton.  The initial response, though
           favourable, indicated that parking could be a problem as at

33/00 14   District Councillor's Report
           RTS had received a complaint about the lack of refuse collection
           for two weeks over the Christmas period. Members did not find it
           a problem.

34/00 15   Correspondence
           CALC bulletin and questionnaire (filled in by clerk, PKO and RLEW)
           SCDC - road and footway lighting
           Cambs County Council - budget 2000/01
           Cambs County Council - Winter maintenance and snow clearing leaflet
           Ramblers' Association  - Guide to public paths.

      16   Dates of next meetings:-
              Youth     17th January
              Planning  24th January
              Finance   31st January
              Council   7th February

The meeting ended at 8.50pm.