Minutes of the Meeting of Milton Parish Council
       held on Monday 1 March 1999 at 7pm in the Community Centre

Present:   RLE Waters (chair)   RJ Farrington    JE Coston   R Day
           DJ Lee   IF May   CF Nunn   PK Oldham   HM Smith   SJ Snaith
           RT Summerfield   LC Twinn   EY Wakeling
           and the clerk SJ Daniels

       1.  Apologies for absence  J Sandford J Shaw

84/99  2.  Minutes
           The minutes of the meeting of 1 February 1999 were approved and
           signed as true record.

       3.  Clerk's report (inc matters arising)

85/99      East Waste
(52/99)    Highways Agency confirmed that the variation of the conditions
           to extract clay from the site "will not have a significant
           traffic impact to justify the applicant undertaking
           improvements to the Butt Lane junction with the A10".
           The HA intended to implement a signing and road marking scheme
           in the new financial year.
           The clerk: to contact East Waste about roadside rubbish and smell.

86/99      Open Space Cambridge Road
(55/99)    No reply received from SCDC as to definition of area.

87/99      Insurance
(56/99)    New premium would be £917.10. (This includes play equipment
           - see Play Committee minutes).

88/99      Bus Shelter  - opposite Tesco
           Cost of repairs to damaged bus shelter would be £135 + VAT.
           AGREED to claim from insurance.

89/99      Community Care
           A replacement from Cambridge Housing Society for Audrey during
           March would cost £7.90 per hour + mileage (10.1p per mile).
           AGREED to buy new answerphone (or BT call service) for
                  the mobile warden.

       4.  Planning

90/99      The minutes of the Planning Committee meeting of 8 February
           1999 were received.

           A meeting was to be arranged between SCDC and the College of West
           Anglia's representatives and architects to discuss the buildings
           to the east of the Ely Road, the animal buildings within Green
           Belt and elements of affordable housing.

           Decisions received

91/99      Trinity Hall B1 Floorspace, car parking, landscaping and ancillary
           facilities - approved (this decision supersedes that minuted at

92/99      Napp Pharmaceuticals Unit 191 4 storage containers - approved
(543/98)   until 31 March 1999

93/99      Dr & Mrs Smith 111 The Sycamores extension - approved

           New applications

94/99      S/0191/99 Mr & Mrs Barry 18 Church Lane - first floor extension.
           No comments.

95/99      S/0167/99 East Anglia's Children's Hospice - internal replanning
           and extension to provide additional dining, parents' bedrooms,
           office and new entrance.

           CFN declared an interest and left the room having first given
           information on the proposals.

           Council objected unanimously to this application on the following

            The increase in car parking does not match the potential increase
            in usage of the site.

            The proposed car parking and road on the front lawn would change
            the character of the frontage of the old rectory - a listed
            building within a conservation area.

            If the application is granted then an agreement should be entered
            into that:-
             the training facilities should be reserved for the purposes of
             the East Anglian Children's Hospices (EACH) or similar and not
             hired out for commercial/business use;
             a condition should be imposed restricting future use of the
             whole premises to the EACH or similar and not commercial/
             business use;
             there should be no further development on this site.

96/99      S/0205/99 Eastern Electricity Plc - change of use of store to
           training school.  LCT declared an interest.  It was proposed and
           seconded to object. In favour 2,  against 7 and abstentions 3.
           AGREED  No comments. 10 in favour and 2 abstentions.

97/99      S/0217/99 Wheel Fit Unit 1 The Cottage Chesterton Fen Road -
           use of premises for motorcycle MOT. No comments.

98/99      S/0230/99 Rogers Dare & Associates - deletion of conditions
           1 & 3 of permission S/1956/91.
           AGREED  to object unless alternative car parking space is
                   found elsewhere.

99/99      S/0235/99 Cherry Close Freehold Ltd - replacement garage block
           - approved.

100/99     S/0242/99 Mr Webb Camside Farm Chesterton Fen Road - siting
           of two mobile homes (retrospective application).
           Objections - refer to relevant Policies in South Cambs Local Plan.

101/99     5.  Reports

           Youth Committee - The minutes of 9 February and report of the Bus
           Project visit were received.
           Thanks to the Bus Project staff for attending during their holiday
           The Youth Committee were hoping for a similar visit during the
           Easter holidays.

           Play Committee - The minutes of 22 February were received.

           AGREED  to accept recommendations detailed in minute 80/99.

           The clerk: to obtain 3 quotations for a swing at Humphries Way
                      open space.

           Noted that a meeting had been arranged with the youngsters of
           the village on 3 March to discuss provision of BMX track etc
           (minute 81/99).

           Allotments Coppice Project  16 positive responses and 1 negative
           received from the allotment holders.  54 trees obtained free of
           charge through the County Council, hazel. alder and willow, would
           be planted over a 3 year period starting in 1999/2000.  SJS hoped
           that the College of West Anglia would be able to help with the
           cultivation of the land.  The Tree Warden, Allotments Committee
           and allotment representatives would need to oversee this long term
           project. Thanks to SJS.

102/99 6.  Standing Orders
(17/99)    A draft copy of Standing Orders had been circulated.

           AGREED  to consider at the April meeting with the inclusion
                   of minute 84/98.

103/99 7.  Sheltered Housing
(57/99)    Noted that work had started on site.

104/99 8.  Correspondence
           As there were three members of public in attendance it was agreed
           to bring this item forward.

           Public Entertainments Licence - White Horse

           Noted that seven neighbours had objected to the granting of a full
           entertainments licence.

           AGREED  to object strongly to this application and support
                   neighbours' views.
             Existing conditions were not being complied with;
             within a residential area; would create a precedent.

           Public Entertainments Licence - Waggon & Horses

           The clerk:  to circulate neighbours.
           RTS:  to ascertain if present conditions had been adhered to.

           AGREED  to object as this would create a precedent.

           Street Trading Consent

           M Lambert - hot food & drinks at Cambridge Road (Industrial Estate).
           AGREED  to object because of position and times of
                   operation (8am to 2pm).
           In favour 7, against 4, abstentions 2.

           CR Eustace - fresh flowers at Cambridge Road.  No objections.
           The clerk: to ask SCDC to encourage the kebab seller to apply for
                      a consent.

           Illegal Signs Industrial Estate
           Noted that SCDC had served notice on those units displaying
           illegal signs to remove them.

105/99 9.  Crime Update
           There were three reported crimes in February - two at Tesco and
           one at Dillons.

106/99 10. South Cambs Local Plan
           Received and noted.  SCDC to be notified of inaccuracies in detail.

107/99 10. Membership of Cambs ACRE
           AGREED  to apply for membership of Cambridgeshire ACRE at £7.50
                   (cheque 1488).
           11 in favour, 1 against and 1 abstention.

108/99 11. Local Elections May 1999
           Noted that the clerk would have the necessary papers for the
           elections and would distribute.

109/99 12. Money received and Bills for payment (see attached schedule)

           AGREED  to confirm bills already paid - cheques 1469 to 1472
                   and to authorise payment of cheques 1474 to 1487
                   and cheques 44 and 45 number '2' account.
           12 in favour and 1 abstention.

           Noted that £142500 had been transferred to Midland Bank 6 months
           fixed term deposit at 5% interest and also that a Midland Bank
           nominal savings account had been opened (cheque 1469) to
           service the fixed deposit account.

110/99 13. County Councillor's Report

           An update of the cycleway scheme was given to the Joint Area
           Committee. The boundary opposite Dillons had been agreed with
           Ed Thornton. Pedestrian crossings at the Science Park had been
           deferred to allow for consultation with MPC.

           JEC had asked the County Council for a map showing areas of land
           that may be available for purchase - for April agenda.
           There were now enough participants for the Community Bus scheme to
           go ahead - for April agenda.
           The County Council owned phase 1 and phase 3 of the landfill site;
           St John's College phase 2.  MPC would need to contact East Waste
           if trees were to be planted there.
           RTS: to consult with 'planners' about land reverting to recreational

111/99 14. District Councillor's Report

           Unauthorised Travellers' Site - Grange Park Chesterton Fen Road
           Planning Department was recommending that proceedings in the
           Magistrate's Court be authorised against the owners/occupiers for
           failing to comply with Enforcement Notices.

           Trinity Centre - Change of Use
           If the planning Director could satisfy himself on the outstanding
           issues, namely loss of trees and character of the site,  use of
           conference facilities for users of Science Park only and poor
           access he would recommend delegated approval.

The meeting ended at 9.50pm.