Minutes of the Meeting of Milton Parish Council
       held on Monday 4th October 1999 at 7pm in the Community Centre

Present:   RLE Waters (chair)   RJ Farrington
           JE Coston (part - also attending Landbeach PC)
           R Day   M Ellwood   A Lakhani   IF May   PK Oldham   JM Palmer
           GM Richardson   HM Smith   RT Summerfield   LC Twinn
           and the clerk SJ Daniels

       1   Apologies for absence DJ Lee   CF Taylor

426/99 2  Travellers Chesterton Fen
           Mr D Hussell and J Belcham SCDC Planning Officers attended, as
           part of a consultation process, to outline the problems posed by
           travellers in Chesterton Fen and  possible ways of dealing with
           these problems.
           There were four illegal sites in Chesterton Fen.  SCDC had the
           following options:

           1.  To try, through the courts, to have the travellers on the
               illegal sites between the road and the river removed. A
               judge would be more likely to give permission to have them
               moved if there were somewhere else for them to go to.

           2.  To leave them alone and do nothing.

           3.  To try to move the travellers to a site allocated for use
               as a scrapyard on the western side of Chesterton Fen Road
               (away from the river).

           It was understood that the City Council was unlikely to object to
           option 3.
           A wide divergence of views was expressed.

           It was AGREED to support SCDC in moving the travellers from the
           illegal sites to the "scrapyard" site or other legal alternatives
           only if SCDC had a firm plan to prevent reoccupation of the illegal
           sites.  Carried 10 votes in favour with 2 against.

427/99 3   Minutes

           The minutes of the meeting of 6 September 1999 were approved and
           signed as a true record.

       4   Clerk's Report  (inc matters arising)

428/99     Minor Highways Improvements
(299/99)   The clerk:  to bid for funding for 2000/2001 for a "pinch
           point" in Ely Road.
           Noted that MPC would pay 60p per elector.

429/99     Impact
(244/99)   HMS reported that the bursar of IVC intended holding an
           Extraordinary General Meeting to wind up Impact.

430/99     New Footpath Coles Road Recreation Ground
(303/99)   An application for the new footpath had been submitted.
           Planning fee had been met by cheque 1567 - see minute 270/99.

431/99     Land Purchase
(304/99)   A meeting of the working party was arranged for 25 October.

432/99     Street Naming Crane Industrial Estate
(372/99)   Noted that none of the industrial units had numbers visible on
           their buildings.  The clerk was asking Mrs Duncan SCDC for advice.

433/99     Allotments' Pump
(373/99)   ME reported that the pump was now working.

434/99     Disposal of waste bins
(374/99)   Histon & Impington Recreation Ground Committee had expressed an
           interest - final decision to be made at November meeting.

435/99     Haling way - Fen Road to Baits Bite Lock
(376/99)   The Conservators had no funds to resurface the "road". and were
           responsible only for maintaining the halingway as a footpath. The
           Conservators had no objection if MPC could provide assistance.
           The clerk: to investigate further.

436/99     Community Care
(395/99)   Committee were due to meet 18 October at 8.30pm to discuss
           warden's contract.

437/99     Play Areas
(400/99)   Wicksteed's inspector has looked at the damaged equipment and
           has apologised.  He admitted that he had failed to notice the
           rotten wood.  The clerk:  to ask for Wicksteed's comments in
           writing. Wicksteed had quoted £20 per site inspection = total
           of £120 (inc 2 recreation ground sites) not £25 as reported in
           minute 80/99 [confirmed minute 101/99].
           AGREED  to discuss at November meeting as J Gray (MCC) was obtaining
                   City Council quote also.

           The ROSPA booklet (cheque 1624) provided a checklist for play
           committee members doing inspections.

438/99     Development at Waterbeach
(404/99)   Mr Martin had not been invited to this meeting because of more
           urgent business.
           He would be invited to later meeting - possibly November.

439/99     Youth
           A memo from J Gray (as requested by DJL) outlining possible
           help from the (423/99) Cambridge Association of Youth Clubs was
           received. Council gave the Youth Committee and the chairman
           authority to pursue alternative detached workers (see
           also min 322/99).

440/99     Fax Machine
           Although the fax machine had been repaired during the summer the
           intermittent fault had reappeared.
           AGREED  to buy a replacement plain paper machine at a cost of
                   approximately £180.

441/99     Cemetery
           A request for a flat stone surface on a grave flush with the grass
           had been received.
           AGREED  that headstones only should be allowed.
                   Carried - 6 votes in favour, 3 against and 2 abstentions.

442/99     Finance
           Fixed Deposit matured 9/8/99
           £120000 reinvested for 6 months @ 5%
           Balance of £26052.73 (to be used for basketball court) invested
           for 2 months @ 4.56% - due to mature 11/10/99 - to be reinvested
           for 1 month.

           Commuted Fixed Deposit matured 13/9/99
           £105000 reinvested for 3 months @ 5.01%
           Balance of £5707.61 transferred into Flexible Savings
           (commuted account)
           As there was a possibility of interest rates rising the chairman
           of Finance and the clerk discussed whether to opt for 6 months
           @ 5.33% or 1 month @ 4.88%. It was decided to go for the middle
           ground.  Due to mature 13/12/99.

       5   Planning
443/99     The Minutes of the meeting of 20 September 1999 were received
           and noted.

444/99     Application by PG Shenton
(412/99)   A letter of objection had been received. RJF had viewed the site
           from the objectors' house and felt that there was no justification
           in changing the planning committee's decision.   Noted that the
           Planning Officers were recommending approval.

445/99     Appeal  - siting of three caravans Chesterton Fen Road - by Mrs L Gaskin.
(279/99)   The clerk:  to send letter supporting SCDC's stance to the
                       Department of the Environment.

           Decisions Received - none

           New Applications - none

       6   Maintenance Committee Minutes
446/99     The Minutes of the Maintenance meeting of 27 September 1999 were
(419/99)   received and noted.
           Noted that Mr Nicholls would charge £10 per hour.
           AGREED  to accept the recommendations therein.

447/99 7   Quotations for cemetery path/roadway
(319/99)   Proposed and seconded that using powers under The local Authorities'
           Cemeteries Order 1977 (No 204) Council should proceed with 3m wide
           An amendment was proposed and seconded that the path should be 1.5m
           wide. The amendment was lost on the casting vote of the chairman -
           6 votes to 5.
           AGREED  to proceed with 3m wide path - carried by 7 votes in favour,
                   3 against and 1 abstention.

448/99 8   MCC Update
           AGREED to fund replacement play house for Coles Road Recreation
           Ground at £9193.22 from 'sheltered housing' money - carried by 7
           votes in favour, 2 against and 2 abstentions.
           AGREED to fund repairs to honeycombe whirl at The Sycamores
           Recreation Ground at £1346 from reserves - 10 votes in favour and
           1 abstention.
           The above were agreed because MPC had handed over these pieces of
           equipment in a poor state of repair.  Future repairs and
           replacements should be met by MCC.

           Agenda for joint meeting 13 October
            Financial Agreement
            Lighting on Recreation Ground
            Millennium Arrangements
            Village Fayre

           It was agreed that as many of the MCC members were also parish
           councillors future joint meetings should take place once a year.

449/99 9   Sheltered Housing Update
(398/99)   Nothing to report.

450/99 10  Bills for Payment and Money Received
           CONFIRMED cheques already paid:
           cheque 1618 - 1620 and No '2' Account cheque 52.
           AGREED to authorise payment of cheques 1621 to 1640.
           [Payment of £20 to British Legion for wreath cheque 1633 agreed
           by 10 votes and 1 abstention].

451/99 11  Crime Update
           Crime statistics were circulated - an increase in reported crime
           was noted.

452/99 12  County Councillor's report

           Gas Smell in Village
           RJF had contacted East Waste about the recent gas smells which
           (it would appear) did not emanate from the landfill site.
           The clerk:  to contact AWA and Transco for comments.

453/99 13  District Councillor's report

(388/99)   Day Nursery Science Park
           The Officers were recommending refusal as the building would take
           away open space.  RTS would recommend approval to SCDC planning
           Committee as the open space benefited users of the Science Park
           only and these users had shown that they were in favour of the

(387/99)   Hospice
           The Section 106 Draft Agreement was prepared and took into account
           Council's concerns.

(143/99)   Waggon & Horses Public Entertainments Licence
           AGREED to recommend that, as there had been no problems recently,
           the Waggon & Horses be treated on an equal footing with the other
           public houses in the village.

454/99 14  Correspondence
           CALC Bulletin & Best Kept Village results  -  recommendation to
           put Councillors names and addresses on the notice board - agreed.
           CALC - South Cambs AGM 6 October
                - County AGM 23 October
           Cambs ACRE - notice of AGM 7 October
           Cambridge Transport Plan
           P Nuttall - sketch plan of proposed golf practice centre. Noted
           that Mr Nuttall was considering suggesting a swap of land with
           the College of West Anglia.
           Cartwrights solicitors - transfer of licence Tesco
           Local Councils Liaison Committee - minutes

       15  Dates of next meetings:-
           Local Agenda 21 Consultation Workshop 11 October 7.30pm  at MCC
           Public Meeting A10 12 October 7.30pm at Waterbeach
           Planning  18 October 7.00pm
           Community Care  18 October 8.30pm
           MCC Joint  13 October 7.30pm
           Land Purchase  25 October
           Finance   27 October  7.30pm

The meeting ended at 9.56pm.