Minutes of the Meeting of Milton Parish Council
       held on Monday 5th July 1999 at 7pm in the Community Centre

Present:   RLE Waters (chair)   RJ Farrington   JE Coston   R Day
           M Ellwood   A Lakhani   DJ Lee   IF May   PK Oldham
           GM Richardson   HM Smith   RT Summerfield   LC Twinn
           and the clerk  SJ Daniels

       1   Apologies for absence   CF Taylor

298/99 2   Minutes
           The minutes of the meeting of 7 June 1999 were approved and
           signed as a true record.

       3   Clerk's Report  (inc matters arising)

299/99     Minor Highways Improvements
(236/99)   Noted that the two schemes (inc Landbeach's) were to be
           included in the assessment for 2000/01. RTS pointed out that
           the clerk should have bid for inclusion in 1999/2000.

300/99     Youth Committee
(239/99)   Noted that Linda Henderson was a MCC rep on this committee
           and that Estelle Holmes (IVC) had been co-opted.

301/99     Landfill Site
(242/99)   A copy of The Environment Agency  press release was received.
           The clerk:  to ask for a full report of the incident.
           East Waste covered the site at the end of every working day and
           suggested that the odour was a "one-off" event.  Litter picking
           is carried out.  Any complaints about unpicked litter to Paul
           Farrington 860955. Site visit arranged for Friday 23 July at 6pm.

302/99     Street Naming - Industrial Estate
(243/99)   AGREED that the clerk  seek the views of the companies on
           the industrial estate about street name(s).

303/99     MCC
(246/99)   Noted that permission for the path was not needed but would be
           needed for the proposed path from Barnabas Court to the bowls
           pavilion. (This was how the confusion arose).   The cheque would
           be returned.
           MCC had agreed to tree surgery at the entrance to The Sycamores
           - at the request of a resident.   Herald to do this work.
           RJF had been co-opted on to MCC Committee and therefore resigned
           as MPC representative.
           AGREED that RLEW be elected MPC rep.

304/99     Land Purchase
(248/99)   Noted from A Rowson Head of Property County Council  that:-
           "Land to the east of old A10 had been sold;
            Allotment land and triangle beyond were being valued.
            J Harradine to contact MPC;
            Neighbours were interested in land in Coles Road.
            MPC should submit an offer for grass verge or for whole site."
            Noted that Edmund House could be interested in the site for
            their greenhouse as part of their community garden project.
           JEC:  to discuss with J Harradine.
           AGREED to set up working group of JEC RD HMS and RTS to explore
           all possibilities of land purchase throughout the village for
           recreation use.

305/99     Fire at Chesterton Fen Road
(249/99)   The Fire and Rescue Service and The Environment Agency were
           in full dialogue during the incident.  No plans were formulated
           to inform Milton residents as the smoke was not considered a hazard.
           Noted that the licence allowed storage of vehicles, vehicle parts
           and liquids that were integral parts of motor vehicles.

306/99     Awarded Watercourse (Banker's Ditch)
(250/99)   The broken bridge guard rail would be repaired as soon as

307/99     Pedestrian Crossing
(267/99)   A reply was expected shortly.

308/99     Litter Bins
           Noted that bins were not being emptied regularly.  Clerk to be
           informed if bins were not being emptied.
           The clerk reported problems with the dog bin on The Rowans open
           AGREED to monitor for two months.  If the problem persisted a
           new lockable bin would be bought.

309/99     AWA Sewer
           Plan showing position of pipe and conditions relating to planting
           etc on the strip of land 3 metres either side of the pipe was
           received.  Copy to RJF as chair of MCC.

       6   Planning

310/99     The minutes of the meeting of 23 June were received.

           Matters Arising

311/99     Hospice - SCDC Planning officers had been given delegated powers
           to sign a (263/99) Section 106 Agreement and to negotiate about
           the lawn. Most of the lawn would be protected, the road width
           narrowed and the use of the buildings restricted to hospice
           related activities.
           Council had received an invitation to visit the Hospice -
           arranged for Monday 12 July at 6pm.

312/99     'Farm' College - Notification for S/00085 and 86 (applications
           for land east of old A10) had not yet been received as
           negotiations with County Council over 'pinch point' were taking
           place.  (Meeting with college to discuss - 14 July).

           Decisions Received

313/99     Napp Pharmaceuticals Ltd with Trinity College (CSP) and Aula Ltd
(31/99)    - Unit 400 Science Park (Phase 6) - building for research/
           development with associated car parking and access road - approved.
           Details of materials to be used, landscaping scheme, Green Commuter
           Plan and car parking to be approved.  Method of preventing access
           by cars between phases 5 and 6 to be approved.  Cycle store to be
           built.  Times of construction work restricted.
           Archaeologist to be given access if necessary.

314/99     Milton Parish Council - erection of chain link fence at The
(213/99)   Sycamores Recreation Ground - approved.

315/99     Century Inns - alterations for replacement advertising signs
(214/99)   and floodlights at The White Horse - approved.

316/99     Mr & Mrs Curtis 9 Butcher Close - extension - refused. The
(215/99)   height, depth, orientation and proximity to rear of 7 Butcher
           Close would create an overbearing and oppressive feature.
           Unacceptable loss of light to 7 Butcher Close.

           New Applications

317/99     S/0532/99 Trinity College 2 storey office building units 334 & 335
(183/99)   Science Park  - amendment to atrium link - for information only.

318/99     S/0964/99 C Beaver Plot 15 Newfield Caravan Park Chesterton
           Fen Road bungalow and garage.  This application if approved would
           create a precedent and encourage further permanent development
           in a Green Belt area.

319/99 5   Allotments and Cemetery
           Reports of allotments and cemetery meetings of  23 June 1999
           were received.

           The clerk:  to arrange removal of burnt out car.
           ME and an allotment holder had dug a hole and reached water.
           AGREED to buy whatever necessary to ensure satisfactory working of
                  the pump.
           The clerk had contacted the Farm College about measures to prevent
           unauthorised access to the northern end of the site. (To be
           discussed at meeting 14 July).

           AGREED to accept Herald Contract Services' quotation of £260 for
                  tree surgery.
           AGREED to obtain three quotations for a pathway (similar to Country
                  Park) to be laid in 2000/01
           AGREED to select a wooden seat from the village to be sited at
                  cemetery (min 574/98 refers) and to purchase new metal
                  seat for village.
                  HMS and clerk:  to action.

           PKO reported that as the ground appeared to be waterlogged the
           'land drain' problem was an on-going issue.

320/99 6   Youth and Play

           The minutes of the Youth and Play Committee meetings of 24 June
           1999 were received.

321/99     a)  Bus Project
(286/99)       DJL had attended a recent Bus committee meeting.  As from
               September there would be only one full time worker, Martin
               Croxon.  Annual running costs amounted to £28000.  DJL had
               put a strong case for consideration for the bus to visit
               Milton regularly.  The committee would decide in late August.
               6 villages wanted the bus to visit.  First priority would be
               given to those villages that had no other youth provision.

322/99     b)  Youth Club
(287/99)       AGREED that £500 be set aside for two detached youth workers
               from November.

323/99     c)  Drop-In Centre
(288/99)       Noted that there might be surplus 'Millennium Fund' money.
               It was decided not accept recommendation in minute 288/99.
               The Drop-In Centre would need to be costed and funded properly
               at the time that proposals were put forward.


324/99     a)  Inspections
(293/99)       A regime of inspections had been agreed in conjunction with
               AGREED that Council meet the cost of  implementing the
                      Wicksteed report of January 1999.

325/99     b)  Basketball
(294/99)       AGREED that Council authorise  the order for the basketball
               The clerk:  to action.

326/99     c)  BMX Track
(295/99)       Council were not happy with the siting of the BMX track on
               land at end of Butt Lane.  The area behind the garage at Coles
               Road was suggested.
               MCC Recreation Group:  to consider.

327/99     d)  Roller Hockey
(296/99)       AGREED that the money saved on this project should be put
                      towards the play area fence.

328/99     e)  Spider's Web
(297/99)       To be considered.  A decision was not taken whether the money
               should come from the budget or reserves.

329/99 7   Approval and signing of Accounts 1998/99
           AGREED that the accounts be approved and signed.

330/99 8   Purchase of new photocopier
           AGREED by 11 votes in favour and 2 abstentions that Council
                  purchase a new photocopier.
           A sub-committee (chair, vice-chair and clerk): to review and make
           recommendation to September meeting.

331/99 9   Millennium Bids
           A report from the Millennium Committee was received.
           AGREED to endorse the commitment of the committee for the
                  expenditure of £4500 as detailed in report.
           Further expenditure to be agreed.
           AGREED to site the maze on Humphries Way open space.
           The Committee: to consider a request for £100 from Reverend
           Cowley towards books of scriptures for school children.

332/99 10  Sheltered Housing Update
(269/99)   Section 106 Agreement had now been signed.
           The clerk:  to arrange urgent meeting.
           Issues to be discussed:
             Progress Tennis court fence
             Management issues and commitment to Day Centre
             Proposed footpath
             Allocation of flats.

333/99 11  Bills for Payment and Money Received
           CONFIRMED payment of cheques 1568, 1569 and 1579
                     and current a/c no '2' - cheque 51
           AGREED to pay cheques 1570 to 1578 and 1580 to 1582.

334/99 12  Disposal of surplus waste bins
           AGREED to advertise 14 bins (situated in MCC garage) in CALC
           Bulletin - for offers.

335/99 13  Crime Update
           Crime figures were circulated - number of reported crimes had
           gone down in June.
           Marshall Safer Village Award 1999 noted.
           RLEW: to arrange a visit to new Histon Police Station.

336/99 14  County Councillor's report
           Complaints about the parking of cars on the verge opposite Tesco
           and the state of the roundabout had been received.
           Highways Committee:  to discuss.

337/99 15  District Councillor's report
           SCDC had a good working relationship with travellers.  RTS warned
           that the practice of continuing to issue enforcement notices to
           travellers in Chesterton Fen was under debate.  Concerns were
           expressed about this.
           AGREED to delegate to Finance Committee the answering of a SCDC
                  questionnaire about Best Value.
           The clerk:  to obtain copies for all.
           The clerk and RTS would attend a half day workshop on Best Value
           on 26 July.

338/99 16  Correspondence
           CALC - Village Capacity Study (extract from report) - Local
           Councils Liaison
           Committee Minutes - Revision of NALC Constitution (Comments to
           CALC if any by 7 September)
           Mills & Reeve - application for provisional grant of justices'
           licence Unit 24B Science Park
           A Resident - about noise disturbance at Tesco early morning
           Campaign for Warm Homes - latest progress and requests for action

       17  Date of next meetings:
           Planning 26 July 7.30pm (August to be arranged if necessary)
           Finance  26 July 8.00pm
           Council   6 Sept 7.00pm

           Site Visits:
           Hospice   12 July   6.00pm
           Landfill  23 July   6.00pm.

The meeting ended at 10.00pm.