Minutes of the Meeting of Milton Parish Council
       held on Monday 2 November 1998 at 7pm in the Community Centre

Present:   RLE Waters (chair)   RJ Farrington   JE Coston   R Day
           IF May   PK Oldham   J Sandford   J Shaw   HM Smith
           SJ Snaith   RT Summerfield   LC Twinn   EY Wakeling
           and the clerk SJ Daniels

       1.  Apologies for Absence   DJ Lee  CF Nunn

498/98 2.  Minutes
           Minutes of the meeting of 5 October 1998 were confirmed and
           signed as a true record after the inclusion of PK Oldham as

499/98 3.  Council Meetings - Procedures
           It was agreed to accept the clerk's report regarding Matters
           Arising namely that the clerk shall list items under matters
           arising and produce a brief report to be sent out with the

       4.  Matters Arising
500/98     A10 By Pass
(386/98)   First draft of accident report showed accidents predominantly
           involve northbound traffic in conflict with vehicles turning
           right out of Butt Lane. The report recommended improved signing
           and road marking to make the junction more conspicuous. Works
           to be carried out next year.

501/98     Pond Green
(454/98)   No reply received as yet.

502/98     Graffiti Tesco
(455/98)   Head Office intended using a specialist company to remove
           all the stains.

503/98     Parking on Verge
(456/98)   A reply awaited from Ed Thornton Cambs County Council.

504/98     Landfill Site
(458/98)   Noted that East Waste hold a licence for the disposal of
           certain categories of wastes. The Environment Agency oversee
           their activities. Insurance cover was not provided by EA.
           This question should be addressed to Emergency Planning
           Department of County Council [letter from EA].
           East Waste contingency plan was to utilise resources of
           relevant specialists. East Waste contacted EA at the time of
           the recent incident, consulted colleagues and monitored
           developments. Proximity of Milton was of immense relevance
           and influenced all controls on the site [letter from EW].

           Emergency Plan
           A meeting with the Emergency Planning Department County
           Council had been arranged for Tuesday 10 November.

505/98     AWA Sewer
(461/98)   Herald had asked that the grass be rolled. Noted that
           D Ward was negotiating cash compensation. MPC had not agreed
           to plant replacement trees as suggested by D Ward.  Agreed
           to express Council's displeasure at the whole unsatisfactory

506/98     Computer
(462/98)   MCC had accepted the computer with thanks.

507/98     Youth Provision
(472/98)   Notes of Safer Villages Seminar: Youth Action received
           (circulated to Youth Steering Group).

       5.  Finance Committee Report
508/98     Financial Arrangements with MCC
(493/98)   RD Proposed and RTS seconded that Council accept minute 493/98.
           This was carried 9 votes in favour with 4 abstentions.

           Draft 2 of the Financial Agreement was discussed - copies to
           be sent to MCC for discussion.

509/98 6.  Girls' Group
(472/98)   JS proposed JSh seconded and all agreed to pay the costs of
           the first five weeks (pilot scheme) - £290 + cost of venue -
           and await a full report on numbers attending and activities
           before considering any further financial support.

           Noted that the Weaver Trust had donated £10,000 to the Bus
           Project towards a new bus (report from DJL).

510/98 7.  Local Policy Course
           JS proposed RD seconded and all agreed to pay the clerk's
           residential weekends at Cheltenham (2 per year) - £95 +
           travelling (280 miles at 34.9p per mile) £97.72.

511/98 8.  Maintenance
           a)  Final payment to Herald Contract Services
           HMS proposed IFM seconded and all agreed to pay £1128.12
           (£1368.12 less £240 for works not yet completed).
           b)  Village Cleaner
           HMS proposed JEC seconded and all agreed to allow the village
           cleaner up to £120 to buy protective clothing.
           Agreed also to advise him about tetanus and hepatitis B injections.
           Duties - noted that the village cleaner's duties had been amended.
           c)  Trees Report
           TPO on hornbeam Bene't Close - clerk to discuss with resident.
           Allotments - views of allotment holders to be sought.
           Tomkins Mead - SJS to liaise with M Busby Country Park Ranger.
           d)  Committee Report
           Pond Green - RD proposed RJF seconded and all agreed that
           RTS continue to manage the shrubs adjacent to the telephone
           boxes (thanks to RTS).
           Litter Bins - Committee to meet with MCC representatives to
           discuss purchasing new covered bins and dog "poop-scoop" bins.
           Signs - HMS proposed and all agreed to request a new Humphries
           Way sign opposite the Landbeach Road junction.
           HMS proposed RJF seconded and all agreed to request a MILTON
           sign at the entrance to the village in Humphries Way plus a
           replacement MILTON VILLAGE CENTRE sign.
           Cemetery - it was agreed to ask the contractor to level and
           seed a rough area of the cemetery near the western boundary.
           SJS suggested Council consider having a seat installed at the
           The Rowans Play Area - the committee would look at having the
           fence around the play area at The Rowans removed.
           e)  Quotations
           Flagstones at war memorial - RTS proposed RJF seconded and
           all agreed to defer until a quotation for cleaning/restoring
           the war memorial was received from Ivett & Reed.
           Map - noted that work to restore the village map amounted to
           Bus Shelter - JS proposed IFM seconded and all agreed
           to accept P Whiterod's quotation of £383 for repairing the
           bus shelter opposite the Waggon & Horses plus £90 for new timber
           plates if required.

512/98 9.  Railway Seat
           A request to buy and restore the seat in Fen Road by the railway
           line was received.  HMS proposed and JEC seconded that Council
           leave the seat as it is for the time being
           Carried by 12 votes in favour and 1 against.

       10. Planning
513/98     The minutes of the meeting of 19 October were received and

           Decisions received:

514/98     Dr & Mrs Hannant r/o 57 Butt Lane - two bungalows - approved.
(485/98)   Application for reserved matters to be made within 3 years
           - development to be begun within 5 years.  Details of siting,
           design and external appearance of buildings and means of
           access to be approved.
           Space for turning and parking to be provided

515/98     T & S Stores plc - storage container - approved until 31
(415/98)   December 2001. Parking for two cars to be provided.
           The building not to be used outside the hours of 07.00
           and 20.00.

516/98     Eastern Electricity - temporary office accommodation -
(416/98)   approved until 31 December 1999. Car parking provision to
           be approved (see min 520/98 below).

517/98     Upware Marina r/o 8-10 Cambridge Road - 2 bungalows - approved.
(439/98)   To be approved:-
           Details of foul sewage disposal and materials for external
           walls and roofs; access drive and pedestrian visibility splay
           and vehicle turning facility for plot 1; provision for parking
           and turning of vehicles at 8 and 10 Cambridge Road.

518/98     Nickerson Biocem Science Park - flue stack - approved.

           New applications:
519/98     C/11/40/72 Hospice - tree surgery rear grounds. No objections.

520/98     S/1413/98 Eastern Electricity - amendment - addition of central
(416/98)   services cabin for meetings.  No comments.

521/98     S/1568/98 Bioscience Innovation Centre plc - extract flues
           - amendment for information only.

522/98     S/1681/98 Bioscience Innovation Centre - sign board advertising
           buildings under construction. No comments.

523/98     S/1711/98 Mr & Mrs Maltby 27 Bene't Close - extension.
           RJF proposed and RD seconded that Council support neighbour's
           objection - the extension would be in close proximity to the
           bungalow at 28a Cambridge Road - overdevelopment of the site.
           Carried 9 votes in favour with 3 abstentions.

524/98     S/1712/98 Mr & Mrs A Hill 28 Bene't Close - extension.  Comments
           as per 523/98 above.

525/98     S/1722/98 A Van de Riet 261 The Sycamores - change of use
           from open space/amenity area to garden land and erection of shed.
           Loss of more open space. Concerned that this proposal
           may set a precedent.

526/98     S/1727/98 Eastern Electricity plc Milton Training Centre -
           minor extensions and material changes to existing elevations.
           No comments.

527/98     S/1745/98 Mr Smith 111 The Sycamores - PVC Conservatory at
           rear of property.  No comments.

528/98     S/1767/98 Mr & Mrs Coston 67 Coles Road - replacement of
           existing conservatory and workshop.  No comments.
           JEC declared an interest and took no part in the discussion
           and vote.

529/98 11. Sheltered Housing
(476/98)   Revised plans S/1799/97 showing minor amendments were received.
           Council had no objections.
           Work was expected to start during the first week in February.
           Discussion was ongoing about the number of rented/part shared
           properties.  Both CHS and MPC preferred all or as many as
           possible to be rented.
           RTS reported that the name Barnabas Court had been approved.

530/98 12. Money Received and Bills for Payment
           RTS proposed RD seconded and all agreed that Council should
           pay cheque 1389 for £1504.50 to Taylor Vinters - solicitor's
           fee - lease to MCC. JS proposed IFM seconded and all agreed
           that the payments from cheque 1381 to 1402 be authorised
           (see attached sheet).
           Noted that Milton's contribution to the mobile phone (cheque
           1397) had been reported in the Police Consultation Group
           Tree Wardens had an informative day at Tree Forum (cheque 1381)

531/98 13. Crime Update
           Police Consultation Group meeting set for 4 November at IVC.
           Crime figures not to hand.

532/98 14. Community Transport
           JEC reported that a minibus and driver were available for hire
           at Histon. Agreed to discuss at December meeting proposals to
           hire the minibus for a weekly trip to Tesco for the elderly.

533/98 15. Daffodil Bulbs
(183/98)   It was agreed to pay HWH Easy £90 for daffodil bulbs.
           Volunteers for planting needed.

534/98 16. Pre-school Facilities
           RLEW and the chairman of MCC had met with Vicki Lant of the
           County Council. There was a sum of money available in the
           present financial year to improve pre-school facilities in
           Milton. Ms Lant would give a written report on her proposals
           to improve the kitchen facilities in the annexe.

535/98 17. County Council Transport Meeting
           RLEW and RJF had represented the Council at a meeting
           organised by the County Council.

536/98 18. Northern Villages Action Group
           The group met recently. There was now no chairman or convenor.
           Another meeting would be arranged to discuss:-
             Regional Plan especially re Oakington
             Landbeach business Park
             Park and Ride extension
             Waste Local Plan.

537/98 19. County Councillor's Report
           The A14 bridge feasibility study supported a single span
           bridge. JEC and RTS had sent back comments.
           A meeting about the cycle scheme had taken place with
           J Richards, A Munro of Atkins, JEC RLEW RJF and RTS (min 470/98).
           The proposals would be ready for the December meeting.
           Complaints about speeding traffic in Butt Lane had been
           received. Noted that PC Shulver was too busy to deal with
           this! HMS to discuss with the headteacher.
           There was still concern about the bollards in High Street/
           Cambridge Road.
           The clerk to complain once more to the County Council referring
           to their 'Network Management Plan 1998'.

538/98 20. District Councillor's Report
           SCDC had set aside £100,000 for a Millennium woodland.
           The project had now fallen through and there was money
           available to support parishes' own schemes.
           The litter enforcement notice had not been served on Dillons
           as there had been an improvement. The situation was being

539/98 21. Correspondence
           Cambs County Council - information leaflet in preparation for
           the budget 1999/2000.
           River Cam Conservancy advising about tree pollarding along

The meeting ended at 9.50pm