Minutes of the Meeting of Milton Parish Council
       held on Monday 12 April 1999 at 7pm in the Community Centre

Present:   RLE Waters (chair)   RJ Farrington   JE Coston (exc 153/99)
           R Day   DJ Lee   IF May   CF Nunn   PK Oldham   J Sandford
           HM Smith   SJ Snaith   RT Summerfield   LC Twinn   EY Wakeling
           and the clerk SJ Daniels

       1.  Apologies for absence  none

137/99 2.  Minutes
           The minutes of the meeting of 1 March 1999 were approved and
           signed as a true record.

       3.  Clerk's report (inc matters arising)

138/99     Memorial Green
(464/98)   Land Certificate had now been received and was being kept
           by the solicitor.

139/99     Emergency Plan - (Meeting Monday 11 January 1999)
(554/98)   Emergency Plan 15 years ago was based on nuclear war scenario.
           The idea was to make an inventory of resources available in
           the village.  Post 'nuclear threat' this had been put on the
           back burner. Six districts and county work together. County
           now had Civil Protection Department.  There was no full time
           officer in any district.  There was a single point of contact
           paging system in the county.  For example emergency services
           would page Tony Leadley if they needed his assistance.  He would
           then contact other relevant people.   He gets on average three
           calls a week. In any major incident police would take control.
           Parish council is not in front line. There was no need any longer
           for parish emergency plan BUT parish council should nominate
           someone with local knowledge for TL to contact if necessary.
           AGREED - point of contact to be clerk (with local knowledge and
                    general overview of facilities) - chairman and vice
                    chairman to be back up. As the community centre
                    was the likely rest/evacuation centre for the village
                    the issue of whether MCC, in the event of a power failure,
                    should have a back up generator was raised.

140/99     Dog Bins
(574/98)   The dog bins had all been installed.  SCDC had been asked
           to empty each bin only as it would cost £1.50 per bin to replace
           with bags.  The clerk was awaiting clarification in writing.

141/99     A10/A14 Interchange (see 468/98)
(61/99)    Lights
           The timing of the lights has been altered since 6 October.
           The settings for the traffic lights controller were due to
           be reviewed in about one month.

           Lane Markings
           The County Council's thoughts on lane markings had not altered.
           (They prefer flexibility of lane usage and doubt that lane
           markings would actually enhance lane discipline). The Accident
           Investigation team were not aware that lack of markings was
           resulting in an injury accident problem.  Our comments were
           being passed to the Highways Agency.

142/99     Landfill Site - East Waste
(85/99)    Cover was applied to the site daily a small area being worked
           at a time and sealed quickly with green waste and soils.
           Reports of litter blow and/or odour should be made to East Waste
           (phone Paul Farrington 0780 681190 or 01223 860955 or Clive
           Carr 07771 891951).
           Planning permission required the site to be restored to
           agricultural use.
           Some limited tree planting had taken place but general tree
           planting would not be allowed because of possible damage by
           roots to the clay capping (letter from County Council).
           Members recollected a promise that the land could be used for
           recreational use.
           The clerk:  to investigate.

143/99     Public Entertainments Licences
(104/99)   The licences for the Waggon & Horses and White Horse had been
           granted with conditions:
           Maximum of two entertainments per month on Fridays and Saturdays,
           the Waggon & Horses' licence being for a period of six months.
           Windows and doors to be kept shut during entertainment.
           Notice of events to be publicised (Waggon to inform EHO and MPC).
           Noted that the White Horse had laid a tarmac surface car park
           with sleeping policeman.  The landlord had promised to talk to
           his area manager about the noise problems with the 'bouncy castle'.

144/99     Street Trading Consent
(104/99)   Note from clerk:- If traders wish to trade on the verge in
           Cambridge Road, High Street or Ely Road they must obtain a
           "Consent" from SCDC as this road is a "Consent Street".  Traders
           are allowed to trade anywhere else without permission.
           If we ever wish to turn any other road into a "Consent Street"
           we need to ask SCDC.

145/99     Industrial Estate
(127/99)   Paul Quigley SCDC had indicated that the old A10 would be
           cleaned of litter as part of the litter cleaning contract.
           The clerk had asked Herald Contract Services to cut the verge
           as part of his contract. JEC proposed that the industrial estate
           road should be named after a tree - not seconded.
           AGREED (by 12 votes to 2) to ask SCDC to name the road Doggett Way
                  - after a former owner of the land.

       4.  Planning
146/99     The minutes of the Planning Committee meeting of 22 March 1999
           were received.

           Decisions received
147/99     East Waste - variation of conditions - approved.

           New Applications
148/99     S/0415/99/A The White Horse - signs - Sign G deleted - noted.

149/99     S/0425/99 Mr & Mrs D Foster 169 The Sycamores - two storey
           side extension.
           AGREED to defer comments to Chairman of Planning under
                  delegated powers.

150/99 5   Youth/Play Minutes
           The minutes of the Youth/Play Committee of 22 March were received.
           Concerns about the quality of the new woodchip in the play areas
           were expressed.
           The clerk:  to investigate.

       6  Recommendations of Youth/Play Committee
151/99    a)   Roller hockey/basketball
(135/99)       AGREED that, subject to the approval of the Milton Community
               Centre and Recreation Grounds Management Committee, Council
               would accept the quotation by Anglian and Midland of £25,657
               for the installation of roller hockey (30m x 15m) and
               basketball (32m x 19m) areas, plus a sum for contingencies
               up to an overall figure of £30,000; the cost to be met by
               funds held from the granting of the lease the recreation land
               used for sheltered housing.

152/99     b)  Swings at Humphries Way Open Space
(136/99)       AGREED to purchase a double swing from Playdale at a cost
               of £2553, to be met from commuted sums.

153/99 7   Cemetery
           AGREED to ask for three quotes for the installation of a roadway
                  for the whole length of the cemetery.

           Policy for spreading of ashes
           The clerk:  to research the practice of other cemeteries.

           Land drains
           Noted that a gravedigger had recently broken a land drain.
           The clerk:  to investigate position of land drains.
           CFN: to seek professional advice.

154/99 8   Standing Orders
(102/99)   AGREED (by 12 votes to 2) to approve the Standing Orders
           dated 16 March 1999 including minor amendments.

           JEC proposed a six month trial period - not seconded.

155/99 9   Milton Parish Council Policies
           AGREED that the document produced by the clerk correctly
                  reflected the Policies of the Council.

156/99 10  MCC Joint Meeting
           RLEW and the chairman of MCC had agreed that the April meeting
           would be chaired and minuted by MCC and the October meeting
           chaired and minuted by MPC.

157/99 11  Annual Parish Meeting
           Agreed to ask Cambridge Housing Society to give a Sheltered
           Housing update to the APM.  Other items on the agenda would
           include reports from the County Councillor, District Councillor,
           Chairman,  Millennium Committee and the Charities.

158/99 12  Sheltered Housing Update
(103/99)   Noted that a strip of land along the side of 51 Cambridge
           Road had not been included on the original plan.
           AGREED that the chairman and vice chairman sign a Deed of
                  Variation to include this strip of land.

159/99 13  Salaries Review
           AGREED to defer until new scales for 1999 become available and
                  that any increases would be backdated to April 1st.

160/99 14  Money Received and Bills for Payment  (Schedule attached)
           AGREED to confirm bills already paid - Cheques 1489 to 1490,
                  1507 to 1508 and cheques 47 to 48 No. 2 Account; and
                  to authorise the following payments - Cheques
                  1491 to 1517 (excluding 1507/8).

           Noted that £108,000 commuted sums had been transferred to Midland
           Bank 6 months Fixed Deposit at 5% interest.

161/99 15  Crime Update
           Noted that six crimes had been reported in February - four at
           Tesco, two at Dillons and nine crimes during March.
           PKO and RLEW had visited Police HQ to discuss ways in which the
           dissemination of information for Neighourhood Watch could be

162/99 16  County Councillor's Report
           Village View
           Village View accounts were presented to Council - to be

           Cycle Bridge
           The feasibility study had now been completed and the County
           Council were awaiting the Government's comments in June.
           Further consultation and a meeting would take place in October.
           It was hoped that the bridge would be built early 2001.
           RTS commented that thanks to JEC's persistence the bridge would
           almost certainly now be built.

           Land Purchase
           JEC presented a map showing all the land in the village owned by
           the County Council and proposed that Council ask whether the
           County would be prepared to sell any of its land for recreation
           The clerk: to pursue.

           Community Transport
           Eleven people had expressed interest in the scheme.
           AGREED that £265 be set aside each year for the provision of
                  transport to take the elderly shopping (thirteen trips
                  per year).
           Noted that JEC was asking the Charities for a similar amount.

           Settlement at Waterbeach
           The proposals for a new settlement at Waterbeach would have
           implications for Milton. JEC suggested that Council consider
           these proposals at a future meeting.
           The Clerk:  to circulate relevant documents.

           Traffic through village
           JEC had received a letter suggesting ways of reducing the
           amount of traffic during peak times.  It was agreed that the
           Highways committee would discuss.

           Pedestrian Crossings - Science Park
           No information had yet been received.
           JEC: to make inquiries.

163/99 16  District Councillor's Report
           Planning Applications
           a)  Hospice: the planning officers shared some of Council's
               concerns. The application was due to be considered at the
               Planning Committee on 5 May.
           b)  Farm College: one or two issues were being considered again
               by the Farm College.

164/99 17  Correspondence
           County Council - winter gritting of High Street would be included
           in the 1999/2000 review.
           The clerk: to write in support that Cambridge Road/High Street be
           Campaign for warm homes bill.
           SCDC - Public Entertainments Licence.  Noted that C Morris had
           applied for an occasional licence at the Trinity Centre.
           SCDC - Election.  Ten candidates had been elected.  Council would
           need to co-opt five new councillors at the May meeting.
           The chairman thanked the retiring members for their public service.

The meeting ended at 10.10pm.