Minutes of the Meeting of Milton Parish Council
       held on Monday 1 February 1999 at 7pm in the Community Centre

Present:   RLE Waters (chair)   RJ Farrington   JE Coston  (from 37/99)
           R Day   IF May   CF Nunn   PK Oldham   J Sandford   J Shaw
           HM Smith SJ Snaith (from 35/99)   RT Summerfield   LC Twinn
           EY Wakeling (from 35/99) and the clerk SJ Daniels.

       1   Apologies for absence  DJ Lee

34/99  2   Minutes
           The minutes of the meeting of 4 January 1999 were confirmed
           and signed as a true record.

       3   Matters arising
35/99      Slip Roads
(6/99)     East Waste had deepened the ditch alongside the western slip
           road although ground levels showed that water was not caused
           by run-off from the landfill site.  Owen Williams would
           establish where the water originated from and would then
           resolve the problem.
           Owen Williams would reinstate the footpath on the slip road
           into Milton at the same time that they permanently reinstate
           the slip road (as told to RJF - phone).

36/99      Lloyds Bank Waterbeach
(15/99)    Lloyds Bank were unable to reverse their decision to close
           the Waterbeach branch as there was not enough business to make
           it viable.

37/99  4   Cycle Schemes
(3/99)     John Richards explained the two new options.  Option C allowed
           for a cycle lane on the carriageway on the eastern side of High
           Street from Fen Road towards the shops.
           Option D allowed for a dual use path along this section.
           Because of the difficulties of providing for cycling positively
           in front of the shops it was intended to calm the traffic at
           either end and provide for parking.
           It was intended also to remove the three pedestrian refuges but
           narrow the carriageway near the Apostolic Church to help
           pedestrians cross.  A zebra crossing was suggested to JR for this
           area.  The bus stop would possibly need to be relocated.
           J Richards expected that the plans would be put before the joint
           area meeting of June.
           It was proposed PKO seconded RTS and
           RESOLVED that MPC prefer Option C.

           Carried by 10 votes 2 against and 2 abstentions.

38/99      High Street/Fen Road Junction
(501/98)   In view of the estimated cost of '10000 plus £12000 for a mini
           roundabout plus 20% design fees for enlarging 'Pond Green' it
           was proposed RJF seconded SJS and
           RESOLVED not to pursue this proposal any further.

           Carried by 11 votes in favour 1 against and 2 abstentions.
           RTS declared an interest and took no part in the discussion
           and vote.

           Thanks to J Richards.

       5   Planning

39/99      The minutes of the Planning Committee meeting of 18 January
           1999 were received and noted.

           Decisions received

40/99      Trinity Hall - renewal of Time Limited Permission S/1086/94/0
(413/98)   at Kings Hedges Road for B1 floorspace etc - approved.
           Conditions attached.

41/99      Eastern Electricity Plc - alterations and extensions - approved

42/99      Napp Pharmaceuticals Science Park Unit 191 - 3 portable buildings
(545/98)   (retrospective) - approved till 30 April 2000.

43/99      Napp Pharmaceuticals Science Park Unit 191 - 2 portable buildings
(546/98)   and covered access (retrospective) and new building - approved
           till 28 February 1999.

44/99      Napp Pharmaceuticals Science Park Unit 191 - chiller compound
(547/98)   with 4 units - approved subject to landscaping.

45/99      CBS Office Supplies 1 Winship Road - signs (for Panasonic
(596/98)   UK Ltd) - approved.

46/99      Mr & Mrs Tolliday 67 Cambridge Road - extension - approved.
(600/98)   Permanent space for parking to be reserved on the site.

47/99      Mr R Clark "Longacre" Chesterton Fen Road - bungalow - refused.
(601/98)   Contrary to various Policies of the Cambridge Green Belt Plan
           (1992),  South Cambs Local Plan (1993) and the Structure Plan.
           Would be inappropriate in a Green Belt as explained in the
           guidance contained in PPG2 "Green Belts".

48/99      Mr R Clark "Longacre" Chesterton Fen Road - boarding cattery -
(602/98)   refused.  Conditions as above.

49/99      K Stopher Silver Acre High Street - dwelling and garage - approved.
(8/99)     Conditions of design, siting of building, access, landscaping
           and space for car parking.

           New applications

50/99      S/1465/97 Carequest Ltd 44 High Street - amended car parking
(118/98)   layout. No objections provided trees on site remain and that
           the number of car parking spaces has not been reduced.

51/99      S/0032/99 Huelens Properties Ltd land to south of McDougall
           Cambridge Road - erection of warehouse.  Over development of
           the site and lack of car parking.

52/99      S/0045/99 East Waste Ltd Landfill Site - variation of condition
           1 and 2 of planning consent S/0733/96 to extend time constraint
           by 1 year and add alternative location (Feltwell) for export of
           clay. Concerns about the A10/Butt Lane junction.

53/99      S/0080/99 Mr Wu 4 Willow Crescent - change of use of garage
           to storeroom and installation of two bay windows.  Concerns
           about change of use to business use.

54/99  6   MCC
(10/99)    a)  Financial Agreement
               This had been signed by both chairmen.
           b)  RTS reported that SCDC had granted £2500 towards the path
               from the Community Centre to the Country Park
           c)  Agreed to ask MCC Committee to proceed with drainage
               improvements to Sycamores Recreation Ground.
           d)  A letter asking that consideration be given to providing
               recreational facilities for the 7-18 age group was received.
               Agreed to ask the correspondent to meet with MCC/MPC
               representatives and then put in a bid for millennium money.

55/99  7   Millennium Report
(584/98)   A report of the recent committee meeting had been circulated.
           Cut off date for applications for millennium money was set for
           21 June.  MPC to decide allocation of grants at its July meeting.
           It was proposed JEC seconded PKO and unanimously
           RESOLVED that Council would in principle underwrite the
                    purchase of up to £2000 for fireworks for new
                    year's eve celebrations.

           The clerk confirmed that Council would still be within its
           S137 limit.

           The clerk: to ask Beazer Homes if they would hand over the
           green at The Rowans/High Street junction as a village open space.

56/99  8   Finance
           The minutes of the Finance Committee meeting of 18 January 1999
           were received and noted.

           All agreed with the principle of self insuring gates/fences
           (Cornhill would not insure against theft) and the war memorial.
           It was proposed RTS and unanimously
           RESOLVED to insure against Officials' Indemnity together
                    with Libel and Slander at 35 + 4%.

           Salaries To be discussed in April.

           Proposed RTS seconded JEC and unanimously

           RESOLVED to precept £62000 for 1999/2000.

57/99  9   Sheltered Housing Update
(12/99)    A recent meeting with the architect and CHS had been held.
           Work was due to start on site soon.  EEB would approach MPC
           for wayleave from C News grounds.  RDA were still negotiating
           with CHS access to the rear of their property.  There were
           minor changes to the finishing.  The rent/shared equity
           issue not yet resolved - MPC preferred rent.  Day Centre issues
           not yet resolved.  Workmen could use MCC car park near bowls
           pavilion.  The Cambridge Road access would be closed during
           building works.

58/99  10  Crime Update
           The South Cambs Audit for 1998 showed Milton as top of the
           recorded crimes with 303 crimes.  This, however, included CRC
           and the Science Park.
           RLEW:  to co-ordinate members' views on the audit.
           There were 11 reported crimes in January.

59/99  11  Money received and Bills for payment
           Proposed PKO seconded J Sh and unanimously
           RESOLVED to authorise payments of cheque 1453 to 1468
                    and cheque 43 No '2' A/C.

           Noted that an extra 10 cubic metres of play bark (£250) was
           needed to replenish all play areas in the village.

           The clerk:  to find out how village sign had been sealed.

60/99 12   Maintenance Report
           The old hawthorn hedge had been cut back to six feet except
           near 130 The Rowans at the request of a resident.  PKO reported
           that the tree ties had been removed from the trees on the
           Sycamores Recreation Ground.

61/99 13   County Councillor's report
           Regional Planning Guidance Examination in Public was now in
           progress. JEC had attended a meeting to discuss the proposals
           for Waterbeach barracks.

           Agreed that the traffic lights on A10/A14 interchange need to
           be on from 7am to 7pm.
           The clerk:  to pursue.

62/99  14  District Councillor's report
           Recommended that planning committee visited the exhibition of
           "Farm College" plans to be held on 2 February.
           The Trees Officer would not put a TPO on the hornbeam (3/99)
           while the property was in SCDC ownership.

63/99  15  Correspondence
           Landfill Site (577/98)
           From SCDC:- no planning conditions precluded the use of the
           landfill site for recreational purposes but there were issues
           of land stability and environmental issues. The County Council
           would reply in due course.  SCDC would like to know MPC's
           intentions and the part of the site being considered.
           JEC: to find out ownership of site.

           SCDC - Air Quality Review and Assessment.
           Cambs County Council - Our Environment.
           Cambs County Council - Budget Consultation.

           Cambs County Council - Transport Plan Consultation.
           PKO proposed RLEW seconded and all agreed that replies should
           be made individually.

           CALC Bulletin and various documents.

The meeting ended at 10.10pm.