Minutes of the Meeting of Milton Parish Council
       held on Monday 1st November 1999 at 7pm in the Community Centre

Present:   RLE Waters (chair)   RJ Farrington   JE Coston   R Day
           M Ellwood   A Lakhani   DJ Lee   IF May   PK Oldham
           GM Richardson   HM Smith   RT Summerfield   LC Twinn
           the clerk  SJ Daniels
           a member of the public for part

       1   Apologies for absence  The chairman read out a letter of
           resignation from CF Taylor -  pressure of work.
           Clerk:  to advertise casual vacancy.

       3   Clerk's Report  (inc matters arising)

489/99     Land Purchase
(304/99)   Because of the confidential nature of the business it was
           AGREED under the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960
           to exclude members of the public for this item only.
           The Working Group had met.

490/99     Pi Access Ely Road
(357/99)   Financial provision for the implementation of the access
           had been made.  Pi expected to start work in late Spring/Summer.

491/99     Willow Tree Coles Road/Recreation Close
(402/99)   The request to have branches removed/trimmed was being dealt
           with by SCDC.

492/99     Village Cleaning:-
(416/99)   1)  Cleaner's Duties
               The new schedule of work and contract had been agreed with
               RCTA. An extra hour was granted to RCTA on 16 October to
               clean up area badly affected with litter between Cambridge
               Road bus shelter and Coles Road.

(417/99)   2)  SCDC Street Cleansing Contract
               Noted that SCDC were responsible for litter picking, on
               Monthly     From Tesco to Coles Road
                           Waggon & Horses to Cherry Close and Ely Road
                           High Street to Fen Road (Jolly Brewers?)
                           and shops in Coles Road

               Weekly      From Coles Road to White Horse

               Fortnightly From Tesco to Country Park

               Six monthly Old A10 by SGB Scaffolding.

493/99     Impact
(429/99)   The clerk:  to find out when the 'winding up' meeting was due.

494/99     Disposal of bins
(434/99)   Guilden Morden Parish Council had bought five bins and Histon
           & Impington Recreation Ground Committee had agreed to buy three
           all at a cost of £10 each.

495/99     Halingway
(435/99)   G Facer, Engineer & Control Officer did not know who tarmacked
           halingway originally.
           The clerk:  to contact Conservators again and to enlist support
                       of Hospice and Edmund House.

496/99     Play Areas
(437/99)   A written reply from Wicksteed was still awaited.

497/99     Cemetery Path/Drive
(447/99)   RJF had measured area accurately.  A slight alteration to the
           "hammerhead" was agreed.  Cambridge Paviors had confirmed
           revised cost of £5313.60 + VAT (405m2) and had confirmed on
           the telephone that the price would be held until April.
           The clerk:  to ask for start date of 1 April 2000 or late March.

498/99     Cycle Scheme
(456/99)   Final plans were to hand.  JEC reported that the Research Park
           wished to assist fund cycle lanes to link up with the cycle
           bridge over the A14.

499/99     Local Agenda 21
           The chairmen of Waterbeach,  Landbeach and Milton Parish
           Councils, the District and County Councillors and the clerk
           to MPC attended the meeting.

500/99     Gas Smell
(452/99)   No reply had yet been received.
           The clerk:  to pursue.

       4   Planning

501/99     The Minutes of the meeting of 18 October 1999 were received.

502/99     S/1558/99  R & L Cave  Cave Industrial Estate  -  warehouse
(461/99)   unit and office above - approved.

           Decisions Received
503/99     PG Shenton 26 Cambridge Road extensions - approved.

504/99     CG Dennison 82 The Sycamores conservatory - approved.

505/99     S/0167/99 East Anglia's Children's Hospices - extension
(453/99)   approved including minor changes to angle of rear wing,
           changes to elevations, changes to front entrance driveway.
           Details of landscaping, scheme to protect trees, area
           to be used by contractor,  construction and level of driveway
           to be agreed with SCDC. No excavated soil to be dumped on site
           without permission of SCDC.

506/99     Origin UK Ltd  Unit 323 Science Park - external air
(460/99)   conditioning condensers - amendments approved.

           New Applications
507/99     S/1022/99 Napp Pharmaceutical Holdings Ltd - car parking
(407/99)   and means of access. Noted that the Planning Officers were
           recommending approval with conditions together with a Section
           106 Agreement for general road improvements.
           No further comments.

508/99     S/1584/99 Milton Parish Council - new footpath. Noted that the
(463/99)   Planning Officer wanted the path made of compacted gravel and
           a slight re-alignment of the path.
           AGREED  to ask for a tarmac path - to help the access for the
                   elderly and wheelchairs;  re-alignment would be acceptable
                   if SCDC provided the link in Recreation Close.
           RTS:  to discuss with J Belcham.

508/99     S/1587/99  Donarbon Ltd Ely Road Waterbeach - Centre for recycling
           encompassing recycling of wastes and aggregates, treatment of
           household waste, composting of waste, extraction of clay,
           sand & gravel, landfill of remaining waste, restoration of land
           to agriculture with nature conservation, tree and hedge planting.
           AGREED with one abstention to send in following comments:-
           "Milton Parish Council welcomes the proposal for the Cambridge
           Centre for Recycling.
           We believe that it offers the best option that we've seen for
           future waste strategy in this area.
           We applaud the intention to employ proven technologies both for
           the separation of the waste and for the anaerobic digestion and
           composting of the organic waste in line with the draft Waste
           Local Plan (WLP28 and WLP29).
           We welcome the development of this scheme on a site already
           identified in the draft Waste Local Plan as a preferred site
           for future waste management (WLP21) and which is outside the
           Cambridge Green Belt, in accordance with the principles laid
           down in WLP 11.
           We believe that the overall impact on traffic on the AI0 bypass
           in Milton will be beneficial as it will decrease movements at
           the Butt Lane/AI0 junction, a known accident black spot, while
           not leading to any significant increase to traffic on the bypass."
           Thanks to PKO for his report.

509/99     S/1611/99 R Upton and 15 others Grange Park Chesterton Fen Road -
           temporary permission for 12 months for use as caravan site (16
           pitches). - refused - support SCDC's Policies.

510/99     S/1616/99 Napp Pharmaceutical Holdings Ltd Unit 127 Science
           Park - removal of 3 fume stacks, installation of 2 fume extracts,
           addition of low level chiller and access ladder - no recommendation.

511/99     S/1665/99 Napp Pharmaceutical Holdings Ltd Unit 191 Science Park -
           portable building for contract carpenters - approved.

512/99     S/1666/99 Napp Pharmaceutical Holdings Ltd Unit 191 Science Park -
           portable building for contract cleaners - approved.

513/99     S/1668/99 A Johannson 62 Butt Lane - single storey extension
           between garage and house and conversion of part of garage to
           playroom  - no recommendation - concerned the close proximity
           to the neighbouring property.

514/99     S/1712/99  Mr & Mrs Coston 67 Coles Road - front porch.  JEC
           declared an interest and left the room - approved.

       5   The Minutes of the following were received:

515/99     Youth Meeting of 30 September 1999
(422/99)   Bus Project
           Next term was under review as numbers of youngsters wishing to
           attend the bus at Willingham suggested a greater need.
           Advertising important.

(424/99)   Drop-in Centre
           The committee visited Bar Hill - hoped to visit Linton also.

516/99     Community Care Working Group of 18 October 1999
(467/99)   Warden's Salary
           AGREED to accept recommendation for Warden's salary.

(468/99)   Sick Pay
           The clerk:  to investigate insurance scheme to cover sick pay (to
                       include all employees).

(469/99)   Job Description
           The Job Description was agreed with minor alterations.

(471/99)   Relief Warden
           The application form from T Ebbon had been received - to be
           passed to Community Care Working Group.

517/99     Finance Committee of 27 October 1999

518/99 6   MCC:
           i)  Update
               The basketball court was almost finished.  Quotes for
               lighting were being sought.
           ii) Minutes
               The minutes of the Joint Meeting of 13 October 1999 were
               received and noted.

519/99 7   Trees
(418/99)   i)  Hedge Planting on Bund
               AGREED  not to accept the quote but to buy own whips and plant.
               PKO:  to ascertain costs.
           ii) 'Coppicing' Scheme at Allotments
               AGREED  the scheme should proceed - 25 hazel and alder to be
                       planted each year for three years by Farm College
                       students. Tree Wardens,  allotment committee and
                       allotment holders representatives to manage the scheme.
                       SJ Snaith to co-ordinate.  Thanks to SJS.

520/99 8   New Bus Shelter Landbeach Road
(369/99)   Cost of a new shelter ranged from £2-3000.
           The clerk: to inquire about grants.
           AGREED  with 2 abstentions to review in the budget for 2000/01,
                   depending on obtaining sufficient grants.
           Highways Committee to consider alternative site for present shelter.

521/99 9   Sheltered Housing Update
           Nothing to report.

522/99 10  Bills for Payment and Money Received
           Cheques 1641, 1642 and 1659 were confirmed.
           AGREED  to pay cheques 1643 to 1658 and 1660 to 1663
                   and cheque 53 no '2' account.
           RLEW and RJF: to make recommendation of final payment to Anglian
                         & Midland.
           Herald Contract Services cheques to be paid when various works
           completed especially at war memorial.

523/99 11  Christmas Lights
           AGREED  that in accordance with its powers under Section 137 of
                   the Local Government Act 1972 Council should pay £30
                   towards the cost of putting up the lights.
           RJF: to arrange for 11 December.

524/99 12  Crime Update
           Noted that the Local Consultation Group meeting was set for
           10 November at Cottenham.
           Crime figures showed another rise for October.

535/99 13  County Councillor's Report
           The report of the public meeting on the A10 was received.  The
           Highways Agency (HA) had agreed to consult the villages along
           the A10.  LCT agreed to represent Milton (RJF deputy) on a
           proposed pressure group to keep the Highways Agency, and from
           2002 the County Council,  fully aware of the villages' concerns
           about the A10.
           Noted that the HA intended to carry out improvement works to the
           Butt Lane junction in the current financial year.
           JEC:  to draft a letter for the Highways Committee to discuss.
           Thanks to JEC for organising the meeting and motivating the HA.

           JEC raised the issue of the Tesco roundabout and parking on the
           adjacent verge - Highways Committee to discuss.

           A cycle bridge meeting was held in October - another meeting was
           scheduled for January to look at the consultation documents.
           Work was planned to start towards the end of 2000.

           According to the register of electors 44 residents lived in
           Chesterton Fen.
           RTS: to investigate and report back.

536/99 14  District Councillor's Report
           Nothing to report.

537/99 15  Correspondence
           Cambs County Council - Survey of Highways Division Services
                                - Winter maintenance (Highways Committee ).
           SCDC - re playing fields initiative (grants available - copied to MCC)
           Cambridge City Primary Care Group (NHS) - Public Board Meeting.
           Police Authority - appeal to government - AGREED to support Police.
           Cambs & Peterborough Fire Authority - Best Value Performance Plan
           ACRE - Village Halls Conference 20 November.

The meeting ended at 10.05pm.