Minutes of the Meeting of Milton Parish Council
       held on Monday 6th September 1999 at 7pm in the Community Centre

Present:   RLE Waters (chair)   RJ Farrington   JE Coston   R Day
           M Ellwood   DJ Lee   IF May   PK Oldham   JM Palmer
           GM Richardson   HM Smith   RT Summerfield   CF Taylor   LC Twinn
           and the clerk  SJ Daniels

       1   Apologies for absence A Lakhani

368/99 2   Minutes
           The minutes of the meeting of 5 July 1999 were approved and signed
           as a true record.

       3   Clerk's Report  (inc matters arising)

369/99     Bus Shelter Landbeach Road
(266/99)   RJF and the clerk had met with Queensbury representative.
           There was no easy solution.
           The clerk:  to obtain prices of a new enclosed shelter (possibly
                       to include in next year's budget).

370/99     Pedestrian Crossing Facilities
(267/99)   Noted that WS Atkins were including an appraisal of the
           practicality of providing a zebra crossing on a raised area
           near the Apostolic Church.  If practicable it would be
           included in the scheme.
           Cost of zebra approx £5000 and a pelican crossing £15000 - £20000.
           The cycleway scheme was due to be put before the Area Joint
           Committee on 15 September.

371/99     Landfill Site
(301/99)   A report on the "clinical waste" incident produced by East
           Waste was received.
           J Jones Environment Agency  witnessed the incident.  In his words
           the press release was a full statement of what actually happened.
           East Waste contravened five conditions of the Environmental
           Protection Act 1991.  After negotiation East Waste pleaded guilty
           on two counts and was fined £4000 for each.  Their practices
           had now improved.  The EA had issued a notice to East Waste
           requiring them to comply with their licence conditions.  If they
           do not comply parts of the licence can be suspended.  These
           licences are on the public register open to public scrutiny.

372/99     Street Naming Crane Industrial Estate
(302/99)   The recent survey showed a strong preference for the name
           Cambridge Road.
           AGREED to propose that a sign Cambridge Road Nos. 133 and above
                   - be erected.

373/99     Allotments' Pump
(319/99)   ME had installed the pump.  Modifications were still needed.
           ME:  to contact Elliott Engineering.

374/99     Disposal of waste bins
(334/99)   Decision to be made about bins at October meeting.
           AGREED to site one of bins near seat by railway crossing Fen Road.

375/99     Conservation Area
(345/99)   The conservation department of SCDC had failed to notify the
           planning department that the conservation area had been increased.
           The planning department therefore had been working to out of date

376/99     Haling way - Fen Road to Baits Bite Lock
           The clerk:  to write to the agents for Cam Conservators
                       complaining about the state of the haling way from
                       Fen Road to Baits Bite Lock.

       4   Planning
377/99     The minutes of the meeting of 26 July 1999 were received.

378/99     Mr A Webb Camside Farm Chesterton Fen Road - two mobile homes
(254/99)   for gypsies - refused. Contrary to the Development Plan (Cambs
           Structure Plan 1995) and national Green Belt policy

           Decisions Received
379/99     Trinity College  2 storey office building units 334 & 335 Science
(348/99)   Park - approved. Landscaping scheme and details of materials for
           external walls and roofs, hard surfaced areas,  surface water
           drainage and foul sewage disposal to be approved.

380/99     BJ Leonard 35 Fen Road - extension - approved.
(346/99)   Permanent space to be reserved on site for parking.

381/99     C Beaver Plot  15 Newfield Caravan Park  Chesterton Fen Road  -
(318/99)   bungalow and garage - refused.  Contrary to Green Belt Policies
           of Development Plan i.e. Cambs Structure Plan (1995), Cambridge
           Green Belt Plan (1992) and South Cambs Deposit Plan (1999);
           contrary to advice in Planning Policy Guidance 2  'Green Belts'.
           Consent to replace the mobile home would undermine the basic
           argument for caravan sites for gypsies and travellers and would
           create a serious precedent for the remaining travellers in Fen Road.

382/99     Mr & Mrs Butterfill 21 Butt Lane - single storey side extension
(350/99)   - approved.

383/99     Mr Tyrell 23 David Bull Way - extension - approved.

384/99     Mr & Mrs M Pearson  50 Butt Lane   conversion of garage to
(352/99)   study - approved. The wall dividing garage/study to be constructed
           so as to provide minimum width of 2.5m between any piers of the

385/99     Mr & Mrs Saunders 6 Knights Way - extension - approved.
(353/99)   The present garage and driveway to be maintained for the parking
           of a minimum of 3 cars.

386/99     Mr & Mrs Wakley-Trick 22 Shirley Close - extension - approved.

           New Applications

           The following applications had been dealt with under delegated
           powers - Standing Order 73 (c).

387/99     S/0167/99 East Anglia's Children's Hospices  - minor amendments
(263/99)   to elevations and to access to front entrance and external works
           - for information only.

388/99     S/1190/99 Trinity (CSP) Ltd land between Units 290 and 320
           Science Park - erection of day nursery - no recommendation.

389/99     S/1221/99 Mr & Mrs Williamson 78 Butt Lane - conservatory -

390/99     S/1289/99 Mr & Mrs Levitt 311 The Rowans - two storey side
           extension - concerned at the close proximity to the windows
           of number 309. Noted that Edmund house, owners of 309, did
           not share these concerns. IFM declared an interest.

391/99     S/1296/99 Mr F Ospina  8 Lyndhurst Close - single storey extension
           - approved.

392/99     S/1342/99 Trinity (CSP) Ltd Science Park - proposed north/south
           link road - queried why this was considered necessary.

393/99     S/1135/99 Thomas-Smith Developments - two bungalows off
(356/99)   Faulkner Close - Noted that Planning Officers were recommending
           approval if satisfactory amended drawings received.  A set of
           plans was received but did not satisfy Planning Officers.  It
           was understood that more plans were expected.

394/99     C/11/40/72 Mr M Sparham Jolly Brewers Fen Road - tree surgery
           - removal of two ash,  one laburnum and lower branches of yew -
           accept tree officer's recommendations.

394/99 5   Minutes
           The minutes of the Finance meeting of 26 July 1999 were received.

395/99 6   New Salary Scales
(159/99)   The National Joint Council for Local Government Services pay award
           as from 1 April 1999 had been received.

           Village Cleaner
           AGREED to pay £4.48 per hour - Spinal Column Point (SCP) 4 = £1397.76
                  per annum.  Noted that this corrected the error made in 1998
                  when Council had put the village cleaner on the wrong SCP.

           Debated in the clerk's absence.
           AGREED to pay the clerk 17 hours per week at SCP 21 - £7.48 per hour
                  = £6612.32 per annum.

           Mobile Warden
           AGREED to defer to Community Care committee - for recommendation
                  to October meeting.

396/99 7   New (Digital) Photocopier
(330/99)   Quotations from CBS, ESPO, ASL and Dudley had been received.
           RLEW, RJF and the clerk recommended that Council purchase the
           Aficio 250 made by Ricoh from Dudley at a cost of £2695 -
           maintenance costs 0.6p per copy.  (Maintenance would
           go up in line with inflation each year).
           AGREED to accept this recommendation - 13 votes in favour and one

           The cost of purchase would be taken partly from 'Office equipment'
           budget and remainder from reserves.
           Clubs/MCC would be given opportunity to buy the old machine.

397/99 8   Cambs County Council's medium term service priorities and local
           performance plan
           AGREED to comment on medium term service priorities that "we are
                  being asked to choose between unacceptable alternatives".
           9 votes in favour and 5 abstentions.

398/99 9   Sheltered Housing Update
(332/99)   Because of a shortage of skilled bricklayers and carpenters
           the project was two months behind schedule - now set to open in
           May 2000. The first residents would be all from the village or
           connected to the village.
           The Day Centre was now involved in negotiations to move to
           Barnabas Court.
           As there had been problems with Anglian & Midland a new contractor
           would be asked to put up the fence.

399/99 10  MCC Update
           Working Groups had been set up - building, recreation, finance
           and staff.
           The new path had been laid; the annexe redecorated and unsafe
           play equipment removed. There had been problems with youngsters
           mainly on Thursday evenings.
           The basketball court had not yet been laid.  Anglian & Midland
           had informed the clerk that they expected to start work during
           the present week.

400/99 11  Play Areas Update
           Generally the play equipment throughout the village was in safe
           condition. Some minor defects highlighted in the report were
           still outstanding.
           The swings at Humphries Way were in place and being well used.
           The rubberised surface was being monitored.
           The aerial runway and playhouse had become unsafe and therefore
           had been removed.
           Concern was expressed that Wicksteed's inspection had not
           noticed that this equipment was in unsafe condition.
           There was concern also about the level of responsibility put on
           The clerk:  to contact Wicksteed and also CALC for advice about
                       play inspections.

401/99 12  Bills for Payment and Money Received (schedule attached)
           AGREED  with one abstention to confirm payment of cheques 1583 to
                   1596 and to authorise payment of cheques 1597 to 1617.

           Noted that cheque 1589 has been mislaid and that 1617 was a
           replacement.  Cheque 1614 for £160.98 was for urgent repairs to
           the village map.
           The clerk:  to ask the bank to stop cheque 1589.

402/99 13  Trees
           i)  Report from Tree Warden
               PKO circulated his report.  Various actions to be followed
               up by the clerk and PKO.
               A row of trees was suggested along the edge of the bund on
               the old A10 near the industrial estate.

           ii) "Millennium" site
               A site for planting of trees to be discussed at October meeting.

403/99 14  Crime Update
           Figures were circulated.  The total number of reported crimes
           was less than in 1998.
           RTS reported from R Mills, Community Safety Offficer SCDC that
           there had been very few entries in the Safer Villages Initiative
           and little interest shown in the awards ceremony scheduled for
           7 October. As MPC did not spend the money set aside in the budget
           for initiatives against crime RLEW felt that there was little
           point in trying to win £500 to be spent in the fight against crime.
           RTS and JEC: to report back to October meeting about the
                        Anti-Social Behaviour Order.

           Noted that members of the youth committee had authorised the
           employment of a detached worker for Thursday evenings during
           the school summer holidays. No report had yet been received.
           The next youth committee meeting would look at the possibility
           of Council employing its own worker.  DJL was waiting for
           confirmation that the bus would return on Monday evenings.

404/99 15  County Councillor's report
           Information about Cambridge Futures was available.
           AGREED  to invite Leonard Martin to October meeting to discuss
                   possible development of Waterbeach Barracks.

           JEC was organising a public meeting at Waterbeach to discuss the A10.
           Noted that the slip road by Tesco would be closed over the weekend
           of 22 - 24 October.

405/99 16  District Councillor's report
           A meeting had been arranged for October 11 at the Community Centre
           to discuss "Sustainability" in South Cambs.  Various groups such
           as scouts, WI would be invited to participate.  Waterbeach,
           Landbeach and Milton Parish Councils were invited.

           J Hellingsworth had agreed that a diseased oak at Milton Hall
           (TPO no 5/77/SC) could be felled.  A replacement tree would be
           planted during the forthcoming planting season.

           As part of the millennium celebrations SCDC were looking for a
           site for a permanent beacon.

406/99 17  Correspondence
           Silver Fern Concrete - proposals to establish a charity to benefit
           disabled people - meeting on Wednesday 15 September at Meadows
           Community Centre
           Campaign for Warm Homes Bill
           Community and Regional Planning Services
           NHS South Cambs Primary Care Group
           Cambs County Council  - Cambridge Core Traffic Scheme
           CALC - training day for councillors Saturday 25 September 9.30am to 1.00pm
           Rowing Trust  - minutes of meeting of 23 April
           SCDC - details of refuse and street cleansing service
           Dickerson - site visits planned for 21 and 23 September at 7pm
                       to hear about proposals for an Integrated Waste
                       Management Centre north of Waterbeach.

The meeting ended at 9.35pm.