Minutes of the Meeting of Milton Parish Council held on Monday 10 May 1999 at 7pm in the Community Centre Present: RLE Waters (chair) RJ Farrington JE Coston IF May PK Oldham JM Palmer HM Smith RT Summerfield LC Twinn and the clerk SJ Daniels 1 Apologies for absence R Day 189/99 2 Election of chairman and signing of declaration of acceptance of office RLEW was unanimously elected chairman and signed the declaration of acceptance of office. 190/99 3 Co-option of five councillors AGREED by all to co-opt Mark Ellwood, Anil Lakhani, David Lee, Grace Richardson and Campbell Taylor. 191/99 4 Election of vice chairman RJF was unanimously elected vice chairman. 192/99 5 Committees The following committees were elected: Planning JEC RD RJF JMP HMS RTS LCT Finance JEC PKO HMS RTS RLEW Maintenance/Landscaping JMP PKO HMS LCT Play JEC HMS (+ P Brindle, P Gaynord, L Henderson, J May, J Sandford co-opted) Cemetery RD PKO Youth JEC DJL HMS (+ J Sandford co-opted) Sheltered Housing RD RJF IFM RTS RLEW (+ Y Wakeling co-opted) Highways JEC RD RJF PKO RTS LCT Allotments RD Community Care RD IFM (+ Y Wakeling co-opted) Millennium Working Party JEC IFM PKO JMP HMS LCT Additional members to be appointed at June meeting. 193/99 6 Representatives The following representatives were appointed: MCC RJF School Governors DJL Charities RD IFM (+ PHarrold BC Waterson) Footpaths Officer RLEW Country Park RD (Deputy PKO) Impact RLEW RLEW: to find out the present situation regarding Impact. Police Liaison RLEW Tree & Deputy Warden PKO (Deputy SJ Snaith) Rowing Trust HMS (Deputy JMP) Under 5's Group LCT Village View JEC Community Transport JEC 194/99 7 Minutes The Minutes of the meeting of 12 April 1999 were approved and signed as true record. 8 Clerk's Report (inc matters arising) 195/99 Direction Signs (511/98) The County Council had arranged for a "Milton" sign to be erected Landbeach Road junction but could not agree to a "Post Office" sign "effectively providing advertising on the Public Highway". 196/99 Litter/Dog Bins (140/99) Confirmation of bins to be emptied by SCDC received. Already there had been problems - both HMS and the clerk had emptied overflowing dog bins. Confirmation of bins being emptied by SCDC received and noted. PKO suggested a notice be put on dog bins advising residents to phone 861447 if the bins were full. 197/99 Public Entertainments Licence (143/99) List of events to be held at Waggon & Horses for 1999 received. The landlord was concerned that he was "singled out" for different treatment. RTS had asked the licensing committee to treat the public houses equally. The Clerk: to advise him to contact SCDC. 198/99 Woodchip - Play Areas (150/99) The 'Natural Cushionfall' conformed to British Standard BSEN1177 for play areas. The standard tested for critical height at 300mm depth. Cushionfall still passed the test at 100mm depth. In six years this was the first complaint. There had been no complaints of splinters. Two suppliers only, including Enviromulch had passed the standard and were members of API - Association of Play Installers. The play committee would review at the appropriate time. 199/99 New Swing (152/99) Playdale expect to install the swing during the week starting 21/06/99. 200/99 Cemetery (153/99) The plan did not show the land drains across the field, just the boundary ditches. The scattering of ashes was not allowed at the Cambridge City cemetery because: it was untidy - in a small area the ashes would be noticeable; no fees could be collected; it would be difficult to keep detailed records. The question was raised whether Council had any redress from the vendors of the land. The cemetery committee would review, and make recommendations to Council. 201/99 MCC (156/99) Joint meeting minutes not yet to hand. Minutes of the MCC Maintenance Committee meeting of 10 March received. Note: MCC AGM scheduled for 12 May postponed provisionally to 9 June. 202/99 Allotments Pump (160/99) The clerk was waiting for one of the allotment holders to organise a working party to install the pump. It may be necessary to dig a 12 foot hole, using a mechanical digger. This would almost certainly mean a cost to the Council. Allotments committee to discuss. 203/99 Land Purchase (162/99) Noted that J Harradine, County Council was compiling a schedule of land that could be suitable for recreation. 9 Planning 204/99 The Minutes of the meeting of 26 April 1999 were received. Decisions Received 205/99 Trinity College - Social Recreational and Conference Centre - Science Park - (32/99) approved. [Note: amended access and extra landscaping]. Landscaping and details of floor levels to be approved. Retained trees to be protected. For the use of Science Park companies and their associates only. 206/99 Rogers Dare & Associates - deletion of conditions 1 and 3 of (98/99) permission S/1956/91 refused. Without access and car parking improvements the application fails to meet adequate off street parking. 207/99 Mr A Webb Camside Farm Chesterton Fen Road - siting of two (100/99) mobile homes (retrospective application) - refused - contrary to various Policies (attached). Copy of SCDC "Refusal of Certificate of Lawful Use or Development" notice to Mr Webb received. 208/99 Tesco Store 3 covered trolley bays - approved. (123/99) 209/99 East Waste - Variation of conditions 1 and 2 of consent S/0733/96 (147/99) at Landfill Site approved till 31 December 1999 for the removal of clay for capping operations at Feltwell Landfill site (min 85/99 also refers). 210/99 Mr & Mrs D Foster 169 The Sycamores - extension - approved. (149/99) On site parking for three cars to be provided. 211/99 Mr & Mrs J Coston 67 Coles Road - conservatory and workshop - (179/99) approved. New Applications 212/99 S/0584/99 A Webb Camside Farm Chesterton Fen Road - refurbishment of bungalow including re-roofing and brick skin. No objection if existing building has planning permission. 213/99 S/0672/99 Milton Parish Council - erection of chain-link fence at The Sycamores Recreation Ground. Approved! 214/99 S/0679/99/LB Century Inns - alterations for replacement advertising signs and floodlights at The White Horse. Approved. 215/99 S/0683/99 Mr & Mrs Curtis 9 Butcher Close - side extension. Approved. 10 Minutes 216/99 The minutes of the Finance meeting of 20 April 1999 were received. AGREED to accept recommendation of minute 171/99 not to redeem the PWLB loan. 217/99 The minutes of the APM 26 April 1999 were received. Thanks to JEC and RTS for their contributions. 218/99 11 Informal Sports Surfaces HMS proposed that in principle major repairs and replacements of play equipment and both roller hockey and basketball surfaces on the recreation grounds should be met when they arrive from MPC funds. These informal play areas did not generate revenue. It was felt that Council could rely on the Financial Agreement to support MCC. AGREED therefore to defer till the June meeting. 219/99 12 Review of Bus Pass Scheme AGREED by all to continue to reimburse £5.50 for each bus pass 220/99 13 Sheltered Housing Update Noted that the hard courts fence would be raised as soon as possible. 221/99 14 Planting of daffodil and other bulbs AGREED to allow JEC £100 to spend on daffodil, crocus and tulip bulbs. Thanks to JEC for the display. 222/99 15 Bills for Payment and Money Received (schedule attached) Noted that cheque 15 was returned and the amount split between Impington Village College cheque 1518 and Cambridgeshire County Council cheque 1519. AGREED by all to confirm cheques 1518 to 1523 and cheque 49 already paid; and to authorise payment of cheques 1524 to 1544. Noted that the Local Government and Rating Act 1997 gave Council the power to pay the cost of the Dial-a-Ride scheme. 223/99 16 Crime Update Crime statistics were circulated. Total reported crime for first four months was 49, in 1998 it was 47. 224/99 17 County Councillor's Report JEC had asked the Fire Authority and the Environment Agency for a report on the recent fire at Chesterton Fen. The clerk: to ask two authorities above and local emergency planning department about possible dangers from toxic smoke. The Community Transport scheme was proving to be successful with a waiting list. Thanks to Milton Charities for donation of £260 towards the scheme enabling trips to take place fortnightly. Millennium meeting for all clubs was set for 8 June. The committee intended reporting to Council in July. 225/99 18 District Councillor's Report (212/97) PI Research - access from Ely Road. Noted that the Planning Department was asking PI to complete the access from Ely Road. Council fully supported SCDC. MCC would not pay a Business Rate on its buildings. 226/99 19 Correspondence Lloyds Bank - response to complaints about poor service County Council - HGV's survey M11/A10 (response sent) - Maintenance of vegetation on Rights of Way - Rural Transport Partnership & Action Guide for Community Transport - Cambridge Core Traffic Scheme Emmanuel Road closure 20 Date of next meetings Planning 24 May (8pm) Highways (to be set) Council 7 June Thanks to the clerk for the new "Members' Handbook". The meeting ended at 9.25pm.