Minutes of the Meeting of Milton Parish Council
       held on Monday 7th June 1999 at 7pm in the Community Centre

Present:   RLE Waters (chair)   RJ Farrington   JE Coston   R Day
           M Ellwood   A Lakhani   DJ Lee   IF May   GM Richardson
           HM Smith   CF Taylor   LC Twinn
           and the clerk SJ Daniels

       1   Apologies for absence   PK Oldham  JM Palmer  RT Summerfield

233/99 2   New councillors
           RLEW welcomed the new councillors who signed the Declarations of
           Acceptance of Office.

234/99  3  Appointments to Committees
(192/99)   The following additional appointments were made:
           Allotments      ME CFT
           Cemetery        ME CFT
           Community Care  AL
           Maintenance     CFT
           Play            ME
           Youth           AL GMR

235/99  4  Minutes
           The minutes of the meeting of 10 May 1999 were approved and
           signed as a true record.

       5   Clerk's Report  (inc matters arising)

236/99     Open Space The Rowans/Cambridge Road
(86/99)    This land was not designated 'Open Space' under planning
           consent S/1704/88.
           Beazer Homes were looking into Council's request.

237/99     Landfill Site
(142/99)   The clerk had complained about recent smells.  East Waste's fine
           for "failing to properly dispose of clinical waste" noted (Cambridge News).
           AGREED  to ask for a site visit; to ask for assurances that the
                   waste would be covered each day and that litter would be
                   cleared after high winds;
                   to request the "clinical waste" report from the
                   Environment Agency.
           The clerk:  to action.

238/99     Street Naming - Industrial Estate
(145/99)   Consultations with interested parties were being conducted.

239/99     Impact
(193/99)   Impact had not met for over 18 months.  Chairman of Impact
           to contact RLEW.

240/99     Cemetery
(200/99)   An informal site meeting had been held.  Noted that tree surgery
           needed to be done.
           Herald Contract Services to quote to do this.
           JEC would liaise with Alan Wyatt of Landbeach about the drains.
           If there were only 2/3 drains running across the cemetery it was
           suggested that a drain be constructed along the southern boundary
           to take the water into the ditch via that boundary.
           Committee to report back.
           Melbourn, Histon and Waterbeach PC's  have no policy for the
           scattering of ashes.
           Quotations for a driveway had not yet been sought (min 153/99).
           Committee meeting to be arranged.

241/99     MCC
(201/99)   Joint meeting minutes received and previously circulated.
           RJF elected chairman of MCC and RD vice chairman.
           The clerk had been informed by SCDC that the footpath link to the
           Country Park needed planning permission - fee £47.50 (from
           Millennium funds).
           The clerk: to send a letter of protest to planning officer.

242/99     Allotments Pump
(202/99)   Allotments committee  to meet to discuss installation of pump.

243/99     Land Purchase
(203/99)   JEC and the clerk had met with J Harradine, County Council
           The clerk:  to ask if the County would consider selling:
               1  The whole allotments site.
               2  The piece of land adjacent to "Farm College" field to the
                  east of Ely Road.
               3  The "library" site Coles Road.

244/99     Fire at Chesterton Fen Road
(224/99)   The relevant authorities were asked the following questions:
           1   Were the residents of Milton at any time in any danger from
               toxic smoke?
           2   What plans were put into operation to warn Milton residents,
               if necessary, of any danger?
           The answers indicated that there was no danger to residents and
           that procedures were in place to warn residents if necessary.

           A reply was still awaited from the Fire and Rescue Service.
           The clerk:  to ask Licensing authority for details of what could
                       be stored on this site.

245/99     Awarded Watercourse (Banker's Ditch) Fen Road
           Noted that SCDC had agreed to repair the broken wall after the
           harvesting of the field.  The County Council to be asked to
           repair the broken bridge railing.
           The clerk:  to action.

246/99     Grass Cutting - Verges
           The clerk had the invoiced County Council for #899.06 an increase
           of #26.19.

247/99     Tree Surgery
           Herald had been asked to do some tree surgery at the request of
           residents as part of his contract. If he believes it to be outside
           his contract then he would quote.

       6   Planning

248/99     The Minutes of  the meeting of 24 May 1999 were received and

           Matters arising
249/99     Noted that Mr A Webb had appealed against refusal of planning
(207/99)   permission for two mobile homes at Chesterton Fen.

           Decisions Received
250/99     White Horse - display of signs - approved.  Lights not to be
(148/99)   directly visible to road users.  Sign to have flat top.

251/99     College of West Anglia - two floodlights - approved.  Lights
(181/99)   not to be directly visible to road users.

252/99     College of West Anglia - display of signs - approved.

253/99     D Edwards 12 Fen Road - extension - approved.  External materials
(184/99)   to be identical to those used for existing building.

254/99     A Gentle 19 Shirley Close - extension - approved.

255/99     Mr A Webb Chesterton Fen Road - refurbishment of bungalow -
(212/99)   approved.  Noted that the bungalow was erected in 1974 following
           an approval.

256/99     Mr & Mrs Thomas - bungalow r/o 8-10 Cambridge Road  - no
(231/99)   objections to amendments.

           New Applications
257/99     S/0758/99 AD Brooks  Unit 111 Norman Industrial Estate - change
           of use to brewery.   No recommendation - would not wish to see
           the brewery expand further than proposed.

258/99     S/0167/99 East Anglia Children's Hospice - amendments - for
(230/99)   information.

259/99     S/0809/99 J Douglas 22 The Rowans - ground floor and first
           floor extensions.  No recommendation.

260/99     Mr Milne 23 Fen Road - conservatory.  No recommendation -
           concerned whether the proposed building is appropriate in a
           conservation area.

       7   Highways
261/99     a)  The minutes of the meeting of 24 May 1999 were received
               and noted. A letter of thanks was received for considering
               improvements to the bus shelter (min 234/99).
               The clerk:  to ask P Whiterod to repair pavement.

262/99     b)  Report of cycleway meeting
(37/99)        A meeting had been held with various interested parties -
               arranged by J Richards. General agreement was reached on
               details.  It was hoped to have approval at the Joint Area
               September meeting with funding for the year 2000.
               AGREED  to ask for costing of a zebra and a pelican crossing
                       in Cambridge Road near the Apostolic Church.
               The clerk:  to action.

263/99 8   Notice of Audit
           Date for audit 19 July - accounts to be approved at July meeting.

264/99 9   Sheltered Housing Update and signing of Section 106 Agreement
(220/99)   AGREED by 11 votes in favour and one abstention that the
           Chairman and vice chairman sign the Section 106 Planning Agreement.
           The clerk:  to ask in writing that the tennis court fence be raised,
                       or at least that a temporary one be put in place.

265/99 10  Bills for Payment and Money Received  (see schedule)
           CONFIRMED  by all the payment of:
           cheques 1545 to 1547 and cheque 50.
           AGREED  by all that the following bills be paid:
                   cheques 1548 to 1567.

266/99 11  Crime Update (inc role of Parish Councils under Crime
           & Disorder Act 1998)
           Crime statistics for May were circulated.
           Noted that under the Crime and Disorder Act 1998 District
           Councils are the authorities responsible for developing/
           implementing strategies.  The Act places a duty upon Parish
           Councils to co-operate with the District Council.
           Local Police Consultation Group meeting set for 30 June at
           CFT to attend.

267/99 12  County Councillor's Report
           Nothing to report.

268/99 13  District Councillor's Report
           Nothing to report.

269/99 14  Correspondence
           A resident - concerned about trees on The Sycamores Recreation
           Ground - referred to MCC.
           A resident - concerning damage done to Council land and fence
           between Butt Lane and bund - Maintenance Committee to report back.
           South Cambs NHS - Primary Care Group Board Bulletin (to be
           published monthly)
           CALC Bulletin (& literature) - previously circulated.
           Milton Primary School - Annual Barbecue 2 July.
           A resident - Parking in Shirley Close.  The clerk:  to write to
           residents concerning possible difficulties for emergency vehicles.

       15  Date of next meetings
               Planning 21 June (liable to change)
               Council  5 July.

The meeting ended at 8.56pm.