Minutes of the Meeting of Milton Parish Council
       held on Monday 6 December 1999 at 7pm in the Community Centre

Present:   RLE Waters (chair)   JE Coston   R Day   M Ellwood   IF May
           PK Oldham   GM Richardson   HM Smith (from min 580/99)
           RT Summerfield   LC Twinn
           The clerk SJ Daniels
           A member of the public (part)

       1   Apologies for absence  RJ Farrington   A Lakhani   DJ Lee 
           HM Smith (for lateness)

575/99 2   Minutes
           The minutes of the meeting of 1 November 1999 were approved and
           signed as a true record.

       3   Clerk's report (inc matters arising)
576/99     South Cambs Local Plan: Deposit 1999
(106/99)   A Schedule of Proposed Changes had been published and MPC's
           comments accepted.

577/99     Audit
(476/99)   Certificate for 1998/99 was received.

578/99     Casual Vacancy
           Council could co-opt. One candidate had offered himself for the
           position. The vacancy was being advertised in the Village View.

579/99     Impact
(493/99)   No reply received. RLEW would draft a letter.

580/99     Disposal of bins
(434/99)   Cheque from Guilden Morden Parish Council not yet received.
           Histon & Impington had not yet collected bins.

581/99     Halingway
(435/99)   Our comments are to be put before the Cam Conservators early in the
           new year. The Conservators, however, having limited funds, could
           see no reason why they should be responsible for maintenance of the
           tarmac stretch. They suggested that MPC might wish to pay for
           improvements, as their responsibility was to maintain to the
           standard of a footpath. The Hospice supported MPC' request by
           RLEW would explore through the Parish Paths Partnership and
                possibly through WREN.

582/99     Play Areas
(437/99)   No written reply from Wicksteed had been received. The clerk had
           also written complaining about time taken to do repairs on The
           Sycamores Rec Ground (on behalf of ORG). Wicksteed promised by
           phone to effect repairs immediately (19 November).

583/99     Cemetery Path/Drive
(447/99)   Contractors were informed that Council wanted work to start in late
           March/April. No reply received to date.

584/99     Odour
(500/99)   AWA had identified a trade effluent at Cottenham "which may give
           rise" to odour problems. This trade effluent had been controlled
           since beginning of November. In addition chemical dosing at
           Cottenham was being increased to reduce generation of odours at
           Cambridge sewage works.

585/99     Community Care
(516/99)   Final Job Description circulated. As Cornhill did not have a
           "sickness" policy, GMG Financial services had supplied Council
           with two options.
           Noted that the warden was more worried about short-term sickness
           than long term.
           AGREED that Community Care Working Group discuss and advise Finance
                  Committee before 31 January 2000.

586/99     Christmas Lights
(523/99)   Confirmed that in 1998 D Collins was paid £35 for erecting lights.
           AGREED therefore to pay the same in 1999.

587/99     Police Resources
(537/99)   Replies received from MP and Home Office. Noted that it was the
           responsibility of the Chief Constable and Police Authority to spend
           the resources and they had the power to raise further revenue
           through the Council Tax.

588/99     Cycle Scheme
(552/99)   The request to incorporate a bus shelter into the cycle scheme was
           being looked at. CCC's response should be received within a month.

589/99     A10/A14 Interchange
(555/99)   Highways Agency in response to the public meeting "has concluded
           that safety ...would not be improved by extending operation" of
           the traffic signals.
           A study would assess the junction layout, traffic flow and accident
           data to identify other possible improvements. Recommendations of
           the study when completed would be sent to MPC.
           Butt Lane Junction
           Copy letter sent by Impington Parish Council received.

           AGREED to send another letter to Highways Agency with following
                  - Lack of consultation
                  - Results of consultants' study not received
                  - Their proposals were completely inadequate
                  - Provision of a roundabout was correct course of action.
                  Copies to J Paice MP and J Edwards, County Council.

590/99     Section 137/Rate Precept
           AGREED to include an article explaining Section 137 LGA 1972 and
                  rate precept in Parish Councillor's Handbook.

591/99     Meeting Dates 2000
           Dates for meetings in 2000 had been circulated. It was noted that
           dates of meetings agreed by Council/committee should not be
           arbitrarily changed.

592/99 4   Land Purchase
           Owing to the confidential nature of the business of this item
           it was AGREED using the powers of the Public Bodies (admissions
           to Meetings) Act 1960 to exclude members of the public.

The meeting re-opened at 7.55pm with 9 members + the clerk present.

593/99 5   Planning

           The minutes of the Planning Meeting of 22 November 1999 were

(278/99)   Appeal - College of West Anglia - S/0084/99 Landbeach Road -
           residential development.
           AGREED to make following comments: -
           Contrary to Policy H5 of South Cambs Plan (1993) and Policy SE13
           of the Deposit Plan (1999) - the site is outside the village
           framework of the built-up area of the village.
           Concerned about the potential hazards caused by the position of
           the access to the proposed residential development on the bend in
           Landbeach Road and in close proximity to the bus stop.
           Should the appeal be granted then Section 5.8 page 15 of the
           Strategic Development Plan concerning the proposal for a Section
           106 Agreement to prevent further residential development should
           be taken up.

594/99     Footpath Coles Road Recreation Ground
(508/99)   In response to SCDC Housing and Community Services Director it was
           AGREED to confirm that MPC would build the path close to the
           boundary with Recreation Close and would be happy for SCDC to
           contribute towards that part of the path on their land.

595/99     Application S/1775/99 2 Peter Goodin Close - the following comments
(548/99)   were sent to SCDC: Concerned about over development of the site and
           close proximity to neighbouring properties. Support neighbour's 

           Decisions Received
596/99     Napp Pharmaceutical Holdings Ltd - two fume stacks to replace
(510/99)   three low level chiller and access ladder - approved.
597/99     Napp Pharmaceutical Holdings Ltd Unit 191 Science Park  -
(511/99)   portable building for contract carpenters - approved.
598/99     Napp Pharmaceutical Holdings Ltd Unit 191 Science Park  -
(512/99)   portable building forcontract cleaners - approved.
599/99     Mr & Mrs Coston 67 Coles Road - porch - approved. External
(514/99)   materials to be identical to those used for existing building.
600/99     A Johannson 62 Butt Lane - extension - approved.

       6   Minutes:
601/99     The minutes of the Highways meeting of 22 November 1999 were
           received. Purchase of bus shelter - min 552/99 - deferred.
           RLEW and RJF were due to meet Ed Thornton on 9 December to discuss
           verge near industrial estate.
(557/99)   AGREED by all to accept SCDC's quotation of £45 + VAT for clearing
           up the skip at the entrance of the field near Tesco; also to ask
           SCDC to clean up the rubbish regularly from the old A10.

602/99     The minutes of the Maintenance meeting of 29 November 1999 were

603/99     The minutes of the Play meeting of 29 November 1999 were received.
           AGREED by all to accept recommendation in minute 569/99 to buy two 
           replacement maypole seats and chains at a cost of £321.

604/99 7   Budget request from Play Committee
(573/99)   A design for a proposed area for young teenagers as proposed by MCC
           Recreation Group (ORG) and quotation were received.  ORG intended
           applying for grants and requested support of up to £20,000 from MPC.
           AGREED that formal request be made to Finance Committee at its
                  budget setting meeting.
           Noted that the Youth Committee intended discussing the project also.
           The Youth Committee was given authority to proceed with employing
           extra youth workers as there was money in the "youth" budget.

605/99 8   Millennium Working Party
           A report of the recent meeting was received. Noted that the Working
           Party had done everything necessary to comply with insurance
           requirements for the fireworks event. Approximately £1700 had been
           spent so far. As it was necessary to have a qualified first aider
           at the event £50 had been spent to send a steward on a first aid
           course using power under Local Government Act 1972 section 145.
           Council's thanks were expressed to JEC for her efforts.

606/99 9   MCC Update:
           Application for grant for 2000/01
           Apologies from DTW for not being present.
           The financial agreement between MPC and MCC obliged MCC to present
           at this meeting an up to date financial statement, budget forecast
           for the following year and an application for grant aid. It was not
           possible for a budget forecast to be presented, as the working
           groups had not yet reported back.
           MCC were requesting a £20,000 grant for 2000/01 - to be discussed
           by Finance Committee.

607/99 10  Membership 2000 - ACRE
           AGREED to renew membership to Cambridgeshire ACRE at £20 - 6 votes
                  in favour 4 abstentions.

608/99 11  Media Relations
           AGREED by all that the statement prepared by PKO be accepted as
                  MPC Policy and incorporated in Standing Orders and that
                  RLEW be Council's Press Officer.

609/99 12  Cambs County Council budget consultation
           Proposed that Council make no response to the consultation document.
           An amendment was carried by 6 votes in favour, 2 against and 2
           abstentions that Council comments that "local front line services
           should be protected".
           A further amendment was proposed with the result that the following
           motion was AGREED with 7 votes in favour, 2 against and 1
           abstention: "Local front line services should be protected. MPC
           should write to central government noting the County Council's 
           problems with the Standard Spending Assessment and the unfair deal
           that the County Council is getting and requesting that the SSA be

610/99 13  Request by Cambridge Victim Support for donation
           AGREED 8 votes in favour and 2 abstentions not to make a donation to
           Cambridge Victim Support.

611/99 14  Sheltered Housing Update
           RLEW would arrange a meeting with CHS as various details needed to
           be discussed.

612/99 15  Bills for Payment and Money Received (See schedule)
           Cheques 1664 to 1669 and cheque 54 account no 2 having been paid
           were confirmed.
           AGREED to pay cheques 1670 to 1686 and to give chairman and vice
           chairman authority to calculate final payment due to Anglian &
           Midland for basketball court.

613/99 16  Crime Update
           Noted that the number of reported crimes was higher than during
           1998 and was rising.

614/99 17  County Councillor's Report
           MPC supported JEC's attempts to improve horse-riding facilities
           as requested by a resident.

615/99 18  District Councillor's Report
           The South Area Joint Committee was due to meet on 7 December. MPC's
           request for a pinch point at the northern approach to the village
           had already been rejected. Research into lorry parking along the
           A14 corridor had been carried out.
           The legal department of SCDC had sent out letters threatening
           prosecution for failing to complete the "Register of Electors" 
           form. As a result all forms had been returned. The legal department
           had decided not to send out letters to Chesterton Fen.
           A "rough sleepers" count was taking place during the first week
           in December.

616/99 19  Correspondence:
           Waggon & Horses - transfer of licence to a new landlord
           SCDC - oldest tree
           Campaign for warm homes bill - update
           Cambridge City Primary Care Group - report
           South Cambs Primary Care Group - bulletin
           Cambs County Council Social Services 
                   - private & voluntary homes directory
           Cambs County Council - Parish Paths Partnership (P3)
           Rowing Trust - October 1999 bulletin

       20  Dates of next meetings:
             Youth     7 December 1999
             Planning 20 December 1999
             Council  10 January 2000
             Youth    to be arranged
             Finance  31 January

The meeting ended at 10.00pm.