Minutes of the Meeting of Milton Parish Council
       held on Monday 5 October 1998 at 7pm in the Community Centre

Present:   RLE Waters (chair)   RJ Farrington   JE Coston   IF May
           J Sandford   J Shaw (till 470/98)   HM Smith   SJ Snaith
           LC Twinn   EY Wakeling   PK Oldham
           and the clerk SJ Daniels.

451/98 1.  Cambridge & Peterborough Waste Plan
(426/98)   Ann Proctor Senior Policy Officer and David Atkinson
           Development Control Officer Cambs County Council attended
           to give a summary. The Plan was jointly prepared by the
           County Council and Peterborough City Council and the Plan
           period extended to the year 2011. It would be reviewed during
           that time.

           The figures for waste disposal were calculated on present
           rates and did not take into consideration the possible
           45,000 new homes.
           Milton Landfill Site had a finite life 8-10 years maximum.
           Present planning permission would expire in the year 2004.
           Thanks to AP and DA for their presentation.
           There was a need to protect Milton from an increase in
           Landfill activities at Butt Lane. It was agreed to make
           the following comments:-

           Milton Parish Council supports Policy WLP21(a and b) - the
           use of the Blue Circle Site and Dickerson's Site for major
           waste management facilities. We believe that it is important
           to protect Milton from any increase in activities at Butt
           Lane Milton for the following reasons (all of which have
           caused Milton concern):-

           Number of lorries using the A10 and Butt Lane
           Problems of access
           Smells (Milton is down wind)
           Underground fire and smoke
           Environmental problems.

           In addition the type of building(s) needed for such a site
           would be out of keeping for the area and an eyesore
           notwithstanding the fact that the area is in Green Belt.

       2.  Apologies for absence R Day  DJ Lee  CF Nunn  RT Summerfield

452/98 3.  Minutes
           Minutes of the meeting of 7 September 1998 were confirmed
           and signed as a true record.

453/98 4.  Allotments
(432/98)   It was agreed to investigate the purchase of the allotment
           site together with the triangle of land adjacent to the
           allotments for the benefit of the village. It was suggested
           that part of this site could be used for recreation. Noted
           that Mrs Ostler and Mrs Westwood were interested in renting
           the triangle of land to graze their horses.

       5.  Matters Arising

454/98     Pond Green
(223/98)   No reply had been received from the County Council.  The
           clerk would pursue this matter. A meeting had been held with a
           representative of the Millennium Commission. No letter had
           been received as promised. JEC felt that Council should look
           at other avenues of funding.

455/98     Graffiti - Tesco
(224/98)   Agreed to contact the Manager of Tesco again about the

456/98     Parking on verge High Street
(233/98)   The clerk would investigate and report back to the next

457/98     County Council's Corporate Plan
(366/98)   Comments had been sent to the County Council.

458/98     Landfill Site
(378/98)   Assurances about East Waste's safety measures had been
           received. It was agreed to ask if their Emergency Plan
           covered Milton village and for a report on their recent
           fire. Agreed to ask the Environment Agency also as
           overseers of the site for their comments.

459/98     Central Refuges
(383/98)   The lights had been checked by the County Council.  The
           clerk was monitoring the situation.

460/98     Landbeach Road
(384/98)   Proposals to stop up part of the old Landbeach Road were
           received. RJF proposed HMS seconded and all agreed to the
           proposals with the proviso that the footpath/cycleway be
           the minimum required width (not 1 metre as proposed). Clerk
           would investigate ownership of the land on the western

461/98     AWA Sewer
(385/98)   Agreed to ask D Ward to arrange for tree planting to take
           place between late October and December.  No reply had as
           yet been received from Mr Newitt.

462/98     Computer
(391/98)   PKO suggested a price of £150 for the old computer. IFM
           proposed RJF seconded and all agreed that Council give it to
           the MCC with the proviso that if MCC did not want the computer
           it would be advertised for sale in the next Village View.
           The provision of an e-mail address was in hand.

463/98     Planning Application
(409/98)   Noted that the Planning Officers were recommending approval
           of the planning application for two bungalows behind 57 Butt

464/98     Land at War Memorial
(420/98)   Noted that there was a further £165 to pay (see bills).

465/98     Community Care
(421/98)   Gabrielle Smith had handed in her notice as Relief Mobile
           Warden as from 31 December 1998.  A Community Care Committee
           meeting was arranged for Tuesday 13 October.

466/98     Roundabout at Tesco
(425/98)   A letter from N Godden was received expressing his
           disappointment at Council's decision.  RLEW would visit him.

467/98     MCC
(427/98)   The new Charity had finally been registered.  The Chair and
           Vice Chair had met with the Executive Officers of the MCC
           to discuss the financial arrangements. A draft form of the
           Working Relationship Agreement between MPC and MCC would be
           ready for the November meeting for discussion. The Chairman
           and Treasurer of MCC would attend the December meeting to
           present their plans for the future and their suggestion
           for the 1999/2000 grant.
           RLEW proposed JS seconded and all agreed that Council continue
           paying the grass cutting for the recreation grounds to the end
           of February 1999.
           At a request from the MCC the District Valuer had valued the
           Recreation Grounds. RLEW proposed JEC seconded and all agreed
           that Council pay the District Valuer's fees.

468/98     A10/A14 Interchange
(430/98)   Noted that according to Mr Gent of the County Council the
           current operating times for the traffic lights were Monday
           7am to 7pm and Saturdays. Agreed to ask once again that the
           lights be on 24 hours a day and check the phasing again.
           If the lights could not be on full time it was felt that the
           western slip road onto the interchange should be realigned.

469/98     Dog Bylaws
(431/98)   Noted that a resident of Impington was fined £100 plus
           costs of £40 for failing to comply with the new dog bylaws
           on The Sycamores Recreation Ground. This was the first
           prosecution under the new SCDC Fouling of Land by Dogs Order

470/98 6.  Cycle Schemes
(383/98)   A further consultation had been held and over 250 responses
           had been received. Neither scheme as proposed was acceptable
           to Council.
           RLEW suggested that there was enough highway width available
           to make a safe cycle lane possible if pinch points were
           introduced. It was suggested that RLEW RTS and JEC meet
           John Richards at Shire Hall to sketch some plans.
           The clerk would ask for an analysis of the replies received.
           Noted that Ed Thornton was determining the exact highway
           boundary in front of the bungalow opposite Dillons.

       7.  Planning - None

471/98 8.  Report from Maintenance Committee
           HMS proposed IFM seconded and all agreed to purchase a litter
           bin to be sited in front of the Cemetery on condition that
           the bin would be emptied by SCDC.
           It was agreed to ask for quotations to have the flagstones
           by the War Memorial levelled, to have the Village Sign
           repainted and to have the old hedge at the North end of the
           Hawthorn Hedge area cut back.
           HMS proposed JEC seconded and all agreed to have the village
           map cleaned resealed and the frame painted.

472/98 9.  Youth Committee
           JS reported that there was a poor attendance at this meeting.
           Estelle Holmes of IVC had produced a 3 year Plan and Long
           Term Plan. Proposals would soon be available. The next Youth
           Committee Meeting was set for Wednesday 2 December at 7.30pm.
           JS proposed HMS seconded and all agreed to pay for the Junior
           Club's "needs" (Minute 448/98) approximately £350.
           JS proposed and JEC seconded that MPC support in principle
           the Girls Group Pilot Scheme.(Minute 447/98)  Carried 8 votes
           in favour and 2 abstentions. Costs to be advised.
           JEC reported that IVC recently had Patch money available and
           that Milton did not bid for any of the money.

473/98 10. Former Library Site
(433/98)   Deferred.

474/98 11. Land off Fen Road
           Council considered the purchase of 30 acres of land off Fen
           Road as advertised by Bidwells but felt it was far too
           expensive as use for recreation ground. It was agreed to ask
           if SCDC would purchase the land.

       12. Bus Pass Scheme
           On agenda in error.

475/98 13. Money Received and Bills for Payment
           Noted that payment for work as quoted by P Whiterod had been
           made Cheque no 1366 (Minute 389/98). Extra work had taken
           place at a cost of £468.
           JEC proposed RJF seconded and all agreed that flashing be put
           on the inside of the barrier at The Sycamores car park in
           addition to the outside (see cheque no 1366).
           It was agreed that in future written authorisation to carry
           out additional work must be given. All future orders for work
           would have this included on the order.

           SJS proposed and EYW seconded that cheques 1364 to 1380 current
           account and cheques 34 to 36 account no '2' be authorised
           (see attached sheet).  Carried 9 in favour and 1 abstention.

476/98 14. Sheltered Housing
(422/98)   A copy letter from SCDC to the solicitor for CHS was received
           and noted - the steering group to discuss. Council's preference
           for the majority of the flats to be rented was reaffirmed.

477/98 15. Crime Update
           There had been a slight increase in reported crimes.  The
           South Cambs branch of CALC was due to discuss The Crime and
           Disorder Act 1998 at its AGM on 6 October.

(428/98)   Noted that Cornhill would pay a maximum of £382 per seat.
           (Insurance cover to be reviewed in 1999).

478/98 16. County Councillor's Report
           A crossing for cyclists over the Milton Road near the entrance
           to the Science Park was proposed.
           The car park at Waterbeach station was almost completed.

       17. District Councillor's Report

479/98 18. Correspondence
           CALC Bulletin and enclosures including result of Best Kept
           Village competition - Milton came third in its group out
           of three!!
           Cambs County Council - Cambridgeshire Citizens' Panel.
           Summary of results of recent questionnaire would be available
           in October.

The meeting ended at 10.25pm