Minutes of the Meeting of Milton Parish Council
       held on Monday 4 January 1999 at 7pm in the Community Centre

Present:   RLE Waters (chair)   RJ Farrington   JE Coston
           R Day   IF May   CF Nunn   PK Oldham (from 9/99)  J Sandford
           J Shaw   HM Smith   SJ Snaith   RT Summerfield   LC Twinn
           EY Wakeling and the clerk SJ Daniels

       1.  Apologies for absence  DJ Lee

1/99   2.  Minutes
           Minutes of the meeting of 7 December 1998 were confirmed and
           signed as a true record.

       3.  Matters Arising

2/99       AWA Sewer
(555/98)   Final payment of £2741.52 had been received.  Herald Contract
           would plant 186 whips at total cost of £630 + VAT.
           Clerk: to ask MCC for their ideas on spending the remainder
                  of the money for improvements on The Sycamores Rec.

3/99       TPO Hornbeam
(556/98)   The Trees Officer would not be able to serve a TPO on the
           hornbeam as he was not allowed to serve an order on his own
           council (the house is still owned by SCDC).
           Clerk and RTS: to make further inquiries.

3/99       Cycle Scheme
(575/98)   Revised proposals had not yet been received.  J Richards
           therefore invited to attend February meeting.

4/99       Audit Report
(578/98)   Certificate of Audit received.  Accounts had been published
           on notice board as required.

5/99       Youth
583/98     Bus Project end of term report received and noted.  Thanks
           to JS for his responses on 'Bus Project' questionnaire.

6/99       Slip Road
(589/98)   Highways Agency had apologised for unauthorised access to
           field adjacent to A14 and promised to replace thorn bushes.
           Clerk: to pursue remedial action to trenches either side of
                  slip road; also flooding on western slip road.

       4.  Planning

7/99       Minutes of the planning committee meeting of 21 December 1998
           were received and noted.

           New applications
8/99       S/1950/98 K Stopher Silver Acre revised access details - for
(569/98)   information only.

9/99       S/2075/98 Dr & Mrs Smith 111 The Sycamores two storey side
           extension to house - no comments.

10/99  5.  MCC
(550/98)   a) Financial arrangements
           Amendments had been agreed by MCC committee.  Proposed CFN
           seconded JEC and unanimously
           RESOLVED to approve the final agreement to be signed by
           MPC and MCC.

           b) Approval of Grant 1999/2000
           Concern was expressed that the level of reserves required
           by MCC (equivalent to one year's expenditure) could not be
           RTS proposed and JS seconded that Council approve a grant of
           RJF proposed and HMS seconded an amendment to approve a grant
           of £20000.
           RESOLVED that Council approve a grant of £20000.

           In favour 8
           Against 4
           Abstentions 2

           c) Proposed Path Community Centre to Country Park
           Noted that MCC were applying to SCDC for grant aid towards the
           proposed path. Proposed RLEW seconded RTS and unanimously
           RESOLVED to grant MCC £1000 towards the project from the
           millennium budget.

11/99  6.  Quotation for village sign repairs
(574/98)   Proposed RD seconded HMS and unanimously
           RESOLVED to accept J Waterson's quotation of £500 + cost
           of materials to restore the village sign.

12/99  7.  Sheltered Housing Update
(579/98)   RLEW reported that a contractor had been appointed.  Work
           would probably start in February.

13/99  8.  Crime Update
           Statistics for 1998 were received.  There had been 206
           reported crimes in 1998 and 222 in 1997 (282 in 1996 and
           403 in 1995).
           RLEW: to find out the pattern of crimes in PC Shulver's
                 other villages.

           The next Police Local Consultation Group meeting was set
           for 17 March.

14/99  9.  Money received and Bills for payment
           Proposed CFN seconded JS and unanimously

           RESOLVED to authorise payments cheque 1438 to 1452 on
           attached schedule.

           Noted that RLEW had used his chairman's allowance to pay
           £10 towards removing village sign.

15/99 10.  County Councillor's report
           Mobile phone for PC Shulver had been purchased and was
           already proving to be useful.
           Agreed to support Waterbeach's protest at closure of Lloyd's
           Bank in Waterbeach.
           Clerk: to write to Lloyd's.

16/99 11.  District Councillor's report
           Country Park meeting set for Monday 11 January at 10.15am.

17/99 12.  Correspondence
           Cambridge Constabulary - Police Report and thanks for donation
           towards mobile phone.
           Herald Contract services - acceptance of amended contract
           1999/2000. Payments to be made in ten monthly instalments.
           HSE - re East Waste's emergency plan (504/98).  Noted that East
           Waste had now developed an emergency plan.  MPC would be notified
           of any risk from fire spread or smoke.
           ACRE - Sustainable Community Initiatives A good practice guide
           for Cambridgeshire.
           Edge Ellison - transfer of licence at Dillons
           NALC - Code of Practice for Local Councils In Handling Complaints.
           Noted that a Standing Orders Working Party of RLEW, RJF, RTS and
           JEC would meet to discuss proposals for "Standing Orders" for

           Cambs County Council - services and the budget.  Proposed RTS and
           seconded RD that replies to the questionnaire be made individually.
           As MPC was picking up the shortfall in the Social services budget
           an amendment was proposed by HMS seconded IFM and
           RESOLVED that Council support option 3 - cuts of £4 million
           accompanied by a Council Tax increase of 10%.
           In favour 7
           Against 3
           Abstentions 4.

           Cambs County Council - Cambridge Core Traffic Scheme Stage 2
           Emmanuel Road Closure.  Notice of public exhibition.
           Cambs County Council - land adjacent allotments.  Noted that
           S Conrad Principal Valuer could nor recommend disposal of the
           parcel of land in question (453/98).
           SCDC - New Humphries Way nameplate agreed.  Milton School could
           not be included (511/98).
           Campaign for warm homes bill.

The meeting ended at 8.30pm