Minutes of the Meeting of Milton Parish Council
       held on Monday 7 December 1998 at 7pm in the Community Centre

Present:   RLE Waters (chair)   RJ Farrington (vice chair)
           JE Coston   DJ Lee   CF Nunn   PK Oldham   J Sandford
           HM Smith   SJ Snaith   RT Summerfield   LC Twinn
           and the clerk SJ Daniels.

       1.  Apologies for absence  R Day  IF May  J Shaw  EY Wakeling

550/98 2.  MCC Financial Arrangements
(508/98)   DT Wildman (treasurer MCC) and IL Davis (chairman) attended
           to give a presentation of their plans and financial
           In 1998/99 MCC had broken even. With no grant from MPC the
           general fund would drop from £34800 in March 1999 to 13700
           by March 2000.
           General expenses were running at about £34000 per year.
           EU legislation regarding part time staff plus recreation
           grounds maintenance would result in extra costs for MCC.
           DTW would bid for a £21000 grant for 1999/2000.

           ILD gave a resume of tasks facing MCC Committee and invited
           representatives of MPC to address a meeting of the MCC.

           Thanks to ILD and DTW for an excellent presentation.

           From the chair RLEW proposed that MPC rescind minute 508/98
           as proposed at the Finance Committee meeting of 19 October
           (min 493/98) and that MPC do not deduct the bills of £923.02
           relating to the barrier at The Sycamores Recreation Ground
           from the grant to MCC (as this work was carried out without
           Seconded HMS.

           PKO said that while he understood why this resolution was
           being proposed he was unhappy that Council were going to
           rescind minute 508/98 having been given no notice that of
           intention on the agenda. He felt that a decision should be
           deferred till January so that proper notice could be given.

           The motion was then carried 7 votes in favour 4 abstentions.

           The financial agreement including alterations proposed by MCC
           to be discussed at January meeting.

551/98 2.  Minutes
           The minutes of the meeting of  2 November 1998 had been
           circulated. The accuracy of minute 512/98 was debated.
           PKO proposed and HMS seconded that the minute be amended to
           read  "A request to buy and restore the seat....."
           Carried  5 votes in favour 4 against and 2 abstentions.
           The minutes were then confirmed and signed as a true record.

       3.  Matters Arising
552/98     Draft Regional Planning Guidance
(443/98)   Public Examination to take place in February 1999.  MPC's
           submission would be taken into account.
           Noted that CALC had been invited to make verbal submissions
           on two of the items.

553/98     Parking on Verge
(503/98)   Response from Ed Thornton.  Verge appeared to be public highway
           verge.  It could not therefore be claimed by an individual in
           his/her ownership.

554/98     Emergency Plan
(504/98)   A meeting with the Emergency Planning Officer had taken place.
           Further discussions with Tony Leadley needed.  Report to be
           circulated in due course.

555/98     AWA Sewer
(505/98)   D Ward has reached agreement with AWA for compensation of
           £4426.65 + interest due to MPC.
           (Note that D Ward's fees and £484 already received would be
           taken out of this figure)
           MPC had previously agreed to arrange replanting trees -
           letter 3 February 1998.
           RJF proposed JS seconded that Herald Contract Services be
           asked to plant replacement whips
           Carried 9 votes in favour 2 abstentions.
           MCC to be advised.

556/98     TPO 1 Bene't Close
(511/98)   The resident was happy for a TPO to be put on the hornbeam.
           Clerk to action.

557/98     Daffodils
(533/98)   JEC thanked the volunteers for planting daffodils.

558/98     Northern Fringe
(536/98)   Minutes of the Villages Action Group meeting held on 20
           October were received.

559/98     Central Refuges
(537/98)   Letter dated 11 November circulated. County Council were
           now fully aware of MPC's concerns. Any defects to be
           reported through clerk or direct to J Pinder at Shire Hall.

       5.  Planning

560/98     Minutes of Planning Committee meeting of 23 November were

           Decisions received:
561/98     Mrs Gaskin Lomas Farm Chesterton Fen - appeal against an
           (394/98) enforcement notice to remove caravans for
           residential purposes together with associated levelling,
           laying of hardcore and drainage works - refused.

562/98     Bioscience Innovation Centre - signboards approved.

563/98     Mr & Mrs Maltby 27 Bene't Close - extension refused.
(523/98)   Overbearing and oppressive when viewed from 28A Cambridge
           Road. Unacceptable loss of privacy to 28A Cambridge Road.

564/98     Mr & Mrs Hill 28 Bene't Close - extension refused.
(524/98)   Overbearing and oppressive when viewed from 28A Cambridge

565/98     Mr Smith 111 The Sycamores - conservatory approved.

566/98     Mr & Mrs Coston 67 Coles Road - replacement conservatory &
(528/98)   workshop approved.

           New applications:
567/98     S/1933/98 Christian Blind Mission Park House Winship Road
           - change of use to B1 office/light industrial. No comments.

568/98     S/1943/98 D Edwards 12 Fen Road - rear extension. No comments.

569/98     S/1950/98 K Stopher plot adjacent Silver Acre High Street
           - erection of dwelling and garage. No comments.

570/98     C/11/40/72 J Holder Queen Anne Lodge - to fell sycamore tree.
           No objections - would support Trees Officer's views.

571/98 6.  Farm College Proposals
           RLEW, RTS, JEC and the clerk attended a presentation given
           by the principal of the College of West Anglia together with
           other representatives on their proposals for development
           which were to:
           sell some land for housing remove temporary buildings and build
           a teaching block plus increased car parking
           move large livestock and associated buildings to field on
           eastern side of the old A10 plus erection of a stockman's

           Possible benefits to the village:
           community access to new library / I.T. Centre
           affordable non executive housing  (RTS - ref SCDC survey)
           traffic calming at entrance to village - north of 30MPH signs.

           Noted that the college was buying the land off Fen Road for
           agricultural purposes ( item 12 below).

           JEC had already spoken to head of libraries about the

(460/98)   In view of the above it was agreed to put "on hold" the
           stopping up of Landbeach Road.  Noted that MPC would be
           expected to meet costs of advertising stopping up -
           approximately £700 - £1000 plus costs of having a path laid.

572/98 7.  Land by War Memorial
           A request to acquire part of this land by a resident was
           received. Agreed to confirm Council would not be allowed to
           pass on "open space" land to individuals.

573/98 8.  Community Care
           Report of the Community Care meeting of 13 October 1998 was
           received and noted.
           RJF proposed JS seconded and all agreed
           to pay the Community Care warden 34.9 pence per mile
           travelling expenses backdated to 1 November 1998.

574/98 9.  Maintenance
           The maintenance committee report of 16 November was received.
           a)  Bins
               HMS proposed RJF seconded and all agreed that Council
               spend up to £5000 to purchase up to 11 dog "poop-scoop"
               bins and 16 waste bins from Glasdon to be sited on the
               recreation grounds and throughout the village, the bulk
               of the money to come from the interest on the "sheltered
               housing land" sale and commuted sums.
               [Note: The cost of 5 dog bins and one waste bin would have
               to be met from the general fund - clerk.]
           b)  Cemetery Seat
               RTS proposed CFN seconded and all agreed to purchase a
               seat for the cemetery. Maintenance Committee to agree
           c)  Village Sign
               A quotation of £500 + materials for restoring the sign
               was received. Agreed to ask Mr Waterson for a firm quote.
               RJF would arrange for the sign to be taken down.
           d)  Maintenance - Quotations
               HMS proposed CFN seconded and all agreed to accept the
               following quotations from Herald Contract Services to:
               remove stakes and ties from trees on bund and cut back
               trees/shrubs on bund footpath - £367 + VAT
               prune three sections of old hedge on The Rowans £398 + VAT
               prepare and plant border adjacent The Rowans open space
               £220 + VAT.

575/98 10. Cycle Scheme
(470/98)   RTS and JEC expressed disappointment at the Area Joint
           Committee that the cycle scheme had been put back to 1999/2000.
           The scheme had dropped from first to third in precedence.
           Council was disappointed at slow consultation process.
           Agreed to invite J Richards to January meeting.

576/98 11. War Memorial
           JEC proposed PKO seconded and all agreed not to have the
           memorial cleaned.
           The County Council intervention level for relaying slabs
           was 20mm. RLEW proposed and all agreed to give HMS the
           discretion to arrange for work to be done if necessary.

577/98 12. Millennium Woodland/Recreation Land
           Noted that the land off Fen Road had been sold (min 572/98).
           HMS felt that Council should continue looking for recreation
           land for two reasons:
           1.  Possible loss of part of The Sycamores Recreation Ground
               to road improvements
           2.  Sports Council requirement.
           In addition Council should seek possible sites for a millennium
           woodland. In RTS' view the proximity of the Country Park would
           not preclude Milton from applying for a millennium woodland
           grant. The "landfill site" condition concerning restoration
           of the land would be checked.

578/98 13. Audit Report
           There were no major accounting issues. The auditors were
           seeking independent confirmation of Council's balances
           before issuing an audit certificate. (Lloyds Bank charged £25
           and C & G £20 for this service).

579/98 14. Sheltered Housing Update
(529/98)   Tenders were due to be received by CHS on 18 December.  It
           was hoped that work would start in mid February 1999.
           The Steering Group would need to meet in the new year.

580/98 15. NALC Consultative Document
           CALC were seeking Council's views on a NALC proposal that a
           "dedicated Larger (and Active) Local Councils' Officer" be
           appointed to enhance NALC's servicing of larger local
           PKO advised that there would be no value in subscribing to
           an officer who would be serving over 250 councils.
           PKO hoped to put recommendations before Council for improving
           CALC's service.

581/98 16. Community Transport
(532/98)   JEC gave a summary of her report.  The Milton Charities
           supported in principle a scheme to provide a minibus for
           regular shopping trips and occasional outings for the
           MPC also supported a scheme in principle.
           JEC to present Council with a proposal including how the
           scheme should be administered.

582/98 17. Christmas Arrangements
           RJF reported that the lights were due to be put up on
           12 December and taken down on 9 January.
           RJF proposed JEC seconded and all agreed that in accordance
           with its powers under Section 137 of the 1972 Local Government
           Act Council should pay 30 towards putting up the lights.

583/98 18. Youth Provision
           The report of the Youth Working Party meeting held on
           2 December was received and noted.
           [Noted that RJF had sent his apologies].
           DJL proposed and JS seconded that Council contribute £290 +
           cost of venue towards the Girl's Group for another 5 weeks
           through January and February.
           Carried 10 votes in favour and one abstention.
           JS reported that the bus was being transferred to Cottenham
           for the next term.  Council expressed disappointment that
           this decision was made without consultation.
           The clerk to make Council's strong feelings known to the Bus
           Project.  DJL would raise issue at 'Bus' AGM.

584/98 19. Millennium Report
           Report of the meeting held on 9 November was received.
           JEC gave an update.
           The Green had failed in the first application for funding
           from the Countryside Commission.
           JEC proposed PKO seconded and all agreed that Council spend
           no more than £100 to subsidise a party for all village
           groups and societies to discuss "millennium" events.

585/98 20. Crime Update
           Figures for November were received and noted.

586/98 21. Money received and bills for payment
           Proposed DJL seconded RJF and agreed by all that cheques
           1405 to 1436 and cheques 38 to 42 current a/c no'2' be
           authorised for payment. (See attached)
           Noted with thanks that Milton Charities had donated £600
           towards the purchase of Memorial Green.

587/98 22. County Councillor's report
           The County Councillor reported on the following:
           new bus timetable
           mud on Fen Road
           plans for Research park on A10 - 3000 car parking spaces
             to be provided detrunking of the A10 developing of
             Dickerson's site A10 - meeting with Parish Councils
             to be arranged
           Waterbeach Barracks proposals - public meeting to be held
             in January - Milton PC to be invited
           Rowing lake - no new development - Rowing Trust were close
             to an agreement with the County Archaeologist - were still
             fund raising
           Cycle bridge - Planning Committee (Milton PC) had noticed
             application by Bridehall Developments (min 544/98) would
             cause problems for the bridge.  The Feasibility Study had
             been sent back to look at the 'bus' option.

588/98 23. District Councillor's report
           The Housing Needs Survey - 38% of the village had responded
           -  there was strong support for housing to meet local needs.

589/98 24. Correspondence
           CALC Bulletins and associated literature
           A14 commercial vehicles survey
(382/98)   Highways Agency - unauthorised access into field by A14 and
           tree planting on northern side of slip road
           Friends of the Unit for the Elderly Addenbrooke's
           Sainsbury's application - decision
           SCDC - Citizen's Charter & Milton Housing Needs Survey.

The meeting ended at 10.10pm