Minutes of the Meeting of Milton Parish Council held on Monday 7 September 1998 at 7pm in the Community Centre Present: RLE Waters (chair) RJ Farrington JE Coston (from 368/98) R Day DJ Lee (from 370/98 to 415/98) IF May CF Nunn (from 370/98) PK Oldham J Sandford HM Smith SJ Snaith RT Summerfield LC Twinn EY Wakeling (from 369/98 to 423/98) and the clerk SJ Daniels. 1. Apologies for Absence None. 375/98 2. Minutes Minutes of the meeting of July 6 1998 were confirmed and signed as a true record. 3. Matters Arising 376/98 Transport Policies and Programme Bid (189/98) Noted that the "Milton Cyclebridge" had been included in the County Council's TPP Bid for 1999/2000. 377/98 Draft Regional Planning Guidance (252/98) It was agreed to authorise the Planning Committee at its meeting on 21 September to make representations to SCDC. 378/98 Landfill Site (292/98) A letter from East Waste explained that there had been an underground fire and that it had now been dealt with. The clerk would ask for assurances that they had an Emergency Plan in operation and that measures were in hand to protect the public. Noted that the Planning Officers were recommending that the variation of Condition 15 of Planning Consent S/0289/91 be approved. 379/98 Police Local Consultation Group (310/98) Next meeting set for 4 November at Impington Village College. 380/98 Rowing Trust (311/98) HMS reported that the amended plans had now been received by SCDC. 381/98 Cycling Facilities (312/98) As there was concern that a recent Consultation Meeting had not been well organised RTS proposed PKO seconded and all agreed that the County Council be asked to reprint the document inviting residents to examine the schemes prepared by WS Atkins at the clerk's home. Parish Councillors to deliver the documents. Agreed to comment that MPC would prefer to see a continuous cycle route through Milton. Further comments to be made after October meeting. The Chairman suspended business so that BC Waterson and J Strickland could present the future plans of All Saints' Church. They explained the first priority was to reorder the Church interior and the long term plan was to provide more meeting rooms by altering and extending the Hall. Thanks to BCW and JS for attending. 382/98 Embankment/Slip Road (313/98) PKO understood that the Highways Agency intended to repair the embankment between 21 and 30 September. 383/98 Central Refuges (315/98) The Clerk to contact the County Council again about the ongoing lighting problems. 384/98 Farm College (316/98) Noted that Mr Whittington had retired as Principal - best wishes to be sent. JEC asked for up to date information regarding the old Landbeach Road. 385/98 AWA Sewer (317/98) Agreed to ask Mr Newitt if the ground had been reinstated satisfactorily for his cylinder mowers. 386/98 A10 (319/98) Agreed to ask if the 'accidents' Study had been completed. Noted that the markings at the Landbeach Road junction improved road safety; also that debris from previous accidents was still on the highway. 387/98 Maintenance/Play Areas (321/98) IFM proposed CFN seconded and all agreed that P Whiterod stain the village seats (11 in total) at £18 each. RJF proposed JEC seconded and all agreed that Council accept Herald Contract Services' quote of £1250 for supply and spread of 50 cubic metres of woodchip for all play areas. (Double the amount as accepted in 321/98). 388/98 Youth (322/98) Minutes of the youth meeting of July and report of the Bus Project's Summer Term activities were received. 389/98 Cemetery (343/98) Work on the gates etc had been finished. Both piers had been rebuilt with second hand bricks (the original bricks could not be used). This would add to the cost - approx £300. SJS to meet P Whiterod on site. 390/98 Allotments Pump (344/98) The Environment Agency had confirmed that a licence was needed for the existing pumps. RD proposed CFN seconded and all agreed that Council apply for a licence at £110 plus an annual charge of £25. CFN proposed and all agreed to buy another pump so long as allotment holders would provide the labour. 391/98 Computer (346/98) Files were being transferred to the new computer. Noted that the final cost of the computer was £925.30 + VAT. (A larger floppy disc drive was installed as the one originally proposed was considered insufficient for Council's needs). 392/98 Travellers (363/98) A barrier had been erected at a cost of £678 + VAT. Maximum height and reflective flashing sign to be erected. 393/98 Holt Bridge Opening (366/98) JEC PKO and HMS attended the official opening. 4. Planning 394/98 Appeals The following appeals were due to be heard:- (489/97) Crickmore Developments - change of use of land to caravan and camping site and use of barn for kitchen/toilets at Chesterton Fen Road; (67/97) Mr F Smith land at Lomas Farm Chesterton Fen Road - change of use to caravans and mobile home for residential purposes; (171/98) Lucy Gaskin land adjacent to Lomas Farm - change of use to caravans for residential purposes; (53/98) T & S Stores (Dillons) retention of storage container within parking area. 395/98 Appeal - R Boyd (306/98) Noted that the appeal by Mr Boyd had been dismissed due to extra traffic movement which would be harmful to highway safety; the proposal would also be in conflict with the aims of the Development Plan. Decisions Received 396/98 5 Scientific and Research Buildings Phase 4 adjacent (352/98) Science Park - approved. 397/98 RG & LR Cave - Land at Cave Industrial Estate Chesterton Fen Road (124/98) erection of 6 workshop/light industrial units and extension to toilet block - approved. Conditions: no bonfires to be permitted on site; details of the location and type of any power driven plant or equipment and a comprehensive plan for the disposal of all surface water and details of the materials to be used for the external wall and roof to be approved by SCDC; no power operated machinery to be operated before 0800 and after 1800 on weekdays and 1300 on Saturdays (on at any time on Sundays or Bank Holidays) 398/98 D Pask 3 High Street - garage and fence - approved. (272/98) Details of the materials for the external walls and roof and a landscaping scheme to be approved. 399/98 C & A Brooklyn Unit 1 Chesterton Fen Road - change of use - (277/98) approved. All materials to be stored inside the building; the front forecourt to be kept clear for parking. 400/98 Amgen Limited 240 Science Park - company sign - approved. (278/98) Also approved Fascia Sign at 216 Science Park for Amgen Limited. 401/98 Tesco Stores - refrigeration plant mounted on roof - approved. (293/98) Conditions relating to noise emission and a scheme for pollution control. 402/98 Bard Pharmaceuticals Science Park 3 flue stacks - approved (application S/1055/98). 403/98 Carequest 44 High Street - alterations - approved. (353/98) 404/98 Bride Hall Group Limited - research and development (355/98) building and associated parking at St John's Innovation Park - refused. Contrary to Policy CNF5 of the South Cambridgeshire Local Plan 1993:- Over development of the site. Insufficient car parking accommodation. To achieve sufficient accommodation would further erode the landscape setting of buildings within this area. The disposal of surface water drainage not sufficiently considered - could exacerbate existing drainage difficulties and cause flooding to existing properties. New Applications 405/98 S/1568/97 Bioscience Innovation Centre - amendments (139/98) to scheme since planning approval. For information only. 406/98 S/1021/98 - extension - 21 Old School Lane (354/98) A letter from Mr C Sandford asked that Council change the "no comments" to "no objections" in order that the application could be referred to SCDC Planning Committee. The application had been refused under delegated powers as adversely affecting the amenities currently enjoyed by No. 23 causing loss of light and an unacceptable outlook. RJF proposed and CFN seconded that Council accede to this request and send "no objections" to SCDC. Carried by 12 votes in favour 1 against and 1 abstention. J Sandford declared an interest and took no part in the discussion and vote. 407/98 S/1108/98 Mrs J Hudson 37 Coles Road - Front entrance porch and w.c. - no comments (delegated powers). Approved by SCDC. 408/98 S/1158/98 D Hyam 31 Froment Way - Sun lounge and utility room. No objections (delegated powers). Approved by SCDC. 409/98 S/1195/98 Dr M and Mrs LS Hannant 57 Butt Lane - outline application for two bungalows on land rear of 57 Butt Lane. RJF proposed and JS seconded that Council support the objections of residents of Faulkner Close re the inappropriate access and concerns for safety. 11 in favour and 2 abstentions. LCT declared an interest and did not take part in the discussion and vote. 410/98 S/1197/98 Mr P Runham 49 Fen Road - 2 storey extension to form garage and bedroom. Objections about over development of a narrow site and the close proximity of the two storey wall to no 47 Fen Road had been sent to SCDC (delegated powers). RTS reported that the Planning Committee had viewed the site and had refused permission. 411/98 S/1221/98 Cambridge Children's Hospice - replacing existing temporary structures with two portakabins to be used for storage. No comments (delegated powers). SCDC's approval till 31 December 2003 was received. 412/98 S/1292/98 J Jefford Rose Cottage Chesterton Fen Road - starter unit. Concerned that over development would further exacerbate the traffic problems in Fen Road (delegated powers). 413/98 S/1359/98 Trinity Hall - land at Kings Hedges Road - renewal of outline permission S/1086/94 for ClassB1 floor space. 414/98 S/1402/98 Trinity College and Aula Limited - Land between Kings Hedges Drive and Science Park roads and drains. Objection - concern that access is shown to be at Kings Hedges Drive a very narrow road. The questions of controls at the barrier was raised. 415/98 S/1405/98 T & S Stores Plc (Dillons) - retention of metal storage container and two car parking spaces on land to the rear of the store. The objections of neighbours was supported. Concerned as to how two car parking spaces and a storage container could fit into the space available. ( See also minute 386/98). 416/98 S/1413/98 Eastern Electricity - temporary portakabins for office accommodation. Concerns as to whether car parking was sufficient. 417/98 S/1426/98 and S/1427/98/LB Century Inns The White Horse Public House - part demolition of existing beer store and erection of new extension to form beer store. No comments. 418/98 S/1429/98 Mr T Tyrrell 162 The Rowans - domestic single storey front elevation kitchen extension. No comments. 419/98 5. Land rear of Conder Close (303/98) As this land was public open space Council were not empowered to transfer it to other owner(s) for any other purpose. Agreed to inform Mr Ozakpinar and to ask the contractor to keep the grass cut up to the fences bordering the properties and the bund north of Butt Lane. 420/98 6. Land at War Memorial (263/98) The transfer of the land to MPC was signed by the chairman and clerk. Total cost £680.50. 421/98 7. Community Care Agreed that the warden could have three weeks holiday in March 1999. Community Care committee to meet to discuss deputy and mileage allowance. 422/98 8. Sheltered Housing (359/98) Minutes of the meeting of 30 July had been circulated. Work was expected to start January 1999, completion date December 1999/January 2000. 423/98 9. Money Received and Bills for Payment. Proposed RJF seconded DL and agreed by all that the following payments be authorised:- (See attached sheet). [not available on Web - see clerk for details] Cheque 1330 to 1360 and Account No 2 Cheque 33. 424/98 10. Request from Pre-School A request was received to help support financially a child at pre-school. RTS proposed no action as it was not within the remit of the Parish Council and that it could "open the floodgates" - seconded RJF. HMS proposed an amendment that Council discuss this at a later stage if all other avenues for funding were exhausted seconded JEC. The amendment was not carried there being 4 votes in favour 8 against and 1 abstention. The substantive motion was then carried 9 votes in favour, 2 against with 2 abstentions. 425/98 11. Roundabout at Tesco (361/98) Proposals for maintaining this roundabout had been circulated. Concerns that the distraction of more signs would add to the dangers at this roundabout were expressed. RTS proposed that Council reject the idea - seconded PKO. Carried 10 vote in favour, 1 against and 2 abstentions. 426/98 12. Waste Local Plan It was agreed to defer till October and to invite a County Council officer to that meeting. 427/98 13. MCC (360/98) Noted that the Lease had been forwarded to the Charity Commissioners for stamping. The Treasurer of MCC had asked that £7500 be paid for the first half year and that the balance of the grant be made available to the new Charity. It was agree to pay £7500 less the bills paid by MPC eg new manhole cover Coles Road Recreation Ground car park. 428/98 14. Crime Update Crime figures were circulated. Neighbourhood Watch signs JEC proposed IFM seconded and all agreed that as a policy Council should pay for signs for any Neighbourhood Watch area that did not have one and for any new Neighbourhood Watch area set up. Noted that each sign cost £19.50 Damaged Seat and Trees Froment Way (363/98) RJF proposed that a claim be made for the vandalised seat and that Council accept City Services quotation of £477 for a replacement cast iron seat - agreed. The clerk pointed out that the cost to replace the two trees was £71 each not £48 as reported previously. It was agreed not to replace these trees as it was difficult for the contractors to cut round them and the soil was poor; also it was considered the wrong place for trees. 429/98 15. Fen Rivers Way Association JEC proposed and RD seconded that Council join the Fen Rivers Way Association subscription £10. Agreed 11 in favour and 2 abstentions. 430/98 16. County Councillor's Report The car park at Waterbeach Station had been started. A feasibility study about cycleways to Ely on the A10 was in progress JEC had spoken to the new Research Park about it. The owners of the Cambridge Research Park and the County Council were in discussion about a bus route to Cowley Road, Science Park and Waterbeach Station. Noted that the traffic lights at the A10/A14 interchange were not on full time. The clerk to query this. 431/98 17. District Councillor's Report RTS reported that SCDC were preparing a prosecution of a dog owner for not complying with the dog byelaws on the Sycamores Recreation Ground. 432/98 18. Correspondence Guide on managing common land Cambridge Regional Heritage Strategy Local bus services Village composting schemes Housing needs survey CALC Bulletin Cambs County Council information leaflet - budget Care Network conference 22 October SCDC Strategy Statement Summary 1999 - 2004 Land adjacent allotments - to be discussed at October meeting. Meeting ended at 11.25pm.